

单词 配水


配水库 n

service reservoir n

水分配 n

water distribution n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 间达成平衡,还必须对土地承受日益沉重的压力以及在粮食和能源作 物之间配水的问题进行管理。
There was a need, therefore, not only to strike a balance between food, energy
and water security, but also to manage the increasing
[...] pressure on land and water allocation between food [...]
and energy crops.
(b) 充分利用電腦化繪圖技術,把水及 配水 系 統 的紙製圖則記錄數碼化,以方 便更新、檢索及交換資料。
(b) to digitize paper
[...] record drawings of the water supply and distribution [...]
system to make full use of computerized mapping
technology for easy updating, retrieval and information exchange.
由于队部之间以及从队部到所属区 域办事处路途遥远,加上普遍存在的限制人员流动的安全和道路情况,拟议在选
[...] 定的队部设立新的员额,以酌情充分支持车辆维修 配水 、 废物管理及其他运输 服务专用车辆的运作。
Owing to the long distances between team sites and from team sites to their affiliated regional offices, as well as to the prevailing security and road conditions which restrict mobility of staff, it is proposed to establish additional posts at selected team sites to provide adequate
support in the area of repair and maintenance of vehicles and operation of
[...] specialized vehicles for water distribution, waste [...]
management and other
transportation services, as required.
该分计划的主要成果是:提高了对 配水 文 系 统的物理和生物过程的了解和改进了旨 在减少与水有关的冲突、危害和灾害及确定各地区气候变化和反复无常的影响的能力培养。
The major results of the subprogramme are the enhanced understanding of
the physical and biological processes
[...] that control the hydrological system and the [...]
improvement of capacity-building in order
to mitigate water-related conflicts, risks and disasters and identify the impacts of climate change and variability in various zones.
这将通过以 下几点来实现:(i)在区域和用户之间公平地 配水 资 源,并且在水资源短缺时,确定水资源分 配的优先次序;(ii)为共享有限的水资源制定规则,以及维持可持续发展所需的环境质量;(iii) 防止过度开采,保护水资源长期的可靠供应;(iv)增加新用户的同时保护现有用户,适应当地 情况的变化。
This will be achieved by (i) distributing water equitably among regions and users, and setting priorities during water scarcity; (ii) establishing rules for sharing limited water resources and maintaining environmental quality for sustainable development; (iii) protecting the long-term reliability of the resource from over-exploitation; and (iv) adapting to changes in local conditions by accommodating new users while protecting existing users.
由于不公平地配水资源 、歧视劳工以及高税 率,在被占领的叙利亚戈兰,生活状况不断恶化, [...]
这直接违背了安全理事会第 497(1981)号决议。
The deteriorating living conditions in the
occupied Syrian Golan, caused by the
[...] inequitable distribution of water resources, discrimination [...]
against workers and high rates
of taxes, were in direct contravention of Security Council resolution 497 (1981).
鉴于 2003 年是国际淡水年,因此,将请青年们讨论淡水资源管理这一公认具有现实
[...] 意义的专题,以便为确保二十一世纪全民利用水资源和均衡 配水 资 源 而制定共同的伦理原 则,并确定有关的创新性做法及有关的政策。
As 2003 is International Year of Freshwater, the highly topical issue of freshwater management will be proposed so that the young people may determine common ethical principles and identify innovative practices and the policies that could be
implemented to ensure that all people enjoy access to and
[...] equitable distribution of water resources in the twenty-first [...]
IRB 2000也适合用于配、水切割 、激光切割、物料搬运和螺柱焊接。
The IRB 2000 is also suitable for
[...] applications such as assembly, water jet cutting, laser [...]
cutting, material handling and stud welding.
為確保有關計劃對私 營機構有適當的吸引力,顧問建議政府考慮提供一些支援,以 減低有關計劃的風險,例如要求由政府直接管轄的所有政府、
[...] 機構或社區設施使用區域供冷系統服務,以及豁免就設置區域 供冷系統設施配水管道徵收地價。
In order to ensure that the project can remain reasonably attractive to the private sector, the consultant suggested that the Government should consider providing some support, for instance, by reducing the project risk through requiring all Government, Institution or Community facilities under the Government’s
direct control to subscribe to the DCS service, and by waiving the land costs for the DCS
[...] facilities and distribution pipes.
工作包括维修平均约 1 240 辆中型和轻型车配水和废 物处置车辆; 8 台重型车辆;29 [...]
The work performed included the repair and
maintenance of an average of 1,240: light and
[...] medium vehicles; water distribution and [...]
waste disposal management vehicles; 8 heavy-duty
vehicles; and 29 items of engineering equipment.
(b) 在綱領(1)項下刪減的職位,工作範疇是有關 水 及 配水 的 前線工作、後勤支 援和監督/策劃等。至於在綱領(3)項下刪減的職位,工作範疇則與處理客戶 [...]
(b) The scope of work of those posts to be deleted under Programme (1) covers frontline operation,
logistical support as well as
[...] supervision/planning related to water supply and distribution; [...]
the scope of work of those posts
to be deleted under Programme (3) covers handling of customer requests and enquiries on water account matters.
涵盖的国家将继续获得一笔综合总付款项,足以用于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案年度经常资源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方
[...] 案,特别是:鼓励在儿基会一个或多个工作领域和优先事项中取得优异业绩;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源 配水 平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond
to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden
[...] changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual [...]
应注意到输水量的增加和用水效率的 提高并不一定意味着用水量的减少;更普遍地,其意味着位 配水 渠 系 末端的用水户 现在也可以定期获得水量了,体现了用水更具公平性、更加高效,而不是减少了用水 量。
It should be noted that the increase in water delivery and use efficiency does not
necessarily imply a
[...] reduction in water use; more commonly, it means that tail-enders on the water system now [...]
get water regularly –
greater equity and efficiency, but not less water use.
数秒之内即可实现脚管延伸,三脚架水平校准 配水 平 仪 )和锁定,无需费力逐一调节每个脚管。
This permits the legs to be extended, the tripod levelled (spirit level provided) and locked in seconds without ''fiddling'' with individual leg adjustments.
一些跨国公司已经开始从发展中国家撤出,7 他们越来越多地发展了当地 的伙伴关系,8 而且,在一些国家,当地私营部门也非常活跃。9 此外,授权运
[...] 营的服务并非仅限于网络的运营; 服务的提供也可以委托给非网络服务提供 商,包配水塔经 营者、售水亭、和共享卫生设施的经营者。
Some transnational corporations have started to withdraw from developing countries,7 they are increasingly developing local partnerships,8 and, in a number of countries, local private actors are also very active.9 Moreover, delegated service provision is not limited to the operation of networks; service provision can also be delegated to
suppliers of nonnetworked services
[...] including standpipe operators, water kiosks, and operators [...]
of shared sanitation facilities.
在被占领的叙利亚戈兰地区,报告中概述的侵 犯人权现象涉及非法定居点、不公平地 配水 资 源 、 获取基本服务以及有限的当地就业机会。
In the occupied Syrian Golan, violations outlined in the report had to do
with illegal settlements, the
[...] inequitable distribution of water resources, access [...]
to essential services and limited local employment opportunities.
然而,低收入国家分配额在假想 1 和 2 最接近 85%,因
此,与假想 5 比较,假想 1 和 2 更有可能在实施模式后出现以下情况:在 2012 年 8 月新的(2011
[...] 年)人均国民总收入和人口数据公布后,TRAC-1 分配水平下降 低于执行局同意的 85%低收入国家 [...]
TRAC-1 分配份额。
Nevertheless, as the allocation to LICs in scenarios 1 and 2 is closest to 85 percent, there is a greater risk that adoption of the models, in conjunction with new (2011) GNI per capita and population
data available in August 2012, would
[...] result in TRAC-1 allocation levels below the Executive [...]
Board-agreed LIC TRAC-1 allocation
share of 85 percent, under scenarios 1 and 2 than under scenario 5.
澳大利亚与中国或许存在着很多差异,但是,双方间依旧拥有部分重要的共通性:我们都面临 水 与 配水 的 问 题,我们的发展都严重依赖 于对煤炭的使用,以及我们都致力于深刻理解并应对重大的国际问题(比如气候变化与粮食安全问题)。
Although Australia and China may differ in many
respects, we also have some important
[...] common links: our water supply and distribution issues, [...]
our heavy reliance on coal to fuel
growth and our commitment to understand and confront global issues of importance, such as climate change and food security.
确保向全体人民公平配水和食 物,尤其是在干旱时期(西班 牙)
Ensure the
[...] equitable distribution of water and food to the entire [...]
population, especially during times of drought (Spain)
面对众多的需求、现实的难题以及可选措施的多样性,GF将其主要资助方向确定在五大重点领域:采水、 水 、 储 水 、 配水 以 及 重建支持。
Taking into account different needs, difficult conditions, and the variety of possible measures, Georg Fischer concentrates its efforts on five focus areas: extracting water, transporting water, storing water, distributing water, and aiding reconstruction.
这些测试台能提供灵活有效而可控的工作状态以确定不同工作状态下 配水 平 激 励。
As well as TE, radiated noise and other critical NVH characteristics, these test stands provide flexible, efficient and controlled operating conditions to determine the assembly level excitations during various operating conditions.
在本分析中,此一TRAC-1 最低配水平适用于人均国民总收入低 于 6 550 美元的国家;在基于国民总收入的现行收入资格标准选项下,该数额是 [...]
In this analysis, the same
[...] TRAC-1 minimum allocation level is applied to [...]
countries with GNI per capita below $6,550, the
current notional eligibility threshold under the existing GNI income-based eligibility option.
由于水处理工艺中混凝及过滤系统可有效地移除 完整藻细胞,以及藻细胞体内的毒素;但是杀藻剂会使细胞内毒素释出,这些藻类毒素可能会 贯穿整个水处理工艺,进入配水系 统 中。
When the cells die, the chlorophyll is rapidly bleached by sunlight, while the blue phycobiliprotein pigment (called phycocyanin) persists.
常规釜的使用压力为10Mpa,搅拌转速0~1500r/min可调,工作温度300℃,主体接触物料材料为1Gr18Ni9Ti不锈钢,搅拌桨叶的形式为推进式,电机为普通直流电机;常规釜盖开口:气相口配针形阀,液相口配针形阀及釜内插底管,固体加料口配丝堵,测控温口配铂电阻,压力表安全爆破口配压力表及安全防爆装置,釜内冷却盘管进、出 配水 咀 ; 如果用户在釜盖、釜体开口、内部结构、压力高低、搅拌桨叶、及增加其它附助装置(如冷凝回流装置、恒压加料罐、接收装置、冷凝器等)等有特殊要求,可完全安用户的要求加工制造。
Normal reactor using pressure 10Mpa, stirring rotate speed 0~1500r/min adjustable, working temperature 300℃, main contact material 1Gr18Ni9Ti stainless steel, push type stirring blade, ordinary DC motor; normal reactor hatch: gas hatch match of needle valve, liquid hatch equipped with needle valve and pipe inserted reactor bottom, solid charging hatch equipped with screw plug, platinum resistance for temperature testing and control hatch, pressure meter and secure explosion-proof equipment for pressure meter safe blasting hatch, water nozzle for inside and outside entrance in reactor.
此外,GF管路系统还可为化学处理行业提供利于节能的管路产品,为微电子行业提供高纯度无污染 配水 系 统 ,同时也可为光伏行业提供完整的塑料管路解决方案。
GF Piping Systems develops energy-saving products for the chemical process industry, high-purity distribution systems for microelectronics and total plastic solutions for photovoltaics.
此配方並不防水,所以不能如其他長效或 水配 方 一 樣持久,但比較不油膩。
This is not a waterproof formula, so it doesn't last as long as waterproof or long duration formulas, and is less [...]
市场上出现了新水配方, 并且绘图仪技术领域采用各种各样的 颜料规格以改善色域,芬欧蓝泰标签建议对最新颜料墨水的打印质量 [...]
Due to new ink formulations entering the market, [...]
and the variety of pigment sizes employed by plotter technology to improve
colour gamut, UPM Raflatac recommends pre-tests for print quality with the latest pigments inks.
这款多功能去屑洗水配方中 加入了Sulfochem™ B-298K混合表面活性剂,这是一种表面活性剂浓缩液,经优化可提升发泡和粘度性能,同时还能为含锌的洗 水配 方 增 添雅致的珠光效果。
This multifunctional anti-dandruff shampoo is formulated with Sulfochem™ B-298K Surfactant Blend which is a surfactant concentrate that has been optimized for foaming and viscosity building performance, while imparting an elegant pearlescence to shampoos formulated with zinc.
Max Factor進一步提升經典魅力,重新注入時尚型格新包裝,再配合獨特的豐盈捲翹及極致 水配 方 , 全方位展現惹人注目的300%濃密美睫,讓美眸在徐徐眨動的瞬間,電力不經意透過每根美睫無盡釋放。
To further enhance the classic charm, Max Factor re-injected into the stylish fashion new
packaging, coupled with the unique abundance of curling
[...] and ultimate waterproof formula, to show [...]
dramatic 300% thick eyelashes.




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