单词 | 那里 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 那pron—thatpron 那adj—thatadj 那—those then (in that case) 迣—leap over
现时我不能告诉你,在尚未进行规划我们是怎样提供交通纾 缓措施的,因为我不知道在那里提供及发展的规模会如何。 legco.gov.hk | Without carrying out the planning, I cannot tell you now as to how we will provide measures to alleviate the traffic because I do not know where and how large the development will be. legco.gov.hk |
B.L 和他太太在许多年前搬到巴黎,目前仍然在那里作工。 lordsmove.org | B. L. moved to Paris with his wife many years ago and is still laboringthere. lordsmove.org |
虽然在那里可能有一些一般的没有任何公差带的联接部分,只有两种联接孔和轴的方法是由于装配上的,技术上的和经济上的所以被推荐使用。 mitcalc.com | Although there canbe generally [...] coupled parts without any tolerance zones, only two methods of coupling of holes and shafts [...]are recommended due to constructional, technological and economic reasons. mitcalc.com |
我以前曾经说过,但我还要再说:要是人间有天堂,那里就是「母亲的抉择」了。 motherschoice.com | I have said it before and will say it over and over again – if there is heaven on Earth, it is Mother’s Choice. motherschoice.com |
他的顾问公司设在杜拜,他也住在那里,但需要经常往来伦敦分公司、泽西及 [...] 中欧其他城市,与客户会面。 hsbc.com | He lives in Dubai where his [...] consultancy is based, buttravels frequently [...]to his branch office in London, to Jersey and to [...]other cities in continental Europe to meet clients. hsbc.com |
同样,可以告诉你问题出在那里,可以怎样解决的十居其九都是在前线工作,首当其冲的同事。 housingauthority.gov.hk | ) Also ninety-nine times out of a hundred it is the man or woman at the sharp end, at the very front of the front-line who can tell you what the problem is and where the solution lies. housingauthority.gov.hk |
我赞成在医院内设立这些㆗心,㆗心内有正式受过 训练的调查㆟员,而验身、治疗及初步的辅导等,亦可在那里进行,因而受害㆟ 毋须由㆒间机构转到另㆒间机构那麽麻烦。 legco.gov.hk | I support the call for these centres to be set up in hospitals where properly trained investigators, medical examination, treatment and initial counselling could be done without the need for cumbersome transfer from one institution to another. legco.gov.hk |
因此,电脑病毒不能从CMOS记忆体扩散,也不可藏在那里内。 hkcert.org | Therefore, a virus cannot spread from, or be hidden in CMOS memory. hkcert.org |
如果 Delta Dental 批准了您 在非参与牙医那里继续治疗,我们会给您一份书面授权。 deltadentalins.com | If Delta Dental approves the continued treatment from a non-participating Provider, we will give you a written authorization. deltadentalins.com |
这与在美国和欧洲的 做法不同,那里是由本地完成的。 pacnet.com | This was unlike their US and Europe sites, where it was done locally. pacnet.com |
在 该区域,决定主干道纵向走线的考虑因素是如何确保隧道 [...] 在以足够低的水平通过相邻的避风塘,避免需要在那里填海,然後尽快上升(以最大隧道坡度 [...]3%)至北角地面。 devb.gov.hk | The vertical alignment of the Trunk Road in this area is determined by ensuring that the tunnel is at a low enough level through the [...] adjacent typhoon shelter to avoid the need [...] for reclamation there, but then rising [...]as quickly as possible (at a maximum tunnel [...]gradient of 3%) to ground level at North Point. devb.gov.hk |
举例来说﹐某个有特殊需要的学生在课堂做笔记有困难﹐ 他的目标可能包括从老师那里收到一套讲义﹐或者得到批准在课室里使用录音机。 bcepilepsy.com | For example, a student with special needs is having problem taking notes in class, and his objective may include receiving a set of lecture notes from the teacher, or permission to have a recorder in the classroom. bcepilepsy.com |
在那 里﹐他对 每 一 个 自 由 主 义 [...] 的 提 案 皆 作 出 反 对 ﹐ 使 自 己 得 了 「 坚 定 的 反 动 份 子 」 的 称 号 。 hkahe.com | There he opposed every liberal [...] proposal and made a name for himself as a determined reactionary. hkahe.com |
要吃美味的牛扒和喝红酒,可以前去Goodman (495 775 98 88;www.goodman-steak.ru)。在那里可找到牛扒、墨鱼圈、烧排骨、薯条、Guinness啤酒、霖酒和可乐汽水等,另外那里的露台也是全莫斯科最好之一。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | To have tasty steaks and red wine, drop by any of the Goodman restaurants (495 775 98 88; www.goodman-steak.ru).There you'll find steaks, calamari rings, spareribs, French fries, Guinness, rum and coke and one of the best terraces in Moscow. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
但是你要当心,那里竞争非常严酷,比东南亚要严酷得多。 wcec-secretariat.org | But be careful - competition is tough, much tougher than in Southeast Asia. wcec-secretariat.org |
虽然电脑病毒可写入(及破坏)个人电脑的CMOS记忆体,但电脑病毒不能「藏」在那里。 hkcert.org | Although a virus can write to (and corrupt) a PC's CMOS memory, a virus can NOT ' hide'there. hkcert.org |
就如同爱尔兰特使於联合国1960年辩论图博问题时所指出的,联合国大会里的大部份国家,如果必须证明他们在过去从没有被其他国 家统治的话,那麽大部份国家几乎没有资格留在那里。 rangzen.net | As the Irish delegate pointed out in the 1960 UN debate on Tibet, most of the countries in the General Assembly would not be there if they had to prove that they had never in the past been dominated by another country. rangzen.net |
直到几年前,只有决赛才会在最宏伟的体育场举行,然而,由于重建,英足总也将半决赛设在了那里。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Up until a few years back it was only ever the final that was held [...] at the magnificent stadium, however since it was rebuilt, the English FA also made it so the [...] semi-finals are held there. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
他家旁边就有壹家非常美味的意大利餐馆,我就见他成天在那里吃饭。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Kenny, is a keen lover of pizza. There is a stunning Italian restaurant in his neighborhood and [...] Kenny hangs out there allthe time. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
当在那里选择一个合适的键联接类型时也会被填入账目,除了键联接尺寸之外,他使用值,读取时间和键联接的生産,安装和运行的的财务费用。 mitcalc.com | When choosing a suitable type of coupling there must [...] also be taken into account, besides the dimensional parameters of the [...]coupling, its use value, time demands and financial costs of production, installation and operation of the coupling. mitcalc.com |
我有次到 We Care 帮孩子理发,那里有一位最使我难忘的孩子, 姑娘称他为”忧郁小生”! 他面如冠玉,生得很清秀……可惜他天生有残缺,不良於行,又不懂说话; 可是他那双会说话的眼睛会把他的心里话道尽…… [...] 那时是夏天,我主观地以为,为了护理员方便全剪到极短就行了? motherschoice.com | There was one child that was simply unforgettable. The nurses called him “the melancholy boy”. motherschoice.com |
当 罗 马 失 控 ﹐ 在 1849 年 成 立 罗 马 共 和 国 时 ﹐ 庇 护 九 世 逃 往 那 不 勒 斯 [...] 的 加 埃 塔 (Gaeta)﹐在那 里他寻求 外 国 的 援 助 [...]以 恢 复 其 统 治 。 hkahe.com | When unrest spread in Rome, leading to the proclamation [...] of the Roman Republic (1849), Pius IX fled [...] to Gaeta in Naples where he sought foreign [...]assistance to restore his position. hkahe.com |
从公司当日收入收款(Keeper):如果你要求收款官使用这个方 式,收款官会到你雇主的公司去,并在那里停留一段时间。 las-elc.org | Keeper: If you request a keeper, a levying officer will be sent to your employer’s business, and will stay there for a specified period of time, collecting money that comes in during the day. las-elc.org |
我 们 现 在 考 虑 警 察 进 行 身 分 证 检 查 时 可从那 里查阅有 关 人 士 的 资 料 , 以 及 取 得 这 些 资 料 的 职 权 。 hkreform.gov.hk | We consider here the sources of information about an individual which are available to the police when making an ID check and the authority for obtaining that information. hkreform.gov.hk |
从地区检察长办公室离职後,万斯先生和其妻麦克唐纳(Peggy McDonnell)搬到西雅图,在那里他与人共同创办了McNaul Ebel Nawrot Helgren & Vance律师事务所,该事务所已成为在西北部首屈一指的专事诉讼业务的律师事务所之一。 manhattanda.org | After leaving the DA’s Office, Mr. Vance and his wife Peggy McDonnell moved to Seattle, where Mr. Vance co-founded McNaul Ebel Nawrot Helgren & Vance, PLLC, which became one of the pre-eminent litigation firms in the Northwest. manhattanda.org |
在我们去希腊前,我们与弟兄们交 通的结果,感觉我们应当经常地回到伦敦与那里的服事者和圣徒继续有相调,这也是我们本来热 诚去行的。 lordsmove.org | Before our leaving for Greece our fellowship with the brothers concluded with the feeling that we should return regularly to London for continued blending with the serving ones andsaints there, which very thing we are also eager to do (Gal. 2:10b). lordsmove.org |
然而叫耶稣从死里復活者的靈,若住在你们心里,那叫基督耶稣从死 里復活的,也必藉着住在你们心里的圣靈,叫你们必死的身体又活过來。 efcga.org | Rom 8:11 “And if the Spirit of himwho raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he whoraised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. efcga.org |
但是如果收银机里有足够的现 金,那收款官可以收到足够的钱來支付他的费用并将你交的费 用退还给你。 las-elc.org | You must pay a fee before the levying [...] officer will conduct a till tap [...] (you should find out how much this fee will be when you [...]contact the levying officer for [...]your county), but if there is enough money in the register, the officer will collect enough to cover this fee and refund that money to you. las-elc.org |