单词 | 酝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酝 —brewExamples:酝酿 n—gestation n 酝酿—incubation • (of alcohol) ferment • mull over (an issue) • (of a crisis) be brewing • hold exploratory discussions
吁请所有国家根据本决议,继续酌情审查其有关出于良心拒服兵役的 法律、政策和做法,尤其是酝酿出 台取代服兵役的其他办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | and practices relating to conscientious objection to military service, including by considering, inter alia, introducing alternatives to military service, in the light of the present resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此方面,各国报告指出,虽然仍需要进一步的工作,但现 有区域渔业管理组织和安排已经采取各种重大行动执行第 61/105 号决议,包括 通过现有或酝酿中 的区域渔业管理组织和安排,查明和保护脆弱海洋生态系统不 受到底层捕捞活动的重大不利影响,并以可持续方式管理深海捕捞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, States reported that existing RFMO/As had taken significant actions to implement resolution 61/105, although further work was necessary, both through existing RFMO/As and those under development, to identify and protect VMEs from significant adverse impacts of bottom fishing activities and to sustainably manage deep-sea fisheries. daccess-ods.un.org |
有鉴于此,教科文组织正在酝酿一 些根本性的调整,包括重新思考非集中化政策,使 计划的制定更加协调,采用共同的工作计划,以及按照《巴黎宣言》与联合国机构和双边捐 助者步调一致。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is why UNESCO is anticipating some fundamental adjustments, including a rethink of its decentralization policy, the move towards better alignment of programming, common work programmes, and harmonization with United Nations agencies and bilateral donors, in line with the Paris Declaration. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1994年,她酝酿成 立ACE:Daytons direct,专门从事管理活动,会议,公约,展览和促销活动的一个分支机构。 sg.acedaytons-direct.com | In 1994 she mooted Ace:Daytons Direct, [...] an offshoot agency specialising in events management, conferences, conventions, exhibitions and promotions. sg.acedaytons-direct.com |
联合国驻非洲联盟办 事处在以下方面支持非洲联盟打击上帝抵抗军区域协调举措:(a) 拟订并审查行 动的战略指示和构想;(b) 酝酿并 制定非洲联盟举措的行动结构;(c) 制定上述 举措的政策和指南,包括接战规则、标准作业程序和保护平民战略、(d) 开展军 事行动的后勤支助规划;(e) 为非统联盟打击上帝军区域协调举措的实际运作开 展技术评估以及基础设施实物评估、通信和后勤支助结构的调查;(f) 支持为非 洲联盟打击上帝抵抗军区域协调举措制定公共宣传战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOAU supports the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA in the following areas: (a) development and review of strategic directives and concepts of operations; (b) conceptualization and development of the operational structure of the African Union Initiative; (c) Development of policies and guidelines for the Initiative, including rules of engagement, standard operating procedures and protection of civilian strategies; (d) logistics support planning for the conduct of military operations; (e) technical assessments and surveys of physical infrastructure, communications and logistical support structures for the operationalization of the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA; and (f) support in developing public information strategies for the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,公务员的 新 补贴 制度也在酝酿之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, a new allowance system for the civil servants had also been preparing. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述会议回顾审视了各自地区在保护数字遗产方面的挑战,讨 论了《保护数字遗产宪章》草案初稿,以及另一份由澳大利亚国家图书馆应教科文组织要求 为其起草的《保护数字遗产技术细则》, 并 酝 酿 了 对两文件的改进意见和建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The participants in these meetings reviewed digital preservation challenges in the respective regions, discussed and prepared comments on the Preliminary Draft Charter as well as on a second document setting out detailed technical guidelines on the preservation of digital heritage, prepared for UNESCO by the National Library of Australia. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(2) 自治当局若酝酿任 何会对王国外交关系产生重大影响包括将使王国参 与国际合作的措施,在做出决定之前应先与国家政府进行谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) Measures under consideration by the Self-Government authorities which would be of substantial importance for the foreign relations of the Realm, including participation by the Realm in international cooperation, shall be negotiated with the Government before any decision is taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
柏林墙倒下,市场酝酿巨变,北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)签署,橡胶与塑料工业出现一波又一波的兼并运动。 elastoproxy.com | Changing markets and the North American [...] Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to wave after wave of consolidation in the rubber and plastics industry. elastoproxy.com |
审计委员会说,在编写该报告期间,审计委员会与行政部门、监督事务厅、 独立审计咨询委员会、联合检查组以及各基金和方案的内部审计部门进行了协 商,在酝酿这 项建议时,考虑了所收到的意见(A/66/747 和 Corr.1,第 5 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board of Auditors states that, during the preparation of its report, it consulted with the Administration, OIOS, the Independent Audit Advisory Committee, the Joint Inspection Unit and the internal audit services of the funds and programmes; and that the comments received were taken into account in developing its proposal (A/66/747 and Corr.1, para. 5). daccess-ods.un.org |
1997年底国际标准化组织已经开始酝酿 将 PDF接纳为国际标准。 oapdf.com | International Organization for Standardization by the end of 1997 has [...] already begun planning to PDF accepted [...]as international standards. oapdf.com |
于是,鉴于一个优良的评估系统尽管不 是 酝 酿 形成旨在追求教学质量的公共政策 的充分条件,但确是必要条件,于 2002 年成立了国家教育评估研究所。 daccess-ods.un.org | For that reason, the INEE was established in 2002, under the premise that a good system of assessment is a necessary condition, although not sufficient, to outline public policy strategies aimed at pursuing educational quality. daccess-ods.un.org |
而我们的各种“发现”(信息、数据),最终成为语言材料、经验故事,成 为 酝 酿 、 解构和建设未来的力量之源。 12manage.com | And what we "discover" (the data) becomes the linguistic material, the stories, out of which the future is conceived, conversed about, and constructed. 12manage.com |
任何攻击或威胁攻击民用核设施,无论是正在 进行还是酝酿当 中,都使人类和环境面临危险,并 且违反了《联合国宪章》和《原子能机构规约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any attack or threat of attack against civil nuclear facilities, whether active or under construction, posed a danger for humanity and the environment and violated the Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of IAEA. daccess-ods.un.org |
客人们还记得,特别是自制酵母承担tajerc它,在酒吧 里 酝 酿 自己的小啤酒厂`按照原来的配方。 instantworldbooking.com | The guests remember it particularly for home made yeast bear tajerc, brewed in the pub`s own little brewery according to the original recipe. instantworldbooking.com |
WSO2正在酝酿使 其整个中间件平台成为符合Apache许可的100%开源平台。 infoq.com | WSO2 is producing its entire middleware platform as 100% open source under Apache license. infoq.com |
我对随后于 9 月 25 日发生的冲突中造成的人员死亡表示遗憾,并关切有证据显示该领土西部正 在酝 酿社 区紧张局势,这是因摩洛哥与波利萨里奥阵线之间没有和平协定以及因西撒 哈拉现状持续而导致的又一后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | I regret the loss of life in the ensuing clashes on 25 September and am concerned by the evidence of simmering community tensions in the western part of Territory, another consequence of the absence of a peace agreement between Morocco and Frente Polisario, and the continuing status quo in Western Sahara. daccess-ods.un.org |
海地感谢为和平而努力的联合国工作人员,具体 说就是联海稳定团对海地给予的援助和支持;他们可 能已经在酝酿逐 步协调一致地从我国撤出的计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Haiti is grateful for the assistance and support it has received from United Nations staff who work for peace, specifically MINUSTAH, whose plans for a progressive and coordinated withdrawal from the country are perhaps already in the works. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如近期取得的各项进展表明,公司的发展正不断加速 —— 我们的客户同样如此 —— 同时有更多独一无二的技术正在酝酿 中。 bksv.cn | As the many advances in very recent times show, our development has speeded up – just as that of our customers has. bksv.com |
本周我们去了阿尔及利亚,精神百倍地和您分享我们的分析:阿尔及利亚资本市场正迎来激动人心的发展—一项旨在提振阿尔及尔证券交易所交易活动的改革计划正 在 酝 酿 之 中。 arabiaholding.com | Fresh back from our trip to Algeria this week, we share with you our analysis on the upcoming developments in the country's capital markets: The reform program aimed at boosting activity on the Algiers Stock Exchange. arabiaholding.com |
电影,在其诞生初期,曾经酝酿了各种新技术和创造性的发明,直到好莱坞主导并限制了它的生产方式和叙事方式。 shanghaibiennale.org | While in its infancy the cinema was a ferment of technological and creative invention, Hollywood came to constrain its dominant forms of production and narration. shanghaibiennale.org |
虽然这些建议旨 在创造就业机会并将经费迅速注入经济,绿色基础设施投资往往有很长 的 酝酿 期。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the proposals were meant to create jobs and pump spending into the economy quickly, green infrastructure investments tend to have long gestation periods. daccess-ods.un.org |
在酝酿采用“国际公共部门会 计准则”(公共部门会计准则)和推出 VISION 的过程中,儿基会在全机构范围内 开展了大量的库存盘点活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In preparation for the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and the launch of VISION, UNICEF conducted extensive organization-wide inventory count exercises through 2011, which involved all country offices, with the greatest effort concentrated on the offices having the highest-value inventories and operating in the most difficult programme environments. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些接受评价的国家,如阿拉伯利比亚民众国,存在法律空白,但 是 由于 2009 年底 将结束全球的氟氯化碳生产,并且考虑到立法起草和讨论 的 酝 酿 阶段较长,试图在 2008 年和 2009 年前弥补这些有关氟氯化碳的空白可能对国家淘汰计划执行的影响甚微。 multilateralfund.org | Some of the countries evaluated, such as Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, have legislative gaps but since global production of CFCs should cease by the end of 2009 and in view of the long gestation period for drafting and debating legislation, an attempt to fill such gaps as late as 2008 and 2009 for CFCs may have little effect on the NPP implementation. multilateralfund.org |
在这一方面已经取得了很大的进展: 欧洲难民基金的建立,又有 11 个欧洲国家表示愿意 与难民署合作实施重新安置计划,还有一个关于重 新安置的共同计划正在酝酿当中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Significant progress had been achieved in that regard: a European Refugee Fund had been established, 11 new European countries had signalled their willingness to establish a resettlement programme in cooperation with UNHCR and a common resettlement programme was being considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
儿子和女孩的金刚,包括我在内,都发誓要捕捉Kanambe伊波利特before [...] 2010年2月,庆祝最后完沉降变相注意到,比利时已选择排除在自己的合作伙伴名单喜欢 在 酝 酿 新 的金 刚。 iloapp.congogate.org | The son and the girls from the Kongo, me included, have sworn to capture Kanambe Hyppolite before February 2010 to mark the final END SETTLEMENT [...] disguised take NOTE that Belgium has chosen to exclude itself from the list of partners [...] preferred the new Kongo in gestation. iloapp.congogate.org |
百华协会有志在中美亚太地区促进生命科技和医药健康产业的成长壮大,不 断 酝 酿 创造商机,提供培养业界领导人才,协助会员交流分享信息和经验。 tipschina.gov.cn | We aspire to shape the growth of the life sciences and healthcare industry around the Pacific Rim and beyond, foster and create business opportunities, supply and nurture the leaders for the community, and network and share information and experience. tipschina.gov.cn |
刘立勇透露,目前武汉市正在积极酝 酿 出 台全国首个“惠民信报箱”管理办法,建立信报箱管护和维修的长效机制。 szlize.com | Liu Liyong disclose, Wuhan is actively preparing the introduction of the first national Huimin newspaper boxes "management approach, newspaper boxes management and protection and the maintenance of long-term mechanism. szlize.com |