

单词 邮政局

External sources (not reviewed)

(A) 任何通知或文件若以邮寄方式寄发,应被视作紧随载有该通知 或文件的信封或封套投递入有关地区邮政局之後一日 送达。就送达证明而言,载有通知或文件的信封或封套已妥为 预付邮资(倘地址位处有关地区以外兼具空邮服务,则已预付 空邮邮资)、列明地址及已投入该邮政局够作为送达证 明,而经秘书或董事委任的其他人士以书面形式签署证明,指 该载有通知或文件的信封或封套乃列明该地址及已投递入该邮政局为送达的最终证据。
(A) Any notice or document sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper
containing the same is
[...] put into a post office situated within the Relevant Territory and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing notice or document was properly prepaid (and in the case of an address outside the Relevant Territory where airmail service is available, airmail postage prepaid), addressed and put into such post office and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Directors that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or document was so addressed and put into such post officeshall be [...]
conclusive evidence thereof.
你可以利用自动转账(银行户口或指定信用卡)、「缴费灵」、银行自动柜员机(ATM)、网上缴费、邮寄支票或亲身前往中区缴费处、客户中心邮政局(邮政局)、7-Eleven、OK、或VanGO便利店或华润万家生活超市/ 华润万家便利超市缴交电费。
You can pay your electricity bills by Autopay (via bank account or designated credit cards), PPS, Automatic Teller
Machine (ATM), Internet
[...] Payment,by mailandin person at Central Pay-in Centre, Customer Centre, Post Offices (except mobile Post Offices) [...]
and 7-Eleven, Circle
K,  or VanGO Convenience Stores or CRVanguard Superstores/ CRVanguard Shops.
以邮寄方式发送的任何通知,应视为已於载有该通知的信封或封套邮 政局的翌日送达;在证明有关送达时,只须充分证明载有该通知的信封或封 套已妥为预付邮资、已注明地址及已邮政局;而经秘书或董事会委任的其 他人士签署证明该等载有该通知的信封或封套已妥为注明地址及邮政局的 书面证明书,即为有关送达的确证。
Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope
or wrapper containing
[...] the same is posted and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and posted andacertificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by theBoard that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was so addressed andposted shallbe conclusive [...]
evidence thereof.
如你希望经邮递获得申请表,请来函索取 (邮寄地址:九龙邮政局邮89192号)。
If you want to obtain the application form by post, please write to usat P.O. Box 89192 Kowloon CityPost Office.
解决问题的唯一方法就 是在中邮政局填海,但这并不可行,因为这会 阻碍现有抽水站的进水口和排水口管道。
The only way to overcome this would be to construct an area of reclamation to the north of the GeneralPost Office but this is not feasible as it would block the existing pumping station intake and discharge pipelines.
In the year, the company succeeded in clinching contracts from the Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation, China
Unicom, Zhejiang Branch, Anhui Mobile
[...] Communication, Postalbureau of Shanghai, head [...]
office of the Shanghai Pudong Development
Bank and Shanghai General Motors for this business line.
申请个人税号须前往任邮政局西银行(Banco do Brasil)分行或巴西联邦经济银行(Caixa Econômica Federal)分行,并填写申请表格和出示所需文件(一般为外国人注册号码的正本或核证副本)。
To obtain the CPF, it is necessary to fill out the application form at any Post Office, branch of Banco do Brasil or branch of the Caixa Econômica Federal and present the documentation required (usually the original or a certified copy of the RNE).
Annual Albums
[...] issuedby postal administrations of Australia, Canada, China, Macau, Singapore, United Kingdom, United Nations and United States will be put on [...]
sale at General Post
Office, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Shatin Central Post Office and Tsuen Wan Post Office, while selected philatelic products issued by the postal administrations of Australia, Canada, Macau, New Zealand, Singapore, United Nations and United Kingdom will be put on sale at 37 philatelic offices starting from 23 June 2011 (Thursday).
阁下及 /或贵公司若发现月结单上有任何错误,如未经授权使用enJoy商务卡 /公司卡之交易或对月结单上所列之任何项 目有争议,阁下及 / 或贵公司可於月结单日期起计 60 日内以书面注明有关事项,传真至 2787 7222 或邮寄往「香港九 龙中邮政局邮74147 号号生银行有限公司」。阁下及 / 或贵公司亦可致电 24 小时客户服务热线 2998 8888 提出有 关之错误或争议。
In the event of any errors like unauthorised use of the enJoy Commercial Card / Business Card or dispute regarding statement discrepancies, you and / or your company can report by fax to 2787 7222 or mailed to ”Hang Seng Bank Limited, P.O. Box 74147, Kowloon Central Post Office, within 60 days of thestatement date or call the 24-hour Customer Service Hotline 2998 8888.
邮寄或送递:请把录有参赛影像的CD 光碟 (档案大小没有上限)或8R 相片连同参赛表格交到邮政局邮政6998 号 – 香港公平贸易联盟秘书处收」,信封面请注明「公平贸易双周2011」摄影比赛。
By mail or delivery: Please send CD Rom with photo files (file size not limited) or 8R photos with entry form to “FTHK Secretariat, P.O. Box No. 6998, General Post Office”.
根据中环填海计划第三期工程,邮政中环 7 号和 8 号码头的中环码头 [...]
连接大楼的行人天桥会在 2009 年年初建成,以提供横跨 P2 道路(亦预计在 2009 年年初建成) 的分层行人通道。
Under the Central Reclamation Phase III project, the footbridge
[...] connecting the General Post Office to the Central [...]
Terminal Building of Central Piers
No. 7 and 8 will be completed in early 2009 to serve as a grade-separated pedestrian crossing for Road P2 (which is also expected to be completed by early 2009).




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