

单词 部门间

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

总之,特别强调了需要采取有效 部门间 行 动,而且要努力解决 性别平等和人权等横向问题。
Overall, strong emphasis was placed on the need
[...] for effective intersectoral action and on [...]
the pursuit of cross-cutting issues, such as gender issues and human rights.
关于家庭暴力问题,塞浦路斯指出,政府机构和非政府组织根据有关法律部门间程序 手册开展了联合行动;目前该手册正在修订之中。
In relation to domestic violence, Cyprus noted that the concerted actions of governmental and
non-governmental agencies were based on the relevant law and on
[...] the manual of interdepartmental procedures, which [...]
was being revised.
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加 部门间 合 作的机遇:多种语言;信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具有文化多样性的地方内容; [...]
文化遗产,其中特别是要加强“世界记忆”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其它文化遗产活动的联
Many Member States identified opportunities
[...] for furthering intersectoral cooperation [...]
in the following areas: multilingualism;
ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.
俄罗斯联邦代表团欢迎承担改进预 算报告任务部门间和特派团间工作组所作的努力, 并希望进一步详细了解其工作成果。
His delegation welcomed the
[...] efforts of the interdepartmental and inter-mission [...]
working groups tasked with improving budget
submissions, and would be grateful for further details on the results of their work.
各代表团突出提到四条这样的教 训:(a)
[...] 经济增长是全面开发生产能力和可持续增长的前提条件和基础;(b) 发 展基础设施服务和构建部门间的联 系是各种发展程度国家始终面临的挑战; [...]
(c) 和谐的社会和经济发展需要务实地执行构思妥善、切实有效的政策;(d)
向 国际经济力量打开大门既带来机遇也迎来挑战,这需要进行切实有效的国际合 作,但是各国也需要足够的政策空间,以有效的掌控一体化进程。
Four such lessons were highlighted by different delegations: (a) that economic growth was a prerequisite and basis for overall development of productivity capacity and sustainable growth; (b)
developing infrastructure services and
[...] building links across sectors were persistent [...]
challenges for countries at all levels of
development; (c) harmonious social and economic development required well-designed and effective policy pursued in a pragmatic fashion; (d) opening up to international economic forces posed both opportunities and challenges which necessitated effective international cooperation, but that countries also needed sufficient policy space to effectively manage the integration process.
奉俄罗斯联邦总统和政府的指示,国家有关机构正在 2008-2010
[...] 年期间,在 联邦和区域开展一些有针对性 部门间 方 案 ,包括打击族裔和宗教极端主义和防 [...]
On the instructions of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the relevant State bodies are conducting a
number of special federal and regional
[...] targeted and interdepartmental programmes, [...]
including a range of measures to combat
ethnic and religious extremism and to prevent inter-ethnic conflict for the period 2008-2010.
[...] 动包括,消耗臭氧层物质生产者和消费者调查、公众认识活动、针对省市一级政府官员的 消耗臭氧层物质管理和检查培训、完善地方政策以及促进相关地方政 部门间 的 协 调。
The activities that are expected of the local EPBs include a survey of the ODS producers and consumers, public awareness activities, training to government officials at both provincial and municipal levels for ODS
management and inspection, improvement of the local policies and
[...] the coordination between related local government departments.
水资源需求管理是各部门共享水资源的一个重要方面,而 部门间 的 平 等 合作是有效实现水资源需求管理的前提。
WDM is important aspect of this sharing of water between sectors, and equally inter-sectoral coordination is a pre-requisite for effective WDM.
(d) 在萨尔瓦多:促进参与社会政策管理和执行的实体的体制性加强的方 案;实现社会政策和方案分散管理的最佳化;促进所有利益攸关方动员地方、区 域、国家和国际资源以执行和管理社会方案和政策 部门间 承 诺;支持为萨尔瓦 多社会保护系统体制化的规范化建议制定进程;建立旨在改进政府和民间社会之 间对话的机制;提高萨尔瓦多社会政策和方案管理人员的有效能力;促进萨尔瓦 多儿童和少年保护系统的整合。
(d) In El Salvador: programme for promoting the institutional strengthening of entities involved in social policy management and implementation; optimizing the decentralized management of social policies and programmes; promoting the intersectoral commitment of all stakeholders to mobilize local, regional, national and international resources for implementation and management of social programmes and policies; supporting the formulation process of a normative proposal for the institutionalization of the Salvadoran social protection system; the creation of mechanisms to improve the dialogue between government and civil society; improving the ability of effective capacity of Salvadoran social policies and programme managers; promoting the integration of the children and adolescents protection system in El Salvador.
报告》的其他重要政策建议包括:促进科学和技术创新,建立国内经济 部门 间的联 系,提高政府能力,倡导企业家精神,加强区域一体化,保持该区域的政 [...]
Other important policy recommendations of the Report included the promotion of
scientific and technological innovation, the
[...] creation of inter-sectoral linkages in the [...]
domestic economy, the development of government
capabilities, the promotion of entrepreneurship, the strengthening of regional integration, and the maintenance of political stability in the region.
糟糕的是,一些对该问题有着 特定兴趣或观点的工业团体和其他民间社会组织也 部门间 游 说
Typically, industry groups
[...] and other civil society organisations with a particular interest or view on the matter will also lobby departments.
重要措施包括制定减少风 险战略,详细说明各部门如何在混乱状况下继续其关
[...] 键业务流程;合并部门业务连续性计划,以及审部 门间的相互关系;开展业务影响分析,以便客观地确 [...]
认业务流程的优先次序;在位于纽约的联合国组织之 间协调计划;为总部之外的办事处、区域委员会和维 持和平行动提供有关业务连续性的技术援助;以及培
训重要的工作人员,通过定期检查业务连续性计划确 保所有工作地点的问责。
Critical measures included developing mitigation strategies detailing how departments would continue their critical business processes in the event of
disruption; consolidating departmental business continuity plans and reviewing the
[...] interdependencies between departments; conducting business [...]
impact analyses
to objectively validate the prioritization of business processes; coordinating planning among United Nations organizations located in New York; providing technical assistance for business continuity planning at offices away from Headquarters, regional commissions and peacekeeping operations; and training critical staff and ensuring accountability at all duty stations by testing business continuity plans regularly.
实施水产养殖的生态系统办法以及渔业的生态系统办法,应有助于 消部门间和政府间资源管理的零散现象,为有效协调在水产养殖和渔 [...]
业所处生态系统中活动的不同部门和分部门以及各级政府之间的活动, 建立制度机制和作出私营部门安排。
The implementation of the ecosystem approach to aquaculture and the ecosystem
approach to fisheries should help
[...] to overcome the sectoral and intergovernmental fragmentation [...]
of resource management efforts
and to develop institutional mechanisms and private-sector arrangements for effective coordination among the various sectors and subsectors active in ecosystems in which aquaculture and fisheries operate and between the various levels of government.
在政府内,尤 其是在臭氧问部门间委员 会指导下的国家臭氧机构负责人,将继续作为氟氯烃淘汰管理 [...]
The capacity that has undertaken this within the Government, specifically the National Ozone
Centre (NOC), operating under the
[...] direction of the Interdepartmental Commission on [...]
Ozone Issues will continue to act as
the focal point for HPMP project coordination and management.
关于公共和私部门间的有 效合作,该国提及挪威信息安全中心,该 中心除其他外主要关注信息安全和身份盗用问题,由政府和私营利益相关方如 [...]
With regard to
[...] effective cooperation between the public and private sectors, reference was [...]
made to the Norwegian Centre
for Information Security, which focused on information security and identity theft, among other issues, and was funded by the Government and private stakeholders such as banks and insurance companies.
在 2011 年 3 月 22 日的第二次会议上,印度财 政部税务司特别秘书、西班牙国家药物管制计划政府代表、乌拉圭毒品问题国
家秘书处秘书长、哈萨克斯坦打击毒品商业和药物管制委员会主席、老挝人民 民主共和国总理办公厅主任兼国家药物管制与监督委员会主席、阿富汗内政部
[...] 负责禁毒事务的副部长、沙特阿拉伯禁毒总局局长和法国打击毒品和吸毒问部门间特派团主席作了开幕发言。
At the 2nd meeting, on 22 March 2011, opening statements were made by the Special Secretary of the Department of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of India, the Government Delegate for the National Drug Control Plan of Spain, the Secretary-General of the National Secretariat on Drugs of Uruguay, the Chairman of the Narcotic Business Combating and Drug Control Committee of Kazakhstan, the Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office and Chairman of the National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Deputy Minister of the Interior for Counter-Narcotics of Afghanistan, the Director General of the General Directorate of
Narcotics Control of Saudi Arabia and the
[...] President of the Interdepartmental Mission for the [...]
Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction of France.
Contour BI平台是当前的统一的跨机构的统计信息系统的基础,它用于国 部门间 的 数据交换以及用于发布由所有的国家部门和机构收集的统计指标。
Contour BI platform is the current base of
[...] the Unified interagency Statistical Information System, designed for exchanging data between state departments and for publishing [...]
statistical indicators
collected by all state departments and agencies.
执行联合国公约机构结论性意见的国家行动计划由一 部门间 工 作 小组核 准,该小组根据乌兹别克斯坦政府 [...]
2004 年 2 月 24 日第 12-Р 号指示成立,主要 负责研究执法机构遵守人权方面的相关规定的情况。
The national plans of action to give effect to the concluding observations
of United Nations treaty bodies are
[...] confirmed by an interdepartmental working group [...]
set up by governmental order No. 12-R
of 24 February 2004 in order to monitor the observance of human rights by law enforcement agencies.
[...] 对话之外,卫生组织区域办事处还与区域 组织发展了工作关系,以便采 部门间做 法处理卫生问题的经济和社会层面的问 题。
In addition to policy dialogue, WHO/ROs have developed working
relations with the regional organizations in
[...] order to adopt intersectoral approaches [...]
to address the economic and social determinants of health.
中国各政部门间权责 相互冲突,缺乏协调,加之 其中多个机构试图利用南海局势来扩张权力,扩大 预算,从而对该海域的紧张局势起到了煽风点火的 作用。
The conflicting mandates and lack of coordination among Chinese government agencies, many of which strive to increase their power and budget, have stoked tensions in the South China Sea.
除了定期部门间对津 巴布韦相关政策进行的审 查以外,没有对制裁的总体影响进行过全面的定期审 查。
No comprehensive regular review of overall impact of sanctions occurs separate
[...] from periodic interagency policy reviews [...]
concerning Zimbabwe.
此外,卫生组织根据《关于初级保健和卫生系统的瓦加杜古宣言》及其执行 框架,订立了一项有利于新伙伴关系的工作的长期倡导工具,以影响为实现普及
保健服务而进行的必要改革,确保这些服务以人为本、改进保健治理和领导力、 并确保在处理保健的社会确定因素知识型伙伴关系工作的长期承包工具,影响进
[...] 行必要的改革,促进保健服务的普及,确保服务以人为本,改善保健方面的治理 和领导力,确保采部门间行动 来处理保健的社会确定因素。
In addition, on the basis of the Ouagadougou Declaration on Primary Health Care and Health Systems in Africa and its implementation framework, WHO has established a long-term advocacy tool in support of the work of NEPAD to influence the necessary reforms for universal coverage of health services, ensuring that services are people-centered,
improving health governance and leadership,
[...] and ensuring intersectoral action in addressing [...]
the social determinants of health.
他们还呼吁统一采矿立法,并废止那些不遵守国际人权标准的采矿立法,以 减轻冲突部门间竞争 ,并加强法规,划定应禁止采掘业的区域,例如,土著人 [...]
They also call for the harmonization and repeal of mining legislation that does not adhere to
international human rights standards to reduce
[...] conflicts and intersectoral competition and [...]
for the strengthening of regulations
for delineation of zones that should be barred from the extractive industries, such as the sacred sites of indigenous peoples, water sources, and all ecosystems that provide livelihoods to local communities.
由于“童年早期发展”本身的整体特征,该方案需在多个行动单位 部门间 开 展 合作、共识和伙伴关系。
The holistic nature of Early Childhood Development requires collaboration, consensus and partnership
[...] across different actors and sectors.
委员会注意到缔约国采取了一些举措改 部门间 信 息 系统和在收集国家层 面的社会经济形势和广大儿童的健康和教育状况的数据方面的进展,但感到关切 [...]
的是,在进行数据收集时在方法上缺乏一致性,以及缺乏《公约》所覆盖的领域 的分类数据。
While noting some initiatives by the State
[...] party to improve interdepartmental information systems [...]
and progress made in collecting
national level data on the socioeconomic situation and health and education status of the child population, the Committee is concerned at the lack of methodological coherence in the undertaking of data collection and the absence of disaggregated data on areas covered by the Convention.
人权高级专员以及联合国开发计划署(开发署)培训了国家人权委员会以部 门间委员 会成员,没有开发署的技术支持,该报告的制定和该机制的“运作”都无 法实现。
This report could not have been written and the new mechanism could not have been made operational without technical support from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme, including the training they provided for members of the National Human Rights Commission and the Inter-ministerial Committee.
本报告叙述自我于 2009 年 12 月 4 日提交报告(S/2009/623)以 来的局势发展,并载有对刚果民主共和国进行访问,以便开展第 1906(2009)号决 议第 2 段所规定任务部门间技术 评估团的定论和建议。
The report covers developments since my report of 4 December 2009 (S/2009/623) and contains the findings and recommendations of an interdepartmental technical assessment mission that visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo to conduct the tasks set out in paragraph 2 of resolution 1906 (2009).
该委员会将是一个 高部门间委员 会,由主管经济问题的副总理主持,与联合国和国际社会合作执 行情况简介中提出的各项政策和规划建议,并处理全面协调问题。
It will be
[...] a high-level inter-ministerial committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic [...]
Issues that will work
with the United Nations and the international community to address the policy and planning recommendations put forward in the Briefing Book as well as overall coordination issues.
诸如预警和预防行部门间 协调 框架等全系统的努力,应该更有系统地利用妇女对预防冲突的贡献,并将社 [...]
会性别观点充分纳入总部和外地的应急行动,特别代表和特使、区域和国家工作 队及其他有关行动者应在预防冲突的努力中查明当地妇女及其协会,与她们接触 并给予支持。
[...] efforts, such as the Interdepartmental Framework for [...]
Coordination on Early Warning and Preventive Action, should
draw more systematically on women’s contributions to conflict prevention and fully incorporate gender perspectives into responses at Headquarters and on the ground.
明确政府、民间社会及私营机构在水资源及水服务的所有权、管理及经营中的 作用和职责,比如部门间对话 及合作、利益相关者参与和冲突解决、水权及 [...]
Clarification of the roles of government, civil society and the private sector and their responsibilities regarding ownership, management and
administration of water resources and
[...] services, for example: inter-sector dialogue and coordination, [...]
stakeholder participation and
conflict resolution, water rights and permits, price regulation and subsidies and tax incentives and credits.




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