









External sources (not reviewed)

以色列在继续非法、不人道和无耻地封锁加沙地带,给困在那里的 150 万平 民造成无法计量的痛苦和创伤之外,继续这种非法的政策和做法,这进一步构成 了无可辩驳的证据,说明占领国视国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法, 而且拒绝给予巴勒斯坦人民在自己的国土上行使自决和自由这些合法的、不可分 割的和国际公认的权利。
Israel’s continuation of such illegal policies and practices, in addition to its continuing illegal, inhumane and shameful blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immeasurable suffering and trauma it is inflicting on the 1.5 million civilians imprisoned there, constitutes yet further irrefutable evidence of the occupying Power’s abject disregard for international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as its rejection of the legitimate, inalienable and internationally recognized rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their homeland.
第一,有必要继续探索途径,以确保违反国际 人道主义法行为的责任人受到追究,并确保严重违 反国际人道主义法的行为继续不仅受到强而且还承担严重后果。
First, there is a need to continue exploring ways to ensure that those responsible for violations of international humanitarian law are held accountable and that serious violations of international humanitarian law continue to carry not only a strong stigma but also consequences.
这就是为什么我们面临危机;不是因为缺乏资 源,而是因为资源集中在少数人手中、因为忽视我们 的环境、因为罔顾道德价值、因为人类对其他物种的 傲慢态度并且更糟糕的是因为对人命本身
This is why we are in crisis; it is not because of a lack of resources, but because of the concentration of resources in the hands of a few, because of disregard for our environment, because of the rejection of moral values, because of human arrogance towards other species and, worst of all, because of disdain for human life itself.
我们已经把在胡拉,在 Qazaz 和
Maydan(攻击大马士革的两个恐怖爆 炸),在 Dayr al-Zawr(几天前发生屠杀,武装恐怖团伙在屠杀杀害了 11 个
[...] 去上班的劳动者,而这些团伙试图将这一事件归咎于叙利亚)、阿勒颇(袭击 该市的恐怖爆炸)和叙利亚其他许多地区发生的事件是蛮的屠杀。
We have described what happened in Hula, in Qazaz and Maydan (two terrorist explosions that hit Damascus), in Dayr al-Zawr (a massacre a few days before, in which armed terrorist groups killed 11 labourers who were going to work, and which those groups sought to blame on Syria),
Aleppo (a terrorist explosion that struck the city) and many other parts
[...] of Syria, asdespicable and barbaric [...]
此外,为了追踪对所颁布条例和法律文书的遵循情况,提供安排有序和举措 有方的援助,并确保医务人员不会遭到歧视,艾滋病预防和治疗中心派 出专家对全国各个治疗和预防性医务设施进行巡察。
In addition, in order to keep track of observance of the regulatory and legal instruments that have been adopted, provide organizational and methodological assistance and ensure that there is no stigma or discrimination from the medical staff, specialists from AIDS prevention and treatment centres carry out inspections of the country’s curative and preventive medical facilities.
叛国集团非但没有从其境中吸取应有的教训,反而选择扩大炮击范 围,叫嚣着所谓的“复仇”和“惩罚”。
Far from drawing a due lesson from its piteous plight, the group of traitors opted to expand the shelling, crying out for so-called “retaliation” and “punishment”.
(c) 采取一切必要措施,具体包括针对法官、检察官、警察、社会工作 者、医务人员及其他从事与儿童证人相关工作的专业人员,以及广大社会民众,
[...] 实施提高认识方案和运动;确保不对外公开透露可导致辨明受害儿童身份的个人 信息;并且确保受害儿童不会社会排斥
(c) Take all necessary measures, including, inter alia, conducting awarenessraising programmes and campaigns, targeting professionals, including judges, prosecutors, the police, social workers, medical staff and other professionals working with child witnesses, as well as society at large, to ensure that personal information which may lead to the identification of
child victims is not disclosed publicly, and that child victims
[...] are not exposedto stigmatization [...]
and social marginalization
美利坚合众国自知难以隐瞒真相,遂炮制出种种,不让各方客观地 证实朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射卫星的和平性质,顽固地称之为远程导弹发 [...]
射,此后蛮横无理地强求安全理事会不许朝鲜民主主义人民共和国甚至为和平目 的发射卫星。
The United States, finding it hard to conceal the truth, after hatching all
[...] sortsof dastardly tricks toprevent [...]
the peaceful nature of the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea’s satellite launch from being confirmed objectively and persistently terming it a long-range missile launch, imposed upon the Security Council its brigandish demand that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should not be allowed to launch even a satellite for peaceful purposes.
条,该条界定文字诽谤为 “意在损坏一名自然人或法人的名誉、信誉或对真正或臆想的罪行、不 良行为或者缺陷,或者任何行为、不行为、条件、地位或状况进行公开和恶意的 诋毁。
Charges were based on article 353 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, which defines libel as “a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause dishonour, discredit or contempt of a natural or juridical person”.
除占领军及其好战分子、极端主义定居者犯下的这些暴力和之外, 占领国还在包括在东耶路撒冷及其周边地区的被占巴勒斯坦领土继续修建和扩 建非法定居点,严重违反国际法,公然无视国际社会关于在以色列 1967 年以来 占领的巴勒斯坦领土上全面停止定居点活动的呼吁。
In addition to theseacts ofviolence and depravity by the occupying forces and their militant, extremist settlers, the occupying Power also continues to construct and expand illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international law and in flagrant defiance of the international calls for a full cessation of settlement activities in the Palestinian land occupied by Israel since 1967.
以色列政府主 动提出与巴勒斯坦主席举行会谈,同时却让 El Ad 和 Ateret Cohanim 等团体继续在以色列法律——在被占
[...] 领土上实施以色列法律本来就是越权行为——掩护下 侵占巴勒斯坦土地,此举十分像是一个自己 在历史上曾经任人宰割而遭受极大痛苦的民族的所 [...]
For the latter to offer to hold talks with the Palestinian President while simultaneously allowing groups like El Ad and Ateret Cohanim to continue their usurpation of Palestinian lands under the veil of Israeli
law, the very imposition of which is ultra
[...] vires, is contemptible and not becoming [...]
of a people who themselves have historically
suffered greatly at the hands of others.
令 人难以置信的是,因大会一项决议得以生存的以色 列却如后的联合国决议。
It was incredible that Israel, which existed thanks to a General Assembly resolution, had shown so much disdain for subsequent United Nations resolutions.
特 别报告员在她的其它工作领域内探讨了诸多这类情况,然而,她撰写的本报告要 集中阐述的则是,由于成见形成斥,酿成了侵犯享有用水和卫生设施人 权的现象,使之得以展开详细的辨析,并判定明确适当的应对措施。
The Special Rapporteur addresses many such situations in other areas of her work, but in the present report she focuses on violations of the human rights to water and sanitation emanating from stigmatization, enabling her to conduct a detailed analysis and identify appropriate response measures.
苏斯博士的充满想象力的世界从未像现在这样的生活的创造者,,这在视觉上壮观的冒险! 12岁的特德会尽一切努力找到一个真正的的现场Truffula树,以留下深刻的印象,他的梦想的女孩。
Twelve-year-old Ted will do anything to find a real live Truffula Tree in order to impress the girl of his dreams.
为打击贩运妇女儿童的,政府 设立了负责研究一切有关贩运人口、特别是贩运妇女 [...]
To combat the horrendous crimeof trafficking [...]
in women and children, the Government had set up a national agency to address
all issues relating to trafficking in persons, especially women and children.
347 161. 按照若干国家立法,损害善良风俗的驱逐适用于从事如下活动社团成员的外 国人:贩运人口;348 或毒品;349 损害或威胁国家或公共道德;350 犯“道德为;351 严重损害善良风俗;352 违反善良风俗行为;353 非善良风俗;354 生活于 道德败坏环境;355 不能过一种尊严生活;356 意图从事罪恶的商业剥削行为。
According to the legislation of some States, expulsion on grounds of morality may apply to an alien who is a member of an organization that engages in human trafficking348 or drugs;349 harms or threatens national or public morality;350 commits a crime of moral turpitude;351 gravely offends morals;352 engages in immoral conduct353 or is not of good moral character;354 operates in a morally inferior environment;355 is unable to lead a respectable life;356 or intends to engage in commercialized vice.357 162.
委员会还关切地指出,由于未婚先孕遭到 社众多怀孕少女辍学并且堕胎。
The Committee is also concerned that a number of pregnant teenagers drop out of the school system and turn to abortion owing to the stigma attached to unwed mothers.
From executive producer Chris Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age), and featuring the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason
Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and
[...] Julie Andrews, DespicableMe is“rousingly [...]
funny, heartfelt and imaginative” (Pete Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine).
武 士 精 神 及 气 质 的 失
[...] 落 也 招 致 平 民 对 武 士
The decline of warrior spirit and warrior ethos also incurred contempt of the commoners to the samurai. the foundation of the
[...] feudal society was shaken.
(j) 应当促使从业人员、决策者和一般公众认识到大脑功能的改变,这种 改变是强迫行为和不可控制的欲望的根源,而强迫行为和不可控制的欲望又说 明了为什么药物依赖是一种疾病,并认识忽视和偏见始终存在,并对 吸毒者、其家庭和社区造成不利影响
(j) Practitioners, policymakers and the general public should be made aware of the changes in brain functions that were at the root of compulsive behaviour and uncontrollable cravings, which, in turn, explained why drug dependence was a health disorder, and of the fact that stigma, ignorance and prejudice persisted and had adverse consequences for drug users, their families and the community
Thus the three upper castes alone had the right to know the Vedas and to take part in the sacrifices, and Brahminism, far from
being a religion open to all, was exclusively a privilege of birth,
[...] from which the despised casteof Sudras [...]
was excluded.
年颁布的《防止渗透法》所述,移徙工人出于其原籍国原因会因 为根据该法,非同寻常的寻求庇护者自进入以色列国境之后就可能会遭到至少三 年的监禁,而来自“敌对国”的寻求庇护者则可能被判处终身监禁。
The Committee is, however, concerned at the stigmatization of migrant workers on the basis of their country of origin, as suggested by the enactment of the 2012 Law to Prevent Infiltration, pursuant to which irregular asylum-seekers can be imprisoned for at least three years upon entry into Israel and asylum-seekers from “enemy states” can serve life sentences (arts. 2 and 5(d) (iii) of the Convention).




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