

单词 鄙人

See also:


people n
human n
man n

External sources (not reviewed)

陳天華在其《絕 命書》中寫道:鄙人志行薄弱,不能大有所作為。
CHEN Tianhua wrote in his Jue Ming Shu (literally means the Suicide Note) that: "Since I am a man of weak will and mediocre ability, I would not be able to accomplish great deeds for the country.
夫空談 救國,人多厭聞,能言鄙人者, 不知凡幾!以生而多言,或不如死 而少言之有效乎!......去絕非行,共講愛國,更臥薪嘗膽,刻苦求學, 徐以養成實力,丕興國家,則中國或可以不亡。
Most people hate to hear empty talks about saving the country, but there are plenty who speak like me.
在 2012 年 3 月 31 日西非经共体、非洲联盟和联合国联合实况调查团访问几 内亚比绍期间鄙人牵头 的代表团发现了可能会破坏选举并使该国陷入另一个不 稳定周期的一些情况。
In the course of a joint fact-finding mission of ECOWAS, the African Union and the United Nations to Guinea-Bissau on 31 March 2012, the delegation, led by my humble self, uncovered a number of disturbing developments that could jeopardize the holding of the election and plunge the country back into another cycle of instability.
种姓制即是显著的实例,种姓制导致了颇大部 人 口 遭鄙 视贬斥,不啻为侵犯人权的现象。
Caste systems are striking examples of systems that lead to the stigmatization of large parts of the population, potentially amounting to violations of human rights.
最经常鄙视贬斥的人是那 些由于无法获得用水和卫生设施,生活和健康直接 遭受伤害的人。
Most often, stigmatized individuals are the ones whose lives and health are placed directly in jeopardy by lack of access to water and sanitation.
[...] 例》時辯論到半夜三更,我相信在座的議員沒有人說過民主黨這種手法鄙,也沒有人說過他們這種手法不對。
In dealing with the District Councils Bill, our debate did not finish until the small hours. I
believe that none of the Members present
[...] had criticized this despicable ploy of the Democratic [...]
Party and none of us had uttered
a word that what they did was wrong.
赋予权能是关键战略,可使那些正在蒙 鄙 视 贬斥 的 人 们 拥有抵制偏见和歧 视的空间。
Empowerment should be the key strategy, with those experiencing stigma having space to combat prejudices and discrimination.
近 代 而言, 很 多 國家的市 民 、 選 民是鄙 視 從人,甚 至 稱 那人 為 政 客 。
This is not uncommon. In the contemporary times, the peoples and the voters of many countries often look down upon those who take part in politics.
最令人氣憤的是, 曾蔭權和他的班子鄙視長者,鄙視勞工,鄙視婦女 鄙 視 窮 人 、 鄙 視弱 勢,鄙視中小企和基層小商戶,鄙視迷你債券的苦主。
It is most infuriating that Donald TSANG and his ruling team despise the elderly; they despise workers; they despise women; they despise the poor; they despise the disadvantaged; they despise the small and medium enterprises and grass-roots business operators; and they despise victims of the minibonds.
以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国鄙 地 无视国际法,包 人 道 主 义法 人 权 法 , 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
我們尊重人的言 論自由,我鄙視、鄙視阻礙他人言 論 自由 人 士 ,特別是眼睛看不清 的人士、不能正視事物人士,這些 人 值 得大 家 鄙 視。
We despise, we despise all those who try to hinder others from exercising the freedom of speech, especially all those who are unable to discern the truth.
這個星期六將會有大遊行,我們希望市民一起走出來,反貪腐、 反對小圈子選舉,讓特區、中央政府及國際社會知道,香 人 很 鄙視 這 些作為,香港人渴望可以盡快當家作主,選出我們的特區政府。
We hope that people will come out against corruption and small-circle elections to let the SAR, the Central Government and the international community know that Hong Kong people very much despise these practices; Hong Kong people very much wish to be the masters of our own house by being able to elect our SAR Government.
编纂上述各条款的论据可转用于众多 鄙 视 贬斥 的人 们, 因为偏见和尊卑贵贱之分,是构成成见观念的核心。
The rationale of these provisions can be transferred to stigmatized groups in general, since prejudices and ideas of inferiority and superiority are central to the formation of stigma.
我向这位警察顾问的 家人、朋友和同事表示诚挚慰问,并呼吁政府将进行这一 鄙 袭 击 的行 人 绳之 以法。
I offer my sincere condolences to the family, friends and fellow service
members of the police adviser, and I call upon the Government to bring
[...] the perpetrators of the cowardly attack to justice.
这种心理表现的本身是规避服务和机会的自我排斥、自卑感、自我鄙视、回避社 会行为,并担心暴露人遭鄙视贬 斥的状况。
It manifests itself in self-exclusion from services or opportunities, low self-esteem, negative self-perceptions, social withdrawal, and fear of disclosure of one‘s stigmatized status.
(d) 全国人权机构以及民间社会组织应明确处置成见问题系为其工作的组 成部分;赋予鄙视贬斥的人申索 其权利的权能;并支持各国把处置成见问题 列为其人权义务部分
(d) National human rights institutions, as well as civil society organizations, should explicitly address stigma as part of their work, empowering stigmatized individuals to claim their rights and supporting States to address stigma as part of their human rights obligations
(b) 为了更深刻地了解这种现象,各国必须通过广泛参与程序,就成见问 题开展综合性研究,辨明鄙视贬斥 的 人 口 ,并且从如何实现用水和卫生设施人 权着手,剖析成见背后的驱动因素。
(b) In order to better understand this phenomenon, States must undertake a comprehensive study on stigma, through a widely participatory process, to identify stigmatized populations, as well as to analyse the drivers of stigma in relation to the realization of the human rights to water and sanitation.
因此,我們不要把問題扭曲,扭曲的論調是 人鄙 視 的
Therefore, we should not twist the issue around. Such twisted
[...] arguments are simply despicable.
各国要确保可诉诸、 可承受得起问责机制及时且有效的服务。50 遭鄙视贬斥的人往往会遇到一 系列障碍,包括实际、经济或语言障碍,无法向法庭或其它机制投诉。
States should ensure accountability mechanisms that are accessible, affordable, timely and effective.50 Stigmatized individuals are often affected by a range of barriers in accessing the courts and other mechanisms, including physical, economic or linguistic barriers.
我不相信任人会卑鄙到签 署一份文件归 还这些土地。
I do not believe that
[...] anyone would be despicable enough to sign [...]
a document returning these lands.
但由于他在战场上没有受伤,回到施维茨后,后半生受 人 们 的 鄙 视。
Because he had not been wounded, he was despised in Schwyz for the rest of his life.
美利坚合众国自知难以隐瞒真相,遂炮制出种种 鄙 伎 俩,不让各方客观地 证实朝鲜民主主人民共和国发射卫星的和平性质,顽固地称之为远程导弹发 射,此后蛮横无理地强求安全理事会不许朝鲜民主主义人民共和国甚至为和平目 [...]
The United States, finding it hard to conceal
[...] the truth, after hatching all sorts of dastardly tricks to prevent the peaceful nature of the [...]
Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea’s satellite launch from being confirmed objectively and persistently terming it a long-range missile launch, imposed upon the Security Council its brigandish demand that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should not be allowed to launch even a satellite for peaceful purposes.
第一,有必要继续探索途径,以确保违反国际 人道主义法行为的责人受到 追究,并确保严重违 反国人道主 义法的行为继续不仅受到强 鄙 视, 而且还承担严重后果。
First, there is a need to continue exploring ways to ensure that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law are held accountable and that serious violations of international humanitarian law continue to carry not only a strong stigma but also consequences.
这就是为什么我们面临危机;不是因为缺乏资 源,而是因为资源集中在少数人手中、因为忽视我们 的环境、因为罔顾道德价值、因为人类对其他物种的 傲慢态度并且更糟糕的是因为人命 本身 的 鄙 夷。
This is why we are in crisis; it is not because of a lack of resources, but because of the concentration of resources in the hands of a few, because of disregard for our environment, because of the rejection of moral values, because of human arrogance towards other species and, worst of all, because of disdain for human life itself.
此外,條例草案亦訂明,任何人如果基於 另一人的種族背景,而公開煽動人 仇 恨 、嚴 鄙 視 或 強烈嘲諷後者,即屬 種族中傷,而條例草案把種族中傷定為違法。
Moreover, the Bill also stipulates that racial vilification, which is unlawful under the Bill, occurs when a person publicly incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, another person on the ground of the person's racial or ethnic background.
不過,一說到醫療融資便令我很動氣,見微知著,當中有糖衣毒藥,對 於這醫療融資計劃,我不知道是否由周局長草擬,總之我覺得草擬 人 是卑 鄙的。
I would be outraged whenever I talked about health care financing. From the minor details, we already know that it is indeed a sugar-coated poison.




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