

单词 郎之万

See also:


ten thousand n

a great number
surname Wan


External sources (not reviewed)

29.8 该计划的增加额主要是在“房舍建筑与维修”项下,涉及新楼在全部支取贷款额(1.3 亿郎)之后偿还贷款利息(690 万,2010/11 年为 530 万)。
The increases under the Program, which is mainly under Premises and Maintenance are related to the interest payment of the loan (6.9 million vs.
5.3 million in 2010/11) for the new
[...] building following the full draw down of the loan amount (130 million Swiss francs).
(e) 已为安全与安保分配了额外的资源(1 70 万瑞郎), 以满足新楼竣工后增加的安全与 安保需求。
(e) Additional resources (1.7 million Swiss francs) have been allocated [...]
for safety and security to address the increased
safety and security needs due to the completion of the new building.
今天,豪利時繼續快樂的方式,很好地放置在中間段,即1000和40 00 法 郎之 間 , 具有豐富的收集一直激勵著相同的四個世界:汽車,航空,潛水和文化。
And today Oris continues its merry way,
very well placed on the middle
[...] segment, ie between 1000 and 4000 francs, with a rich collection [...]
always inspired by the
same four worlds: automotive, aviation, diving and culture.
关于人民的身份验证,科特迪瓦政府在 1 月 15 日向独立选举委员会和所有负责登记进程的国家机 构拨出 46 亿中非郎,大约相当于 1 000 万美元, 以便继续进行这项行动并在 2 月 28 日之前完成。
With regard to the identification of the populace, on 15 January the Government of Côte
d’Ivoire disbursed 4.6 billion CFA francs, equivalent to some $10 million, to the Independent Electoral Commission and all the national agencies in charge of the registration process so as to continue and complete the operation under way by 28 February.
瑞典代表团指出,瑞典已选定千年发展目标 5 作为定于
[...] 9 月举行的千 年发展目标问题高级别全体会议筹备工作的主要优先事项,并打算增拨 2 500 万 瑞典克郎供实施其具体举之用。
The delegation of Sweden stated that it had selected MDG 5 as its main priority in the preparations for the MDG High-level
Plenary Meeting in September and intended
[...] to allocate an additional 25 million Swedish kronor to its special [...]
世界银行制订一个由经济财政部主管的社会保护方案,称为“生产性社会网 项目”,由三方面内容构成:(a) 劳动密集型公共工程(创造 24 000 个直接临时 就业,所发的近 534 亿几内亚郎工资惠及近 15 万人)和 面向城市地区青年的生 计培训(5 000 人受训)方案,以建造、修复和维护基本城市设施(近 50 万人因生 活环境改善而间接受益)并创造短期就业;(b) [...]
穷农村地区的人力资本;(c) 制度支持,能力建设和项目管理,包括支持编订社 会保护战略主要内容项目的业务单位。
The World Bank is preparing a social welfare programme (the “productive social safety nets” project), under the aegis of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which has three components: (a) a labour-intensive public works programme (direct creation of 24,000
temporary jobs benefiting
[...] nearly 150,000 people through the transfer of around GF 53.4 billion in wages), life skills training (5,000 beneficiaries), targeting young people in urban [...]
areas, with a view to
the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of essential urban infrastructure (with some 500,000 indirect beneficiaries of an improvement in living conditions) and short-term job creation; (b) pilot monetary transfers for improving human capital in poor rural areas affected by food insecurity; (c) institutional backstopping, capacity-building and project management, including support for the project’s operational units in the development of key elements of a social welfare policy.
与此同时,该组织通过原籍国 国民申请的消费贷款获得了数万瑞 郎 的 资 金。
At the same time, the organization
[...] obtained several million Swiss francs via consumer loans [...]
taken out by nationals of the country of origin.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千 万 缕 的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和之和 ; 不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不 [...]
的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global [...]
peace is the sum total of local and regional
peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
红十字 国际委员会(红十字委员会)也得到了 20 万瑞郎用于 其在乌干达和菲律宾的活动。
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was supported
[...] with 200’000 Swiss francs for its activities [...]
in Uganda and the Philippines.
[...] 金;哥本哈根协议有助于将大气中的二氧化碳浓度降至不超过 万 分之 350;这 意味着,到 2020 年,需要从 1990 [...]
年的全球温室气体排放水平减少 40%;到 2050 年,减少排放量的 80%。
In the lead up to COP15, the Maldives called for: the Copenhagen agreement to ensure that the most immediate and urgent adaptation needs of vulnerable nations are funded through a mechanism that is adequate, easily accessible and flexible; and the Copenhagen agreement to help reduce
concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to no
[...] more than 350 parts per million; implying the need [...]
for a 40% global greenhouse gas emissions
reduction by 2020 from 1990 levels and an 80% emissions reduction by 2050.
特别服务协议及商业服务”项下 70.5 万瑞郎的拟议增 长主要涉及需要进行 IPSAS [...]
精算估价、MTSP 中期审查及为加强 RBM 落实而进行的工作人员培训 活动。
The proposed
[...] increase of 705,000 Swiss francs under “SSA and Commercial [...]
Services” is mainly related to the need for actuarial
valuation under IPSAS, mid-term review of the MTSP and Staff training activities to strengthen the implementation of RBM.
解除武装、复员和重返社会方案面临许多挑战,尤其统一指挥中心——主要 的国家执行机构——缺乏能力、缺乏用于进驻营地筹备和营地内前战斗人员给养 的资源、政府迄今无法向前战斗人员和民兵支付所承诺的 50 万非洲法郎(约为 1 000 美元)复员津贴、已复员的前战斗人员重返社会/重新安置的机会不多、以及 上文提到的身份问题对这一方案的影响。
The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme faces many challenges, notably the lack of capacity of the Integrated Command Centre, which is the principal national implementing body; lack of resources for the preparation of the cantonment sites and the upkeep of the former combatants in the cantonment sites; the inability of the Government, so far, to pay the promised demobilization allowance of CFA 500,000 (approximately US$ 1,000) to the ex-combatants and militia personnel; inadequate reintegration/reinsertion opportunities for demobilized combatants; and the implications of the identity issue for this programme, as mentioned above.
此 外,还 有 10 万瑞郎 用 于国内流离失所 监 测 中 心,5 万瑞郎用于 红十字委员会地雷受害者基金。
[...] 100’000 Swiss francs went to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and 50’000 Swiss francs to the ICRC [...]
fund for mine victims.
使用汽车电源插座对车载免提电话充电 在 Jabra DRIVE 充电完之前千万不要使用。
CHARGE YOUR IN-CAR SPEAKERPHONE USING YOUR CAR'S POWER OUTLET Make sure that Jabra DRIVE is fully charged before you start using it.
部分用美元和部分用欧元之前是 法国 郎 ) 分 摊和缴纳会费的货币份额摊派法,作 为一项保护正常预算不受法国法郎兑美元币值波动的不利影响的措施,是在大会第二十四届 [...]
The split-level assessment system for contributions to be assessed
and paid partly in United
[...] States dollars and partly in euros (formerly French francs) was introduced [...]
by the General Conference
at its 24th session as a measure to protect the regular budget from adverse currency fluctuations of the French franc to the dollar.
此外,委员会建议缔约国采取所有必要措施确保将双胞 胎安置在机构内万不得已之办法
In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that the placement in institutions of twins must be a measure of last resort.
36的引用文件,可在三種尺寸(30,33和36毫米),“三國演義收集有其存在的理由為目標的心段和價格範圍(480和900瑞士 郎之 間 ) ,它應該是相當有競爭力。
With thirty-six references, available in three sizes (30, 33 and 36 mm), the Romance collection has its
raison d'être in a segment
[...] and price range (between 480 and 900 Swiss francs for the target [...]
heart ), where it should be quite competitive.
全球问题药物使用者的人 数估计在 1,600 万到 3,800 万之间,其中 1,100 万至 2,100 万为注射毒品者。
The global population of problem drug users is estimated to be 16-38 million persons, of which 11-21 million are injecting drug users.
25.14 下一两年期非人事资源拟议 690 万瑞郎的增长主要是“特别服务协议及商业服务”项下 125 万瑞郎的增 长,涉及外部合同(与 UNICC 的战略性伙伴关系及服务台服务等信息技术支持系 统专用许可证、软件和支持的经常供应商)。
25.14. The proposed 6.9 million Swiss francs increase in non-personnel resources for the next biennium primarily comes from the 12.5 million Swiss francs increase under “SSA [...]
and commercial services”,
which relates to outside contracts (strategic partnership with UNICC and regular suppliers for Licensing, software, and support specific to the IT support systems such as Helpdesk services).
另有 10 万瑞郎的支助用于津巴布韦的一项基本保健方案,有 10 万瑞郎捐给了斯 里兰卡共 同 人 道 主义行动计划。
Another support of
[...] 100’000 Swiss francs went to a basic health programme in Zimbabwe, and 100’000 Swiss francs were contributed [...]
to the Common Humanitarian Action Plan for Sri Lanka.
修建大楼的资金来自向 WIPO 出售旧楼(3000 万瑞士法郎), 以及瑞士政府(FIPOI)为期 50 年的无息贷款 7500 万瑞士法郎。
The construction was financed from the
sale of the old
[...] building to WIPO (30 million Swiss francs) and from an interestfree loan of 75 million Swiss francs granted by the Swiss [...]
Government (FIPOI) for 50 years.
这项技术是在 1960 年代末引进的,目的是减轻美元与 郎 ( 今 天的欧元 之 间 的 币值 波动的影响,大多数支出使用的都是法郎。
It was introduced in the late 1960s to help mitigate
the impact of currency
[...] fluctuations between the United States dollar and French franc (euro today), [...]
in which the majority of expenditure is incurred.
专家组在 2011 年 11 月 1 日和 2012 年 3 月 2 日与矿产和能源部的会议上
[...] 得知,石油领域最重要的变化之一是,目前所有收入都直接转入国家账户(据估 计,科特迪瓦石油日产量介于 35 000 至 40 000 万桶之间)。
During meetings with the Ministry of Mines on 1 November 2011 and 2 March 2012, the Ministry informed the Group that one of the most important changes in the oil sector is that currently all revenues are
transferred directly to the State’s accounts (Ivorian oil production
[...] is estimated between 35,000 to 40,000 barrels per day).
尽管同样缺乏准确信息,但预计2006年水产养殖利用低价值鱼(即不是制作 为鱼粉的原料成分)在560万和880万吨 之 间 , 2008年,仅中国水产养殖就利用了 600–800万吨低值鱼,包括海水鱼、淡水鱼和活饵料鱼。
Although, again, accurate information is lacking, it has been estimated that the total use of low-value fish (i.e. as raw ingredients not
reduced into fishmeal) in
[...] aquaculture was between 5.6 million and 8.8 million tonnes in 2006 and that, in 2008, Chinese aquaculture alone used 6–8 million tonnes of low-value [...]
fish, including
marine fish, freshwater fish, and live food fish.
电磁波长的范围包括从几英里(例 如电台广播波长),到几英寸(例如微波炉使用的微波),到 万 分 之 一 英寸(例如可见 光的波长),再到十亿分之一英寸(例如 X 射线)。
The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation can range from miles (radio waves) to inches (microwaves in a microwave oven) to millionths of an inch (the light we see) to billionths of an inch (x-rays).
这些被拘留者被转交给金沙萨,2011 年 3 月 25 日,刚果民主共和国国家检 察官 Flory Kabange 宣布,这些个人已支付
[...] 300 万美元的罚款,当局还缴获了 435 千克黄金和 600 万美元现金之后, 这些人最终被释放。
The detainees were transferred to Kinshasa and eventually released, after the State prosecutor of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Flory Kabange, announced on 25 March 2011 that the
individuals had paid a US$ 3 million fine and that the authorities had also
[...] seized 435 kg of gold and US$ 6 million in cash.
秘书长在预算文件第 13.26 段表示,据估计,2010-2011
[...] 两年期提供 的预算外资源约为 7 550 万美元,相当于 9 060 万瑞郎,超 过 2008-2009 两年期向国贸中心提供的预算外资源总额,增幅约为每年 [...]
In paragraph 13.26 of the budget document, the Secretary-General indicates that extrabudgetary
resources estimated at
[...] approximately $ 75.5 million, equivalent to SwF 90.6 million, will be available [...]
during the biennium 2010–2011,
representing an increase of approximately 11.6 per cent per year of the total extrabudgetary resources available to ITC over the biennium 2008–2009.




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