

单词 郑易里

See also:

Zheng state during the Warring States period
surname Zheng

External sources (not reviewed)

在担任亲善大使之前郑明勋 先生已经访问过贝宁,参观联合国儿童基金会在 里 支 持 的艾滋病防治、供水和环境卫生、教育及儿童保护等项目。
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Chung traveled to Benin where he visited UNICEF-supported programmes in HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation, and education and protection.
由于缺乏监测和执法能力,索里容 易受 到 犯罪活动、包括非法倾倒有毒废物活动的危害。
Somalia’s lack of monitoring and law enforcement capabilities makes it vulnerable to criminal [...]
activities, including the
illegal dumping of toxic waste.
进油节流回易受混入回里的空 气影响,使速度难以控制。
Meter-in controls can be adversely affected by any air in the  system.
总部位于美国密里州圣路易斯市 的 Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)是一家全球领先的公司,该公司将技术与工程相结合,在网络能源、过程管理、工业自动化、环境优化技术及家电和工具等领域,为客户提供创新性的解决方案。
Emerson (NYSE: EMR),
[...] based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global [...]
leader in bringing technology and engineering together
to provide innovative solutions to customers through its network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and appliance and tools businesses.
郑重指出:㈠易 法委 员会比其他任何国际组织都更适合处理此类问题,㈡从瑞士建议所设想的 技术层面来看,过去没有进行过类似工作,现在也没有进行类似工作。
Switzerland respectfully submits that (i) UNCITRAL is better [...]
suited than any other international organization to tackle
this kind of issue and that (ii) no similar work has been or is currently being undertaken on the technical level envisaged by the Swiss proposal.
因此 圭亚那在里郑重表 示,在本报告所涉及的关键和重要问题上,一直在进行着磋 商。
Guyana therefore respectfully submits that consultation has been ongoing on the key and critical issues that have been reported on in this report.
一些具体意见如下:营销母乳代用品方面的法典参考很重要;法典应该通用,着重 保护一些尚无适当食品质量控制措施国家的消费者;法典应集中在第 3 条的核心规则方 面,不应当用来解决与遵守有关的问题,遵守问题应由食品进出口检验和认证系统委员会 来处理;一些发展中国家的文盲问题对向消费者提供信息和提高他们对食品安全问题的认 识来说可能是个挑战;该法典不应重申法典文本或世界 易 组 织协 议 里 现 有 的规定。
A number of specific comments were made as follows: the reference of the Code on the Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes is important; the Code should be generic and focus on the protection of consumers in countries which do not have adequate control measures for food quality; the Code should concentrate on the core provisions in Article 3 and should not be used to resolve issues dealing with compliance, which should be addressed by the CCFICS; the problem of illiteracy in some developing countries may be a challenge in order to provide consumer information and raise their awareness on food safety issues; and the Code should not reiterate existing provisions in Codex texts or the WTO agreements.
与喷枪一起提供的警告标志安装于喷射区域, 所有操作者在里均可以容易地看 到并阅读。
The warning sign provided with the gun is mounted in the spray
[...] area where it can be easily seen and read by all [...]
关于问题的实质性内容,我国代表团愿重申,必 须铭记的是“国家管辖范围以外区域”包括两个海洋 区域——即公海和“区域”,《公约》的宗旨之一是发 展 1970 年 12 月 17 日第 2749(XXV)号决议中所载的各 项原则,其中大郑重宣 告,除其他外,各国管辖范 围以外的海床和洋底及其底土区域,以及该区域的资 源,“为全人类共同继承之财产”(第一段),其探测 和开发“应以全人类之福利为前提”(第七段)。
With regard to the substance of the issue, my delegation wishes to reiterate that it must be remembered that the expression “areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction” covers two types of maritime areas: the high seas and the Area, and that one of the objectives of the Convention was to develop the principles embodied in resolution 2749 (XXV) of 17 December 1970, in which the General Assembly solemnly declared, among other things, that the area of the seabed and ocean floor and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, as well as its resources, “are the common heritage of mankind” (para. 1), and that the “exploration of the area and the exploitation of its resources shall be carried out for the benefit of mankind as a whole” (para. 7).
因此,意大利政府在提出建设这样一个中心的建议时郑重做 出的承诺应该受到欢迎,它植根于与教科文组织在保护和宣传文化遗产方面长期富 有成效的合作。
The high degree of commitment demonstrated by the Government of Italy in putting forward the proposal aimed at the establishment of such a Centre, which is rooted in the longstanding and fruitful cooperation with UNESCO in particular in the field of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, is therefore to be welcomed.
在设立之后的许多里,贸易法委员会 被视为联合国系统在国际贸易法领域的核心法律机构。
In the years since its establishment, UNCITRAL has been recognized as the core legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law.
根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条,我邀请玛丽 亚·路易莎·里贝罗 ·维奥蒂大使阁下以建设和平委 员会几内亚比绍组合主席的身份参加本次会议。
Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Her Excellency Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, in her capacity as Chair of the Guinea-Bissau configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission, to participate in this meeting.
因此,西班牙政府在提出关于建立这样一个中心和由多家知名研究机构组成的广泛网 络的建议时郑重做 出的承诺,特别是通过西班牙国际发展合作署提供的有力支持,应该受 到欢迎,它植根于与教科文组织在文化和发展领域长期富有成效的合作。
The high degree of commitment demonstrated by the Government of Spain, especially through the strong support provided through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation in putting forward the proposal aimed at the establishment of such a Centre and the association of a large network of renowned research institutions, rooted in the longstanding and fruitful cooperation with UNESCO in particular in the field of culture and development, is therefore welcomed.
我要再郑重声 明,我国代表团完全不接 受以色列政权在这个会议厅对我国的无端指控和歪 曲报道。这些都是在老调重弹,已经成为以色列政权 的惯用伎俩,目的是转移国际社会的注意力,使其不 再关注它的核武库和在本地区实行的犯罪政策和可 憎暴行,包括它最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民和在加沙 附近国际水域热爱自由的人们犯下的滔天罪行。
I would like to place on record once again that my delegation rejects the baseless allegations and distortions made in this Chamber that have been repeated so frequently that they have become a practice by the Israeli regime to distract the attention of the international community from its nuclear arsenal and its criminal policies and abhorrent atrocities in the region, including its recent heinous crimes against the people of Palestine in Gaza and against freedom-loving people in international waters near Gaza.
因此,我郑重宣 告,我们承诺展现新的政治意愿,强有力地、负责任地负 起领导责任,以根除这一流行病,我们将考虑世界各地不同国家和区域的各种情 况和环境,与各级所有利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系,采取以下大胆和果断 行动
Therefore, we solemnly declare our commitment to end the epidemic with renewed political will and strong, accountable leadership and to work in meaningful partnership with all stakeholders at all levels to implement bold and decisive actions as set out below, taking into account the diverse situations and circumstances in different countries and regions throughout the world
因 此,我郑重承诺在今后十年中执行《行动纲领》。
Thus, we solemnly commit ourselves to implementing this Programme of Action throughout the coming decade.
其拟订方案的核心郑重承诺增加穷人和边缘化群体获得正义的机会,促进 妇女的权利和两性平等,推进种族和民族平等。
At the core of its programming is a deep commitment to increase access to justice for poor and marginalized groups, promote women’s rights and gender equality and advance racial and ethnic equality.
在过去4里,为加强 《与易有关的知识产权协议》实施步骤,世界知识产权组织增进了利害关系者之间的国家级 互动交流,例如,使其范围扩大到法律改革委员会官员、商会和行业联盟人员,研发机构人 员、议员以及贸易部、农业部、卫生部、科技部、文化部、司法部和环境部的高级官员。
To strengthen the TRIPS implementation process during the last four years, WIPO has promoted the interaction among stakeholders at the national level to include, for example, officials of Law Reform Commissions, Chambers of Commerce and Federation of Industries, Research and Development institutions, Parliamentarians, high-level officials of Ministries of Trade, Agriculture, Health, Science and Technology, Culture, Justice, Environment, among others.
还讨论了把发展和能源问题纳入发展和竞争力的政策,重点 里 约+ 20 进程;易和运 输对经济一体化的重要性;提高天然气在欧洲未来能源中的作 [...]
用;必须解决中亚能源和水的问题;在管道和电子网络领域的筹资需要和大规模 基础设施投资的必要性;以及欧洲能源资源多样化所面临的挑战。
Discussions also focused on the inclusion of environmental and energy considerations into development and
competitiveness policy, with
[...] a focus on the Rio+20 process, the importance of trade and transport [...]
for economic integration,
the increasing role of natural gas in the energy future of Europe, the need to address the energy-water nexus in Central Asia, the financing requirements and needs for large infrastructure investment in pipeline and electricity networks, and the challenges in diversifying energy sources in Europe.
5 年前,2004 年 9 月 21 日,在大会第五十九届
[...] 会议的一般性辩论期间,西班牙政府首相何塞 · 路易 斯·罗德里格斯 ·萨帕特罗先生提出了关于不同文明 联盟的建议(见 [...]
A/59/PV.4),以便促进不同文化和宗 教的国家与人民之间的更大谅解与合作,借以对抗助
Five years ago, on 21 September 2004, during the general debate of the fifty-ninth session of the General Assembly (see
A/59/PV.4), the President of the
[...] Government of Spain, Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, [...]
proposed an alliance of civilizations
in order to promote greater understanding and cooperation among nations and peoples of differing cultures and religions, as a way to counteract the forces that feed extremism and endanger peace.
黄金、海洋、河流和我们的土地是上帝赐予(我们利希尔人) 的礼物,任何人都不能这样易地从 我们 里 拿 走 ”。
The gold, the sea, the rivers and our lands are God-given gifts (for us, Lihirians)
[...] which no man should take away from us that easily.
确认巴勒斯坦权力机构正在国际社会支持下,努力重建、改革和加强其受到 破坏的机构,强调需要维护和发展巴勒斯坦的机构和基础设施,在这方面,欢迎 巴勒斯坦权力机构计划在 24 个月内构建巴勒斯坦国的机构,以 郑 重 承诺建立 一个为巴勒斯坦人民提供机会、正义和安全并是该区域所有国家的负责任邻国的 独立国家
Recognizing the efforts being undertaken by the Palestinian Authority, with international support, to rebuild, reform and strengthen its damaged institutions, emphasizing the need to preserve and develop the Palestinian institutions and infrastructure, and welcoming in this regard the Palestinian Authority’s plan for constructing the institutions of a Palestinian State within a twenty-four-month period as a demonstration of its serious commitment to an independent State that provides opportunity, justice and security for the Palestinian people and is a responsible neighbour to all States in the region
我只郑重指出,美国高兴地赞同女王陛下政府 代表和我们的大韩民国盟友最近所作的发言。
Suffice it to say, for the record, that the United States gladly associates itself with the most recent interventions of the representatives of both Her Majesty’s Government and our fine allies in the Republic of Korea.
主席先生,正如你在你的概念文件(S/2010/9)中 正确地指出,虽然《联合国宪章》把维护国际和平与 安全的主要责任赋予安全理事会,但它 郑 重 其事地 承认,在适当情况下,区域组织可以采取行动维护和 支持其成员国间的和平与安全。
Mr. President, you rightly note in your concept paper (S/2010/9) that while the United Nations Charter places primary responsibility for the maintenance of international security on the Security Council, it also deliberately recognizes that regional organizations may, in appropriate circumstances, take action to maintain and support peace and security among their member States.
在第四届会议上,委员会在第4/4 号建议中欢郑女士编写的工作文件 (A/HRC/AC/4/CRP.1) [...]
,并表示希望理事会考虑委托委员会编写一份研究报告,说 明现有联合国人权文书对老年人的适用问题,以及现行法律框架中可能有的任何 漏洞。
At its fourth session, in its recommendation 4/4, the
[...] Committee welcomed the working paper [...]
prepared by Ms. Chung (A/HRC/AC/4/CRP.1) and
expressed the hope that the Council would consider entrusting the Committee with the preparation of a study on the application to older persons of existing United Nations human rights instruments and on any possible gaps in the current legal framework.
根据人权理事会第16/27 号决议的要求,咨询委员会审议郑 女 士 编写的关 于“增进城市贫民的人权:战略与最佳做法”的概念说明 (A/HRC/AC/7/CRP.3), 并指定食物权问题起草小组编写有关这一专题的初步研究报告,并向委员会第八 届会议提出该报告。
In accordance with the request of the Human Rights Council in its resolution 16/27, the Advisory Committee considered a concept note on promoting the human rights of the urban poor: strategies and best practices (A/HRC/AC/7/CRP.3), prepared by Ms. Chung, and assigned the preparation of a preliminary study on that topic to the drafting group on the right to food, to be presented to the Committee at its eighth session.
通过了步骤 5/8 里有关即食食品中的李斯特菌微生物标准拟议草案(应用
食品卫生通用原则来控制即食食品中的李斯特菌指南附录 II(CAC/GL 61-2007),省略 了步骤 6 和 7,对第 3.1 部分快餐的第 3
[...] 个小点做了少量文字修改,其中将不会出现李斯 特菌的增长,为的是与其他能防止李斯特菌增长的组合分开冷冻,以及在脚注 8 里使措易可读
The Commission adopted the Proposed Draft Microbiological Criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (Annex II to the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (CAC/GL 61-2007)) at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7, with small editorial amendments in the third bullet point of Section 3.1 Ready-toEat foods in which growth of L. monocytogenes will not occur, in order to separate freezing from other
combinations that could prevent the growth of L. monocytogenes, and in
[...] footnote 8 to make the wording more easily readable.
执行部分中某些条款和措词似乎还在谈判。但考虑中新措施的主旨包括,除 其他外,㈠ 所有国家,“尤其是区域内各国”应严格检查在海港、机场、公海及 过境的厄立特里亚货物,“确保严格遵守武器禁运”;㈡ 禁止“在厄立特里亚采
矿业和矿产部门”新的投资;㈢ 限制厄立特里亚对海外公民征收的 2%回收税,
[...] 这是厄立特里亚通过微妙的尽责规定和对厄立特里亚公民的指控而征收的;㈣ 通过禁止性的银行监督和尽责规定阻碍厄立 里 亚 的 外贸 易 ;㈤ 可能还包括 禁止政府一些官员旅行和其他措施。
Although certain clauses and precise wording in the operative paragraph appears to be under continued negotiations, the gist of new measures under consideration include, among other things, (i) discretionary inspection of Eritrean cargo at seaports, airports and on the high seas and through transit by all States and “in particular States of the region to ensure strict implementation of the arms embargo”; (ii) prohibition of new investment “in the extractive industries and mining sectors in Eritrea”; (iii) curtailment of the 2 per cent recovery tax that Eritrea collects from its citizens in the diaspora through subtle due diligence requirements and indictment of
Eritrean citizens; (iv)
[...] encumbrance of foreign trade transactions of Eritrea through prohibitive [...]
banking oversights and due
diligence requirements; and (v) the possible inclusion of selected Government officials for travel ban and other measures.
[...] 間的安全門不得上鎖或緊關,以便房間內的任何人員可以 易 即 時地 從里 面開 啟,且所有相關門(滑門除外)應建成向外開啟式,或倘門位於兩個房 [...]
間之間,則門應在最接近該幢建築物出口的方向,當工人於房間內進行工 作時,房門不得上鎖或堵塞。
All of the factory doors affording exit from any room shall not be
locked or fastened
[...] so that they can be easily and immediately opened [...]
from inside while any person is within the room, and all such doors, unless they are of the sliding type, shall
be constructed to open outwards, or where the door is between two rooms, in the direction of the nearest exit from the building and no such door shall be locked or obstructed while work is being carried on in the room.




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