

单词 鄙斥

See also:

saline marsh
(of territory) expand


blame v

External sources (not reviewed)

这种心理表现的本身是规避服务和机会的自我 斥 、 自 卑感、自 鄙 视 、 回避社 会行为,并担心暴露本人鄙视贬斥 的 状 况。
It manifests itself in self-exclusion from services or opportunities, low self-esteem, negative self-perceptions, social [...]
withdrawal, and
fear of disclosure of one‘s stigmatized status.
鄙视贬斥者发 言权必 须予以增强,并且扩大他们明确诉求其需求和权利的空间。
The voice of the stigmatized must be amplified, and their space must be broadened to clearly articulate their needs and rights.
对囚犯鄙视贬斥,致使他们的需求被置后,他们的基 本人权标准得不到满足。
The stigmatization of prisoners results in low priority given to their needs and a failure to meet basic human rights standards.
最经常鄙视贬斥的个 人是那些由于无法获得用水和卫生设施,生活和健康直接 遭受伤害的人。
Most often, stigmatized individuals are the ones whose lives and health are placed directly in jeopardy by lack of access to water and sanitation.
赋予权能是关键战略,可使那些正在蒙 鄙 视 贬 斥 的 人 们拥有抵制偏见和歧 视的空间。
Empowerment should be the key strategy, with those experiencing stigma having space to combat prejudices and discrimination.
种姓制即是显著的实例,种姓制导致了颇大部分人口鄙 视贬斥,不啻为侵犯人权的现象。
Caste systems are striking examples of systems that lead to the stigmatization of large parts of the population, potentially amounting to violations of human rights.
(d) 各项战略必须涵盖防止和解决现行的成见,以及为 鄙 视 贬 斥 者 提供 补救办法,并惩治出鄙视贬斥,犯 下侵犯人权行为的肇事者。
(d) Strategies need to cover prevention and address existing stigma, as well as provide for redress for the stigmatized and punishment for the perpetrators where stigmatization results in human rights violations.
所有相关利益攸关方, 包括个人、族群、家庭、民间社会组织、 鄙 视 贬 斥 群 体 组织、传媒和捐助方等 方方面面都有责任抵制成见并应携手配合。
All relevant stakeholders, including individuals, communities, families, civil society organizations, networks of stigmatized groups, the media and donors, among many others, have responsibilities to combat stigma and should work together.
特 别报告员在她的其它工作领域内探讨了诸多这类情况,然而,她撰写的本报告要 集中阐述的则是,由于成见形成鄙 视 贬 斥 , 酿 成了侵犯享有用水和卫生设施人 权的现象,使之得以展开详细的辨析,并判定明确适当的应对措施。
The Special Rapporteur addresses many such situations in other areas of her work, but in the present report she focuses on violations of the human rights to water and sanitation emanating from stigmatization, enabling her to conduct a detailed analysis and identify appropriate response measures.
2008 年以来,议会根据这一框架推出了若干 法律,导致对不在严格的家庭定义范围内的人的进一 鄙 视 、 排 斥 和 歧 视。
Since 2008 Parliament had initiated a number of legal acts relying on the provisions of
this Framework and consequently reinforced
[...] stigmatization, exclusion and discrimination [...]
of persons beyond the restricted concept of family definition.
编纂上述各条款的论据可转用于众多 鄙 视 贬 斥 的人 们,因为偏见和尊卑贵贱之分,是构成成见观念的核心。
The rationale of these provisions can be transferred to stigmatized groups in general, since prejudices and ideas of inferiority and superiority are central to the formation of stigma.
用以作为制定具体政策和方案的依据,拨出财力和人力资源,旨 在出台基于事实的措施,且凡有必要,即可就面临涉及用水和卫生设施方鄙视贬斥的群 体和个人,采取暂行特别措施
(iv) Serve as the basis for the design of specific policies and programmes, the allocation of financial and human resources, targeted evidence-based measures and, where needed, temporary special measures for groups and individuals facing stigma in relation to the rights to water and sanitation
(e) 各国必须设立起问责机制,并确保只要出现 鄙 视 贬 斥 造 成 的侵犯人 权现象,即可诉诸司法。
(e) States must put in place accountability mechanisms and ensure access to justice where stigmatization results in human rights violations.
(b) 为了更深刻地了解这种现象,各国必须通过广泛参与程序,就成见问 题开展综合性研究,辨明鄙视贬斥 的 人 口,并且从如何实现用水和卫生设施人 权着手,剖析成见背后的驱动因素。
(b) In order to better understand this phenomenon, States must undertake a comprehensive study on stigma, through a widely participatory process, to identify stigmatized populations, as well as to analyse the drivers of stigma in relation to the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation.
斥这种卑鄙和亵 渎谰言的事实绰绰有余,并一再提请国际社会的 关注。
There are more than sufficient
[...] facts which refute these vile and nefarious [...]
fabrications and these have repeatedly been brought
to the attention of the international community.
赋予人们权能支持他们面对、质疑和教育那些对之鄙视贬斥态度 的人,并追究国家和其它行为方对歧视和侵犯人权行为的责任。
Empowering people supports them in confronting, challenging and educating people who stigmatize them, as well as in holding the State and other actors accountable for discrimination and other human rights violations.
(a) 各国必须制订遏鄙视贬斥习俗 ,充分履行享有用水和卫生设施人权 的战略,谋划和执行推行用水和卫生设施的行动计划,并为用水和卫生设施部门 筹措资金
(a) States must tackle the practice of stigmatization in their strategies for fully realizing the rights to water and sanitation, in the elaboration and implementation of national plans of action for water and sanitation and in financing water and sanitation sectors
(c) 采取一切必要措施,具体包括针对法官、检察官、警察、社会工作 者、医务人员及其他从事与儿童证人相关工作的专业人员,以及广大社会民众,
[...] 实施提高认识方案和运动;确保不对外公开透露可导致辨明受害儿童身份的个人 信息;并且确保受害儿童不会鄙视 和 社会
(c) Take all necessary measures, including, inter alia, conducting awarenessraising programmes and campaigns, targeting professionals, including judges, prosecutors, the police, social workers, medical staff and other professionals working with child witnesses, as well as society at large, to ensure that personal information which may lead to the identification of
child victims is not disclosed publicly, and that child victims are
[...] not exposed to stigmatization and social marginalization
各国要确保可诉诸、 可承受得起问责机制及时且有效的服务。50 遭鄙视贬斥的个人往往会遇到一 系列障碍,包括实际、经济或语言障碍,无法向法庭或其它机制投诉。
States should ensure accountability mechanisms that are accessible, affordable, timely and effective.50 Stigmatized individuals are often affected by a range of barriers in accessing the courts and other mechanisms, including physical, economic or linguistic barriers.
(d) 全国人权机构以及民间社会组织应明确处置成见问题系为其工作的组 成部分;赋予鄙视贬斥的个 人申索其权利的权能;并支持各国把处置成见问题 列为其人权义务部分
(d) National human rights institutions, as well as civil society organizations, should explicitly address stigma as part of their work, empowering stigmatized individuals to claim their rights and supporting States to address stigma as part of their human rights obligations
大会第六十一届会议在本项目下敦促所有会员国 斥 任 何否认大屠杀历史 事件的言论(第 61/255 号决议)。
At its sixty-first session, under the current item, the General Assembly urged all Member States to reject any denial of the Holocaust as a historical event (resolution 61/255).
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国鄙 地 无视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
第一,有必要继续探索途径,以确保违反国际 人道主义法行为的责任人受到追究,并确保严重违 反国际人道主义法的行为继续不仅受到强 鄙 视, 而且还承担严重后果。
First, there is a need to continue exploring ways to ensure that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law are held accountable and that serious violations of international humanitarian law continue to carry not only a strong stigma but also consequences.
这就是为什么我们面临危机;不是因为缺乏资 源,而是因为资源集中在少数人手中、因为忽视我们 的环境、因为罔顾道德价值、因为人类对其他物种的 傲慢态度并且更糟糕的是因为对人命本身 鄙 夷。
This is why we are in crisis; it is not because of a lack of resources, but because of the concentration of resources in the hands of a few, because of disregard for our environment, because of the rejection of moral values, because of human arrogance towards other species and, worst of all, because of disdain for human life itself.
我们已经把在胡拉,在 Qazaz 和
Maydan(攻击大马士革的两个恐怖爆 炸),在 Dayr al-Zawr(几天前发生屠杀,武装恐怖团伙在屠杀杀害了 11 个
[...] 去上班的劳动者,而这些团伙试图将这一事件归咎于叙利亚)、阿勒颇(袭击 该市的恐怖爆炸)和叙利亚其他许多地区发生的事件是 鄙 、 野 蛮的屠杀。
We have described what happened in Hula, in Qazaz and Maydan (two terrorist explosions that hit Damascus), in Dayr al-Zawr (a massacre a few days before, in which armed terrorist groups killed 11 labourers who were going to work, and which those groups sought to blame on Syria),
Aleppo (a terrorist explosion that struck the city) and many other parts
[...] of Syria, as despicable and barbaric [...]
美利坚合众国自知难以隐瞒真相,遂炮制出种种 鄙 伎 俩 ,不让各方客观地 证实朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星的和平性质,顽固地称之为远程导弹发 [...]
射,此后蛮横无理地强求安全理事会不许朝鲜民主主义人民共和国甚至为和平目 的发射卫星。
The United States, finding it hard to conceal the truth, after hatching all
[...] sorts of dastardly tricks to prevent [...]
the peaceful nature of the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea’s satellite launch from being confirmed objectively and persistently terming it a long-range missile launch, imposed upon the Security Council its brigandish demand that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should not be allowed to launch even a satellite for peaceful purposes.
[...] 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的斥现 象 以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 [...]
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism,
discrimination and political, economic, social
[...] and cultural exclusion; and, lastly [...]
(v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form
of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
有效的措施和成功的做法有教科文组织国际文化 间和宗教间对话教席网络;利用教科文组织编制的《通史》等材料修改历史教科书;通过有
关自然资源利用的科学网络和信息管理系统,交流不同的文化背景在具体科学学科上的共同 价值观;创造性地利用媒体和信息渠道,包括广播网络,促进更好地了解其它文化和民族;
[...] 开发各种方法和统计手段,更好地了解如何促进多元化,避免文化 斥 和 边 缘化;还有各种 促进宽容的教学手段,如各种“路”的活动等。
Successful mechanisms and practices, such as UNESCO’s International Network of Chairs in intercultural and interfaith dialogue; the revision of history textbooks using, inter alia, the General Histories produced by UNESCO; the sharing of common values pertaining to specific scientific disciplines in different cultural settings through dedicated science networks and information management systems on natural resource use; the creative use of media and information channels, including broadcast networks, to promote a better knowledge of other cultures and people; the development of methodological and statistical tools to
understand better how to foster pluralism and
[...] avoid cultural exclusion and marginalization; [...]
and the various pedagogical tools
to promote tolerance such as the Roads initiative.




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