单词 | 酢 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酢—toast host by guestExamples:酬酢n—entertainmentn 酬酢—exchange toasts 酢浆草—creeping oxalis edelweiss
公务员事务规例》和行政署长所发的一般指引,亦订有条文,规管以公帑支付酬酢开支的事宜。 devb.gov.hk | There are Civil Service Regulations and general guidelines issued by the Director of Administration governing the charging of the entertainment expenses to public funds. devb.gov.hk |
除非事先获得评审委员会明确批准,否则基金的拨 款不可用於支付常费(例如薪金、租金、装修、公 用设施费用)、酬酢及与其他行政的开支。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | Unless otherwise expressly approved by the Vetting Committee, the SDF grant will not cover overhead expenses (such as salary, rental, renovation expenses, utility expenses), entertainment expenses, expenses for meals and other administration costs. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
预计环境及运输科在 2004-05 年度的公务酬酢开支大致与今年相若。 devb.gov.hk | It is estimated that the official entertainment of the Environment and Transport Branch in 2004-05 will be at about the same level as in the current year. devb.gov.hk |
(g) 酬酢开支;以及以现金或其他纪 念品方式赠送的任何奖品。 itf.gov.hk | (g) entertainment expenses; and any prizes, either in the form of cash or other types of souvenirs. itf.gov.hk |
答覆:由於环境运输及工务局局长和环境运输及工务局常任秘书长(环境及运输) 或会一起出席相同的活动,有时亦会与其他官员一同出席活动,故此未能 提供二人的酬酢活动开支细项。 devb.gov.hk | Environment, Transport and Works and the Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment and Transport) since both of them would have attended the same functions together and with other officers on a number of occasions. devb.gov.hk |
(h) 酬酢开支,包括但不限於饮食消 费(小休时或酒会时提供的茶点除 外) design.csi.gov.hk | (h)entertainment expenses including but not limited to food and beverage expenses (except for light refreshments such as for coffee breaks and receptions) design.csi.gov.hk |
至於来年,我们现时暂无定案, 预计工务科在 2004-05 年度的公务酬酢开支大致与今年相若。 devb.gov.hk | As there is no fixed plan at the moment for the coming year, it is estimated that the official entertainment of the Works Branch in 2004-05 will be at about the same level as in current year. devb.gov.hk |
请列出环境运输及工务局局长及环境运输及工务局常任秘书长在有关支付宴会 及饮宴等酬酢活动的2003-04年度修订预算及04-05年度的预算细项。 devb.gov.hk | incurred by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works and the Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (Environment and Transport), such as hosting receptions, in the revised estimate for 2003-04 and the estimate for 2004-05. devb.gov.hk |
谈到廉政公署时,她指出,虽然廉署独立於政府,向行政长官负责,但该署人员即使不是公务员,但仍受制於公务员管理的公告,政府一般的通告,包括有关如何处理酬酢费用和收受礼物等,均适用於廉政公署,如有个别人士违反规矩,便需要展开调查。 news.gov.hk | On the issue of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mrs Lam said although the ICAC is directly accountable to the Chief Executive and its staff are not civil servants, they are still subject to civil service requirements on entertainment expenses. news.gov.hk |
根据现行政策,由公帑支付的酬酢开支,必须与执行公职直接有关,或属因公职 需与有关人士建立或保持联络所涉及的必要开支,而此等活动必须符合公众利 益。 devb.gov.hk | Under the current policy, expenditure on entertainment may be charged to public funds only when it is directly related to the discharge of an officer’s duties or is a necessary part of making or maintaining contacts in his official capacity, and is in the public interest. devb.gov.hk |