

单词 酒资

External sources (not reviewed)

目前正在制定计划, 以资酒店开 发,加大私营投资者的参与。
Plans are under
[...] way to invest in hotel developments [...]
and increase the participation of private investors.
22/05/2012 伦敦国际葡萄酒博览会开幕 • 21/05/2012 葡酒投资基金 将获得超过FTSE 100的巨大回报 • 21/05/2012 宝得根酒庄美酒需求增加 • 18/05/2012 失事轮船上的葡萄酒再次征战拍卖会 • 18/05/2012 葡酒投资期待“乐观的2012” • 17/05/2012 拍卖会卖出240年的佳酿 • 17/05/2012 凯隆世家在二级葡萄酒市场开始交易 • 16/05/2012 2011年期酒趋势发布为之带来新的力量 • 15/05/2012 中国葡酒投资呈下降趋势 • 15/05/2012 除法国之外的葡酒投资— — 面向新世界 • 14/05/2012 威登庄园获得了2011年最佳葡萄酒的称号 • 14/05/2012 罕有的修道院红颜容副牌酒成为拍卖之星 • 11/05/2012 新选举的法国政府推进葡萄酒在中国的销售 • 11/05/2012 美国葡萄酒商并未被2011年期酒所动 • 10/05/2012 庞特卡内会成为2011年期酒之星吗?
22/05 London International Wine Fair opens • 21/05 Wine investment fund sees huge returns over FTSE 100 • 21/05 Growing appeal for Chateau Pontet Canet • 18/05 Shipwrecked wine to go up for auction again • 18/05 Wine investment prospects 'positive for 2012' • 17/05 240-year-old wine sells at auction • 17/05 Calon Segur trades on secondary wine investment market • 16/05 Flood of 2011 en primeur releases sparks new life into campaign • 15/05 Wine investment in China sees decline • 15/05 Wine investment beyond France - look to the [...]
New World • 14/05 Vieux Chateau Certan earns
title for best wine of 2011 • 14/05 Rare La Mission-Haut-Brion the star attraction at auction • 11/05 Newly-elected French government to push wine in China • 11/05 US wine merchants not turned on by 2011 en primeur • 10/05 Could Pontet Canet be a star of the 2011 vintage?
31/05/2012 中国葡萄酒进口市场增长73% • 30/05/2012 葡萄酒产业期待在中国的进一步发展 • 15/05/2012 中国葡酒投资呈下 降趋势 • 11/05/2012 新选举的法国政府推进葡萄酒在中国的销售 • 27/04/2012 属于中国经营者的葡萄酒庄园在接下来的年份里会加速发展 • 04/04/2012 中国对名酒的需求造成了“价格的突然上涨” • 23/03/2012 酒窖设计成为中国葡酒投 资 者 的新趋势 • 21/03/2012 拉菲酒庄赢取6起中国造假案诉讼 • 15/03/2012 拉菲酒庄建立首个亚洲酒庄,标志着其在中国的成功 • 27/02/2012 波尔多酒庄被授予官方中国译名 • 27/02/2012 中国的酒庄拥有着能让这些地区重获生机吗?
31/05/2012 Chinese wine import market grows 73% • 30/05/2012 Wine industry expects further growth in China • 15/05/2012 Wine investment in China sees decline • 11/05/2012 Newly-elected French government to push wine in China • 27/04/2012 Chinese-owned chateaux set to accelerate in coming years • 04/04/2012 Demand for fine wine in China helps create 'sudden improvement in prices' • 23/03/2012 Cellar designs become new trend for Chinese wine investors • 21/03/2012 Lafite Rothschild [...]
wins 6 Chinese fake
court battles • 15/03/2012 Lafite Rothschild marks Chinese success with Asian winery • 27/02/2012 Bordeaux chateaux given official Chinese translations • 27/02/2012 Are Chinese chateaux-owners revitalising regions?
四季酒店除了酒店资产外 ,还经营多个最令人向往的景区,其中在塞舌尔的景区就是非同寻常。
The Four Seasons
[...] administers several of the most sought after hotel properties, [...]
of which the Seychelles location is among the most extraordinary.
假如您发生紧急医疗情况,我们可能将您的吸毒和 酒 治 疗 资 料 提 供给有关医疗当局,以 便对您进行治疗。
If you have a medical emergency, we may release information from your drug and alcohol treatment records to proper medical authorities so that they may provide medical treatment to you.
网站内容包括:经济酒店的资料介 绍、消费者与经营者直接交易的网上订房服务及旅游讯息等。
The website content includes
[...] information of the budget hotels, online room-booking [...]
service for direct transactions between
consumers and operators, travel information, etc.
搭乘银鸟出租车酒店的车资约为 230,000卢比至270,000卢比。
Fare for a
[...] Silver Bird Taxi to the hotel is between IDR 230,000 [...]
to IDR 270,000.
特朗普酒店集团(TRUMP HOTEL COLLECTION(TM))提拔夏威酒店业资深 主管Marcus Y. Ito为亚太区全球销售总监。
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - March 25, 2013) - In a decisive advance of its emerging market development strategy, TRUMP HOTEL
[...] appointed veteran hotel executive Jie "Robby" Qiu to Vice President of development [...]
and acquisitions & chief
country executive for Greater China.
位于乌克兰查科夫的由德国人建立的巴伐利亚 酒 厂 寻找 投 资商 或合伙人。
Investors and/or partners sought for Bavaria, the brewery established [...]
by Germans in Charkow/Ukraine
之前,Burns 先生曾任喜来登酒店, 威斯汀酒店和希尔酒店的资深行 政长官。
Mr. Burns
[...] previously had a successful career as a senior executive with Sheraton, Westin and Hilton hotels.
举个例子来说,如果某个国家想要把某个特定的 地区列为国家优秀文化遗产,那么它就会动员旅游、运输、文化保护以 酒 店 等 方面 资 源, 提升该地区在游客心中的价值。
For example, a country will want a particular site recognised, as being of national or outstanding cultural
heritage and it will want to
[...] mobilise the assets of tourism, transport, preservation and hotels to capture the [...]
value of paying guests.
在 Lone Star 工作期间,Kuroda 先生主要在日本负责 Lone Star 的酒店投资组合(35 家酒店)、Pacific Golf Group International Holdings (PGGIH) 投资组合(40 个球场)、各类写字楼及不良贷款的寻找和收购工作。
While at Lone Star, Mr. Kuroda led the origination and acquisition of Lone Star’s Solare hotel portfolio (35 hotels), Pacific Golf Group International Holdings (PGGIH) portfolio (40 courses), various office buildings and non-performing loans in Japan.
市民及客人欲查酒店及公寓资料和 房价可登入旅游局网站 http://www.macautourism.gov.mo。
For further information about hotels and guest houses including [...]
their room rates, citizens and guests can browse the MGTO's
website http://www.macautourism.gov.mo.
2009种植年度的大量 酒花或者还储存在农场、没有出售,或者被以没 有披露的价格卖给了行业外的酒厂 或 投 资 者。
Hops from the very large 2009 crop are either still
stored unsold on the farms or have
[...] been passed on to breweries or to investors outside [...]
the industry at undisclosed prices.
酒钢集团出资47.8亿 美元,收购该合作公 司的多数股权,在哈萨克斯坦进行铁矿石开采。
JISCO committed US$4.78 billion [...]
to take a majority stake from a Dutch company to mine in Kazakhstan for iron ore.94 JISCO
did not disclose any overseas financial information in its company communications.
[...] Zaalof说道,他们的旗舰酒店的中文名称“尊雅”将会成为与其它中国市场上的 资酒 店 的 明显区分。
As Serge Zaalof, Vice Chairman in charge of operations in the Asia-Pacific region stated, what will distinguish their China
flag-ship property by the countless
[...] number of foreign invested hotels recently introduced [...]
on the local market will be its name “Zun Ya”.
餐厅服务处对其位于 Fontenoy 的存货定期进行实物盘存,并利用 Salamandre 系统对杂 货(即所谓的“长期易变质物品”) 酒 窖 、 一次性 资 和 清 洁产品的盘存结果形成报告。
Physical inventories of URS stores at the Fontenoy site are taken regularly and their results in regard to “long-life perishable” foodstuffs, the cellar, disposable materials and cleaning products are recorded in the Salamandre application.
酒店已斥资五千 万美元进行升级改造,其中包括所有客房、套房、餐厅及泳池露台的大规模装修。 [...]
无与伦比的五星级度假酒店座落在卡拉帕其湾,拥有丰富多彩的休闲娱乐活动、顶级海滩以及附近考埃岛 Lagoons 高尔夫俱乐部的 18 洞 Jack Nicklaus 锦标赛高尔夫球场。
Unique among hotels in Kauai, our [...]
resort sits on Kalapaki Bay and offers a wide variety of recreational activities, a superior
beach experience and 18 holes of Jack Nicklaus championship golf at the adjacent Kauai Lagoons Golf Club.
最低限度的生资料不包括酒精类产品和烟草产品支 出、旅行支出、购置交通工具支出,饭店和其他餐饮机构及宾馆支出。
The minimum
[...] means of subsistence does not include expenditure [...]
on alcohol and tobacco products, travel, purchasing of means
of transport, expenditure in restaurants and other catering establishments and hotels.
除了常规的上岗情况介 绍外,行为和纪律股在
[...] 2009 年初重点向观察团所有工作人员介绍有关舞弊和滥 用联合资产以及酗酒和药 物滥用问题的情况。
In addition to its regular induction briefings, the Conduct and Discipline Unit focused in
early 2009 on briefing all Mission staff on fraud and
[...] misuse of United Nations assets and on alcohol and [...]
substance abuse.
预计,以支付总额介于S $ 20,000新元每年25000当然费(商业,旅 游 / 酒 店 , 科学 资 讯 科 技课程)和生活费用在新加坡学习比之间S $ 35,000至新元,每年60000到学习中的国家,如澳大利亚,英国和美国。
Expect to pay between S$20,000 to S$25,000 per year in total for course fees (for Business, Tourism/Hospitality, Science and IT courses) AND living expenses to study in Singapore as compared to between S$35,000 to S$60,000 per year to study in countries like Australia, UK and the US.
93 根酒钢宏兴官资料显 示,该公司的产品在日本、 韩国、印度尼西亚均有销售,但不涉及资源采掘业 务。
The market value of the company was US$2.13 billion in December 2012.93 Gan Su Jiu sells its products (and is not involved in resource extraction) in Japan, South Korea and Indonesia according to its website, and no export information can be found in its annual reports.
中国州际酒店与度假村管理有限公司是锦江集团和美国公司Thayer Lodging共同成立的一酒店管理合资企 业 ,而锦沧文 酒 店 是 上海市历史最悠久的一家五星级酒店之一,但随着越来越多国际大牌酒店进驻上海,该酒店近来年一直在走下坡路。
In the latest of those announcements, Interstate China, a joint venture hotel management company between Jin Jiang and US firm Thayer Lodging, has announced it will take over operation of the JC Mandarin hotel in Shanghai, one of the city’s oldest 5-star hotels whose image has faded somewhat in recent years as many of the bigger brands have opened newer and better-run properties.
悠久的西班牙历史传承加上特殊的自 资 源 , 孕育了 T o r o 酒 区 独 一无二的Numanthia葡萄酒,为世人带来醇美浓厚的美酒享受。
With its heritage of Spanish history and its exceptional natural potential, Numanthia provides intense and vibrant wines, icons of the Toro appellation.
旅游仍是古巴经济的一个主要引擎,因此需要外 资 者 参 与开 酒 店 和 服务 基础设施以及建造高尔夫球场等活动,以进一步发展旅游;美国酒店连锁企业在 [...]
Tourism continues to be one of the main driving forces of the Cuban economy. It is necessary to continue developing the tourist
industry by creating
[...] opportunities for foreign investors to invest in infrastructure for hotels and [...]
other accommodation infrastructure
and in the construction of golf courses, among other things, projects which United States companies in the hotel business that have invested heavily in the Caribbean region cannot access.
除上文所述的用途以外,我们有意使用 阁下的姓名及联络资料作促销丶研究丶推广及客户关系管理之用途,包括向 阁下发送有关下列各类集团公司的产品和服 资 讯: 酒店推 广丶餐厅推广(包括集团公司的新餐厅)丶水疗推广丶太古酒店博客和通讯丶活动丶有关我们的服务的调查和问卷丶会员俱乐部或其他奖励计划(包括航空公司飞行里数计划)及与其他品牌的合作(时装/慈善/信用卡)(「促销标的类别」)。
In addition to the purposes set out above, with your consent, we intend to use your name and contact details for our marketing, research, promotional and customer relationship management purposes including sending you information relating to
the Group Companies' products and
[...] services in the following categories: hotel promotions, [...]
restaurant promotions (including
new restaurants of the Group Companies), spa promotions, Swire hotels blog and newsletter, events, research and questionnaires about our services, membership clubs or other reward programmes (including airline mileage programmes) and joint collaboration with different brands (fashion / charity / credit cards) ("Classes of Marketing Subject").
南京信雅达通信工程有限公司是中兴通讯南京授权培训中心,负责中兴通讯技术类和管理类培训,作为中兴通讯学院的优势延伸,为了更有效的整合校企的培训资源、提供更专业的培训组织与教学服务、达到学习型酒店的要求,公司自成立起共 资 3 0 0 0多 万建 酒 店 和 改造升级相关教学设施,信雅达集学习、餐饮、住宿、娱乐为一体的现代化培训机构。
A total investment of more than 30 million
[...] was used in building hotels and upgrading the teaching [...]
facilities to improve the service
quality of learning, catering, accommodation and entertainment.
旅游文化活动中心地下层则提供外币兑换服务、旅 资 讯 及 酒 店 协 助、旅游预订服务,并设“澳门制造”区域展示、推广及销售各式各样的“澳门制造”产品。
On the ground floor features a foreign exchange services,
[...] tourist information and hotel assistance, travel [...]
bookings and Made-in-Macau area, which
showcases, promotes and sells a wide range of products Made-in-Macau.
旅游业吸引了大量公共和私营行业的 资 , 酒 店 和 度假村数量大量增加,以满足 各种形式旅游的需要,其中包括宗教朝觐、观光文化旅游、休假旅游以及商务旅 游。
The sector has
[...] attracted huge investment from both the public and the private sectors, and the number of hotels and tourist nights [...]
has increased enormously
for all types of tourism, including religious pilgrimage, environmental, cultural, holiday and business tourism.




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