

单词 那种

那种 ()

that kind of
that type of
that sort of

External sources (not reviewed)

通过记录 何时需要维护以及需那种类型 的维护,建立预防性维 护计划,然后确定检查系统的定期计划。
Establish a preventive maintenance schedule by recording when and what kind of maintenance is needed, and then determine a regular schedule for checking your system.
所有这些挑战在种或那种方面 都对办事处的效力都产生影响,以改 变其专门知识和资源的利用,促进其所服务的人们的和平与和谐。
All these
[...] challenges in one way or another have over time [...]
had an impact in the effectiveness of the Office to make a difference
in the use of its areas of expertise and the resources available to it in promoting peace and harmony among the people it sets out to serve.
哥斯 达黎加支那种主张 审议机制应当不断发展,使之成为对受审议国更有实际意义 [...]
Costa Rica supported the view that the review [...]
mechanism should evolve in order to become a more meaningful and useful tool
for States under review, in terms of the focus, pertinence and realities of each situation.
此外,黎巴嫩欢迎目前采取的作法,在公开会议 中让区域组织等团体参加会议,以便能够分享它们的 经验和听取它们的发言,像中国担任主席在今年年初 当我们讨论联合国与区域组织和次区域组织就维护 国际和平与安全进行合作的议题时 那种 情 况 (见 S/PV.6257)。
Furthermore, Lebanon welcomes the current approach to involving regional organizations and other groups in open meetings so as to benefit from their experiences and to listen to their presentations, as was the case during the presidency of China early this year when we discussed the theme of cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security (see S/PV.6257).
[...] 攻击的目标既不是平民,也不是民用物体,同时不进那种不分青红皂白的攻击,包括预计可能会造成非 [...]
有意的平民伤亡攻击,而这种伤亡超过了具体攻击所 期望获得的具体和直接的军事优势。
For those launching attacks, this includes doing everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects
and refraining from any indiscriminate
[...] attacks, including those that may be expected [...]
to cause incidental civilian casualties
that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from that specific attack.
欧洲联盟回顾,它无 法接受减少理事会会议次数、同时又不为理事会提供机会使之以有效的方式处于 紧急局势那种审查 方案,因为对于灵活的工作方式,例如非正式会议和情况简 报会等无法达成一致意见。
The European Union recalled that it could not accept a review package that would have reduced the number of Council’s sessions while providing no opportunities for the Council to address emergency situations in an effective way, as it was not possible to find consensus on flexible work formats, such as informal meetings and briefings.
随着传统那种工作 和娱乐分开的空间和时间变得越来越模糊,我们将技术作为随时随地帮您管理这两者的关键。
As the spaces and times that traditionally separated work from play become increasingly blurred, we use technology as a key to help you manage both – anywhere, anytime.
羁押是例外,只有在某个案件的具体情况下为确保某人在审判时到庭但存在如下 严重危险时才有理由采用:(a) 此人可能潜逃;(b) 为防止此人阻碍或危及调查 或法庭诉讼;或(c) 为阻止此人涉嫌犯下那种行为 再次发生。
Detention is the exception, which may be justified in the concrete circumstances of a case (a) to ensure a person’s appearance at trial whenever there is a serious danger that he or she may abscond; (b) to prevent him or her from obstructing or endangering the investigation or the court proceedings; or (c) to prevent a repetition of the kind of conduct of which he or she is suspected.
如果确定有必要作 (f)段那种和(e )段的那些实质性修正,秘书 处应,如果适用,和如有可能,与该休会的委员会的国家秘书处该委员会的主席商定作 [...]
这样一项修正的必要性和编写一份工作文件,说明拟议修正案的措词和建议作此类修正 的理由和酌情提出此类修正的措词,并要求本委员会成员成员国政府提出与以下方面有
关的评论:(a) 着手进行这样一项修正的必要性和(b)拟议的修正案本身。
If the need for amendments of the type in
[...] para (f) and those of (e) of a substantive [...]
nature is identified, the Secretariat,
in cooperation with the national secretariat of the adjourned Committee if applicable, and, if possible, the Chairperson of that Committee, should agree on the need for such an amendment and prepare a working paper containing the wording of a proposed amendment and the reasons for proposing such amendments and the wording of such amendments as appropriate, and request comments from members of the Commission Member Governments: (a) on the need to proceed with such an amendment and (b) on the proposed amendment itself.
在西方的沙漠,直到今天,仍那种 地 图的碎片般的废墟,住着动物和乞丐;整片大地上也没有了地理规范的其他遗迹。
In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.
那种意义 上讲,对传统知识的保存问题和传统知识保管者生活方式的延续问 题,可能代表了这些社区面对外界压力所面临的根本问题。
In that sense, concerns about the preservation of traditional knowledge, and the continued way of life of those holding such knowledge, may be symptomatic of the underlying problems that face these communities in the face of external pressures.
这里的主要问题产生于类似前面那 种不切 实际的期望:一些中央服务机构和支助服务机构在拟订计划时既没有消化吸收服务思维也没有使用服务 思维,却要求它们使用服务思维来报告自己的工作。
Here again, the fundamental handicap stemmed from the unrealistic expectation placed on some Central and Support Services to report using a service logic that had not been internalized nor used in the preparation of their plans.
那种解释 被证明是有根据的,并且符合对条约的正 宗解释,那就是必须符合解释性声明的允许性条件的真正的解释性声明,但也只 需要符合那些条件了。
If the interpretation proves to be warranted and in accordance with the authentic interpretation of the treaty, it is a genuine interpretative declaration that must meet the conditions for the permissibility of interpretative declarations, but only those conditions.
但是,如果发那种情况 ,该做法仍将受到没有任 何反对之原则的限制。
But in such case, the practice would [...]
remain subject to the principle of non-objection.
尽管美国强力支持联合检查组的改革,目的是振 兴该机构并创造更多在整个联合国系统加强问责制 和实效的机会,但联检组自己对这方面各个选项所作 的分析不符合能有助于联检组促进联合国系统的成 果和问责制那种大胆 和意义深远的改革。
While the United States strongly supported reform of the Joint Inspection Unit, with the aim of revitalizing that body and creating more opportunities to strengthen accountability and effectiveness throughout the United Nations system, the Unit’s own analysis of the options in that regard fell short of the kind of bold and far-reaching reform that would help it to promote results and accountability in the United Nations system.
尽管如此,委员会的主流意见是,委员会完全可以将重点恢复到早先的“灾 害”概念中,即灾害是一个具体事件,因为委员会正在做的是拟订一项法律文
[...] 书,要求有更精确和准确的法律定义,不同于更加以政策为导向 那种 定 义
Nonetheless, the prevailing view was that the Commission was free to shift the emphasis back to the earlier conception of “disaster” as being a specific event, since it was embarking on the formulation of a
legal instrument, which required a more concise
[...] and precise legal definition, [...]
as opposed to one that is more policy-oriented.
款 因 为重复 了他在第二次报告 (A/CN.4/573)第2 条草案中关于驱逐的定义因而可予删除,已经在2007 年将其修 订案文35
[...] 送交起草委员会,特别报告员仍然深信需要拟定一个条款草案,以禁那种违反 所有程序规则、并且没有对遭受驱逐的人给予任何保护的驱逐形式。
While recognizing that paragraph 2 could be deleted since it duplicated the definition of expulsion in draft article 2 of his second report (A/CN.4/573), the revised version of which35 was sent to the Drafting Committee in 2007, the Special Rapporteur
remained convinced of the need for a draft article
[...] prohibiting that form of expulsion, [...]
which violated all the procedural rules and
afforded no protection to persons subject to expulsion.
存在价值:指人们知道一种资源存在的价值,尽管人们可能 从未 使 用那 种 资 源 ( 有 时 也 称 之 为 保 存 价 值 或 被 动 使 用 价值)。
Existence value: The value that individuals place on knowing that a resource exists, even if they never use that resource (also sometimes known as conservation value or passive use value).
例 如,他希望在对特别政治任务作出决定时,避免在设 立联合国南苏丹特派团时所犯那种 错 误 ,当时采用 了标准化的供资方式,从而剥夺了会员国讨论新特派 团所需经费的机会。
For example, it wished to avoid, in the decision-making on special political missions, the type of error that had occurred when the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) had been established using the standardized funding model, depriving Member States of the opportunity to discuss the requirements for the new Mission.
以描写保罗·霍根而出名的系列电影<<鄂鱼邓迪>>受到全世界观众的欢迎,就是因为其中描绘 那种 对 澳 大利亚国家形象的感知。
The Crocodile Dundee movie series featuring Paul Hogan was popular with worldwide audiences for its portrayal of perceptions about Australia's national identity.
(d) 依那种认为 外来资本在经济发展中一向是跑龙套的观点看来,决策 者应该注重其它因素,诸如机构、教育和医疗开支。
(d) As for the belief that external capital had been a sideshow in economic development, policymakers should focus their attention on other factors, such as institutions, education and healthcare expenditures.
回顾历史,伊斯坦布尔和上海可谓同病相怜,清醒时也好,潜意识也罢,都一直无法摆 那种 源 于 西方世界的焦虑感。
Historically, Istanbul and Shanghai are two cities that have suffered
most from both the conscious and
[...] subconscious anxieties produced by the West—a [...]
topic that remains still under-researched.
(e) 如同向最不发达国家提供双边援助资源和已毕业国家之间 那种 情 况 , 也迫切需要处理支助已毕业国家和实现多边捐助者所设预算分配目标之间的目 标冲突问题。
(e) As in the case of the allocation of bilateral aid resources to least developed countries and gradated countries, the conflicting objectives to support graduated countries versus meeting budget allocation targets set by multilateral donors need to be addressed urgently.
创建安装程序可以自动检测使用者的操作系统的语言版本,调整显示屏幕和信息与之相对应,无论您需要的 那种 语 言版本:英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语或其他可以被Windows识别的语言,您只需在Setup Factory 中提供需要的语言版本的文本信息,Setup Factory 将会自动替你完成其他的工作。
Whether you need to support English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or any other language recognized by Windows, with Setup Factory you simply provide the text and your installer takes care of the rest!
缺少的根本要素是要找出克服流行的、误导人的看法,克 那种 认 为 儿童自由的、自发 的游戏是无聊的和无足轻重的的看法,和克 那种 认 为 成人结构化的、相对干净的、不鼓励 人的、标准化的干预能满足儿童内在的户外游戏需要的看法。
The fundamental missing element is finding ways to counter the popular, misguided sentiments that children’s free, spontaneous play is frivolous and unimportant and that structured, relatively sterile, uninspiring, standards-based interference by adults can serve the inherent outdoor play needs of children.
另一方面,Sherira的声明表明,他对犹太法典,并以书面形式米示拿的存在拒绝被限制在官方认可的节录,对他所说 那种 手 稿 当时的,因为他们在若尼克被期间,尽管停职,因为他们使用了至少为艾滋病研究,如果没有当时的犹太法典不可能被记忆。
On the other hand, Sherira's statement shows that his denial of the existence of the Talmud and the Mishnah in
written form was limited to an officially
[...] recognized redaction; for manuscripts of [...]
the kind mentioned by him were then current,
as they had been in the geonic period, despite the interdiction; for they were used at least as aids to study, and without them the Talmud could not possibly have been memorized.
假如如果食典附属机构已被取消或解散,或法典委员会已无限期休会,秘书处将不 断审查这些机构所制定的无限期休会的法典委员会所提出的所有食典标准和相关文本, 并确定作任何修正,尤其是根据本委员会决定提出的那些修正,尤其是第1(a)、(b)、(c) 及(d)提到那种修正 以及如果属于编辑性修正的话(e)段的那些修正的必要性。
In the case wWhere Codex subsidiary bodies have been abolished or dissolved, or Codex committees have been adjourned sine die, the Secretariat keeps under review all Codex standards and related texts elaborated by these bodies originating from Codex Committees adjourned sine die and to determines the need for any amendments, in particular those arising from decisions of the Commission , in particular amendments of the type mentioned in para. 1(a), (b), (c), (d) and those of (e) if of an editorial nature.
一成员说,氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的很大一部分被用于使用进口的 HCFC 141b 预混合 多元醇的企业的转产,并询那种转 产 是否符合成本效益。
One member said that a large part of the HPMP was for the conversion of enterprises using HCFC-141b-based pre-blended polyols which were being imported, and queried whether that conversion would be cost effective.
只有在专利所有人未能披露所知信息或故意误导来源地的情况下,才能对其进行 制裁〔可能是上文所讨论那种制裁 〕。
Sanctions, possibly of the type discussed above, should be applied only where it can be shown that the patentee has failed to disclose the known source or where he has sought to deliberately mislead about the source.
不同制造商的无线电话可在一个 DECT 底座上紧邻使用,因为它们都使用同一个传输协议,通 那种 方 式,制造商跨设备通信成为可能。
Wireless phones of various manufacturers can be used next to one another at one DECT base station, because they all use the same transfer protocol and in that way, a manufacturer spanning communication of the devices is possible.




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