

单词 鄂木斯克

External sources (not reviewed)

为了扩大两城市之间的合作,建立伙伴的关系, 2006 年 2 月 1 号签署鄂木斯克政府与 卡罗维发利市政府之间的意向书。
On the purpose to enlarge the collaboration between cities and establish partnership, on
10 February, 2006 the Protocol of Intention between
[...] Administration of Omsk City and City Hall [...]
of Karlovy Vary was signed.
为了建立互利伙伴贸易关鄂木斯克 市 和 布朗斯克市 2010 年 7 月 31 日签订了合作记录。
In order to establish the official relations and mutually beneficial trade and economic contacts between Omsk City and Bryansk City the Protocol on cooperation was signed on 31 July, 2010.
为了发展经济贸易合作、文化关系, 2008 年 8 月 2 号 格但斯克副总统 М ·利斯奇 吉先生鄂木斯克市长 В · Ф ·舍 雷德尔先生政务会晤后,签署了议定书。
In an effort to broaden trade-economical cooperation and to develop cultural contacts between Omsk City and Gdansk City the Protocol of the results of the
meeting of Mayor of the city of
[...] Omsk (Russian Federation) Mr. V. Shreyder with Vice-Mayor of the city of Gdansk (Republic of [...]
Poland) Mr. M. Lisicki was signed on 2 August, 2008.
鄂木斯克出血热病毒 27.
Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus 27.
鄂木斯克轮胎 ”不上市股份公司跟斯洛伐克共和国 《 斗牛士 》 的公司合作的结果,建立了合资企业——“斗牛士 鄂木斯克 轮 胎 合资企业”不上市股份公司, 1996 年 4 月 23 号签署鄂木斯克与普 霍夫市之间的关于伙伴合作关系的议定书。
As a result of mutual partnership between Slovak JS “Matador” and Russian OJSC “Omskshina” that established CJSC Joint Venture Company “Matador-Omskshina”, on 23 April, 1996 Mayors of Omsk City and Puchov (Slovak Republic) signed a Partnership and Collaboration Protocol.
2011 年 8 月 6 号 安加尔斯克市长 Л · Г ·米海罗夫 先生鄂木斯克市长 В · Ф ·舍雷德尔先生政务会晤后,签署了《关于建立两城市之间的伙伴关系、互相合作》的协议书。
On 6 August, 2011 at the meeting of Mayor of Omsk City V. Shreyder with Head of Angarsk City L. Mikhailov the Protocol on cooperation between the cities was signed.
为了在经济、社会、文化、科学、卫生和教育方面下发展伙伴的关系, 2008 年 8 月 4
[...] 号签署了《关于建立 新非罗波尔 ( 乌克兰 )鄂 木斯克(俄 国)之间的合作关系》的意向书。
With a view to establish a partnership and to develop collaboration in economical, social, cultural, scientific, public health, and educational spheres the
Protocol of Intention to set up partnership
[...] relations between Omsk City (Russian Federation) [...]
and Simferopol City (Ukraine) was signed on 4 August, 2008.
源 自 被 以 ㆘ 病原體感 染的病㆟的傳染性物料:克里米亞/ 剛果出 血熱、伊波拉、瓜 納 里 托、亨德拉、 疹 B、呼 寧 、 庫阿撒魯爾森林、 拉薩熱、 馬塞堡、 瑪堡鄂木斯克、 俄 羅斯春夏季腦炎、 薩比亞和 ㆝花病 毒 。
Infectious materials from patients with the following pathogens: Crimean/Congo haemorrhagic fever, Ebola, Guanarito, Hendra, Herpesvirus simiae (B virus), Junin, Kyasanur forest disease, Lassa fever, Machupo, Marburg, Omsk, Russian spring-summer encephalitis, Sabia and Variola viruses.
2010 年 7 月 31 号奔萨 副市长 А · В · 马卡罗夫先生鄂木斯克市长 В · Ф ·舍雷德尔先生政务会晤后,签署了《关于 鄂木斯克 同 奔 萨之间的合作议》的意向书。
As a result of the meeting of Mayor of
[...] the city of Omsk V. Shreyder with deputy head of the administration of the city of Penza A. Makarov there was the Protocol on cooperation between Omsk City and Penza [...]
City signed on 31 July, 2010.
为了扩大两城市之间的合作,建立伙伴的关系, 2011 年 8 月 6 号签署鄂木斯克政府与布拉茨克市 政府之间的意向书。
In order to broaden trade-economical cooperation and to develop cultural relations between Omsk and Bratsk cities the Protocol on cooperation was signed at the meeting of Mayor of Omsk City V. Shreyder with Mayor of Bratsk K. Klimov on 6 August, 2011.
鄂木斯克在 22 个城市之间建立了兄弟般的关系:普霍夫市(斯洛伐克共和国)、彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克、巴甫落达尔( [...]
Omsk has partners’ and friendly [...]
relations with 10 foreign cities: Puchov (Slovak Republic), Petropavlovsk and Pavlodar (Republic
of Kazakhstan), Simferopol (Ukraine), Jinju (Republic of Korea), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Kaifeng (People’s Republic of China), Gdansk, Lublin and Lodz (Poland), Gomel (Republic of Belarus), and with such Russian cities as Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Ulan-Ude, Bryansk, Penza, Gorno-Altaisk.
2008 年 8 月 2 号 罗丝第一副市长 В · А ·查所维得呢先生鄂木斯克市长 В · Ф ·舍雷德尔先生政务会晤后,签署了关 鄂木斯克与 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 两个城市之间的合作关系的议定书。
By the signing of Protocol on cooperation between Krasnoyarsk and Omsk cities finished the meeting of Omsk city Mayor V. Shreyder and the First Deputy Head of Krasnoyarsk city V. Tchasovitin.
在巴黎、卑尔根(在挪威政府的支持下)和毕尔鄂(在巴斯克地区教科文组织中心 [UNESCO ETXEA]的支持下)举办了三个讲习班。
three workshops were held, in Paris, Bergen (with the
support of the Government of Norway) and Bilbao (with support from the
[...] UNESCO Centre in the Basque region – UNESCO ETXEA).
这 7 个员额包括行政领导和管 理项下的一个 P-4 员额,在审查执行秘书办公室的结构后确定裁撤;方案支助项 下的一个 P-3 员额,该员额已在 2010-2011 两年期内调到次级方案 1(环境),分 配给新的亚太经社会驻哈克斯坦阿 拉 木 图 北 亚和中亚次区域办事处的欧洲经 委会-亚太经社会中亚经济体特别方案联合办公室;次级方案 1(环境)下的 1 个一 般事务(其他职等)员额;次级方案 2(运输)下的 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员额; 次级方案 3(统计)下的 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额;次级方案 6(贸易)下的 1 个 P-2 员额(A/66/6(Sect.20),第 20.15 段)。
These seven posts comprise one P-4 post under executive direction and management, identified for abolition following a review of the structure of the Office of the Executive Secretary; one P-3 post under programme support, which had been redeployed internally to subprogramme 1, Environment, in the biennium 2010-2011 and assigned to the Joint ECE-ESCAP Office for the Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia in the new ESCAP Subregional Office for North and Central Asia in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as well as one General Service (Other level) post under subprogramme 1, Environment; one General Service (Other level) post under subprogramme 2, Transport; two General Service (Other level) posts under subprogramme 3, Statistics; and one P-2 under subprogramme 6, Trade (A/66/6 (Sect. 20), para. 20.15).
另一种理论认为, 通斯人(即鄂温克人和 Eveny 人的祖先)在贝加尔湖东部独立驯化驯鹿,同 时在多个地方开始放牧驯鹿。
Another theory holds that Tungus (the ancestors of today’s Evenki and Eveny) domesticated reindeer independently in the east of Lake Baikal, and that instead of a single site origin, reindeer husbandry originated in multiple sites simultaneously.
五.41 秘书长提议为哈克斯坦阿拉木图北亚和中亚次区域办事处设立一个 D-1 职等的办事处主任员额,以加强这一办事处,将其作为次区域合作和国际项 目协调的重要机制;确保全面支持关于新设立的亚太经社会东亚和东北亚、北亚 和中亚、南亚和西南亚各次区域办事处的政府间特别会议确定的优先领域 (A/66/6(Sect.19),第 19.92 段)。
V.41 The Secretary-General proposes the establishment of one D-1 post of Head of Office for the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen that office as an important mechanism for subregional cooperation and the coordination of international projects; and to ensure that the priority areas identified by the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Meeting on the New ESCAP Subregional Offices for East and North-East Asia, North and Central Asia, and South and South-West Asia are fully supported (A/66/6 (Sect. 19), para. 19.92).
教科文组织的一些办事 处(阿皮亚、温得克、达 卡、内罗毕、圣多明各、阿 木 图 和 莫 斯 科 ) 开办了培训政策人 员和决策者的地区性和国家级的研习班。这些培训班以在校学习活动为主,目的在于减少对 [...]
艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的易感染性和危险,以保证综合实施国家全民教育行动计划中的预防教 育。
Several UNESCO Offices (Apia, Windhoek, Dakar, Nairobi, Santo Domingo, Almaty and Moscow) implemented [...]
regional and national workshops
for training of policy- and decision-makers on school-based activities to reduce risk and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in order to ensure the integration of preventive education in EFA national action plans.
此河总长 4248 公里,流经哈萨克斯坦和西西伯利亚西部,之后在汉特-曼 西 斯克 市 汇 入 鄂 毕 河
Over its length of 4,248 kilometers, it passes through Kazakhstan and western Siberia before its confluence with the Ob' at the city of Khanty-Mansiisk.
2013.01最新版本! IT2丰田和雷克萨斯:2012.12 IT2丰田和克萨斯:2013.01 IT2铃木:2013.01 与铃木丰田智能Tester2 IT2 最新版本:v2012.01,但只有英语现在, 它配有三个卡包,2013年铃木,丰田2013年和2012年丰田卡 丰田语言: 英语,法语,德语,意大利语,西班牙语,中文 铃木语言: 英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语,中文,瑞典,斯洛伐克,葡萄牙,波兰,挪威,匈牙利,希腊,Indonesisch,俄罗斯,土耳其 诊断测试仪-2,丰田和铃木 说明: (2000年后)丰田和克萨斯的所有类型包括读码,清码,数据流,动作测试和防范盗窃初始化功能。
IT2 toyota and lexus : 2012.12 IT2 toyota and lexus : 2013.01 IT2 suzuki : 2013.01 Toyota Intelligent Tester2 IT2 With Suzuki Newest version: v2012.01, but only English available now, it come with three Cards with the package ,2013 Suzuki,2013 toyota and 2012 toyota card Toyota Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Suzuki Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Swedish, Slovak, Portuguese, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Greek, Indonesisch, Russian, Turkish Diagnostic Tester-2 for Toyota and Suzuki Description: All type of Toyota(made after 2000) and Lexus included read code, clear code, data flow, action testing and guard against theft initialization function.
为了支持和鼓励会员国制定国家青年政策,教科文组织参加了与青年政策有关的 几次重要会议和一些工作组,它们是:欧洲委员会研讨会“给文化重新定位:关于青年中的 多样性、种族主义、性别和特性的思考”(匈牙利,布达佩斯,2003 年 6 月 10 日-15 日), 欧洲委员会青年政策指标特设工作组的所有三次会议(法国斯特拉斯堡,2002 年 12 月 13 日-14 日;匈牙利布达斯,2002 年 7 月 1 日-3 日和法斯特拉斯堡, 2003 年 3 月 26 日-27 日);国际青年政策大会(西班牙毕尔 鄂 , 20 03 年 3 月 19 日-21 日);欧洲部长会议“青 年建设欧洲”希腊塞萨洛尼基,2002 年 11 月 7 日-9 日);伊美青年部长会议(西班牙萨拉 曼卡,2002 年 10 月 21 日-22 日);联合国全球青年政策会议(芬兰赫尔辛基,2002 年 10 月 6 日-11 日)。
In order to support and encourage Member States to develop national youth policies, UNESCO participated in a few important meetings and working groups concerning youthrelated policies, namely: the Council of Europe Research Seminar “Re-situating Culture: Reflections on Diversity, Racism, Gender and Identity in the context of Youth” (Budapest, Hungary, 10-15 June, 2003); all three meetings of the Council of Europe task force on Youth Policy Indicators (Strasbourg, France, 13-14 December 2002; Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 July 2002 and Strasbourg, France, 26-27 March 2003); the International Congress on Youth Policies (Bilbao, Spain, 19-21 March 2003); the European Conference of Ministers “Youth constructing Europe” (Thessaloniki, Greece, 7-9 November 2002); the IX Ibero-American Conference of Youth Ministers (Salamanca, Spain, 21-22 October 2002); the United Nations Meeting on Global Policies for Youth (Helsinki, Finland, 6-11 October 2002).
本组织还支助了亚洲及太平洋地区 广播发展研究所(AIBD)在吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克和哈 克斯 坦 阿 拉 木 图 ( 2002 年 7 月和 2003 年 2 月)举办一系列关于中亚地区各共和国公共广播事业法律、财政和行政问题的的研 讨会;波罗的海传媒中心在丹麦哥本哈根举行的关于在阿富汗建立公共广播事业的会议 (2002 年 4 月);在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的关于传媒、暴力与社会责任问题研讨会(2002 年 11 月),和在约旦安曼举行的关于阿拉伯国家公共广播事业和民间社会问题的讲习会 (2003 年 7 月)。
Support was also given to the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) to hold a series of seminars on legal, financial and administrative aspects of PSB in Central Asian Republics, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and in Almaty, Kahzastan (July 2002 and February 2003); to the meeting on building public service broadcasting in Afghanistan organized by the Baltic Media Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark (April 2002); to the seminar on media, violence and social responsibility held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November 2002), and a workshop on PSB and civil society in the Arab States, Amman, Jordan (July 2003).
在以下机构讲学:美国加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈大学(1992年);美国俄勒冈州 (尤金)俄勒冈大学(2001年);美国纽约哥伦比亚大学(2001年);哈克 斯坦国立大学(2001年);奥地利学院(2003年);西班牙毕尔 鄂 大学(2010年);华盛顿特区天主教大学哥伦比亚法学院(2010年)。
Lectures at the University of San Diego, California, USA (1992); University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon, USA (2001);
Columbia University, New
[...] York, USA (2001); Kazakhstan State University (2001); Austrian Academy (2003); University of Bilbao, Spain (2010); Columbus [...]
School of Law,
Catholic University, Washington DC (2010).
在这方面,一位发言者强调,儿童基金会关键性地参与了 2009 年 在哈克斯坦阿拉木图举 行的关于经济危机在东欧、中亚和土耳其的社会影响的 联合国部长级会议。
In this respect, one speaker highlighted the key participation of UNICEF in the 2009 United Nations Ministerial Conference on the Social Impact of the Economic Crisis in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Turkey, which took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
耶雷米奇先生在担任外交部长期间,积极参加欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)的审议工作,参加欧安组织部长理事会会议;欧安组织外交部长非正式会议(哈 克斯 坦 阿 拉 木 图, 2010年和希腊科孚,2009年),并参加了在哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳举行的欧安组织第十一次首脑会议(2010年)。
During his term as Foreign Minister, Mr. Jeremić was actively involved with deliberations of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), participating in meetings of its Ministerial
Council; informal meetings of OSCE
[...] foreign ministers (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2010 and Corfu, [...]
Greece, 2009); and in the eleventh
OSCE Summit that took place in Astana, Kazakhstan (2010).
该处有针对性地提供援助,支持加强反恐相关刑事事项的国际合作,包括 通过:(a)12 月 12 日至 14 日在新德里举办一次分区域讲习班,南亚会员国的代 表参加了讲习班;(b)7 月 11 日至 13 日毒品和犯罪问题办公室与欧洲安全与合作 组织(欧安组织)在哈克斯坦阿拉 木 图 为中亚各国、阿富汗、伊朗伊斯兰共 和国和巴基斯坦举办一次分区域讲习班;(c)2 月 15 日至 17 日在阿尔及尔为北非 和萨赫勒国家举行一次分区域讲习班;(d)2 月 13 日至 15 日在利雅得与纳伊夫阿 拉伯安全科学大学共同举办一次分区域讲习班。
The Branch provided focused assistance to strengthen international cooperation in criminal matters related to counter-terrorism, including through (a) a regional workshop, organized in New Delhi from 12 to 14 December and attended by representatives of South Asian Member States; (b) a UNODC-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) regional workshop held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 11 to 13 July for Central Asian countries, Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Pakistan; (c) a subregional workshop for North African and Sahelian countries, held in Algiers from 15 to 17 February; and (d) a subregional workshop co-organized with the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, held in Riyadh from 13 to 15 February.
辩论由英国广播公司驻日内瓦记者 Imogen Foulkes 主持,小组成员有:挪 威拯救儿童联盟首席执行官、“重写未来”运动主席
[...] Tove Wang;2010 年教科文 组织/促进人权文化毕尔鄂奖得 主、巴 斯 坦 最高法院律师协会主席 Asma Jahangir;哥伦比亚大学非洲研究所主任、莱特纳家庭非洲研究教授 [...]
Mamadou Diouf 和理事会主席拉扎罗斯·卡潘布韦。
The debate was moderated by Imogen Foulkes, BBC correspondent in Geneva, and the panellists were: Tove Wang, Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children, Norway, and Chair of the
Rewrite the Future
[...] Campaign; Asma Jahangir, Laureate of the 2010 UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the [...]
Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights and President of the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan; Mamadou Diouf, Leitner
Family Professor of African Studies and Director of the Institute for African Studies, Columbia University; and Lazarous Kapambwe, President of the Council.
由于本国60% 以上的人口居住在城市,首都乌兰巴托以及达尔汗乌拉省鄂尔浑省、木仑市 和乔巴山市的空气和土壤污染及缺乏绿化带的问题将为居民健 康带来负面影响。
Since over 60 percent of the total population of the country is residing in urban areas, air and soil pollution and lack of green zones in the capital city Ulaanbaatar as well as in Darkhan-Uul and Orkhon aimags, Murun and Choibalsan cities are to entail adverse affect to residents’ health.
同时,值得一提的是,摩尔多瓦共和国积极派代表出席了 2007 年 5 月 20 日在哈克斯坦阿拉木图召 开的高级别会议:“国家发展战略和预算计划所体现 的两性平等和人权” (会议最后签署了关于外部援助效率的《促进哈纳高级别论坛 (2008 年)宣言》)以及 2007 年 12 月 6 至 7 日期间由欧洲委员会组织的高级别会 议:“对受暴力侵害的妇女的社会支助服务”。
In the meantime, it is worthwhile mentioning the active representation of the Republic of Moldova within the High Level Conferences: “Gender Equality and human rights reflected in the national development strategies and budgetary plans”, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 20 May 2007, meeting which resulted with the signature of the Declaration as Contribution for the High Level Forum in Hana (2008) on the efficiency of external assistance; “Services of social support of women victims of violence”, organised by the Council of Europe in the period of 6–7 December 2007.




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