单词 | 部落格 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 部落格noun—blogn部落格noun, plural—blogspl部落格—blog (loanword)See also:部落n—tribespl horden clann bolen 落—settlement whereabouts fall onto write down rest with leave out fall or drop decline or sink be missing (of a tide) go out get or receive lag or fall behind (of the sun) set leave behind or forget to bring
但网上日志或称部落格(blogs)的概念却 有力地触动了一些开发网际网路功能的人士, [...] 他们开始设计各种便於任何人在网上发表文 字内容的工具。 americancorner.org.tw | Some were interesting; many of them weren’t. [...] But the idea of Web logs, or blogs, struck enough of a nerve with some online [...]developers that they began to design tools to make it easier for anyone to publish text online. americancorner.org.tw |
更多活动照片与口号,请见Roba的部落格,或浏览「罪行无关荣誉」的相片集,或是Frekeeh的相片集。 thisbigcity.net | You can see more photos and slogans compiled by Roba on her blog, or check out the No Honor In Crime album and Frekeeh’s blog album here. thisbigcity.net |
使工作人 员能够发现和共享情况简介、部落格、维基百科和其他工具中的知识和专长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Enables staff to discover and share knowledge [...] and expertisethrough profiles, blogs, wikis and [...]other tools. daccess-ods.un.org |
前往 Synology 的英文官方部落格以了解更多关於 VAAI 支援的资讯。 synology.com | To learn more about our VAAI support, please visit the official Synology Blog (English). synology.com |
将以下程式码,复制贴上到你的博客或网站中, 就会在你的部落格中显示即时汇率! cn.weatherq.org | Just press copy button and paste intoyour blog or website. weatherq.org |
Charles是马来西亚人,之前有写部落格,但是最近应该是工作忙碌而停止了。 4tern.com | Charles is a Malaysian. He has his own blog, currently he is must be busy with work, and stop writing. 4tern.com |
如果去一趟白海实在太遥远,那麽可别错过Semenov的部落格,以及里头丰富且令人目眩神迷的照片,和许多令人莞尔一笑的注解。 mb.mercedes-benz.com | Well, if the journey seems too far after all, please don’t miss out on Semenov’s blog with its wealth of fascinating images - and plenty of humorous comments. mb.mercedes-benz.com |
这个部落格或许有幸协助改变某些人对底特律的看法,但我们只是传达实际发生的情况,「底特律我爱你」背後目标是为与各地人们分享对这里的爱,我们更想证明,底特律足以做为其他城市的典范,在我们眼中,互动式纪录片最适合启发观众,藉由自身投入打造社区。 thisbigcity.net | And for us, an interactive documentary is the best kind of platform to inspire audience to build community through DIY projects. thisbigcity.net |
我们Benchmark的部落格、行销手册和指南、文章、线上研讨会及功能都是为了要提供使用者有效的行销策略,来改善其开启率以及维持电子邮件行销的最佳规范。 benchmarkemail.com | Our Benchmark Blog, Email Marketing Manuals and Guides, Articles, Webinars and Features are designed to give the user proven strategies to improve their email open rates and maintain email marketing best practices. benchmarkemail.com |
您亦可利用随附的软体先录制几段影片和撷取影像,放到个人的部落格上与人分享。 geniusnetusa.com | Or use the bundled software to record video clips and capture pictures then share them on your blog. geniusnetusa.com |
例如,客户可能想要允许「社交网路」但拦截「部落 格」网站。 symanteccloud.com | For example a customer may wish to allow Social Networking but block Blog sites. symanteccloud.com |
据皮尤网路与美国生活专案 的2006年调查报告显示,约4000万美国人在网 上发表了某种形式的UGC,而美国每七个网际 网路用户中就有一个经常写部落格。 americancorner.org.tw | According to research published in 2006 by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, approximately 40 million Americans had publishedsome form of UGC online, while one in seven U.S. Internet users maintained a blog. americancorner.org.tw |
我们在无数社交网站上写部落格、上传照片与朋友保持联系。 hk.asus.com | We write blogs, upload photos and stay connected with friends on countless social networking sites. asus.com.au |
如要了解相关内容,请造访 Seagate 储存效果部落格。 seagate.com | For their insights, please visit Seagate’s blog, The Storage Effect. seagate.com |
这种技术只是一种用以编辑有关 www.synology.com 网站使用的聚集统计数字的工具,例如在 www.synology.com 网页、部落格或电子报上点选关键要素 (例如连结或图表) 的拜访者人数。 synology.com | This technology is a tool used to compile aggregated statistics about www.synology.com Website usage, such as how many visitors clicked on key elements (such as links or graphics) on a www.synology.com Webpage, blog ora newsletter. synology.com |
虽然 Lessig 教授於 2009年8月宣布,其网志短期内将不会再更新,但网志上自2002年迄今发表於「部落格」专区的资讯仍相当丰富。 openfoundry.org | Professor Lessig lately announced the hibernation of his blog; however, you still can find lots of archive information here. openfoundry.org |
他在部落格上分享了许多关于纽西兰打工渡假贴士、常识和建议,并且解答了许多打工渡假新鲜人的疑问。 4tern.com | She shared in her blog mainly about New Zealand working holiday guidance, knowledge and recommendations. She answered many working holiday newbies’ questions. 4tern.com |
由於在Web 2.0平台上,人们能轻易地与其他许多具有阅读热情又拥有网站及部落格的同好们联系,因此不但文学界早已注意到这片平台,在那儿更有许多不知名的作家正等着被发掘。 goethe.de | The literary scene discovered Web 2.0 long ago and even unknowns may there hope to be discovered, for it has never been so easy to reach so many people with virtual reading samples, networking and blogging. goethe.de |
目前Giganews团圆的最高分记录是198,000,看你能不能够超越我们的分数,把你的分数作为发表评论在部落格文章上列出。 tw.giganews.com | The highest score achieved by the Giganews team so far is 198,000, so see if you can top our in-househotshot and post your score as a comment on the blog post listed above. giganews.com |
位於英国Birmingham的着名制作工场Jewellery Quarter也是其生产地之一,坚持英国制造的首饰品牌Bunney於2009年成立,创立人Andrew Bunney多年来活跃於国际时尚圈,曾为多个品牌担任产品顾问及创意总监,同时於Honeyee.com拥有部落格并为《Obscura》客席写手。 think-silly.com | Founded in 2009, British label Bunney has been producing pieces in workshops around England, including the historic Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham. Adopting strong British sensibilities, founder Andrew Bunney also worked as Product Consultant and Creative Director for several well-known brands, as well as a honeyee.com blogger and a regular contributor for “Obscura”. think-silly.com |
部落格-浏览 Cognex 视觉产品部落格并订阅 RSS 摘要,让您追踪最喜爱的部落客写的文章,随时掌握机器视觉技术的最新动态。 cognex.com | Blog- Visit the Cognex Vision blog and subscribe to our RSS feeds so you can follow your favorite bloggers and stay up to date with the latest insights on machine vision technology. cognex.cn |
全球之声 (Global Voices Online)是一个国际性的部落客网络,我们持续翻译、报导、扞卫世界各地的部落格跟公民媒体。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org | Global Voices is an international community of bloggers who report on blogs and citizen media from around the world. globalvoicesonline.org |
俄罗斯知名的IT部落格-Techno-Kitchen.com上传了一段ATEN CS17944 4埠USB 2.0 HDMI KVMP™多电脑切换器产品测试影片,介绍多项先进的产品特色与详细的应用功能。 aten.com | Techno-Kitchen.com, one of the leading IT blogs in Russia, has posted a video review for ATEN’s CS1794 4-port HDMI KVMP™ Switch. Various advanced features and detailed product application are introduced. aten.com |
使用者内容:本网站可能包含通讯功能(像是部落格、支援论坛等),相关功能之规划系让您得以接触 [...] HTC 与一般大众,以利交流,而其内容亦可能由使用者在本网站或特定的服务内发布。 htc.com | The Site may contain communication [...] features (such as blogs, support forums, [...]etc.) designed to enable users to communicate [...]with HTC and the public at large, and Content may also be posted to the Site or particular Service by users. htc.com |
如果您未满 13 岁,请勿登入本网站或服务,同时请勿提供与您个人相关之任何资讯予 [...] HTC,包括您的姓名、地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址(无论是直接提供,或在布告栏、部落格等公开)。 htc.com | If you are under the age of 13 you should not access the Site or Services and should not provide to HTC any information about [...] yourself, including your name, address, telephone number, or email address (directly, or [...] on site bulletin boards, blogs, etc.). htc.com |
是次舞剧包罗了不同特色、不同风格的部落融合风肚皮舞,当中包括富有二十年代华丽怀旧风的淑女群舞、黑色深沉的魔鬼舞魅、与古典音乐融合的悲情二人舞等等,再配以不同的曲风及旋律,贯穿各个场景,让观众欣赏一幕幕精彩绝伦的舞蹈之余,也同时享受戏剧的刺激与张力。 ipress.com.hk | This dance drama merges [...] different styles ofTribal Fusion Belly [...]Dance including grandeur and nostalgic lady group dance, [...]deep black devilish dance, classical fusion duo dance, etc. As each scene unfolds, this dance drama is bound to give you an exhilarating journey. ipress.com.hk |