

单词 配方奶

See also:


cooking recipe
completing the square (solve quadratic equation, math)


milk n
breast n

奶奶 n

grandmother n
grandma n

External sources (not reviewed)

營養標籤制度並不適用於嬰配方奶 粉 、 嬰兒及幼兒食物,以及供特殊 膳食之用的其他食物。
The nutrition labelling scheme also does not apply to infant formula, food for infants and young children and other food for special dietary uses.
此外,在擬供嬰幼兒食用配方奶產品 和食品的標籤上提供營養資料亦十分重要,因為這有助家長作出 有依據的食物選擇。
To assist parents to make informed food choices, it is also important to provide nutrition information on labels of formula products and foods intended for infants and young children.
由於缺乏碘有 可能影響甲狀腺功能,繼而可能會令嬰兒的腦部發育受影響, 調查結果引起公眾廣泛關配方奶產 品的安全及規管。
As iodine deficiency may affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which may in turn affect the brain development of infants, the survey results have aroused wide public concern over the safety and regulation of formula products.
由2010年 7月起,《食物 及藥物(成分組合及標籤)規例》(第 132W章 )已為預先包裝食物引 入強制性的營養資料標籤制度,當中包括規管有誤導或欺詐成 分的標籤和聲稱,但該規例並不適用於擬供不足36個月大的嬰 幼兒食用配方奶產品及食品,原因是上述人士有特別的營養 需要,以及食品法典委員會所公布的指引就上述類別食物的營 養標籤另有規定。
The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (Cap. 132W) has introduced a mandatory nutrition labelling scheme for prepackaged foods since July 2010 to, inter alia, regulate misleading or deceptive labels and claims, but it does not apply to formula or food products intended to be consumed by infants and young children under the age of 36 months due to their special nutritional requirements and the separated requirements on nutrition labelling for the above types of food stated in the guidelines published by Codex.
[...] 風險評估研究旨在檢測各種據報由於使用了含鋁食物添加劑以致鋁含量偏高的食品的 鋁含量,評估香港市民可能從食物攝入鋁的情況,並探討本地豆奶粉包括嬰兒 奶配方 奶粉含鋁的情形。
said that the RA study aimed at examining the levels of Al in various food products which had been reported to contain high level of Al due to the use of Al-containing food additives, estimating the potential dietary exposure to Al of the
population in Hong Kong and examining the local situation of Al
[...] content in soya milk powder including soya-based formula.
政府建議修訂《食物及藥物(成分組合及標籤)規例》(第 132W 章 ),在法例中訂明嬰配方奶的營養成分組合規定,以及 嬰配方奶和擬供 36 個月以下嬰幼兒食用的較大嬰 配方奶和 食品的營養標籤規定。
This paper sets out the Government’s proposals to amend the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (Cap. 132W) to prescribe nutritional composition for infant formula and nutrition labelling for infant formula, follow-up formula and foods intended for infants and young children under the age of 36 months.
如果有人不遵守乳品原料出口条例,从新西兰邮寄或装运婴 配方奶 粉 ,那么他们是 在受管控的出口供应链之外从事非法经营。
If anyone posts
[...] or ships infant formula from New Zealand [...]
without following the regulations for exporting dairy material,
then they are operating unlawfully and outside the regulated export supply chain.
委員察悉,本港市面上絕大部分擬供嬰幼兒食用 配方 奶產品和食品均是由外地進口,他們關注到這些產品能否符合 立法建議所提出的營養成分組合及標籤規定。
Noting that most formula products and foods intended for infants and young children available on the local market were imported from overseas, members were concerned as to whether these products could meet the proposed nutritional composition and labelling requirements as set out in the legislative proposals.
不過,一名業界人士關注, 規定嬰配方奶的標籤須遵從“1+33”的規定,而非按食品法典委 員會標準(CODEX STAN 72-1981)的規定標示能量值和 29 種營養 素的含量(“1+29”),可能會造成貿易壁壘。
Nonetheless, a trader expressed concern that the requirement of “1+33” for infant formula as compared to the energy and 29 nutrients (“1+29”) requirement specified in Codex STAN 72-1981 might constitute a possible trade barrier.
该观察员指出,标准化组织正与美国官方分析化学家协会就有关婴 配方奶 粉和 幼儿和儿童食品分析方法的工作开展合作。
The Observer indicated that ISO was cooperating with AOAC concerning work on methods of analysis for infant formula and foods for infant and children.
此 外,業界人士認為可供即時食用 配方奶 也 應 獲得豁免遵從營養 標籤規定,理由是這些產品(i)目前並未在零售市場發售,僅在醫 院供應;(ii)個配方奶的容 器一般比較細小,以致難以用清楚可 閱的字體大小標示所有規定的營養資料。
In addition, traders also suggested that ready-to-feed (RTF) formula be exempted from nutrition labelling requirements as these products are (i) currently not for sale in the retail market and are only available in hospitals; (ii) the size of each individual RTF container is usually small which makes it nearly impossible to label all required nutrition information in a legible font size.
大部分業界人士認為政府應採納食品法典委員會的《嬰 兒配方及特殊醫用嬰兒配方食品標準》(CODEX STAN 72-1981) 所載的最高指導水平3
[...] 的概念,以作為指引,但不應將嬰 配方奶 的營 養素含量最高指導水平設定為法定含量上限。
Most traders suggested that the Administration should adopt the concept of Guidance Upper Levels3 (GULs) as in the Codex Standard on Infant Formula and Formulae for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants (Codex STAN 72-1981)
for guidance purpose and that GULs should not be set
[...] as the statutory upper limit of nutrient [...]
contents in infant formula.
業界人士和市民普遍支持規管嬰 配方奶 營 養 成分組 合的建議。
Traders and members of the public generally supported the proposal on regulating the nutritional composition of infant formula.
至於業界建議(上文第 11 段 )特殊醫配方奶應獲豁免 遵從一般嬰配方奶的營 養成分組合規定,或獲准偏離該規定, 我們現正研究這項議題,看看有否理據支持豁免遵守有關規定。
With regard to the trade’s suggestion (paragraph 11 above) to exempt formula for special medical purposes intended for infants (FSMP) or allow FSMP to deviate from the nutritional composition requirement, we are looking into this issue to see whether there are grounds for exemption.
该项决议还促请成员国政府与包括厂家在内的有关实体密切合作, 继续减少婴幼配方奶粉中 包括阪崎肠杆菌在内的病原体污染。
The Resolution also urged Member Governments to work closely with relevant entities, including
manufacturers, to continue to reduce the contamination of pathogens, including
[...] Enterobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula.
(b) “較大嬰配方奶”指 以牛奶或其他動物的奶及∕或動 物及∕或植物源的其他成分而配製的食品,並擬作為 6 個月以上嬰兒和 36 個月以下幼兒斷奶期膳食的液體部 分的食物,包括作特殊醫療用途的較大嬰 配方奶。
(b)“follow-up formula" means a food prepared from the milk of cows or other animals and/or other constituents of animal and/or plant origin and is intended for use as a liquid part of the weaning diet for the infant from the 6th month on and for young children up to age of 36 months, including those for special [...]
medical purposes.
擬供嬰幼兒食用的嬰配方奶、較 大嬰 配方奶 和 食 品的營養標 籤
Nutrition labelling of infant formula, follow up formula and foods intended for infants and young children
為了 客觀評估本地市面配方粉的短缺程度,這些委員要求政府當局提供統計
[...] 數字,說明本地嬰幼兒食用配方粉的數量、個別牌子的進口量,以及各 型配方奶在零售層面的短缺情況。
To assess objectively the extent of shortage of powdered formula in the local market, these members have requested the Administration to provide statistics on the local consumption of infants and young children of powdered
formula, import quantity of individual brands and the shortage of each
[...] type of these formula products at the retail level.
MPI 正努力确保涉足从新西兰出口婴 配方奶 粉 的任何人都了解有关此类贸易的规 则。
MPI is working to ensure anyone involved in exporting infant formula from New Zealand understands the rules around such trade.
(a) 已開始餵養補充食品的嬰幼兒不再單獨依 配方奶或 上述的嬰幼兒食品以攝取營養素
(a) infants and young children who have begun
complementary feeding are no longer
[...] solely dependent on milk formulae or the abovementioned [...]
foods for infants and young children for nutrients
基於以上種種情況,帳委會認為食物及衞生局局長在考慮引入適 當的法例或規例,以規管在香港出售的嬰兒及特殊膳食食物的營養成
[...] 分及標籤方面,進展極為緩慢,而在規管嬰兒及較大嬰 配方奶 粉的 各個方面,香港也比很多國家落後。
Against the above background, the PAC considers that the Secretary for Food and Health has been inordinately slow in considering the introduction of appropriate ordinances or regulations to govern nutritional composition and labelling of infant and special dietary foods marketed in Hong Kong,
and that Hong Kong is lagging behind many countries in regulating the various
[...] aspects of infant and follow-up formulae.
乳清蛋白被广泛应用于各种食品中,包括冰淇淋,面包和婴幼 配方奶 粉。
Whey protein is used in a variety of foods, including ice
[...] cream, bread and infant formula.
自2007 年以来,全国防治艾滋病方案(PNLS)
[...] 对艾滋病毒呈阳性的孕妇进 行监测;这是粮食计划署( 以食品形式) 和全球基金支持下的防治艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、结核和疟疾的活动,资助婴 配方奶 粉 分 配。
HIV-positive pregnant women have been monitored by the National Programme for Combating AIDS (PNLS) since 2007, an activity carried out with the support of WFP in the form of
food and the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis
[...] and Malaria, which finances the distribution of infant formulas.
这项决议敦 促成员国政府确保使护理者了解婴幼 配方奶 粉 可能包含致病微生物,必须适当制 作和使用婴幼配方奶粉以 便尽量减少危险性;如有可能通过在包装上明确警告来 传达这一信息。
The Resolution urged Member Governments to
ensure that caregivers
[...] were informed that powdered infant formula may contain pathogenic microorganisms and that powdered infant formula must [...]
be prepared and used appropriately so as to minimize risks; and, where applicable that this information is conveyed through
an explicit warning on the packaging.
[...] 和D3、维生素E-50、KI 5%、K1 5%等,这些新配方都是干混饮料和婴 配方奶 粉 的 理想原料。
Single Vitamins in CWS ( cold water suspension) forms such as
Vitamin D2 & D3, E acetate 50, KI 5%, K1
[...] 5% these new formulations are ideal for [...]
dry blend beverage and infant formula.
在中国,官方数据显示,故意在不同食品中加入三聚氰胺,特别是牛奶和婴配方奶,造 成6个孩子死亡和29.4万人生病。
In China, official figures indicate that 6 babies died
and 294 000 were made sick from intentional addition of melamine to various
[...] foodstuffs, mainly milk and infant formulas.
主席提醒委員,事務委員會與衞生事務委 員會的聯席會議定於2012年 11月 20日 ( 星期四) 舉 行,以聽取團體對規管嬰幼配方奶 粉 產 品及食品 的意見。
The Chairman reminded members that a joint meeting with the Panel on Health Services was scheduled for Thursday, 20 November 2012 to receive views from deputations on the regulation of formula products and foods for infants and young children.
本文件旨在概述食物安全及環境衞生事務委員會(下稱 "事務委員會")委員就香港擬供36個月以下嬰幼兒食用 配方奶 產品和食品的立法建議提出的關注。
This paper summarizes the concerns of the members of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene ("the Panel") on the legislative proposals relating to formula products and foods intended for infants and young children under the age of 36 months in Hong Kong.
消費者委員會認為也應採納食品法典委員會就擬供 36 個月以下嬰幼兒食用的較大嬰 配方奶 和 食 品訂立的營養成分組 合規定。
The Consumer Council is of the view that Codex requirements for nutritional composition of follow-up formula and foods intended for infants and young children under the age of 36 months should also be followed.
(二 ) 鑒於在社會福利署資助的短期食物援助服務計劃下,推行計 劃的非政府機構為服務對象提供包括嬰 配方奶 粉 的 短期 食物援助,政府有否評估上述的本港嬰 配方奶 粉 供 應短缺 情況,對於向該等服務使用者提供嬰 配方奶 粉 有 何影響; 若有進行評估,詳情為何(包括在2008年至2010年 期 間,受 影 響的服務使用者數目及向他們提供的援助)
(b) given that under the short-term food assistance projects funded by the Social Welfare
Department, non-governmental
[...] organizations which implement the projects provide short-term food assistance including baby formula for target service users, whether the Government has assessed the impact of the aforesaid shortage in the supply of baby formula in Hong Kong on the provision of baby formula to such service users; if an assessment [...]
has been made, of
the details (including the number of service users affected and the assistance provided to them between 2008 and 2010)




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