

单词 部首

部首 ()

the key or radical by which a character is arranged in a
traditional Chinese dictionary



dictionary arrangement of Chinese characters under radicals

External sources (not reviewed)

我 們 在 現 階 段 未
[...] 能 準 確 評 估 完 成 勘 察部 首 輪 取 締 目 標 所 需 要 的 時 [...]
間 , 以 及 整 個 執 法 計 劃 的 施 行 年 期 。
We are at this stage unable to accurately
assess the time required for completing
[...] the survey of all first round targets, as [...]
well as the time span of the entire enforcement programme.
巴士發部首席運輸主任全力處理專營及非專營巴士的政策 事宜及有關服務的策劃、發展和規管事宜;三家主要專營巴 士公司的財務表現和票價調整;巴士安全問題及非專營巴士 業的管理工作。
The PTO in BD is fully committed to duties on policy matters of franchised and NFB, the planning, development and regulation of the services, financial performance and fare adjustments of the three major franchised bus companies, bus safety issues, as well as the management of the NFB trade.
2003/4 年度报告法语版于三月中旬在教科文 部首 发 ,全民教育周活动期间在非洲的 三个国家(马里、布基纳法索和尼日尔)以及亚洲的一个国家(越南)组织了法语版的发行 [...]
The French version of the 2003/4 Report was
[...] launched at UNESCO Headquarters in mid-March and [...]
three national launches were organized
in Africa during the EFA Week (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) and one in Asia (Viet Nam).
她甫加入这家投资银行时担任美 部首 席 运 营官(COO),随后在2007年获任命为UBS证券有限责任公司首席执行官(CEO),负责UBS的经济交易商(broker dealer)运营。
She joined the investment bank as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Americas group, and was in 2007 also named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of UBS Securities LLC which is responsible for UBS’ broker dealer operations.
[...] 2009 年千年发展目标 区域报告,该报告于 2010 年 2 月在马尼拉亚行部首发。
ESCAP, ADB and UNDP also completed the 2009
regional report on the Millennium Development Goals, which was
[...] launched at ADB headquarters in Manila in February 2010.
特 派团的资源也正从西部转向部,首 先 是 军事和警 务人员,然后是文职人员,一些实务构成部分留在 西部,与联合国国家工作队密切合作。
The Mission’s resources are also shifting from the west to the east, starting with the military and police personnel and followed by civilian staff, with a few substantive components staying in the west to work closely with the United Nations country team.
莫斯科 I.M.谢切诺夫医学院社会和法庭精神病学系主任(自 1992 年起);俄
罗斯精神病和麻醉学家学会副会长(自 1995
[...] 年起);V.P.谢尔布斯基国立社会和 法庭精神病学研究中心主任(自 1998 年起);俄罗斯联邦卫生和社会发 部首席 精 神病咨询专家(自 2005 年起);“人口”及“健康”等国家项目的专家(自 [...]
2006 年起)。
Head of the Department for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, I. M. Sechenov Medical Academy of Moscow (since 1992); Vice-Chairperson of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists and Narcologists (since 1995); Director, V. P. Serbsky State Research Centre for Social
and Forensic Psychiatry
[...] (since 1998); Chief Consultative Expert Psychiatrist, Ministry of Health and Social [...]
Development of the
Russian Federation (since 2005); expert for the national projects “Demography” and “Health” (since 2006).
2010 年 3 月发生了炸弹恐吓,之后成立了一个由皇家警察部队、消防部、人 力资部、首席部长办 公室和灾害管理协调机构代表组成的委员会,以研究领土 政府在发生安全紧急情况时撤退和保护总部的计划。
Following a bomb scare in March 2010, a committee comprising representatives from the Royal
Montserrat Police Force,
[...] the Fire Department, the Human Resources Department, the Office of the Chief Minister and the Disaster [...]
Management Coordination
Agency was established to look at the territorial Government’s plans for evacuating and securing the headquarters in the event of a security emergency.
Holdings股份的流動性不足,則鑒 於 貴 公 司 所 持 有 的 首 次 公 開 招 股 後 權 益的數 量, 貴 公 司 或 不 能 在 不 對 GM
[...] Holdings的股份價格造成某程度下調壓力的情況下,在市場上出售部 首次公開招股後權益。
After completion of the Proposed IPO, if the liquidity of the shares of GM Holdings is thin, given the size of the Post-IPO Interest held by the Company, it may not able to dispose of the entire Post-IPO
Interest in the market without exerting downward pressure on the share price of the
[...] shares of GM Holdings to some extent.
[...] 團在世界各地表演,如莫斯科國立交響樂團教 部 ( 首 席 單 簧管),莫斯科國立音樂學院歌劇院(首席單簧管),新耶路撒冷交響樂團(首席單簧管),以色列輕歌劇劇 [...]
As a professional clarinettist and saxophonist Mr. Sprikut has been affiliated with many symphony and
chamber orchestras around the world,
[...] such as Moscow State Ministry of Education Symphony [...]
Orchestra (Principal Clarinet), Moscow
State Academy of Music Opera Theatre (Principal Clarinet), New Jerusalem Symphony (Principal Clarinet), Israeli Operetta Theatre (Principal Clarinet), and was a member of a Moscow State Conservatory Woodwind Quintet.
委托城建与住房部部长任命由已退休的最高法院法官担任主席的公共 委员会,委员会成员至少有一半为政府相关部委派出的代表,包括来自城建 与住房部、财部、首相办公室、农业和农村发展部、内盖夫和加利利、内 政部、司法部、交通与道路安全部以及以色列土地管理部的代表。
To entrust the Minister of Construction and Housing with the appointment of a public committee headed by a retired Supreme Court Justice, and of whose members, at least half will be representatives of the relevant Government Ministries, including representatives of the Ministries of Construction and Housing, Finance, the Prime Minister, Agriculture and Rural Development, the Negev and the Galilee, the Interior, Justice, the Transportation and Road Safety, and the Israel Land Administration.
曾在土耳其外交部历任驻斯图加特总领事馆助理领事、驻伊拉克大使馆一秘、常驻经合组织代表处参赞、驻纽约总领事、驻罗马尼亚大使、土耳其共和国常驻欧盟代表,曾任总理府外事顾问、总统府办公厅主任、外 部首 席 顾 问、欧盟事务副秘书长、外交部负责欧盟事务的副次长和欧盟事务秘书长。
Mr. Bozkır respectively served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Vice-Consul General, Consulate General in Stuttgart, First Secretary of Embassy in Baghdad, Counselor, Permanent Delegation to the OECD, Consul General in New York, Ambassador in Bucharest, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the European Union.
60 人,其中包括总理办公厅的地方代表、商 部首 席 顾 问、经济规 划部和其他不同政府部门、国家可可和咖啡事务局捐助机构的高级官员、生产商 协会、出口商、银行家、质量控制员和初级商品部门的其他关键利益攸关方。
It was attended by 60 participants including local representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister, the Principal Adviser to the Minister of Commerce, [...]
Ministry of Economic
Planning and other different government departments, high-ranking officers in ONCC donor agencies, producer associations, exporters, bankers, quality controllers and other key stakeholders of the commodity sector.
在 5 月 23 日第 1 次会议上,委员会举行了一次关于审查信息社会世界首脑 会议成果执行方面进展情况的部长级圆桌会议,由进步通信协会执行主任
Anriette Esterhuysen 担任主持人,有下列与会者参加:莱索托通信、科学和技
[...] 术部长 Mothetjoa Metsing、加纳通部首席主任 Kwaku Ofosu Adarkwa、几内 [...]
亚电信和新信息技术部长 Oyé Guilavogui、卡塔尔信息和通信技术最高理事会助
理秘书长 Hassan Al-Sayed、阿尔及利亚通信部长顾问 Cherif Benmehrez、智利 外交部能源、科学、技术及创新司司长 Gabriel Rodríguez 和菲律宾科学和技术 事务次官 Fortunato T. de la Peña。
At its 1st meeting, on 23 May, the Commission convened a ministerial round table on the review of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, moderated by Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications, in which the following participants took part: Mothetjoa Metsing, Minister of Communications, Science and Technology
of Lesotho; Kwaku Ofosu
[...] Adarkwa, Chief Director of the Ministry of Communications [...]
of Ghana; Oyé Guilavogui, Minister of Telecommunications and New
Information Technology of Guinea; Hassan Al-Sayed, Assistant Secretary-General, ictQATAR; Cherif Benmehrez, Adviser to the Minister of Communications of Algeria; Gabriel Rodríguez, Director of the Department of Energy, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile; and Fortunato T. de la Peña, Under-Secretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines.
1702 年,他出首部地图集的两年后,当选为英国皇家科学院院士,并于 1718 年被任命为首席皇家地理学家。
In 1702, two years after the
[...] publication of his first atlas, he was elected [...]
a member of the Royal Academy of Science and
in 1718 was appointed head royal geographer.
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司於今天宣佈smart電動汽車的試驗計劃,成為香 首部 應 用 於日常生活的歐洲電動汽車。
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited today announced a pilot program for the smart electric
[...] drive, Hong Kong’s first European electric [...]
car for daily use.
在這期間,第 I 期首部份 計劃,即包括將污水導入昂船洲而敷設的各個收集系統,亦可不受拖延而如期進行。
In the meantime, the first part of Stage I, [...]
covering the collection system to bring sewage into Stonecutters, can get underway without delay.
本文件每一附件或附录首部分的文字 框内是关于案文状况的进一步说明。
Further information on the status of the texts is provided in a text box at the beginning of each annex or appendix to this document.
全亞首部同類 型電腦掃描系統,特性包括可以大大減低放射量,其嶄新X-光管亦可一次攝取多重切片的影像, [...]
As the first of its kind in South [...]
East Asia, it reduces radiation dose significantly and the new X-Ray tube can perform
more slices at one time than with other systems.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组部分; 制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世 首 脑 会 议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the
preservation of
[...] digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop [...]
media education
programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的
[...] 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安部组织 进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行首长协 调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety
and Security of
[...] United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for [...]
Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
说所有当事方有权对条约 提出保留,并不意味这个权利是无限的,更不要说这样提出的一切保留,因为条
[...] 约内列入单纯的一般性条款,就在第 21 条第 1 款首部分的意义上“成立”。
To say that all the parties have the right to formulate reservations to the treaty cannot imply that this right is unlimited, still less that all reservations so formulated are, by virtue of the
simple general clause included in the treaty, “established” within the
[...] meaning of the chapeau to article 21, [...]
paragraph 1.
英國曼徹斯特過去是全球棉花貿易之都、工業革命誕生地、現 首部 電 腦 起源,未來是否可能因低碳生活方式與潔淨科技經濟聞名?
Will Manchester – former capital of the global cotton
trade, birthplace of the industrial revolution,
[...] and home to the first modern computer [...]
– be renowned in the future for its low
carbon lifestyles and clean tech economy?
根据 1999 年世界科学大会的建议和 2000 年首部《世界工程师公约》,工程科学和 技术计划在工程教育方面的重点是信息、宣传、教材、教学方法、专业发展、资格鉴定、性 别问题、指标、工程和技术应用于可持续发展和消除贫困,以及这些方面的经验和最佳做法 [...]
Following the recommendations of the World Conference on Science in 1999 and the first World Engineer’s [...]
Convention in 2000, the
engineering sciences and technology programme focused in engineering education on information, advocacy, teaching materials and methods, professional development, accreditation, gender issues, indicators, the application of engineering and technology to sustainable development and poverty eradication, as well as the sharing of experience and best practices in these fields.
[...] 每次通过一项新的一般性评论时都重新修订准则,解 决之道是第四节中插入一项首部分 条 款。
Since the Committee could not revisit the
guidelines each time a new General Comment was adopted, the solution would be
[...] to insert a chapeau provision in [...]
section IV.
来自 132 个国家的国家首、部长和 政府代表汇聚在一起,评价自 1998 年以来在实现大 [...]
会第二十届特别会议所确定的目标和指标方面的进展情况;确定今后的优先事 项和需要采取进一步行动的领域,以及须为 2009 年以后的药物管制工作确定的
Heads of State, ministers and Government [...]
representatives from 132 States gathered to evaluate progress made since 1998 towards
meeting the goals and targets established by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session; identify future priorities and areas requiring further action, as well as goals and targets to be set for drug control beyond 2009; and adopt a political declaration and other measures to enhance international cooperation.
首部動態掃瞄器—Toshiba Aquilion ONE [...]
As the first Dynamic CT in the [...]
world, the Toshiba Aquilion 320 ONE Dynamic Volume CT marks one of the milestones in the
development of medical image technology.
联合国儿童基金会正在协助企业将儿童权利纳入到实践运营中,并在最近颁布 首部 全 面的关于企业如何尊重和维护儿童权利的指导原则,即《儿童权利和商业原则》。
UNICEF is helping businesses integrate child-rights perspectives into their practices, and has just released ‘Children’s Rights and Business
[...] Principles’, the first comprehensive set [...]
of principles to guide
companies on how to respect and support children’s rights.
[...] 项适用于这种情况( 根据该款的首部分, 这一点还很不确定224 ) ,但是保留可能无法成立,保留方也因而永远 [...]
Even if article 20, paragraph 4 (b), of the Vienna Conventions were to apply to
this situation — which is far from certain,
[...] in view of the chapeau of the paragraph224 [...]
— the reservation could not be established
and, consequently, the author of the reservation could never become a contracting State or contracting organization.




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