

单词 酉阳土家族苗族自治县

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而黃維則堂的代表,甚至可以歪曲事 實,指孫酉先生 的案件是由於證據不足而作庭外和解呢?
How can the representatives of the WWTT distort the facts by fabricating that the case of SUEN Sun-yau was settled out of court due to insufficient evidence?
九八五至八八年有孫酉先生 的個案,不過最後 土 ㆞ 審裁 處表示如黃維則堂土㆞㆖ 有權益可向法庭申請時,該堂拒絕了。
Nevertheless, when the Lands Tribunal finally ruled that if the Tong could make an application to the court if it had any interest in the land, the Tong refused [...]
to do so.
[...] (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金县 政 府 (2002 年)、云南迪庆族自治州) 以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities
(Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government
[...] (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National [...]
Commission for UNESCO.
草地,辽阔的牧场,顶点,暴露岩石,岩石裂缝山坡上,在高山的山坡上的距骨; 3300-4300米云南西北部(Lijiang纳西族Zu 自治县 , 中 甸县)。
Grasslands, broad pastures, summits, exposed
rocks, rock crevices on slopes, talus on alpine slopes; 3300-4300 m. NW
[...] Yunnan (Lijiang Naxi Zu Zizhixian, Zhongdian Xian).
县的自治政府也必须制订本地反 家 庭 暴 力的方 案,并成立跨部门工作队,确保更有效地采取支助家暴受害者的步骤。
Municipal and poviat self-governments are obligated to develop local [...]
programmes of counteracting domestic violence and to
set up interdisciplinary teams to ensure that steps taken for the sake of victims of domestic violence are more effective.
我们认识到需要有一个公平、透明、平等和有效的框架,以分享 关于H5N1 病毒和其他有可能在人类中流行的流感病毒的信息,以及共享利 益,其中包括及时向需要者,尤其是发展中 家 的 需 要者提供和分配负担得 起的诊断治疗,包括苗。
We recognize the need for a fair, transparent, equitable and efficient framework for the sharing of H5N1 and other influenza viruses with human pandemic potential, and for the sharing of benefits, including access to and
distribution of affordable
[...] diagnostics and treatments, including vaccines, to those in need, especially in developing countries, in a timely manner.
自治区、自治州、自县的人民代表大会常务委员会中应当有实行区自 治的民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。
The administrative head of an
[...] autonomous region, prefecture or county shall be a citizen of the nationality, or of one of the nationalities, exercising regional autonomy in the region [...]
因此, 自 由 黨 不 贊 成 放 寬 對 豬 場 的 監管, 並且認為為了防 止日本腦 炎 病 毒 的 傳播, 除了要為 豬 隻 注 射 預防苗之外, 更 應自 願形 式 , 由 政 府出錢 向 豬 農 購 回 牌 照 , 以 進 一 步 減 低 日本腦 炎 成 為 香 港土 病 的 機 會 。
The Liberal Party is, therefore, not in favour of relaxing the supervision and control over piggeries; and we hold that in order to
prevent the spread of JE,
[...] the Government should, in addition to vaccinating pigs, buy back licences from pig farmers on a voluntary basis so as to further reduce the chances of JE becoming an endemic disease.
该中心在运营头几年的活动中, 促进了与肯尼亚和卢旺达的乳品技术交流,支持了关于 阳 能 和风能的第六届中 国新能源国际论坛,自 16 个南方家的与会者参加了会议,并建立了中国-肯 尼亚太阳能光伏发电系统示范项目,以及一个惠及肯尼亚 300 个家庭的太阳能热 水系统。
Among the activities in its first years of operations, it has promoted exchanges in dairy technology with Kenya and
Rwanda, supported the
[...] sixth China New Energy International Forum on solar and wind energy with participants from 16 southern countries, and established a Sino-Kenyan demonstration project on a solar photovoltaic system and a solar water heating system benefiting 300 households in Kenya.
首先,在政府向長洲業主孫酉先生作出收㆞賠償事件㆗,高等法院 土 ㆞ 審裁 處都有正式的判決,法官的判詞亦清楚指出「孫先生有權向政府索償,如果黃維則堂 認自己有利益,也可向政府索償」。
First, in the case of land resumption compensation paid to Mr SUEN Sun-yan, formerly a sublessee on Cheung Chau Island, both the High Court and the Lands Tribunal have given official verdicts.
而且,港府官員強調, 過去㆒直未有長洲業主能成功透過法庭裁決而證明擁 土 ㆞ 的 業權,但長洲業主孫酉先生 卻曾經分別於八八年及九零年獲高等法院 土 ㆞ 審 裁處的裁決,澄清長洲業主 擁有的土㆞業權與黃維則堂無關,而黃維則堂在個別業主的土㆞㆖是沒有任何利益 的。
In addition, government officials have emphasized that there was no successful case in the past where Cheung Chau
landlords could confirm
[...] their titles to the land through court rulings. However, in the court case of Mr SUEN Sun-yau, a Cheung Chau landlord, rulings by the High Court and the Lands Tribunal were given in 1988 and 1990 respectively, which confirmed that the land titles enjoyed [...]
by Cheung Chau landlords
had nothing to do with the WWTT and that the WWTT enjoyed no interest in the land owned by individual landlords.
(b) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第一条第 3 款中提及的 保留特定自治领土,与 《联合国宪章》及联合国就“赋予殖 民地家和人民独立”通过的文件不符,其中包括,联合国大 会在 1970 年第 2625 (XXV)号决议中通过的《关于各国依〈联 合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》,其中正 式宣布,各国有义务促进实现各族 平 等权利及自决权之原 则,以迅速铲除殖民主义。
(b) The maintenance in a state of dependence of certain territories referred to in article 1 (3)
of the International
[...] Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations and the instruments adopted by the Organization on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, including the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 1970, which solemnly proclaims the duty of States to promote the realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples in order to bring [...]
a speedy end to colonialism.
在这种情况 下,阳性结 果进行初步审查的反兴奋剂组织将考虑该结果是否 治 疗 用 药豁免到期或撤销的 时间相吻合。
In such cases, the Anti-Doping Organization conducting the initial review of an adverse finding will consider whether the finding is consistent with expiry or withdrawal of the TUE.
促进、开发和帮助发展中家太阳能 乡 村电力 和能自给,同时提供资助。
Promotes, develops, and
[...] helps to fund solar rural electrification and energy self-sufficiency in developing countries.
因此, 我們的 結論是,應 該 致 力
恢復市 民 食 用 活 家 禽 的 信 心 , 令 活 家 禽 及 相 關行業的從 業員早日可 以
[...] 恢復正常的生計 , 以 及 在 做足防 疫 工 作 的基礎 上 , 應 盡 快 准 許輸入家 禽 、 雞苗、 冰 鮮 及 冷家 禽屠體 。
For these reasons, we conclude that the Government should endeavour to restore the public's confidence in consuming live poultry in order to bring as early as possible the livelihood of people engaged in the live poultry and related trades back to normal and, on the basis of taking adequate preventive
measures, expeditiously permit the
[...] importation of live poultry, day-old chicks, and chilled and frozen poultry [...]
y 开展艾滋病毒宣传方案和治疟疾的 疫 苗 接 种 活动,并为波斯尼亚和黑 塞哥维那、印度、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、约旦、科索沃、吉尔吉斯斯坦、 黎巴嫩、尼日尔、巴勒斯坦被占土 、 塞 内加尔、索马里、苏丹和也门 的残疾人捐赠设备。
Conducted an HIV-awareness
[...] programme and vaccination against malaria campaigns, and donated equipment to disabled people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, the Niger, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Senegal, Somalia, [...]
the Sudan and Yemen.
根据《国防和紧急拨款法》于 2002 财政年度授权(PL
[...] 107-117)的国务 院生物业界举措致力于对前苏联大型生物生产设施进行有针对性的转 型以及协助前武器科家转业,以加速研制药品和 苗 , 尤其 是 治 疗公 共疾病的药品和疫苗。
The Department of State’s BioIndustry Initiative, authorized in fiscal year 2002 (PL 107-117) under the Defense and Emergency Appropriations Act, is dedicated to the targeted transformation of former Soviet large-scale biological production facilities and
assisting and
[...] redirecting former weapons scientists, to accelerate drug and vaccine development, particularly [...]
for public health diseases.
(三) 鑒於除了上述計劃建議的苗外,衞生署表示個別 家 醫 生 可能 會為兒童接種其他有需自費注射的 苗 ( 包 括肺炎球菌疫苗、 流行性感冒疫苗、水痘疫苗、甲型肝炎疫苗、腦膜炎雙球菌疫苗、 日本腦炎疫苗及乙型流感嗜血桿菌疫苗),政府會否考慮在未來 3 年內將部分該等疫苗納入上述計劃;若會,將會納入何種疫苗 [...]
(c) given that the DH has indicated
[...] that apart from the vaccines recommended in the CIP, some private doctors may inoculate children with other self-financed vaccines (including [...]
vaccine, influenza vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine), whether the Government will consider including some of those vaccines in the CIP within the next three years; if it will, of the vaccines to be included and the time for implementation; if not, the reasons for that?
黃維則堂藉此機會要求取得該㆞業主孫 酉 先 生 應得 賠償額 140 餘萬元的 51%。
The Tong then took this chance to demand 51% of the compensation of $1.4 million or more due to owner of the land, Mr SUEN Sunyau.
捐赠了16个“瓦克爱心”图书馆,其中安徽省祁门县12个,广东省连南 族自治县 4 个。
Donation of 16 “WACKER HELP LIBRARY”, in which 12 in Qimen County, Anhui Province and 4 in Guangdong Province.
在此背景下,鲁丘鲁县和马西西县各 族 裔 社区之间的关系更加紧张,因难民 和境内流离失所自发返回引起土 地 竞 争以及选举筹备工作更加剧了紧张关 系。
Against this
[...] backdrop, tension among various ethnic communities in Rutshuru and Masisi territories increased and was compounded by competition for land in the context of the spontaneous return of refugees [...]
and internally displaced
persons and the preparations for the elections.
在国内和国际媒体播出的政府资助短小电视节目中,把“韦尔吉纳 阳 ”作 为这个家的象征,而《临时协议》第 7 条第 2 款明确禁止前南斯拉夫的马其顿 [...]
The use of the
[...] “Sun of Vergina” as a symbol of this country in governmentfinanced [...]
television spots broadcast in both domestic
and international media, while the Interim Accord in article 7, paragraph 2, categorically prohibits the use, in any way, of this symbol by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
据报道,制定《宗教事务条例》之前,有几个新教团体登记时没有加入中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会/中国基督教协会,包括浙江省地方新教小群教会(当地没有重要的中国基督教 自 爱 国 运动委员会/中国基督教协会社区)和吉林省的(朝 族 ) 朝 阳 教 会
These included the Local Assemblies
Protestant churches in
[...] Zhejiang Province (where no significant TSPM/CCC community exists) and the (Korean) Chaoyang Church in Jilin Province.
主席先生,我們對何承㆝議員的修訂動議並無太大的異議,因為他說的所謂「合 理賠償」,從孫酉先生 的個案來看,可以是 1 元,可以是幾萬元。
Mr President, we do not have strong objection to Mr Edward HO's amendment because, as seen in Mr SUEN Sun-yau's case, the "reasonable compensation" as suggested by Mr HO may range from one dollar to thousands of dollars.
M50 成功舉辦了 2005 上海國際服裝文化節、2005 時 尚之夜、Creative M50、法國工商會、中國傳統節日酉 中 秋論壇、 寶馬車展、諾基亞及西門子産品推廣等一系列時尚活動,因而成為蘇 州河邊獨特的人文景觀,以及上海時尚文化新地標。
M50 has successfully hosted the 2005 Fashion Shanghai, 2005 Vogue Night, Creative M50, 法國工商會、Mid-Autumn Forum on Chinese Traditional Festivals 2005, BMW Auto Show and a series of promotional activities organised by Nokia and Siemens, thereby creating a unique cultural scene on the bank of Suhe Creek.




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