

单词 配有

External sources (not reviewed)

同样,对配有阀座 O 形圈的型号,每次卸下歧 管时更换 O 形圈。
Also, on models with seat o-rings, replace the o-rings every time the manifold is removed.
格陵兰语是议配有同声传译与丹麦 语互译的主要语言。
Greenlandic is the primary language of parliament with simultaneous interpretation to or from Danish.
[...] 线可以手动调节或者通过控制板进行。 遥控换模车配有防撞击传感器,保证 安全。
The course can be controlled either manually or via a control panel; in the latter case, safety in
[...] motion is ensured by anti-collision [...]
必须在以下条件的基础上设计和部署维和 行动:明确、可信、可实现配有必 要 资源的任务规 定;有明确时间限定的清晰目标、相关基准、过渡及 [...]
撤离战略;在维和任务中包括早期建设和平任务的综 合性办法、对国家自主权和国家实力建设的强调;各 方为冲突达成和平解决方案的承诺;确保冲突各方及
公众了解维和行动的目标、使其认识到他们对维和行 动和任务拥有自主权的新闻战略。
The creation and deployment of peacekeeping operations
must be based on clear, credible and
[...] achievable mandates matched with the necessary [...]
resources; clear objectives with well-defined
time limits, as well as benchmarks and transition and exit strategies; an integrated approach that included early peacebuilding in peacekeeping mandates, as well as an emphasis on national ownership and national capacity development; the commitment of all parties to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict; and a public information strategy to ensure that the parties to the conflict and the population at large understood the objectives of the peacekeeping operation and perceived that they had ownership of the operation and the mandate.
主要基准将包括:(a) 建立一支训练有素、纪律严明的专 业警察队伍,这支队伍应能向公民提供安全保障并且不太容易受腐败的诱惑; (b) 监狱配有足够数量的受过充分训练的工作人员,并且囚禁人数比例应符合 国际标准;(c) 及时采取司法行动并改进案件的行政管理,从而减少时间过长的 审前羁押;(d) 通过司法救助让人们获得司法正义并下放司法权力;(e) 高级司 法委员会一类的重要机构开始工作并有效发挥职能;以及(f) 制定和实施重要立 法,包括改革《企业法》、《刑法》和《刑事诉讼法》。
Key benchmarks will include: (a) the establishment of a trained, disciplined and professional police force that would be able to provide security to the citizens and that would be less prone to the temptation of corruption; (b) prisons that are staffed by a sufficient number of adequately trained personnel and that are in compliance with international occupancy standards; (c) timely judicial proceedings and improved administrative management of cases, leading to fewer cases of prolonged pretrial detention; (d) access to justice through legal assistance and decentralization of justice; (e) key bodies, such as the Superior Council of the Judiciary becoming operational and functioning effectively; and (f) development and implementation of key legislation, including a reform of the Business Law, the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedures Code.
切换开关油配有分接开关头以及内置的切换开关芯子(最大重量约 210 kg), 图 2。
Diverter switch oil compartment with on-load tap-changer head and fitted diverter switch insert (max. approx. 210 kg), Figure 2.
决定,在本次会议的委员会委员选举中,根据《议事规则》第 15(2)条提到的特殊情况,按照
[...] 如下特殊协议,在各选举组之间 配有 关的 24 个席位:第一组:7 个;第二组:4 [...]
个;第三组:4 个;第四组:2 个;第五(a)组:5 个;第五(b)组:2 个,当然,在缔约方大会下一届常会
Decides that, for the purposes of the election of the members of the Committee at the present session, and given the special
circumstances as provided for by Rule 15.2 of the Rules of Procedure, the 24 seats will
[...] be distributed among the electoral [...]
groups in accordance
with the following exceptional arrangement: Group I (7); Group II (4); Group III (4); Group IV (2); Group V(a) (5); Group V(b) (2), it being understood that at the next ordinary session of the Conference of Parties one seat will be returned by Group I to Group IV, and one seat by group V(a) to Group V(b).
要查实您的电话是配有该规 范,请查阅 Jabra 的“兼容指南”或联系您的服务提供商了解更多信息。
To check if
[...] your phone is equipped with this profile, [...]
please check Jabra's Compatibility Guide or contact your service provider for more information.
為了讓電力公司有足夠時間調整運作方式( 例如安裝減
[...] 排設施、調整燃料策略和爭取排污交易機會) ,我們建議當排 放限額的配有任何改變( 包括因定期更新而有的改變) [...]
,當 局至少在四年前預先通知電力公司。
To provide sufficient lead time for power companies to adjust their operation (e.g. installation of emission abatement facilities, adjustment of fuel strategy and securing emissions trading
opportunities), we propose that for any
[...] change in the allocation of emission allowances, [...]
including that resulted from the
regular updating, an advance notice of no less than four years will be given.
A corded headset series designed for offices with Unified Communications platforms.
如果电压调整配有以太 网模块,则必须给设备 配 一 个 有 效 的 网络地址 (Pv4)。
If the voltage regulator is equipped with an Ethernet module, then the device must be assigned a valid network address (IPv4).
这一出色的业绩归功于对先进柴油和汽油喷射系统的市场 需求,归功配有电子 稳定程序的汽车数量不断增加,同时也 归功于诸如启动/停止系统和电动助力转向等创新产品。
It owed its good
[...] performance above all to the demand for advanced diesel and gasoline injection systems, to the increasing number of vehicles equipped with an electronic [...]
stability program,
and to innovative products such as the start-stop system and electric power steering.
(a) 对资金配有重大 改变的,应该按上文第 5(d)款所设想的事先记入下一 年度执行计划,或者作为对现有执行计划的修改,于任何一次执行委员会会 议之前八周提交,供执行委员会核准。
(a) Reallocations categorized as major changes must be documented in advance either in an annual implementation [...]
plan submitted
as foreseen in sub-paragraph 5(d) above, or as a revision to an existing annual implementation plan to be submitted eight weeks prior to any meeting of the Executive Committee, for its approval.
每个 IGEL 瘦客户机配有通用 电源线,这样无需寻找新的电源线,亦 无需配备庞大笨拙的电源变压器。
Each IGEL thin client also came with a universal power cord, eliminating the hassle of looking for new cords or tinkering with over-sized power bricks.
由于没有向参与该计划的各个组织 配有 关 负债/资产 和费用的一致、可靠依据,联合国环境规划署无法为核算目的充分可靠地确定其 [...]
在该计划的基本财务状况和业绩中所占份额,因而将该计划作为缴款固定型计划 处理;因此,财务报表不开列联合国环境规划署在养恤基金有关净负债/资产状 况中的份额。
As there is no consistent and
[...] reliable basis for allocating the related liabilities/assets [...]
and costs to individual organizations
participating in the plan, the United Nations Environment Programme is not in a position to identify its share of the underlying financial position and performance of the plan with sufficient reliability for accounting purposes, and hence has treated this plan as if it were a defined contribution plan; thus the United Nations Environment Programme’s share of the related net liability/asset position of the Pension Fund is not reflected in the financial statements.
此外,醫管局現正致力為所有健康醫護專業 ㆟員制訂㆒套㆟力指標,藉以協助醫院管理㆟預計所需的前線員工和 調 配有 關㆟ 手,以及訂定所投入資源與醫療工作量兩者之間的直接關係。
This will assist hospital managers in the planning and deployment of frontline staff, as well as to provide a direct linkage between resource input and clinical output.
(iv) 就股份選擇被適當行使的股份(「行使選擇股份」)而言,有關 股息(或獲賦予選擇權利的該部份股息)不得以現金支付,取而 代之,須基於如上所述決定的分配基準向行使選擇股份的持有 人以入帳列為繳足方式配有關類別的股份,而就此而言,董 事會應把其決定的任何部份本公司未分利潤(包括轉入任何儲 備或其他特別帳項、股份溢價帳、資本贖回儲備作為進帳的利 潤,但認購權儲備除外)撥充資本及予以運用,該筆款項按此 基準可能須用於繳足該等向行使選擇股份的 有 人 分 配 及 分派 的有關類別股份的適當股數。
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised ("the elected shares") and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders
of the elected shares
[...] on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution [...]
to and amongst the
holders of the elected shares on such basis.
金属管无法直接显示读数,因 此这种流量计配有机械 式或电子式显示器。
Because direct
[...] readings are not possible with metal tubes, these flowmeters are equipped with mechanical [...]
or electronic displays.
配有可以 回放的额 外硬件的传感器还拥有“回放”输出类型,即用于测试和培训用途的特殊展示 模式。
Sensors outfitted with extra hardware that allows [...]
replay will also have a Replay output type, which is a special demonstration
mode used for testing and training purposes.
如为垂直更换模具的注塑机,史陶比尔能够提 配有 模 具 导向系统的装 载辅助方案。
For vertical mould change, Stäubli can provide loading assistance solutions with a mould guiding system.
我敦 促双边合作伙伴支持这些中心、开发署司法和安全信托基金以及利比里亚建设和 平方案,以提高该国安全和法治部门的效力和问责,重点是机构监督和管理,以 及关键的后勤支持和装备,尤其是要确保利比里亚国家警察在选举 配有 足 够的 装备。
I urge bilateral partners to support the hubs, the UNDP Justice and Security Trust Fund and the Liberia Peacebuilding Programme to promote increased effectiveness and accountability of the country’s security and rule of law sectors, with a focus on institutional oversight and management, as well as critical logistical
support and equipment, in particular
[...] to ensure that the Liberia National Police are adequately equipped before the elections.
SSV 系列系 统配有集成 式流动回路来保证一致的出口流量以及快速, 有 效的冲洗。
The SSV series system also features an integrated flow loop that provides consistent outlet flow and ensures fast and efficient purging.
专门 为非物质遗产出版了《国际博物馆》双期合刊, 配有 一 份关于《宣布》情况的只读光盘。
A double issue of Museum International devoted to the intangible heritage was published, accompanied by a CD-ROM concerning the “Proclamations”.
2013.01最新版本! IT2丰田和雷克萨斯:2012.12
IT2丰田和雷克萨斯:2013.01 IT2铃木:2013.01 与铃木丰田智能Tester2 IT2
[...] 最新版本:v2012.01,但只有英语现在,配有三个 卡包,2013年铃木,丰田2013年和2012年丰田卡 [...]
丰田语言: 英语,法语,德语,意大利语,西班牙语,中文
铃木语言: 英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语,中文,瑞典,斯洛伐克,葡萄牙,波兰,挪威,匈牙利,希腊,Indonesisch,俄罗斯,土耳其 诊断测试仪-2,丰田和铃木 说明: (2000年后)丰田和雷克萨斯的所有类型包括读码,清码,数据流,动作测试和防范盗窃初始化功能。
IT2 toyota and lexus : 2012.12 IT2 toyota and lexus : 2013.01 IT2 suzuki : 2013.01 Toyota Intelligent Tester2 IT2 With Suzuki Newest
version: v2012.01, but only English
[...] available now, it come with three Cards with [...]
the package ,2013 Suzuki,2013 toyota and
2012 toyota card Toyota Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Suzuki Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Swedish, Slovak, Portuguese, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Greek, Indonesisch, Russian, Turkish Diagnostic Tester-2 for Toyota and Suzuki Description: All type of Toyota(made after 2000) and Lexus included read code, clear code, data flow, action testing and guard against theft initialization function.
從SEVVA提供的精緻甜食引伸,餅店內多款蛋糕造型均充滿藝術美感,亦各 配有 獨 特的名字:例如以「Butterfly Kisses」作名稱,蛋糕內有多層雪芳蛋糕及鮮果,表面則綴以手製糖霜蝴蝶裝飾;「Madame [...]
of a Geisha」是一款充滿紅豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴手指餅乾的嚐味小品;「Sunshine」則為檸檬罌粟籽雪芳蛋糕配酸甜的柑橘類凝乳,感覺清新。
An extension of its offering at Sevva, the
cakes are mini art
[...] pieces of their own and each named individually, such as Butterfly Kisses (layers of [...]
chiffon cake with fresh
fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate, with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), Sunshine (lemon and poppy seed chiffon cake with sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake with orange cream).
专家组还注意到,国家警配有突击步枪等,中央后备 警配有突击步枪和 12.5 毫米重机枪等,他们持有的物资可能被反叛团体缴获, 用于在达尔富尔的武装冲突。
The Panel also notes that the materiel held by the national police, who are equipped with assault [...]
rifles, and CRP, which is equipped with assault rifles and
12.5 mm heavy machine guns, may be captured by rebel groups and, therewith, can become part of the materiel used in armed conflict in Darfur.
於2012年獲《福布斯旅遊指南》選為「十大最令人期待的新開業酒店」之一的廣州文華東方,提供奢華住宿,擁有233間客房和30間套房,及24間可享受奢華服務的公寓,配備滿足賓客要求的娛樂設施,包括文華東方水療中心、豐富的餐飲選擇及實施齊全 配有 戶 外 溫控泳池的健身中心。
Selected by Forbes Travel Guide in 2012 as one of “The 10 Most Anticipated Hotel Openings”, the hotel features luxurious accommodation, including 233 rooms and 30 suites and 24 serviced apartments, with guest-centred entertainment systems, a Spa at Mandarin
Oriental, an exciting
[...] range of dining options and a comprehensive fitness centre with an outdoor temperature [...]
controlled swimming pool.
生殖健康在卫生行业战略(SSS)中占重要地位:艾滋病毒/艾滋病国家战略 计划(2000-2005 年)配有一个 妇女艾滋病毒/艾滋病部门,于 2007 年 3 月通过,由 妇女和家庭促进部落实。
Reproductive health is viewed as a Health Sector Strategy (SSS) priority: the National Strategic Plan against HIV/AIDS, 2000-2005, was followed by an HIV/AIDS component concerning women.
因为没有可靠的数据,国家规划受到了影响,这也阻碍了有效的政策制定 和资源配,有针对 性的干预行动在预防和打击暴力侵害儿童行为方面的效果也 十分有限。
Without reliable data, national planning is compromised, effective policymaking and resource mobilization are hampered and targeted interventions limited in their ability to prevent and combat violence against children.




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