

单词 配票

See also:

bank note
person held for ransom
amateur performance of Chinese opera

External sources (not reviewed)

退而求其次,某些政黨可以紮根於某些社會階層,同樣會達 配票 效 果
Or some political parties can consolidate their bases among certain social classes, so as to
[...] achieve the same vote allocation effect.
首先,策略性的選舉工程結合機械化 配票 , 已 經變成選舉勝負的關鍵,簡單的投票考慮和議題表態開始失去意義。
First of all, the combination of strategic electoral engineering
[...] and mechanical vote allocation has [...]
become the key to define winners and losers
in the election. A simple consideration of voting and expression of stance starts to lose its meaning.
经理事会确认为遭到不可抗力的出口成员,其 配票 数 的计算基础应为该成 员在遭受不可抗力当年以及随后三年中的有效出口量。
The basis for the calculation of
[...] the distribution of votes of an exporting Member [...]
for which the Council has recognized a
case of force majeure, shall be the effective volume of its exports for the year in which the force majeure occurred and subsequently for the ensuing three years following the force majeure.
我也 曾問林局長,既然指引訂明不准在有投票結果前公布或廣播調查資料,假若
[...] 有人利用調查得來的資料來決定當天如何拉票,如何在各區之間調兵遣將, 或在名單之配票(如 果是立法會選舉便會出現這種情況),這樣是否違反 [...]
I once asked Secretary Stephen LAM: As it was stipulated in the guidelines that the release or broadcast of the data gathered from exit polls was not permitted before polling results were available, was it a violation of the guidelines if such data were used to plan the canvassing activities on that day, the deployment
of manpower among various districts and
[...] the equalizing of votes among different [...]
lists (in the case of a Legislative Council election)?
(b) 在寄给每名选民的投票通知卡所夹附的地图上,会清楚列明获 配的 投票站是否方便残疾人士进出。
(b) Whether the polling stations allocated to electors are
accessible to persons with mobility difficulty will be specified in a location map
[...] attached to the poll cards sent to electors.
如果在您所调往的国家,当地法 律限制向您配奖励股票,则公司将向您支付您在资格期结束时有权获得的奖励股票的现金等价物。
If local laws in the country to which you
[...] relocate restrict the allocation to you of the Award [...]
Shares then the Company will pay out
the cash equivalent of those Award Shares to which you would be entitled at the end of the Qualification Period.
条码确保所有的文件被配到正确的 票 上。
The barcodes guarantee that all
[...] documents are assigned to the correct invoice.
美國最高法院 在裁決1966年的「特拉華訴紐約案」 (Delaware v.
[...] New York)時,駁回了上 訴,強調指出各州有權以他們認為合適 的任何方式配選舉人票。
In Delaware v. New York (1966), the U.S. Supreme Court
rejected the challenge, emphasizing that the
[...] states’ power to award electors may be exercised [...]
in any manner they see fit.
(v) 就發行配發不附帶票權之 股份作出規定;及
(v) make provision for the issue
[...] and allotment of shares which do not carry any voting rights; and
考 虑到新选举法中的以下要求,预计 2009/10
年度的选举将更为复杂:(a) 所有参
[...] 议员、众议员、市长和地方代表都要在同一选举日选出;(b) 在选票的准备方面, 选票中将引入空白票,这就需要为 4 场同时进行的不同选配备 4 种不同票, 轮 次可达两轮;(c) 在选举结果的汇编方面,空白投票将需要计数,且需为 4 场 同时进行的不同选举处理和统计选票总数;(d) [...]
定可能会导致争议和投诉数量上升,同时也需要更多的工作人员在 4 场同时进行 的不同选举中处理选举诉讼。
The 2009/10 elections are projected to be more complex, taking into account the following requirements under the new Electoral Law: (a) all senators, deputies, mayors and local representatives will have to be elected on the same Election Day; (b) regarding the preparation of ballots, the
blank vote will be
[...] introduced in the ballots, which will require four different ballots for four different, simultaneous elections for up to two [...]
rounds; (c) regarding
the compilation of results, the blank vote will need to be counted and the total number of ballots will need to be processed and tabulated for four different, simultaneous elections; and (d) regarding electoral dispute, new provisions in the Electoral Law may increase the number of disputes and complaints, as well as the number of staff required to manage electoral litigation at the same time for four different, simultaneous elections.
股額持有人應根據其所持股額的金額就股息、於清盤時參與資產 配 、會票權及 其他事項擁有相同權利、特權及利益,猶如其持有股額由其產生股額的 股份;如任何此等特權或利益(分享本公司股息及溢利除外),在該股額倘若以股 份形式存在時,是不會授予的,則不可根據股額而授予該等特權或利益。
The holders of stock shall, according to
the amount of the
[...] stock held by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as regards dividends, participation in assets on a winding up, voting at meetings, [...]
and other matters, as
if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such privilege or advantage (except participation in the dividends and profits of the Company) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred such privilege or advantage.
(y)a 從事交易及進行所有形式的代理業務,尤其為收取租金及債款以及洽商 貸款,尋找投資及發行配售股份、 票 、 債券股證或證券。
(y)a To transact and carry on all kinds of agency business and in particular to collect rents and debts and to negotiate loans, to find investments and to issue and place shares, stocks, debenture stock or securities.
[...] 和规范制定的参与,表示注意到最近作出重要决定,要对布雷顿森林机构的管理 结构配额和投票权加 以改革,以更好地反映当前的现实情况并增强发展中国家 [...]
Reaffirms the need to continue to broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making and norm-setting, takes note of recent important
decisions on reform of the
[...] governance structures, quotas and voting rights of the Bretton [...]
Woods institutions, better reflecting
current realities and enhancing the voice and participation of developing countries, and reaffirms the need to continue the reform of the governance of those institutions in order to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions
在這些情況下,機票票價、聯合航空公司機票票號及簽發日期必須與註銷 票 相 匹 配。
In these
[...] cases, the ticket amount, United Airlines ticket number, and issue date must match the canceled check.
在评定缴款额时, 每个成员表决票数的计算,不应考虑任何成员表决权被中止及由此引起表 票数 重配的情况。
For the purpose of assessing contributions, the votes of each Member shall be
calculated without regard to the suspension of any Member’s voting
[...] rights and any redistribution of votes resulting therefrom.
(c) 股額持有人將按其持有之股額數目,享有該等股份轉換為股額前所具有關 於股息、於清盤時參與資產配、於 會議上 票 及 其 他方面之權利、特權 及利益,猶如持有轉換為股額之股份。
(c) The holders of stock shall, according to the amount of the stock held by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as regards Dividends, participation in assets on a winding up, voting at meetings, and other matters, as if they held the Shares from which the stock arose, but no such rights, privileges or advantages (except participation in the Dividends and profits and in the assets on winding up of the Company) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in Shares, have conferred such rights, privileges or advantages.
由 於 本 公 司 於2008年 和2009年 均 進 行 股 利配 及 發 放 了票 紅 利,因 此 認 股 權 證 的 行 權 價 格 相 應 調 整 為 人 民 幣42.394元 ╱ 股,認 股 權 證 持 有 人 每1份 權 證 可 認 購A股0.922股。
As the Company distributed share dividend and issued bonus shares during 2008 and 2009, the exercise price of the warrants was adjusted to RMB42.394 per share and the exercise ratio was adjusted to the subscription of 0.922 A share for every one warrant held.
(B) 在本公司細則第 6(C)條第
[...] 12(A)段的規限下,倘任何財產 (包括兌換股份及其票)將配發、 轉讓或交付予任何可 換股優先股股東,則本公司可就有關配發、轉讓或交付作 [...]
出其視作合適安排,尤其是(但不限於)可委任任何人士 代表該名可換股優先股股東簽立任何轉讓書、放棄書或其
他文件,以及可就交付任何文件或財產予該名可換股優先 股股東作出安排,惟風險概由其自行承擔。
(B) Subject to paragraph 12(A) in this Bye-law 6 (C), where any
property (including Conversion Shares and share certificates in respect of
[...] them) is to be allotted, transferred or [...]
delivered to any CP
Shareholder the Company may make such arrangements with regard to such allotment, transfer or delivery as it may deem appropriate and in particular, without limitation, may appoint any person on behalf of that CP Shareholder to execute any transfers, renunciations or other document and may make arrangements for the delivery of any document or property to that CP Shareholder at his/its risk.
在华沙证交所可以交易以下金融工具:股 票、债券、认购权证、期货、期权、指数参 与单位、票分配证书 、投资证书及其他金 融衍生工具。
The following instruments are all traded on the WSE: shares,
bonds, subscription rights,
[...] futures, options, index participation units, allotment certificates, [...]
investment certificates, and derivative instruments.
如屬股份發行,票須於配發後 二十一(21)日(或發行條款訂明之較長期間)內發出;如 屬轉讓繳足或未繳足股份(並非本公司當時有權拒絕登記及並未登記之過戶),則股票須於 過戶表格交回本公司後二十一(21)日內發出。
Share certificates shall be issued in the case of an issue of shares within twenty-one (21) days (or such longer period as the terms of the issue provide) after allotment or in the case of a transfer of fully or partly paid shares within twenty-one (21) days after lodgment of a transfer with the Company, not being a transfer which the Company is for the time being entitled to refuse to register and does not register.
註:係假設員工紅利全數以票紅 利方 式 配 發。
Note: The number is to assume all the employee bonus would be issued in the form of stock.
票應於配發或(本公司當其時有權拒絕登記且並無登記轉讓除外)向本 公司遞交轉讓文書後,在公司法規定或指定證券交易所不時釐定的相關時限內(以較 短者為準)發行。
Share certificates shall be issued within the relevant time limit as prescribed by the Law or as the Designated Stock Exchange may from time to time determine, whichever is the shorter, after allotment or, except in the case of a transfer which the Company is for the time being entitled to refuse to register and does not register, after lodgment of a transfer with the Company.
因為這個分組票,配合功 能界別選舉,的確發揮 了非常大的作用,令我們政治制度下的既得利益者,可透過與當權派的 [...]
利益交易,為一些既得利益者不想看見的政策,不管是民生還是各方面 的,作護航把關。
Because the separate voting mechanism, coupled with [...]
FC elections, has indeed played a very significant role in enabling
those with vested interests under the existing political system to wheel political deals with those in power, with the result that policies not desired by the former, relating to the people's livelihood or other aspects, can be warded off.
于2010年12月,玛泽资本市场小组担任美乐集团有限公司在PL US 股 票 交 易市 场 配 售 及 入场过程的申报会计师。
In December 2010, Mazars’ Capital Market team acted as reporting accountant on the placing and admission to the PLUS stock exchange of MiLOC.
该司深信,如果兢兢业 业地进行自下而上的票选择和审 配 置 资 产,基金 将继续为养恤金福利给付奠定稳固基础,而新的风险 管理软件安装将提供更高一级的安全保障。
The Division was confident that, with diligent
[...] bottom-up stock selection and prudent asset allocation, the Fund would [...]
continue to provide a secure
foundation for the payment of pension benefits, while the implementation of new risk management software would provide an additional level of safety.
9 根据政府事务领导人在 2008 年 6
月的说法,导致取消 7 月全民投票的因素
[...] 有:需要更多时间去考虑宪法的现代化;对当地文化民权法案的一些关切问题;希 望等到同联合王国进行宪政谈判产生的宪法文件草稿;选择在 7 月举行投票时机不 好,因为是夏季假期,恐怕出来投票的人不多,会产生代表性不够的结果;认为可 以选一个更好的时间进行全民票, 以 配 合 定于 2009 年 5 月进行的大选。
A referendum on the constitutional proposals, which was initially slated for May 2008 in order to give the territorial Government a brief for its negotiations with the administering Power on a new constitution and subsequently for July 2008, has been postponed until 2009.9 According to the Leader of Government Business in June 2008, issues that led to the cancellation of the July referendum included: more time to consider constitutional modernization; concerns about the bill of rights for local culture; a wish to await the draft constitutional document that would result from the ongoing constitutional negotiations with the United Kingdom; poor timing for a July poll because of summer
holidays, raising concerns
[...] about a low turnout and an unrepresentative result; and a view that the referendum might be better timed to coincide with the [...]
general elections scheduled for May 2009.
依行政院金融監督管理委員會(金管會)規定,上市、上櫃公司分派盈餘時,應 就帳列股東權益減項金額(不含庫藏 票 ) , 自可 分 配 盈 餘 提列相同數額之特別盈餘 公積,不得分派。嗣後股東權益減項數額有迴轉時,得經股東會決議就迴轉部份轉 回未分配盈餘以供分配。
The remaining balance can be distributed as dividends to stockholders after special reserves are appropriated, if any.
BMForum 同时拥有的多项插件可以保证您论坛的活跃性,如宠物插件、虚拟形象 Flash
[...] 秀、点歌台、社区银行、社区赌场、论坛日历、 票 发 行 、伴侣 配 、 广 告宣传、节日礼物放送等一些非常实用和吸引用户的娱乐插件、功能性插件,增强了论坛的亲和力。
BMForum also has a number of plug-ins can guarantee that your forum activity , such as pet plug-in, virtual image of the Flash show , song units
, community banks, community
[...] casino , Calendar , lottery , partner match , advertising , [...]
holiday gift delivery and some very
useful plug-ins and entertainment to attract users , functionality plug-ins to enhance the affinity of the Forum .
由於已獲得中投公司發行可換股債券以及全球 票配 售 的 所得款淨額,加上較高 的產量水平和穩定的煤價令營運得來的現金流增加,因此在短期內,本公司預料其流動資金保持充裕。
In the near term, the Company expects its liquidity to remain strong based on residual proceeds from the CIC convertible debenture offering and proceeds from the global equity offering, as well as increasing cash flows from operations due to higher forecast production levels and stable coal prices.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案 票 (及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the
Directors concerned shall
[...] be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class [...]
of shares of such company.




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