

单词 酒不醉人人自醉,色不迷人人自迷

External sources (not reviewed)

另外一个景点是妩迷人的 郁金香园,亭亭玉立的郁金香遍地开花,紫红色、浅黄色和粉 色 的 花朵 让 人 眼 花 缭乱、 醉不 已。
Another attraction is the stretches of alluring tulip gardens filled with bright crimson, yellow and pink tulips in full bloom.
具有优秀的随角色性, 极强的金属感以及不同寻常的金属外观,SILVERSHINE 可以带来从光亮到哑光的各种具不 同 细 微差别 迷人 金 属 光泽。
With its excellent flop, extremely high brilliance and an extraordinarily light and metallic look, SILVERSHINE can deliver all sorts of fascinating colour nuances, from glossy metallic to matt chrome.
特别是因为它是一个机会,享醉人 的 鸡 尾 酒 的 杀 手山气海 不 同 年 龄段的景点 自 然 景 观。
Especially because it's a
[...] chance to enjoy the intoxicating cocktail of killer mountain-sea air, sights of different ages and natural landscapes.
即使是隨機也好,有路障、嗅出了酒味也好,譬如你的其中一項工作是 防止醉駕,而在某一個路障,有一名駕駛者離你老遠已看到路障(如果他當醉得完全不清醒,那便沒話可說),如果他仍有少許防備之心或警惕 ─ 在外國曾試過有如此的一個例子 ─ 他便立即下車,然後拿着一酒,不 斷地灌自己飲酒,一直鯨飲。
In any case, whether it be random checks, setting up a road block or detecting smell of alcohol, if, for example, one of your duties is to prevent drink driving and at a certain road block, a driver has already spotted the road block from a far distance (except
that if he is so drunk that he is
[...] not sober at all), but if he is still on guard and alert enough ― this has once taken place overseas ― he then get off his car at once, grabbed a bottle of wine and kept pouring the wine down his throat, drinking like an elephant.
每款氣味的構想來自自然,也跟設計師的風格緊扣 — Toga的古田泰子便認為,只有自然才 能喚醒城市 醉酒 笙 歌 的 人們 — 從而令她聯想到琥色的威 士忌,香水靈感跟衣服的硬朗成熟味道一脈相承。
Yasuko Furuta at Toga considers the nature as the special potion for those who dwell in the excesses of a city — the amber hue of Toga perfume is inspired by whisky.
露天廣場可借助這些旅遊熱點的優勢並加強它們的連繫,使該地段成為本港居 民和遊客的一自然匯 聚之處,加上該 迷人 的 維港 景 色 , 露 天廣場實有成為本港 另一主要旅遊景點的巨大潛力。
Coupled with the magnificent harbour view, the piazza has tremendous potential to become another key tourist attraction.
所以,外國確實已有一系列不同的相關措施 不 論 是宣傳或法例等,均 能令其人與駕駛者酒、唱卡拉 OK 或聯歡後,有最後機會勸醉酒駕 駛 者 ─ 正如以前一位歌星鄺美雲所唱的那首歌“再坐一會”般 ─ 能 夠令駕駛者再坐一會,教他多喝兩杯水或茶,便可能已避開了車禍和危險。
Therefore, in overseas countries, a
[...] series of relevant measures have really been put in place. Whether by way of publicity or legislation, these measures can enable others to have the last [...]
chance to dissuade drivers
from driving after having drinks or singing karaoke or gatherings with the drivers, and if ― just like the song called "Sit For a While" by ex-singer Cally KWONG― if one can make the driver sit for a while and drink some more water or tea, a traffic accident and danger can perhaps be avoided.
法式高級餐廳Privé 將於9月6 日於澳門索菲特酒店隆重開業!位於澳門十六浦索菲 酒 店 六 樓,擁有典雅的裝橫 迷人 的 市 中心新馬路 色 , 令主廚YANNICK EHRSAM 以法菜哲學和熱誠所烹調出來的菜式更上一層樓。
Located on the level 6 of the hotel, Privé offers the unparalleled high quality French flair with Chef Yannick Ehrsam’s scrupulously and creatively touch of culinary elegance.
从夜总会到海边酒吧, 再到于星空下 人迷醉 的 夜 晚,摩纳哥的晚上总是令人难忘的。
From night clubs to live music in harbour-side bars to glamorous gala evenings beneath the stars, a night in Monaco is always a memorable experience.
人自以為本身酒量大,會千 不醉 , 所 以即使在酒後駕車也 沒有甚麼大問題,他們更相信自己擁有高超的駕駛技術,在酒後駕駛也會保 持靈敏的警覺性,不會影響沿路的車輛和途人,但實則卻是險象橫生,往往 是眾多致命交通意外的先兆。
Some people think that they can drink a lot without getting drunk or they can still be sober after downing a thousand glasses, so to speak, so [...]
it should not be a problem
even if they drive after drinking. They even believe that they have superb driving skills and can remain highly alert even if they drive after drinking, and that they will not affect other vehicles or pedestrians along the way.
在那里,你会发现其171的房子,包括23名葡萄酒酿造与私人泳池,其温泉Garrig ae , 迷人 的 餐 厅,其豪 酒 吧 , 也 自 己 的 葡萄园房子... ...酒店拥有正宗的地方和时期的喷泉,小型步行街,是圣洛朗- [...]
DE - LA - Cabrerisse的小风景如画的村庄延伸。
There, you will discover its 171 houses, including 23 wine-grower houses with
private pools, its
[...] Spa Garrigae, its charming restaurant, its lounge bar but also its own vineyard... [...]
Featuring small pedestrian
streets, of authentic places and period fountains, the hotel is an extension of Saint-Laurent-de-la-Cabrerisse’s small picturesque village.
感受羊头迷人魅力,自然的 勃勃生机必让您兴 不 已。
Enjoy the magic of the Sheep’s Head where all things wild will embrace and invigorate.
除其他外,《基本法》做出以下规定:不得侵犯任何人的生命、身体或尊 严;不得侵犯他人财产;所有人都有权享有对其生命、身体和尊严的保护;不得 以监禁、逮捕、引渡或其他方式剥夺或限制 人自 由 (除非法律另有规定 ) ; 不得 违犯本《基本法》规定的各项权利,除非经由为特定目的颁布的符合 色 列 国价 值观的法律,且不得超过所需程度。
The Basic Law stipulates, inter alia, the following: There shall be no violation of the life, body or dignity of any person as such; There shall be no violation of the property of a person; All persons are entitled to protection of their life, body and dignity; There shall be
no deprivation or
[...] restriction of the liberty of a person by imprisonment, arrest, extradition or otherwise (unless as provided by law); There shall be no violation of rights under this Basic Law except by a law befitting the values of the State of Israel, enacted for [...]
a proper purpose, and
to an extent no greater than is required.
然後你會驚覺自己早迷醉其中,不 能 自 拔 , 感動在這一景一物的細膩, 人 不 禁 敬佩 Carmel 的敏銳觸覺和功力,還有一直伴隨她攀山涉水的一幫戰友 - 攝影器材,在每回駐足下,舉起她的中片幅數碼相機按下了千次快門後萬中選一,在 MacBook Pro 經過 Aperture 的洗禮後脫胎換骨,至臻完美。
Waking up to the realization that you weren’t there first, or there at all, in no way spoils the initial sensation of transport. It only sharpens your appreciation of the effect to understand that obviously Carmel got there first, sometimes on cross-country skis, carrying heavy gear; that she spent hours looking to catch a perfect image from among a thousand messier choices; or that she digitally adjusted the image in Aperture on a MacBook Pro after the shutter closed on her medium format digital camera.
都伯林色醉人,海岸线更是让人赞 不 已 , 浩斯头径(Howth Head)对所有人来说,都是一个不容错过的远足路径。
With stunning views over Dublin City and its mesmerising coastline, Howth Head is a must-do walk for all abilities.
屢獲音樂大獎的中國傳奇歌后韓紅將首次駕臨澳門威尼斯人-度假 村 - 酒 店 金 光綜藝館,於12月1日舉行《2012韓紅“美麗世界”- 世界巡迴演唱會澳門站》,為迷獻 上 如天籟般 醉人 歌 聲
The multi-award winning Chinese diva Han
Hong will showcase
[...] her powerful and unique vocals at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel’s CotaiArena™ on December 1, with the performance of HAN HONG WORLD TOUR 2012, with ticket on sales now.
當時該名博士生承自己醉酒駕駛 ,但否認危險駕駛引致 人 死 亡 等罪 名,儘管在法庭上控方在結案陳辭中,力指被告身為醫學博士生,無理由不 清楚酒精對駕駛者的影響,但最終負責案件的裁判官因應案中兩名證人口 供有矛盾,認為證不足, 判處該名博士生只須為承認的醉酒駕駛罪名罰 款 6,000 元及停牌 12 個月。
At that time, the doctoral student admitted to be drink driving but denied other charges that included causing death by dangerous driving, and so on. In its closing submission made in the Court, the prosecution forcefully pointed out that there was no reason that the defendant, being a doctoral student of medicine, was unaware of the effect of alcohol on motorists.
酒店中 庭奢华的三层楼高的水晶吊灯,每晚的灯光秀营造出逍遥国度瑰 迷醉 的 色 彩。
Our magnificent
[...] three-storey chandelier in the hotel Atrium will create a sense of wonderland as you watch the beautiful light show every evening.
人曾經考慮過 ─ 我也曾經考慮過 ─ 如果有這樣的情形,可否 基於駕駛者明知即將要進酒精測 試,卻 自 己 灌 醉 的 行為,而控告他阻差 辦公呢?
Someone has considered ― and I have also considered ― whether, in that event, the driver can be charged with
[...] obstructing a police officer in the execution of duty because he knows full well that an alcohol test was about to be conducted but still, he drank until he was intoxicated.
主席女士,酒的人喝得越多便越 high,越 high 便越覺自己沒醉,於是便越覺得開車沒有問題。
Madam Chairman, the more the drinkers drink, the higher their emotions. The higher their emotions, the [...]
more they consider they
are not drunk, and thus the more they believe that it should not be a problem for them to drive.
自 文 盲 兼 且 腦 部 受 損 的 受人 的 供 認 , 而人 在 接 受 查 問 之 時醉 酒 的 。
(Confession taken from illiterate, brain damaged suspect who was drunk when questioned).
醉药物 委员会第五十一和五十四届会议;每年主持两次欧洲毒品和毒瘾监 测中心联人国家会议,里斯本(2006-2011 年);在匈牙利任欧盟轮值主席期间 以土耳其代表团团长身份参加欧盟土耳其对话会议,布鲁塞尔(2011 年);蓬皮杜 小组:研究平台会议(2007 年)和部级会议(2006 年),巴黎和斯特拉斯堡;近东 和中东非法贩运毒品及有关事项小组委员会第四十一次会议(2006 年);联合国毒 品和犯罪问题办公室关于在巴黎契约框架下使用伊朗边界的专家评估会议,伊朗 伊斯兰共和国(2005 年);麻管局黄色行动和紫色行动 联合会议,墨西哥(2005 年)。
Fifty-first and fifty-fourth sessions of the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs; chaired national European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction focal point meetings twice a year, Lisbon (2006-2011); European Union-Turkey dialogue meeting during the Hungarian presidency of the Union, as head of the Turkish delegation, Brussels (2011); Pompidou Group: Research Platform meeting (2007) and ministerial meeting (2006), Paris and Strasbourg; forty-first meeting of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, Amman (2006); United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Expert Assessment Meeting on utilizing Iranian borders within the framework of the Paris Pact, Islamic Republic of Iran (2005); International Narcotics Control Board combined meetings on Operation Topaz and Operation Purple, Mexico City (2005).
很多時候,他們不能 找 到正當的宣洩途徑和支援,便唯有借助藥物,甚至毒品來 醉自 己。
Often enough they can find neither a
[...] proper way to vent their feelings nor can they get any support; hence they would resort to drugs or even narcotics to intoxicate themselves.
匠心独具配置精良价格昂贵的发烧级德国WIMA电容的使用,更让音色焕然一新,经过实品耦合电容的润色 , 音 色自 然 迷人 , 导 常 丰润,延伸性极好 , 是 不 可 多得的发烧极产品。
1, Originality configure the use of sophisticated expensive grade fever Germany
WIMA capacitors, leaving the tone a new look, After coupling capacitor
[...] touches of real goods, timbre naturally charming, often handsomely guide, excellent [...]
extensibility, rare fever pole products
現在迷債“爆煲”,他自己也是 苦主,但不能像 其他苦主般向銀行方面追討,更要遭 人 埋 怨 ,上班 時遭苦主追罵,甚至可能有被暴力行為對待的危機,更慘的就是,他們 可能須在今次調查中負起部份責任,甚至面對失業的危機。
What is worse, they may have to bear some of the responsibility in this inquiry and they may even lose their jobs.
我的观点带有人色彩, 我曾居住于此 自 愿 成 其一部分,既被其魅力所吸引又对它排斥,活在当下的记忆中,活在未 不 断 变 形的风景中。
My view is a biased one, of someone who is a resident, a willing participant, entranced and repulsed simultaneously by its allure, living in the memories of the present, in a daily morphing landscape for the future.
委员会还回顾自设立 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部 队)和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)以来,派驻 色 列 -黎 巴嫩地区和色列-阿 拉伯叙利亚共和国地区的停战监督组织军事观察员便被置于这两个维 持和平特派团部队指挥官的行动指挥之下,协助其执行任务,但 不 妨 碍停战监 督组织在这两支维持和平部队的任务到期未续的情况下,在两个地区继续履行职 责(A/66/6 (Sect.5),第 5.66 和 5.67 段)。
The Committee also recalls that UNTSO military observers assigned to the Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syrian Arab Republic sectors have been placed under the operational control of the Force Commanders of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to assist them in the fulfilment of their tasks, since the establishment [...]
of the two peacekeeping
missions; this is without prejudice to the continued functioning of UNTSO in the two sectors should the mandates of the peacekeeping forces lapse (A/66/6 (Sect. 5), paras. 5.66 and 5.67).
(a) 请《巴黎公约》所有合作伙伴订立有时限的国家或组织目标,其中包 括:将缉毒量提高一倍;将流入阿富汗的前体数量减半;按照安全理事会 2006 年 12 月 22 日第 1735 (2006)号决议和 2008 年 6 月 30 日第 1822 (2008)号决议的 要求,列出以任何手段,包括不限 于 使用非法种植及生产和贩运 自 阿 富汗 的醉药品 所得收益,参与资助或协助基地组织、乌萨马·本·拉丹和塔利班以及 与它们有关联的人、集 团、企业和实体所实施的行动或活动的个人或实体的 名字;将阿片剂需求量减半。
(a) Inviting all Paris Pact partners to establish time-bound national or organizational goals that include: increasing drug seizures by a factor of two; cutting by half the amount of precursors flowing into Afghanistan; listing the names of individuals and entities participating in the financing or support of acts or activities carried out by Al-Qaida, Usama bin Laden and the Taliban, as well as other
individuals, groups,
[...] undertakings and entities associated with them, as described in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 1617 (2005) of 29 July 2005, by any means, including but not limited to using proceeds derived from illicit cultivation and production [...]
of and trafficking
in narcotic drugs originating in Afghanistan, and their precursors, as requested by the Council in its resolutions 1735 (2006) of 22 December 2006 and 1822 (2008) of 30 June 2008; and cutting demand for opiates by half.




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