单词 | 酒至半酣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酒至半酣—drink until one is half drunk
温莎城堡是一个经典的酒吧,与酣畅 淋漓的酒吧食品产品和啤酒花园完成,从而使你的食欲,以及良好的BREW的渴求。 zh.melbournehotel.com | Windsor Castle is a classic pub, complete with hearty pub food offerings and a beer garden, so bring your appetite as well as your thirst for good brew. melbournehotel.com |
尤其重要的是,美国和中国,如他们在冷战正酣时所做的,找到加强战略合作的方法。 embassyusa.cn | It is particularly important that the U.S. and China, as they did during the height of the Cold War, find ways to enhance strategic cooperation. eng.embassyusa.cn |
南乳的氨基甲酸乙酯含量最高,但即使摄入 量高的市民,消费量也很低;至於啤酒∕麦酒,虽然消费量最高,但氨 基甲酸乙酯含量却很低。 cfs.gov.hk | The former had the highest level of EC contamination but very low consumption value even for the high consumers, while the latter had the highest consumption value but very lowlevel ofEC contamination. cfs.gov.hk |
目前集团的酒店业务已拓展至香港、上海、东京、北京、纽约、芝加哥、比华利山、曼谷和马尼拉等地,全属於当地最顶尖的酒店, 而巴黎半岛酒店将於2013年开幕。 salvationarmy.org.hk | From one hotel, The Peninsula Hotels has [...] grown to encompass nine award-winning properties in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing, New York, Chicago, Beverly Hills, Bangkok and Manila, with The Peninsula Parisopening in 2013. salvationarmy.org.hk |
我们较竞争对手优胜的是能够提供即时及 可靠的连接至区内大部分酒店、有线电视营运商、直接到户平台及其他收费电视平台。 asiasat.com | We stand out from our competitors because we are [...] able to offer instantaneous and [...] reliable access tomost hotels, cable operators, DTH [...]platforms and other pay TV platforms in the region. asiasat.com |
时至今日,全球共有四十多间伯爵专卖店,分布世界各着名的高级地点,如法国巴黎的Place Vendome、美国纽约第五大街、日本东京银座、香港半岛酒店、新加坡乌节路、中国北京王府饭店等。 pacificplace.com.hk | Today, there are over 47 Piaget Boutiques located in the most [...] luxurious area of major [...] cities around the world, including Place Vendome in Paris, the 5th Avenue in New York, Ginza in Tokyo, Central and Peninsula Hotel inHong Kong, Orchard Road in Singapore and Peninsula Palace Hotel Beijing, etc. pacificplace.com.hk |
所有学生约有一半至少知道一处出售大麻 的地方,最常去的购买之处就是毒贩的家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Approximatelyhalf of allthepupils [...] knew at leastone place where cannabis was sold, and the most frequent place for buying was a dealer’s home. daccess-ods.un.org |
酣畅淋漓的大胜,拜仁上个星期主场的表现无懈可击,也宣告我推介的完胜…(补充说壹下,我旁边那位大概已经忘了“胜利”是什麽意思了)我还是很难和你解释他是个什麽样的人,上次他的推介赢了的时候,他穿了个很滑稽的连体泳衣,包裹着他那臃肿的身体。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Rock solid performancefor the Bavarian team and a comfortable home win declaring our OVER pick a winner… (needless to say, Louis on my right panel, has forgot the meaning of the word “winner”) I still can’t explain neither justify his time in the industry. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
在冷战正酣之时,美国和中国共同努力,建立相互信任,该信任为有意义的战略合作以应对共同安全挑战奠定了基础。 embassyusa.cn | At the height of the Cold War, the United States and China worked together to build mutual trust, a trust that formed the basis for meaningful strategic cooperation to address common security challenges. eng.embassyusa.cn |
从半甜型酒到甜型酒,从最轻淡 到最浓缩,这些波尔多甜白酒为人们展现了各 自的个性,呈现各自独特的丰富质地。 filhot.net | Ranging from semisweet to boldly sweet and from light to concentrated, each sweet white Bordeaux has its own personality and a unique richness. filhot.net |
半导体的传统铜散热焊盘经过改装,延伸 至半导体封装边缘以外,从而为安装散热器提供了空间。 digikey.cn | Thesemiconductor’s conventional copper drain pad is modified to extend beyond the edges ofthe semiconductorpackage, providing [...] space to mount the heat sink. digikey.ca |
通过将标准的 PC 机迁移 至 IGEL 瘦客户机,Biltmore [...] 不仅简化了零售交易流程和背后 操作步骤,而且也显着提升了客户资料和信用卡信息的安全 性,这对酒店来说显得至关重要。 igel.com | The move from standard PCs to the IGEL’s thin clients has not only streamlined the Biltmore’s retail and behind-the-scenes operations, but has [...] also greatly increased the security of its guests’ profile and credit card [...] information, a critical priorityfor the hotel. igel.com |
(q) 据报告,在印度尼西亚,一间酒店甚至在收到当局及参加研讨会的专 家提供的关于麻风病、其可治疗性及可治愈性、以及其不对酒店员工及其他客人 造成威胁的客观材料后,仍然拒绝麻风病人入住该酒店。 daccess-ods.un.org | (q) In Indonesia, it was reported that, [...] in one case, a hotelrefusedto accommodate persons affected by leprosy, even after having [...]received objective [...]information from authorities and experts participating in a workshop about the disease, its treatable and curable characteristics and the lack of risk for the hotel staff and other guests. daccess-ods.un.org |
伦敦奥运激战正酣,KTSF网站在每天不断更新战况的同时,也对赛场内外那些或精彩万分、或匪夷所思、或令人气愤的事进行了报导。 ktsf.com | There are non-medalists we remember at the London Olympics; there are hot topics outside the court. ktsf.com |
综观回归後市民对台湾独立意见的走势(可参阅半年结图表),反对者的比率由1997年下半年的平均五成七反覆上升,并於2000年上半年升至平均七成一的高位,然後一直在六成 半至七成之间窄幅徘徊,但仍远高於赞成者的比率。 hkupop.hku.hk | On a macro level (please see the charts with half-yearly averages), the opposition figure has been fluctuating upward [...] from an average of 57% registered [...] in the second half of1997,until it reached a high average figure of 71% in the firsthalf of 2000. hkupop.hku.hk |
您也可选择关闭Alt与Tab键和Alt与F4指令,如此一来您再也无需担心误击按键而酣然大败。 razerzone.com | You can also choose to disable the Alt-Tab and Alt-F4 commands, so you’ll never have to worry about hitting the wrong keys in the midst of pwning again. razerzone.com |
从成田国际机场:乘成田快线 60 分钟到东京站,从东京站乘 JR [...] 线三分钟到新桥站,乘机场豪华巴士 75-100 分钟到东京半岛酒店、帝国酒店或东京第一酒店。 servcorp.com.cn | From Narita International Airport: 60 min by Narita Express to Tokyo Station, 3 min by JR Line from Tokyo Station [...] to Shimbashi Station 75 - 110 min by Airport [...] Limousine bus toThePeninsula Tokyo, Imperial [...]Hotel or Daiichi Hotel Tokyo. servcorp.com.tr |
为了加强计划重点,36 C/5 草案将跨部门平台的数量从 12 个减半至6个 ,此外还 调整了数项工作重点的范围,减少了预期成果的数量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In an effort to strengthen programmatic focus, the draft 36 C/5 includes adjustments in the scope of several Main Lines of Action and a reduction in the number of expected results, in addition to halving the number of intersectoral platforms from 12 to 6. unesdoc.unesco.org |
过去3年,同学成功在本港40余所高级酒店实习,包括半岛酒店、君悦酒店、四季酒店、洲际酒店、文华东方酒店、万豪酒店、香格里拉酒店、日航酒店及万丽酒店等。 ipass.gov.hk | In the past 3 years, students of this programme successfully completed [...] training in around 40 famous hotels in [...] Hong Kong including Peninsula, Grand Hyatt, Four [...]Seasons, InterContinental, Mandarin [...]Oriental, JW Marriott, Shangri-la, Nikko and Renaissance. ipass.gov.hk |
母亲的脸部洋溢着满足的表情,正如这件作品的名字,母亲温柔小心地将孩子抱在胸前,这个新生的婴孩甯静地酣睡着。 tipschina.gov.cn | In fact, it is precisely the bust format that underscores the high sculptural value of this piece, the delicate tenderness with which she embraces her child, the placid sleep of the recently born baby, are elements showcasing the sculptor's mastery in capturing all these subtle expressions. tipschina.gov.cn |
以舒适的睡眠和修复皮肤作为理念的「FINE 优の源酣睡胶原蛋白」给您带来「高品质睡眠」和「皮肤的修复技术」成分,让现代女性在晚间也以可轻松地美容。 cosme-de.com | The Glycine amino acid is also used by the nervous system and its function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter makes it important to help prevent epileptic seizures and it is also used in the treatment of manic depression and hyperactivity. cosme-de.com |
而大概在我们睡得正酣的夜晚,在我或他的梦境里,他独个儿拿着手风琴,对着跟天空同一个样子的海,呢喃着自己奇怪的梦,延续一个快要完结的世界。 think-silly.com | Deep in sleep in one’s dream, he will mumble again with an organ in his hands, facing the sea, drifting through space in this world coming to an end. think-silly.com |