

单词 酒精灯

See also:


ethyl alcohol
ethanol CH3CH2OH
grain alcohol


light n
lamp n
lantern n

External sources (not reviewed)

红色的天鹅绒靠垫、穆拉诺玻璃灯 、 精 美 的瓷器、水晶玻璃、银质餐具,红天鹅绒餐厅以关注细节为特色。
Red Velvet restaurant is distinguished by the attention paid to the details of its
furnishings, from red velvet cushions
[...] to Murano glass chandeliers, refined porcelain to [...]
crystal glasses and silver flatware.
扶梯灯箱系列将以全新面目登陆虹桥机场T2候机大厅; 目前已有灯箱由精美贴 画包裹并与现有的4个灯箱组成一个系列面向受众群!
The escalator panel network located in the boarding hall of Hongqiao T2 has recently been renovated; the existing lightboxes are now complimented by a surrounding wrap on all sides.
[...] 項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡、 茶或酒精的飲品等。
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in arranging work; the advice that employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a
favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid drinking
[...] coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages before sleep.
这里是高档的银行区和花园,走过席勒的雕像,就是横跨6个街区的火车站 灯 区 了 ,像一酒 杯,里 面的哈气呼呼闷响:高档的银行职员在这里显示他们的魅与力,低档 酒 店 开 了阴红 灯 光 ,开 了又关,关了又开。
Here is a forest of high-class banks; walk past a statue of Schiller, and you arrive in six square blocks of the Bahnhofsviertel red light district.
最低限度的生活资料不包酒精类产品和烟草产品支 出、旅行支出、购置交通工具支出,饭店和其他餐饮机构及宾馆支出。
The minimum means of subsistence does not include expenditure on alcohol and tobacco products, travel, purchasing of means of transport, expenditure in restaurants and other catering establishments and hotels.
再者,西式蒸餾烈酒(如 拔 蘭 地、威 士 忌、蘭 酒、伏 特 加、琴 酒 )和其酒精飲品(如日本清酒、蘋果酒和強化酒), 亦沒有個別消費量數據。
Lastly, individual consumption data for Western distilled spirits, such as brandy, whisky, rum, vodka, gin, and other alcoholic beverages, such as sake, cider, fortified wine, were not available.
任何牙醫,如在酒精或藥 物影響以致不宜執行專業職務的情況下治 療病人或執行其他專業職務,亦可能須面對紀律處分程序。
A dental
[...] practitioner who treats patients or performs [...]
other professional duties while under the influence of drink or drugs to such an extent
as to be unfit to perform his professional duties is liable to disciplinary proceedings.
这显然已经不简单是一个馈赠仪式,年逾古稀的老人克服了重重困难,不远千里来到宏源,这盏灯已远远超过它本身的价值,他传递给宏源的是一支照明界的火炬,更传承了一种科技创新引领的照明精神,创新始终是照明事业的灵魂,老人期待的是宏源将照明精神永远铭记,将这盏凝聚着照 精 神 的 灯 火 永 远燃烧,世代传承。
Mr. Shen wished Hongyuan to always
[...] remember the lighting essence and let the lamp [...]
burn forever and be passed from generation to generation.
每一盏普通 的 Fionia 泛灯都是一个精密复 杂的构造,包括多达 300 个 LED。
An average Fionia luminaire is a complex piece [...]
of manufacture including up to 300 leds.
為評估市民從膳食攝入氨基甲酸乙酯的情況,這項研究集中檢測本 港市面各種預先包裝和非預先包裝的發酵食物和飲品,包括九個主要類 別,即 (i)發酵穀物類食品( 麵包(
包括有餡麵包) 及餅乾);(ii)豆類食品( 發 酵大豆食品) ; (iii)醃製∕乾製蔬菜;(iv)肉類製品( 發酵豬肉製品) ;
[...] (v) 發酵乳類製品;(vi)發酵魚類製品;(vii)調味料及醬料;(viii)不 酒精 飲品;以及(ix)酒精飲品
Nine major food groups were included in this study, namely (i) fermented cereals and grains products (bread/rolls/buns and crackers); (ii) legumes (fermented soy products); (iii) preserved/dried vegetables; (iv) meat products (fermented pork products); (v) fermented dairy products;
(vi) fermented fish products; (vii) condiments and sauces;
[...] (viii) non-alcoholic beverages; and (ix) alcoholic beverages.
如果过滤器 堵塞或气流过低,该指灯就会亮起。
The indicator light illuminates if the filter [...]
is clogged or has low airflow.
第55號法律公告的主要特點包括新的危險品分類,該 分類大體上是根據《國際海運危險貨物規則》("《國際規則》") 的分類方法,同時亦引入有關以消費品形式包裝的危險品的新 概念,訂明市民經常使用而以消費品形式包裝的若干類危險品 (例如藥用消酒精),若 不超過某一數量,可獲豁免而無須領有 牌照。
The main features of L.N. 55 include new classification of dangerous goods which largely adopts the classification system of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) and a new concept of dangerous goods in consumer packs, which specifies that certain types of dangerous goods commonly used by the general public (e.g. ethyl alcohol) and in the form of consumer packs will be exempted from the licence requirement if they do not exceed a certain quantity.
作为「地球一小时」的全球「I Will If You
[...] Will」活动的参加者之一,澳门康莱德酒店将挑战一众澳门酒店及度假村同业,承诺倘若当中有十间酒店能同样进行每月一次、每次一小时的 灯 活 动 ,康莱 酒 店 则 会将其 灯 次 数增加至每月两次。
Conrad Macao will be proposing a friendly challenge to Macao’s hotels and resorts as part of Earth Hour's global ’I Will If You Will’ campaign, offering to increase its switching off of the
facade and non-essential indoor lighting to twice a
[...] month, if 10 other Macao hotels agree to join in the effort once a month.
磁芯采用特别的圆形,以便变压精 确 接 入 灯 泡 , 在获得最大性能的同时,而无任何空间浪费。
The specially rounded shape of the core allows the
[...] transformer to fit exactly into the bulb, providing [...]
maximum performance without any wasted space.
他们还讨论了达到以下目标的战略:发展儿童与家长和照顾者之间安全、 稳定和有利于成长的关系;促进儿童和青少年的生活技能;减 酒精 、 枪支和刀 具的提供和有害作用;促进两性平等和克服助长暴力的文化和社会规范;支持确 [...]
They also addressed strategies aimed at developing safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and their parents and caregivers; promoting life skills for
children and adolescents;
[...] reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol, guns and knives; [...]
promoting gender equality
and overcoming cultural and social norms that support violence; and supporting victim identification, care and support programmes.
儿童权利法》―― 第 6
[...] 式的剥削、歧视和身体及精神暴力,免受残忍、粗暴及蔑视待遇、侮辱和 虐待,不参与犯罪活动,不参与消 酒精 饮 料 、非法使用毒品和精神药 品、赌博和乞讨,不参与或被迫参与任何形式的非法性活动、不遭受以卖 [...]
Law on the rights of children – article 6: “The State protects the child’s inviolability, protecting him from any form of exploitation, discrimination, physical and moral violence, not accepting cruel, rude, disdainful treatment, insults and maltreatment, involvement in criminal
activity, involvement in
[...] consumption of alcoholic drinks, illegal use of drugs and psychotropic [...]
substances, gambling, begging,
involvement or constrain into any form of illegal sexual activity, exploitation with the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual practices, in pornography and materials with a pornographic contents including from parents or persons with legal custody, relatives.
8.3 顧客嚴禁在航班上飲用於機上購買 酒精 類 飲 品。
8.3 Consumption of alcoholic beverages purchased [...]
inflight is prohibited during the flight.
葡萄酒在索契與選擇的葡萄酒, DÛTI
[...] [...] 弗雷亞在索契、克拉斯諾達爾地區與定期客戶最富有的是合同的供應,傳遞從一瓶交貨時間的 15 分鐘,所以酒吧和餐館做不一定分數倉 酒精、 照 顧的存儲、 存儲管理法規已足以有一個實例,在生產銷售的情況下執行庫存立即重新排序"免稅"為 [...]
DÛTI--當然這項服務是對所有酒吧餐廳及商店不可用但只是為客戶提供高容量銷售但是它提供給很大的競爭優勢為所有合作夥伴- DÛTI-"免稅"索契。
Wine in Sochi and choice wines in DÛTI FREYA in Sochi, the richest in the Krasnodar region, with regular customers are the contract for the supply, delivery from one
bottle-delivery time of 15
[...] minutes, so the bars and restaurants do not necessarily score warehouses alcohol, take care [...]
of storage, storage regulations
is sufficient to have one instance and in the case of the sale of the produce performs inventory reordering immediately, DÛTI-"duty-free"-of course this service is not available on all bars restaurants and shopsbut only to customers with high volume sales but it gives great competitive advantage for all partners- DÛTI-"duty-free" in Sochi.
提倡健康饮食和运动、接种乙型肝炎疫苗、增加对过度暴晒危险的了 解,以及酒精饮料 征税来减少消费量等均为可降低癌症发病率的措施。
Promoting healthier diets and exercise; vaccinating against hepatitis B; increasing awareness
about the dangers of excessive sun
[...] exposure, and taxing alcoholic beverages to [...]
reduce consumption are all measures that can
reduce the incidence of cancer.
然而,它关切地注意到,尽管采取了措施,但滥 酒精 和 毒 品的儿童 人数仍然很大。
However, it notes with serious concern that, despite the measures taken, the number of children abusing alcohol and drugs remains considerable.
然 而,联合王国的重点是努力打破犯罪周期,解决犯罪原因问题,包括文盲、精神 病以酒精和毒品依赖。
However, the United Kingdom’s focus was on trying to break the cycle
of criminality by addressing the underlying causes
[...] including illiteracy, mental illness and alcohol [...]
and drug dependency.
选项​​和功能包括:: 惠而浦冰箱, 洗衣机和烘干机, 3 空调机组, 建伍显示器, Weldex相机, CD换碟机, 百色娱乐套餐, 2 纯平索尼电视, 眼镜蛇CB无线电, 国王圆顶卫星, 建伍导航系统,
阿拉丁VCM, Harmony万能遥控器, 智能巡航, 卫星广播, 万能逆变器, 电齿轮矫直机, 固特异轮胎, 全自动电动遮阳篷,
[...] 无钥匙进入, 毒蛇安全系统, 特大号床的主人套房, 遥控窗帘的所有窗口, 运行在天花板上灯, 红酒架...等等!
Options and features include: Whirlpool refrigerator, washer and dryer, 3 air conditioning units, Kenwood monitor, Weldex camera, CD changer, Bose Entertainment package, 2 flatscreen Sony televisions, Cobra CB radio, King dome satellite, Kenwood navigation system, Aladdin VCM, Harmony universal remotes, smart cruise, satellite radio, Magnum inverter, power gear levelers, Goodyear tires, automatic electric awnings, keyless entry, Viper security system, king sized
bed in master suite, remote controlled curtains for all
[...] windows, running lights in the ceiling, wine rack...and much more!
即使您在昏暗的舞台上,控制旋钮的LED指 灯 也 会让 您 精 确 的 操作。
The LED indicators on the control knobs enable instant adjustment and visual confirmation at a glance, even on a dark stage.
构:日内瓦防治肺结核合作组织下属全球抗肺结核类药物基金会、全球艾滋病、 肺结核、疟疾防治基金会、美国国际开发署、卢森堡博爱基金会、荷兰皇家肺结
[...] 核防治协会、保健管理科学协会(SUA)、世界卫生组织 绿 灯 委 员会,它们一致决 定为实施规划的活动提供必要资助。
Approval of a programme in conformity with the WHO requirements allowed the attraction of an important number of donors: “Global TB Drug Facility” of the Stop TB Partnership of Geneva, the Global AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Fund, USA Development Agency (USAID), “Caritas Luxemburg”, Netherlands Royal
Association of Tuberculosis Control (NRATC),
[...] MSH (SUA), Green Light Committee of the [...]
WHO, which determined the supply of a very
important support to implement the planned activities.
他制作精美的幻灯片, 向在座各位展示了全美篮球协会(NBA),并分享了他对21世纪公司需要的专业人士的深刻见解。
His exciting PowerPoint provided a glimpse into the NBA and presented a good insight into what types of professionals companies are seeking in the 21st century.
敦促各国政府制定全 面法律来保护包括行人在内的所有道路使用者,如规定适当车速限制、血 酒精 浓度 限制,以及必须采取适当的保护机制,包括头盔、安全带和儿童安全座椅。
Governments are urged to enact comprehensive laws to protect all road users, including pedestrians, by setting appropriate speed limits and blood alcohol concentration limits, and by requiring the use of appropriate protection mechanisms, including helmets, seat belts and child restraints.
除了灯塔项目,各计划部门的如下活动和举措也符合考察期间为第 I 阶段确定的优先 活动。
In addition to the flagship project, the programme sectors’ activities and initiatives below correspond to the Phase I priority activities identified during the mission.
艾滋病毒/艾滋病感 染者人口因助长艾滋病毒感染的社会、经济和文化因素而不断增加,这些因素 包括:污名化、两性不平等、贫穷、多配偶制、过继婚、“干性行为”、药物酒精滥用、人口流动、性病、战争和暴力侵害妇女行为(Inungu 和 Karl,2006 年)。
The population of people living with HIV and AIDS has been increasing owing to social, economic and cultural factors that fuel HIV infection such as stigma, gender inequality, poverty, polygamy, wife inheritance, “dry sex”, drug and alcohol abuse, mobility, sexually transmitted diseases, war and violence against women (Inungu and Karl, 2006).
帕劳提到本国面临的以下挑战:气候变化和环境恶化;在国内应对、落实 人权问题,包括向条约机构报告的技术能力不足;遵守人权规范、履行人权义 务的资金和供资能力不足;培养人权意识、开展人权活动的技术和资金援助不 足;社会经济福利不平等酒精和药物滥用;非传染性疾病带来的高死亡率; 弱势群体和残疾人机会有限;对本地帕劳籍工人的就业保护;家庭暴力和贩运 人口。
Palau mentioned the following challenges it faced: climate change and environmental degradation; lack of technical capacity to undertake and implement human rights issues domestically, including reporting to treaty bodies; lack of financial and funding capacity to fulfil human rights norms and obligations; lack of technical and financial assistance to undertake human right awareness and activities; disparity in social and economic well-being; alcohol and substance abuse; high mortality rate affected by noncommunicable diseases; limited access and opportunities of vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities; employment protection for local Palauan workers; domestic violence and human trafficking.
97或HIGH END/美国.灯浪 的
[...] TECHNOBEAM—该灯多次用于大型晚会及活动,’98王菲北京、上海的巡演中就使用了24只……,两种方案可选其一,LP97功能齐备,品质很好,而TECHNOBEAM更是属于电 灯 中 的 精 品 , 各有特色,详见资料。
In addition, middle and back of the stage facade equipped with advanced computer scanning lamp (GENIUS / Italy Jane Li of the LP 97 or HIGH END / U.S. light waves TECHNOBEAM-times the light show and activities for large , '98 Faye Wong Beijing, Shanghai tour on the use of a 24 ... ..., one of two options available, LP97-featured, very good
quality, but TECHNOBEAM is part of
[...] the computer lights in the boutique, have their own [...]
characteristics, details See data.




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