

单词 邮轮业

邮轮业 adjective ()

cruise terminal adj

See also:

邮轮 n

cruises pl


cruise liner
ocean liner


tire n
ring n

take turns
by turn
classifier for turns in a game, discussion, or competition

External sources (not reviewed)

邮轮业协会估计,2009 年将有主要来自北美的约 1 350 万旅客乘游轮 度假。
Cruise Lines International Association has estimated that some 13.5 million passengers, mostly from North America, would take a cruise ship holiday in 2009.
邮轮行业对邮轮上的 消防安全有哪些规定?
What are the industry regulations on fire-safety on board cruise ships?
东盟邮轮工作小组 代表了东盟成员国的一致意愿和承诺,共同推动本区域 邮轮业 成 长 ,以及全面 提升亚洲的吸引力。
The ASEAN Cruise Working Group represents the collective will and shared commitment of ASEAN members to boost the growth of the region’s cruise industry, and increase the attractiveness of Asia as a whole.
邮轮行业始终 坚持由国际海事组织(IMO)制定的海上人身安全(SOLAS公约)的相关规定,这些规定包括了:防火,防火及灭火系统,船员培训和火灾应急响应等.
The cruise industry adheres to the rigid regulations contained in the International Convention for the Safety Of Life at Sea (SOLAS) as developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
让您的味蕾踏上令人难忘的美食之旅!五大著名厨师将加入到 M S C 邮轮 船 队2011-2012航季一系 邮轮 特 别主题中,您可以在船上享受精致的美食创作过程。
Five famous chefs will be joining the MSC Cruises fleet for a series of special theme cruises during the 2011-2012 season, and you’ll be able to enjoy their exquisite culinary creations on board.
我们的旗邮轮MSC S PLENDIDA 辉煌号已经成功达到了维塔斯船级社关于节能设计的最高标准。
With new flagship MSC Splendida, the company has also successfully met the exacting standards required by Bureau Veritas’ voluntary Energy Efficient Design scheme.
等世界主邮轮公司 ,都有美国资本的介入。虽然这些公司 业 务 都 途经加勒比 海,非常靠近古巴,但美国的封锁不允许这些公司雇用古巴船员,只是因为这些 公司的船只需要停靠在美国和波多黎各港口。
Although all of them ply the Caribbean — Cuba’s closest market — the embargo prevents them from hiring Cuban crew members because their ships dock at ports in the United States and Puerto Rico.
在未来的新旅游项目,例如是邮轮 码 头 ,我们亦会提供无障碍设施。
We also aim to provide such facilities in new tourist projects in
[...] future, such as the new cruise terminal.
烹饪艺术大专文凭的毕业生可以从入门到中级阶级人员做起,例如厨师或见习厨师,或成为餐厅,酒店,聚餐,烘培 邮轮 的 餐 饮服务商,他们也可以成立自己的 业。
Graduates from culinary art can start off from entry-to-mid-level positions such as cook, apprentice chef or caterer including restaurants, hotels, catering, bakeries and cruise ships and even some set up their own businesses.
新结构包括一个长 336 英尺的船坞和毗邻的一个 100 英尺 长的停靠码头,建造目的是为来自停靠罗德港 邮轮 的 交通艇提供便利。
The new structure comprised a dock measuring 336 feet in length and an adjoining pier measuring 100 feet in length, and was built to facilitate tenders from cruise ships anchored at Road Harbour.
13 个业类主 管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的 业 类 职 位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之轮调。
Each of the
[...] 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant [...]
duty stations.
务实和相互尊重 支配着工作人员协会代表和行政管理部门代表之间的关系,特别是在人事政策咨询委员会
[...] (ACPP)的工作中,因为已制订并通过和实施一项新的招聘 轮 换 、 培训/进修 业 绩 评 估、 家庭生活支助、有限期合同安排及授权章程和总部外办事处履行汇报义务方面的政策。
The pragmatism and the mutual respect that have prevailed in the relations between staff representatives and the Administration, particularly during the meetings of the Advisory Council on Personnel Policies (ACPP), have in fact enabled the finalization, adoption
and application of a new policy
[...] for recruitment, rotation, training/further training, performance [...]
assessment, support for
family life, contractual arrangements of limited duration, and also the delegation chart of authority and accountability for field offices.
托里切利修正案》(1992 年)将古巴排除在轮业务之外,而 轮业 务 对 于 游轮停靠国是不断增长的主要经济收入来源。
The Torricelli Amendment (1992) got Cuba out of the cruise business, which is a growing economic source of revenue for host countries and, more specifically, for those in the Caribbean region.
预计 2011/2012
[...] 年度该处的优先事项和挑战包括:加强联合国通行证发放制度和 联合国通行证文件的安全;旅行社平台的变化;改 业 务 流 程; 邮 件 和 邮 袋运 送和跟踪系统扩大到尽可能多的外地行动中;保存电子记录和档案材料。
The priorities and challenges that are anticipated for the 2011/12 period for the Service include: increased security enhancements to the United Nations laissez-passer and related issuing system; changes in the
travel agency platform;
[...] improvement in business processes, expanding the mail and pouch shipping [...]
and tracking systems in as
many field operations as possible; and the preservation of electronic records and archival materials.
赛诚成立于2005年,是实现中国邮政现有基础设施和国内网络与澳大利 邮 政 IT 专 业 技 能 的完美结合。
Sai Cheng was established in 2005 and it joins China Post’s existing infrastructure and networks on the ground and Australia Post’s IT expertise.
29F.33 一般支助科确保持续提供各项基本服务以支助各实务方案,途径是监测工发组织提供的房舍管
[...] 理服务并为设在维也纳的秘书处各单位提供采购、旅行、运输、库存管理、供应服务 邮 递业 务和其它设施管理服务。
29F.33 The General Support Section ensures the continuation of essential services in support of substantive programmes through the monitoring of buildings management services provided by UNIDO and the provision of procurement,
travel, transportation, inventory control,
[...] supply services, mail operations and other [...]
facility management functions for the
Secretariat units located at Vienna.
考虑到发展中国家的情况,两项分析都是针对几个市场进行的, 包括谷物、铁矿石以及集装箱和轮 等 各 行 业 市 场
With the perspective of developing countries in
mind, both analyses were
[...] conducted for several markets, including grain, iron ore, and the container and tanker trades.
虽然扶轮社的人道主义工作大多与确定为发展议程一部分的八个领域的每 一个相一致,但有意从事教育、和平与发展 业 的 扶 轮 社 成员尤其关注目标 2 和 目标 3。
Although much of Rotary’s humanitarian work fits within each of the eight areas identified as part of the development agenda, Goals 2 and 3 have been of particular interest to Rotary members interested in education, peace and development.
举例来说,这些信息可能包括您的姓名、住址(帐单地址和注册地址)、电 邮 箱 、 行 业 和 产品详情、信用卡或其他支付信息。
For example, this information might include your name, address (both billing and registered), email address, industry and product details, and credit card or other payment information.
军事人员项下减少 的主要原因是:(a) 部分费用偿还项下扣除了大会第
65/289 号决议为 2011/12
[...] 年度核批的向部队派遣国支付一次性补充款的所需经费(964 400 美元);(b)业轮调的平均费用降低(747 400 美元);(c) [...]
每天平均口粮费用从本期的每人每 天 7.20 美元降至 2012/13
年度的 7.00 美元(265 200 美元)。
The decrease under military personnel is attributable mainly to (a) the exclusion, under troop reimbursement costs, of the provision for the one-time supplemental payment to troop-contributing countries in the 2011/12 period authorized under General Assembly resolution
65/289 ($964,400); (b) the lower average
[...] cost of commercial rotations ($747,400); and [...]
(c) the decrease in the average cost of
daily rations from $7.20 in the current period to $7.00 in the 2012/13 period ($265,200).
由于美国的封锁,古巴招聘不到有航海资质的劳动力,比 邮轮 和 商 船的船 员,使古巴每年损失 10 188 [...]
000 美元。
The embargo is having an impact on the recruitment of
skilled manpower for the maritime
[...] industry. Cuba loses US$ 10,188,000 each year because [...]
Cuban crews cannot be hired on yachts,
cruise ships and merchant vessels owing to the embargo.
对于潜水,除了为新的时辰“帝舵Hydronaut二”的选择,如新的TechnoMari ne “ 邮轮 体 育直径45毫米的追随者muniront嬉戏钟表,或选择版本为最酷的“路易威登坦博跳水”目录著名的皮具,“迪奥Chiffre高棉D02型”或精湛的“帆船计时自动”赫尔墨斯。
With regard to scuba diving, in addition to choice as the new
chrono "Tudor Hydronaut II",
[...] the followers of muniront playful timepiece such as new TechnoMarine "Cruise Sport 45 mm in [...]
diameter, or opt for versions
as the coolest "Louis Vuitton Tambour Diving" Catalogue of the famous leather goods, the "Dior Chiffre Rouge D02" or the superb "Clipper Chrono Automatic" of Hermes.
通 讯 可 采 用 专 人 交 付 丶 邮 寄 丶 传 真
[...] 丶 电 传 丶 透 过 恒 生业 e-Banking 或邮 等 方 式 作 出 , 如 属 专 [...]
人 交 付 , 则 于 面 交 或 留 置 于 阁 下 最 後 通 知
本 行 之 地 址 时 即 视 作 由 阁 下 收 悉 ; 如 属 邮 寄 , 如 地 址 位 于 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 则 于 邮 寄 後 4 8 小 时 视 为 送 达 , 如 地 址 位 于 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 以 外 则 于 邮 寄 後 七 天 视 作 由 阁 下 收 悉 ; 如 以 传 真 丶 电 传 或 电 邮 传 送 , 则 于 传 送 往 阁 下 最 後 通 知 本 行 之 传 真 或 电 传 号 码 或 电 邮 地 址 後 视 作 即 时 由 阁 下 收 悉 。
Communications delivered personally, sent by post,
facsimile transmission, telex, through
[...] Hang Seng Business e-Banking or e-mail shall be deemed [...]
to have been received by you (where
delivered personally) at the time of personal delivery or on leaving it at the address last notified in writing by you to us, (where sent by post) 48 hours after posting if such address is in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) and seven days after posting if such address is outside the HKSAR or (where sent by facsimile transmission, telex or e-mail) immediately after transmitting to the facsimile or telex number or e-mail address last notified in writing by you to us.
可视设备包括面板安装氙频闪灯、迷你方形灯、面板安装可选择稳定或闪烁的指示灯、壁挂式信号灯、面板灯带、 业轮 灯 、 塔灯、堆叠灯和面板安装双回路报警。
Visual Devices include panel mount Xenon strobes, mini square beacons, panel-mount with selectable steady or flashing light indicators, wall-mount signal lights, panel light bars, industrial round beacons, tower lights, stack lights and panel-mount dual circuit alarms.
成立于2009年,我们专门生产业轮胎 , 载重汽车轮胎,工程轮胎,载重轮胎,载重子午线轮胎,PCR轮胎,主要品牌有“喷气石”,“高智”,我们还广泛开放的OEM合作。
Founded in 2009,we specialize in producing Agricultural Tyre,Truck Tyre,OTR Tyre,TBR Tyre,Radial Truck Tyre,PCR Tyre,the main brands are "JET STONE" , "HONESTAR",We also open OEM cooperation broadly.
Elemica 是一家向化工业、轮胎与橡胶行业、能源行业以及特定制造业提供供应链集成与优化服务的领先供应商,目前引入了 Elemica(R) 运输管理解决方案 (ETM),这是一项基于 Oracle 运输管理的业务流程外包 (BPO) 服务“由 Oracle提供技术支持”。
EXTON, PA--(Marketwire - February 16, 2012) - Elemica, a leading provider of supply chain integration and optimization services to the chemical, tire & rubber, energy and selected manufacturing industries, introduces the Elemica(R) Transportation Management solution (ETM), a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) service "Powered by Oracle" and based on Oracle Transportation Management.
打捞者根本不在乎这艘沉船的遗存是最大海难之一的见 证这一事实,当时沉船载有大约 1,500 人,全部随船沉入深海,比泰坦尼克 邮轮 沉 没 时罹难人数还 多。
Little concern was given by the salvors to the fact that the remains of the wreck gave testimony to one of the biggest catastrophes of seafare - the sinking ship took almost 1.500 persons with her into the depth of the sea, more then were killed when the Titanic sank.
去年,厦门市启动了公共直饮水项目,目前,全市已安装的公共直饮水机已有约200台,分布在海滨、海湾、中山、白鹭洲四个公园,以及国 邮轮 码 头 和各大BRT站点。
Last year, Xiamen City, launched a public drinking water projects, Currently, the city has installed drinking fountains in public straight, about 200,
located in the beach, bay, Zhongshan, four Egret Island Park and the major
[...] international cruise terminal and [...]
the BRT site .




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