

单词 邦州



federal state
German Bundesland

See also:

country or nation

External sources (not reviewed)

重要信息:请遵循邦、州和当 地法律适当处理空的打印机墨盒。
IMPORTANT: Dispose the empty printer cartridge in
[...] accordance with all federal, state and local laws.
特派团总部设在蒙罗维亚,特派团的军事部分安排在两个区,覆盖 15 个州, 即:A
[...] 昂接壤的边界沿线)、博米、蒙特塞拉多、马吉比、大巴萨、塞斯河、西诺、大 克鲁和马里兰州(与科特迪瓦接壤);B 区总部设在邦加,涵盖洛法(与塞拉利昂和 几内亚接壤的边界沿线)、邦州(与几内亚接壤)、宁巴(与几内亚和科特迪瓦接壤) 以及大吉德和吉河州(与科特迪瓦接壤)。
The headquarters for the Mission have been established in Monrovia, with the military component of the Mission organized on the basis of two sectors covering 15 counties, namely, sector A, with headquarters in Monrovia, and encompassing the greater Monrovia area and the counties of Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount (along the border with Sierra Leone), Bomi, Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, River Cess, Sinoe, Grand Kru and Maryland (which borders Côte d’Ivoire); and
sector B, with
[...] headquarters in Gbarnga, and encompassing the counties of Lofa (along the border with Sierra Leone and Guinea), Bong (bordering [...]
Guinea), Nimba (bordering
Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire) and Grand Gedeh and River Gee (which border Côte d’Ivoire).
邦、州、市 和民间社会各利益攸关 方通过政策协调行动,以提高公共安全专业人员的作用、调整监狱系统、预防犯 [...]
Actions coordinated jointly
[...] by the Union, states, municipalities, [...]
and civil society stakeholders have been developed through
the Policy for the purpose of enhancing the value of public security professionals, restructuring the penitentiary system, preventing crime, and combating police corruption.
b. 如果本公约各项条款的实施属于立法不受联邦宪法制度约束的 邦 ( 州 )、 联邦成员 国、省或小行政区的职权范围,联邦政府须将本公约条款通报这邦(州)、 成员国、省或小行政区的主管当局。
b. With regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual
constituent States,
[...] countries, provinces or cantons which are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, countries, provinces or cantons of the said provisions.
消除这些历史和多面性现象 的战略的推行所面临的挑战是:在民间社会以及 邦 、 州 、 市 各级政府的立法、 行政和司法部门等公共机构之间协调行动和建立有效的伙伴关系。
The major challenge faced in implementing strategies for tackling these historical and multifaceted phenomena is to coordinate actions and forge effective partnerships between civil society and public agencies of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government in the federal, state and municipal levels.
長者環境就業計劃借助 55
[...] 歲或以上工作者的才能和經驗協助環境保護局 (EPA)及其他邦﹐州政府 與地區機構去達成與環境有關的職責。
The Senior Environmental Employment (SEE) Program
assists the Environmental Protection
[...] Agency (EPA) and other federal, state, and local [...]
agencies in meeting environmental mandates
by using the talents and experience of workers 55 years of age and older.
该小组是一 个多党团体,负责促进在邦、州和 地方各级建立合作伙伴关系,以共同加强预防教育工作,并对艾滋病 [...]
The publication aims at increasing awareness about the Brazilian Parliamentary Group for
AIDS, a cross-party group which promotes
[...] partnerships at federal, State and local [...]
levels to strengthen preventive education
and secure an ethical approach to AIDS.
该中心的总任务是帮助儿童与其父母和监护人团 聚,主要职责是(a) 开通一个免费热线,接受流离失所儿童的报告;(b) 创建一个 网站,提供有关流离失所儿童的信息;(c)
派遣工作人员到已宣布发生灾害事件的 地方收集关于流离失所儿童的信息;(d)
[...] 为公众提供关于额外资源的信息;(e) 在 美国发生重大灾害期间,与邦、州 和 地 方执法机构合作;以及(f) 向总检察长 [...]
With an overall mandate to help reunite children with their parents and guardians, the main responsibilities of the organization are to (a) establish a toll-free hotline to receive reports of displaced children; (b) create a website to provide information about displaced children; (c) deploy staff to the location of a declared disaster event to gather information about displaced children; (d) provide information to
the public about additional
[...] resources; (e) partner with Federal, State and local law [...]
enforcement agencies during major disasters
in the United States; and (f) refer reports of displaced adults to the Attorney General’s designated authority and the National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System.
波斯尼亚和 黑塞哥维那联邦在 2008
[...] 年修正了法律,目的是扩大潜在的机构客户的范围,包 括邦、州、市 和镇各级的机构在内,并保护各政党使用的设施。
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina amended its law in 2008 in order to expand the range of potential
customers to agencies, including
[...] authorities at the Federation, cantonal, city and municipality [...]
levels and the protection of
facilities used by political parties.
[...] 的成員必須屬相同政黨或具有相若政治目標的黨派,而不會在16個邦州任何一個中互相競爭。
Members of a parliamentary group should belong to the same party
or parties which have similar political objectives and do not compete with one
[...] another in any of the 16 federal states.
政黨亦獲准在聯邦憲法法院以憲制機構的 身分為本身的制度性權利作出辯護。2 2.3 《政黨法》進一步訂明,政黨" 應在人民生活的各個範疇參
[...] 政治教育;鼓勵人民積極參與政治生活;培養有才能的人士肩負社會 責任;提名候選人參與邦、州及地 方政府選舉;在議會及政府內對 政治發展施加影響;在國家的決策過程中體現政黨明確訂明的政治目 [...]
Political parties are also allowed to defend their institutional rights as constitutional organs before the Federal Constitutional Court.2 2.3 LPP further specifies that political parties "shall participate in the formation of the political will of the people in all fields of public life, in particular by exerting influence on the shaping of public opinion; inspiring and furthering political education; promoting active public participation in political life; training capable
people to assume public
[...] responsibilities; participating in federal, state and local government [...]
elections by nominating candidates;
exerting influence on political developments in parliament and government; incorporating their defined political aims into the national decision-making process; and ensuring continuous, vital links between the people and the instruments of state".
各美联航承运商都保留 (1)
[...] 拒绝承运任何是以违反美联航承运商的税则、规定或条例的方式或是以违反任何适用的国家、 邦 、 州 或 当 地的法令、法规或政府条例的方式获得的电子机票的旅客;和 [...]
(2) 在通知或不通知已订票旅客的前提下调整或修改合同条件的权利。
Each United Carrier reserves the right to (1) refuse carriage to any person who has acquired a ticket in violation of any United Carriers’ tariffs, rules or
regulations, or in violation of any
[...] applicable national, federal, state, or local [...]
law order, regulation or ordinance, and
(2) change or modify any of its conditions of contract with or without notice to ticketed passengers.
请提供关于监察员所收到指称经济、社会和文化权利遭受 邦 、 州 、 地 区和 地方当局侵犯的申诉的数量和内容以及对申诉所采取行动的更新资料。
Please provide updated information on the number and content of petitions received by the Ombudsman alleging violations of
economic, social and cultural rights by public
[...] authorities, at federal, state, regional [...]
and local levels, and the manner in which they have been acted upon.
邦﹑州與地 方政府佔了其他部分,即全國國內生產毛額的 [...]
Federal, state, and local [...]
governments accounted for the rest — 12.4 percent of GDP.
美國公共衛生協會 (APHA)聲明﹕APHA 決議敦促邦、州及地方政府與公共 健康機構,強制暫停設立新的集約畜牧農場(CAFO),除非相關公共健康風險的 [...]
Resolves that APHA urge federal, state and local governments [...]
and public health agencies to impose a moratorium on new Concentrated
Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs) until additional scientific data on the attendant risks to public health have been collected and uncertainties resolved.
Parker先生也是紐約/新澤西販毒集中區管治項目(HIDTA)主任,這是一個由聯邦政府資助的組織,宗旨是利用 邦 、 州 和 地 方的執法的合作搗毀非法毒品市場。
Mr. Parker is also the Director of the New York/New Jersey High Intensity
Drug Trafficking Area
[...] (HIDTA), a federally-funded program that invests in federal, state and local [...]
law enforcement partnerships
designed to disrupt the market for illegal drugs.
加盟 GSO Capital 之前,Eisenberger 先生是 Amaranth Advisors LLC
[...] 的税务董事,负责有关投资事务、基金结构以及其他常规税务问题的税务咨询服务,同时确保基金遵守 邦 、 州 以 及 国际税务文件的规定。
Before joining GSO Capital, Mr. Eisenberger was the Director of Tax at Amaranth Advisors LLC where his responsibilities included providing tax consulting with respect to investment transactions, fund structure and other
general tax issues as well as ensuring that the fund was in
[...] compliance with all Federal, State and International [...]
tax filings.
将联邦调查局全国安保人员和 任务置于一个统一的领导构架之下可增强其对全国情报工作的贡献,并为其提供
[...] 机会,使其能够利用美国情报界合作伙伴以及 邦 、 州 、 地 方和部落执法伙伴的 资源,并令这些资源发生杠杆效应。
Combining the FBI’s national security workforce and mission under one leadership umbrella enhances its contribution to the national intelligence effort and provides the FBI with the opportunity to leverage resources from its
United States Intelligence Community partners,
[...] as well as its federal, state, local, and [...]
tribal law enforcement partners.
邦州层面 ,16 个州级青年社团联合会,以及在地方 层面,无数个州区和城市青年社团联合会积极参与其中。
The 16 regional youth councils
[...] operate on a federal level, while [...]
numerous further district and town youth councils operate on a local level.
在 2005 年成立的 主要政党中,团结党确认其总统候选人为约翰逊·瑟利夫总统,副总统候选人为
[...] 约瑟夫·博阿凯副总统,自由党选举查尔斯·布鲁姆斯基纳 邦州 参 议员富兰克 林·西亚科尔为其总统和副总统候选人,民主变革大会选举温斯顿·塔布曼为其 [...]
总统候选人,选举其 2005 年总统候选人乔治·维阿为副总统候选人。
Among the main parties from 2005, the Unity Party confirmed President Johnson Sirleaf as its presidential candidate and Vice-President Joseph Boakai as vice-presidential
candidate; the Liberty Party elected
[...] Charles Brumskine and Bong County Senator Franklin [...]
Siakor as its presidential and vice-presidential
candidates; and the Congress for Democratic Change elected Winston Tubman as its presidential candidate and George Weah, its 2005 presidential candidate, as its vice-presidential candidate.
美國邦、州及地方政府的雇員在從與政府有生意往來或受政府 管轄的公司及個人收受業務招待時受有關法律和法規的制約。
Employees of U.S. federal, state and local governments [...]
are subject to laws and regulations concerning acceptance of business
courtesies from firms and persons with whom the government does business or over whom it has regulatory authority.
在搜查學生的人,他/她的個人財產,車輛,或 儲物櫃的事件中被發現違反了邦, 州 際 或 地方 法律,我們可以通知執法機關,使他們採取相應 [...]
In the event the search of a student’s person, his/her
personal possessions, vehicle, or locker
[...] reveals a violation of federal, state or local law, [...]
law enforcement authorities may be
notified so that they may take appropriate action.
除非本订单中另有注明,否则本订单中所标注价格应包含所有相应的 邦 、 州 / 省 及 当地税费。
Unless otherwise indicated in this order, the prices herein include
[...] all applicable federal, state and local taxes.
小组委员会对邦、州及地 方当局对查访该国的代表团给予的方便和密切 配合表示感谢。
The Subcommittee is grateful to federal, state and local [...]
authorities for the wide latitude and close cooperation afforded
the delegation that visited the country.
[...] 场、下段射程或轨道之外,因此这些计划涉及 邦 、 州 和 地方各级多个政府机 构,以及事先部署的或在事故发生时可随时获取的广泛种类的资源。
Because accidents could occur at the launch site, downrange or out of orbit,
the plans involve multiple government
[...] agencies at the federal, state and local levels [...]
and a broad range of resources that
are either pre-deployed or readily accessible in the event of an accident.
委员会请缔约国加紧努力采取有效的法律或其它措施,打击 邦 、 州 及 地 方各级 的腐败现象,包括拨出充分资源用以落实其国家反腐战略和国家反腐规划。
The Committee requests the State party to step up its efforts to take effective
measures, legislative or otherwise, to combat
[...] corruption both at federal, and regional and [...]
local levels, including by allocating
sufficient resources for the implementation of its national strategy and national plan to combat corruption.
如果联合国于 2009 年 1 月 1 日实施新的内部
[...] 司法系统的努力失败,委员会或许应要求秘书长允许 联合国工作人员根据总部协定诉诸美国 邦 、 州 和地 方法律管辖机关。
If the United Nations failed in its efforts to implement the new internal justice system by 1 January 2009, the Committee should perhaps ask the SecretaryGeneral to allow United
Nations staff to avail themselves of the
[...] jurisdiction of the federal, state and local [...]
law of the United States, in accordance
with the headquarters agreement.
其含义显而易见:我们将不懈努力,提供最佳的客户服务;带来市场已知的最多优质产品和服务;且提供最全面、高效的供应链,支持美国 邦 、 州 和 地方政府在国内和国际的众多项目。
The message is clear: we will work endlessly to provide the best customer service; make available the widest range of quality products and services known in the market; and, provide the most comprehensive
and efficient supply chain utilized today
[...] in support of US federal, state and local [...]
government projects, domestically and internationally.
[...] 胶生产的收入增加,而受全球危机拖累 邦州 矿 业 公司和耶克帕公司铁矿石业务 已经准备进行大规模的开采,这应增加一些就业。
Revenues from rubber production have
increased because of a rebound in world prices,
[...] while both the Bong Mines and Yekepa [...]
iron ore operations, delayed by the global
crisis, have resumed preparations for large-scale extraction, which should generate some employment.




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