

单词 部委

部委 ()

ministries and commissions



party discipline committee


Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China

External sources (not reviewed)

该代表说,政府已经采取积极步骤,通过政府 部委 内 的不同政策和框架 落实普遍定期审议的各项建议。
The representative stated that the Government had already taken positive steps towards the implementation of the
universal periodic review recommendations through various policies
[...] and frameworks inside government departments [...]
and ministries.
该国家机制以公报的形式制定法律和法规文件的改革建议,提交部委或相 关机构,以确保宪法规定的权利得到更公平的落实。
It draws up proposals for regulatory and legislative
reforms in the form of circulars to the
[...] relevant ministerial departments or institutions [...]
with the aim of ensuring the fairer
application of constitutional rights.
西班牙实现千年发展目标基金项目为本办事处与联合国系统合作伙伴以及参 与项目执行工作的政府有部委和机 构建立更为密切的关系提供了机会。
The MDG-F projects provide opportunities for the Office to build closer relationships with
United Nations system partners as well as with the
[...] relevant government ministries and agencies involved [...]
in their execution.
瓦努阿图还设立了特别工作组,以促进 部委 实施《千年发展目标》。
Vanuatu had also established a task
force with a view to facilitating the implementation of the Millennium
[...] Development Goals by ministries and departments.
至关重 要的是与这些邻国有部委里的 关键人士建立、发展和保持关系。
It will be vital to create, develop and maintain relationships among key individuals
[...] in the concerned ministries of such neighbouring [...]
要处 理政策制定问题,这些监管机构必须将任务分摊给其部委或外包给能源公司,这些公司会想尽一切办法提升 [...]
To deal with policy requests, these regulatory agencies must outsource
[...] tasks to other ministries, or to energy [...]
companies, who will seek every opportunity
to promote and protect their own vested interests.
[...] 项建议采取的行动包括:鼓励在财政、经济或计划方面承担了广泛任务的一 个核部委负责 把适应气候变化的政策和活动纳入主流;组织一次全国高级 [...]
别政策对话以制订与减少灾害风险战略挂钩的国家适应战略;通过一个多部 门机制,例如减少灾害风险国家平台,把对减少与气候有关的风险的活动的
协作和协调正规化;建立各种机制积极鼓励妇女、社区和地方政府参与对脆 弱性和影响的评估以及本地适应活动的制订,并增强他们在这些方面的力量。
Suggested actions towards achieving this priority include:
[...] encouraging a core ministry with a broad mandate [...]
including finance, economics or planning,
to be responsible for mainstreaming climate change adaptation policies and activities; organizing a national high-level policy dialogue to prepare a national adaptation strategy that links with disaster risk reduction strategies; formalizing collaboration and the coordination of climate-related risk reduction activities through a multisector mechanism such as a national platform for disaster risk reduction; and developing mechanisms to actively engage and empower women, communities and local governments in the assessment of vulnerability and impacts and the formulation of local adaptation activities.
[...] 别管理局(臭氧单位),专门负责管理和协调在印度境内执行《蒙特利尔议定书》事宜; 它还设立了一个提升能力指导委员会,该委员会由来自各职 部委 及 国 内其他利益攸关方 的代表们组成,为执行该议定书提供总的政策指导,并对各种政策和执行方式进行审查, [...]
It has established a special directorate, the Ozone Cell, dedicated to managing and coordinating the implementation of the Montreal Protocol in India;
and also an Empowered
[...] Steering Committee, comprised of representatives of various line ministries and other national [...]
stakeholders, to
provide an overall policy direction for implementation of the Protocol, and to review the various policies and implementation modalities, including project approvals and monitoring.
(c) 成立專項基金,於 2012 年起每年資助 1 000 名香港大學師生到 內地學習( 由香港大學與中央相部委跟進) 。
(c) Setting up a dedicated fund to sponsor 1 000 students and teaching staff of the University of Hong Kong to study in the Mainland each year from 2012 onwards.
(d) 授權一名或多於一名高級人員或一個 部委 員 會 獲知會任何可能構成內幕 消息的資料,並將任何該等資料上報董事會知悉。
(d) Authorize one or more
[...] officer(s) or an internal committee to be notified of [...]
any potential inside information and to
escalate any such information to the attention of the board.
(i) 联合国系统内的合作 这一协调机构按部门分成四个小组,每个小组分别由联合国系统的一个机构领头:
[...] 部门小组旨在协助该国当局开展清查、分析、评估和 咨询行动;“教育” 部门小组包括联合国系统各机构、非政府组织和 部委 代 表 ,负责向 广大公众作宣传工作;联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题专题小组技术分组按照各机构头头确定 [...]
The coordinating body is made up of four sectoral groups, each one led by an agency of the United Nations system: the “Transition, peace-building and conflict prevention” group aims to assist the national authorities in developing information gathering, analytical, evaluation and advisory activities; the “Education” group includes agencies of
the United Nations system, NGOs and
[...] representatives of ministries, and has carried out awareness-raising activities [...]
for the general public; the technical
team of the United Nations thematic group on HIV/AIDS, acting on the basis of guidelines set by executive heads, makes proposals on the implementation of national strategies to combat HIV/AIDS; the “Communication” group, aims to disseminate information widely by means of a biannual news bulletin.
他还告知委员 会,在举办了培训班后,孟加拉国政府还为科学及信息和通信技术部 和环境和森林部的官员举办了一次以“气候变化、碳排放权交易和信 通技术”为主题的全国讨论会,并计划于 2011年7月为其他部委 的官员再举办一次全国讨论会。
He also informed the Committee that, following that course, the Government of Bangladesh had conducted a national workshop on the theme of “Climate change, carbon trading and ICT” for officials from the Ministry of Science and Information and
[...] Technology, and the Ministry of Environment and Forests, while another national workshop was planned for July 2011 to train officials from other ministries.
在落实有利于行使社会经济、文化和政治权利的政策框架下, 部委 根据 预先制定的战略采取各种措施和行动,并呼吁相应机制完成既定目标。
In implementing their policies to promote the enjoyment of
socio-economic, cultural and political rights,
[...] the different ministerial departments adopt various [...]
measures and actions according to
predefined strategies and use appropriate mechanisms to achieve the goals set.
针对许多代表团表示的关切,世卫组织的代表促请成员们在国家一级加强不部委和部门之 间的协调,以便在世卫组织领导机构中提出这一问题,使后者能够 [...]
In response to the concern expressed by many delegations, the Representative of WHO urged
members to enhance coordination
[...] between different ministries and departments at the national [...]
level, with a view to raising
this issue in the governing bodies of WHO so that the latter could recognize the current problem and take appropriate action to address it.
因此,在减排政策和措施方面,实质 性的第一步可能是增强部委和各 国政府的认 识, 以确保政策制定和实施的一致性和协同性。
Hence, in terms of mitigation policies and measures, an
essential first step may entail enhancing
[...] awareness within ministries and across the [...]
government to ensure consistency and synergies
in policy making and implementation.
经社会还注意到, 该次区域办事处在亚太经社会总部和成员国之间建立了双向联系、同各部门部委和政 府组织建立了工作关系、并同设在北亚和中亚的金融机构和政府 间组织形成了伙伴关系。
It also noted that the Subregional Office had built two-way linkages between ESCAP headquarters and member States, established working relations with sectoral ministries and governmental organizations and forged partnerships with financial institutions and intergovernmental organizations based in North and Central Asia.
美国最大的新教团体,美南浸信会,拥抱基督教原则;的福音派的其他组件包括Pentecostalists,有魅力的重建(包括罗马天主教翼),阿民念主义,圣洁的教会,保守confessionalists如路德教会,密苏里州主教,以及许多黑人浸信会,以及独立的“信念使命”,如跨瓦西蒂团契,学园传道会,世界展望教 部委。
The largest US Protestant body, the Southern Baptist Convention, embraces Evangelical tenets; other components of Evangelicalism include Pentecostalists, the Charismatic Renewal (including its Roman Catholic wing), Arminian-Holiness churches, conservative confessionalists such as the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and numerous black Baptists, as well
as independent "faith missions" and
[...] interdenominational ministries such as Inter-Varsity [...]
Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision.
一名 与会者建议,如果要推进可持续消费和生产的主流化,那么除了环境部之外,经 济部以及其他职部委也要 将自身的一部分预算分配给这类工作。
One participant suggested that, if mainstreaming of sustainable consumption and production were to
get traction, then
[...] economic and line ministries, in addition to the environment ministry, might be [...]
expected to allocate a
small share of their budgets to such work.
创建一个中部委 级机 构,授予其必要的权力和资源,管理能源安 全并有效规范能源政策和目标、调解国家政治与 [...]
国有企业间的利益冲突,这样的要求已迫在眉 睫。
There is a pressing need to
[...] create a central ministerial-level body with [...]
the authority and resources to manage energy security
and effectively regulate energy policy and goals as well as reconcile competing interests between the vast state bureaucracy and state-owned companies.
联刚 稳定团还继续召集关于安全部门改革的工作组会议,现在定期由该国相 部委的 官员共同主持。
MONUSCO also continued to convene working group
meetings on security sector reform, which are now regularly co-chaired by officials of
[...] the country’s relevant ministries.
管理计划的“共同出资”的其他例子包括:由于不可获得制冷和空调行业技术转换的全面 支助而使行业和消费者招致的费用;在转向可能不符合多边基金指南下规定资格的无氟氯
[...] 烃替代技术的过程中需要的额外投资;其他职 部委 和 当局的管理支助时间;以及行业培 训倡议和无氟氯烃替代技术的技术支持。
Other examples which could be considered as “co-financing” for the HPMP include the costs incurred by industry and consumers due to non-availability of full support for conversion in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector; additional investments needed during conversion to HCFC-free alternatives that may not be eligible under the Multilateral
Fund guidelines; management support time
[...] from other line ministries and authorities; [...]
and industry initiatives for training
and technical support for HCFC-free alternatives.
此外,许部委现在 必须报告其开支对妇 女和贫困有何影响。
Furthermore, many ministries now had to report [...]
on how spending affected women and poverty.
为此,必须强调的是,虽然相关技部委和部门必 须参加对关键经济和金融问题的讨论,还要求负责合作和发展 部委 出席会议。
In this regard, it is important to stress
that, while the
[...] relevant technical ministries and departments must participate in the discussion of key economic and financial issues, the presence of ministries responsible for [...]
cooperation and development is also required.
刚果民主共和国 报告说,该国正在人道主义事务秘书长的领导下设立一 部委 间 协 调委员会。
The DRC reported that it is working to
[...] establish an inter-ministerial coordination committee under the leadership [...]
of the General Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会部委联 合 下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产值节约30%的年平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加,功能灯背光液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上,有效提升自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 [...] [...]
- 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚力量的影响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年度节能400亿千瓦时以上,相当于减少4000万吨的二氧化碳排放。
According to
[...] Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the [...]
semiconductor lighting
energy industry", file 2015, the semiconductor lighting industrial output value of saving 30% average annual growth rate; market share increase year by year, functional lighting 20% of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than 70% market share; significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual energy saving 40 billion kwh, equivalent to less 40 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.
[...] 关切的是,涉及实施与《公约》有关的活动的不 部委 之 间 缺乏协作;权力下放 进程尚未在所有省、邦和地区到位;以及在镇区一级建立的行动机构数量很少。
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned
about the lack of collaboration
[...] between the different ministries involved in the implementation [...]
of activities related to
the Convention; the decentralization process, which is not yet in place in all states, divisions and districts; and about the small number of operational bodies established at township level.
我们必须认识到,在特定受影响国家内部,援助受害者的活动 涉及各部委和机 构,它们负责卫生、社会事务、劳工、教育、交通、司法、规 [...]
Within a particular affected State, we must appreciate that victim
assistance-related activities concern a
[...] wide range of ministries and agencies [...]
responsible for health, social affairs, labour,
education, transport, justice, planning, finance, and possibly others.
[...] 能不是国际法专家的人员――例如许多国家的国内法庭、外交部以外的政府部 委和非 政府组织的工作人员――必须处理的问题。
This is so not least because questions of customary international law increasingly fall to be dealt with by those who may not be international law specialists, such as those working in the domestic
courts of many countries, those in
[...] government ministries other than Ministries for Foreign [...]
Affairs, and those working for non-governmental organizations.
美援署妇女法律权利倡议(2002-2008 年)与政府部委、民 间社 会组织和非政府组织密切合作,通过下列措施增进妇女的法律权利、公民权利、 [...]
财产权和人权:修改保护妇女法律权利的立法,提高司法部门解释和实施妇女 法律权利的能力,加强民间社会组织倡导对妇女进行法律保护的能力,提高民
The USAID Women’s Legal Rights Initiative
(2002-2008) worked in close cooperation
[...] with government ministries, civil society [...]
organizations and non-governmental organizations
to advance women’s legal, civil, property and human rights by improving legislation to protect women’s legal rights, enhancing the capacity of the justice sector to interpret and enforce women’s legal rights, strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to advocate for legal protection for women, and increasing public awareness of women’s legal rights.
[...] 疾部门计划的情况下,重点在于确保地雷幸存者有机会获得那些计划中载列的服 务和福利,并确保相部委了解 《公约》规定的国家义务。
When plans for the disability sector already exist, the focus has been on ensuring that mine survivors have access to the services and
benefits enshrined within those plans and
[...] that the relevant ministries are aware of their [...]
States’ obligations under the Convention.




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