

单词 那曲



Nagchu city in Tibet


Nagchu prefecture in central Tibet, Tibetan: Nag chu sa khul

See also:



wrong adj

External sources (not reviewed)

主席,如果我們的特首對於民主發展 那 麼 曲 解 民 主真正意義的想法, 那麼,在他的領導下,香港人又怎可以落實《基本法》所承諾的雙普選呢?
President, if our Chief
[...] Executive holds such a distorted interpretation of [...]
democratic development, how can Hong Kong people
ever implement universal suffrage as promised in the Basic Law?
村村通工程一期主要是建设无线站点部分,联信永益公司承建其中41个基点(扇区共114个,CPE共165个),分布 那曲 、 昌 都、拉萨、山南等4个城市,共19个县城,41个乡镇和165个村委会。
Every Village Access Project Phase I is mainly for building wireless sites, and Surekam is responsible for building 41 basic
sites (114 sections and 165 CPE),
[...] distributed in 4 cities Naqu, Changdu, Lasha, [...]
Shannan, in totally 19 counties,, 41 townships and 165 village committees.
那扭曲現象 就是,若碰到港同盟、匯點、自由黨、民建聯、或自民聯,在每個選區內都能 [...]
夠佔 35%的支持,而其他各黨得不到 35%支持的話,便會贏取全部議席。
That distorted phenomenon means [...]
that in the event of the United Democrats, the Meeting Point, the Liberal Party, Democratic
Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong or the Liberal Democratic Federation securing 35% of support in each constituency and in the event of other parties failing to have 35% support, that party will win all the seats.
[...] 麼多電影,為何不以香港的地產商和土地政策在社 那 種 扭 曲 , 以 及違 反所謂的公平、公義原則的現象作為題材?
Why do the prolific directors of films not take this
phenomenon of Hong Kong developers and
[...] the land policy distorting and violating [...]
the so-called fair and just principle in
society as a theme for their movies?
那些所謂最曲的社 會現象仍會扭曲,但卻不致 如此嚇人。
Those so-called bad distorted social phenomena will remain distorted, [...]
but they will not be as shocking as that.
实现这些目标还需要解决从前任政 那 里 继 承的曲的预 算优先项,包括高额的军费支出以及在社会 服务提供方面极低水平的支出。
They will also require addressing the skewed budgetary priorities inherited from the former government, including high military spending, and very low levels of spending on social service provision.
局長如今正步他們的後塵,猶如 高唱那首英文名曲“My Way”(“我的路”)般,我行我素。
You are now embarking
[...] on the same route of singing the song "My Way".
尤其是那英的《春暖花开》的LED电子显示屏技术让无数观众看花了眼,据悉 那 英 这 曲 歌 的舞台造价在上亿元,上至天花板到背景墙、左右侧墙壁全都安装了全彩的LED彩幕屏,舞台本身也是很多块可以计算机控制自由升降的机械系统,并且每块的上面前面和两侧都安装了LED彩幕屏,所有这些屏幕和升降机械都是计算机控制的,随着表演的需要,屏幕可以显示出不同的图案,上下左右都是搭配很好的屏幕图像时,看起来就非常逼真。
Especially na ying's "spring", LED electronic display technology to
dazzled the audience,
[...] it is reported, na ying this cost in the hundreds of millions of yuan qu song stage, up to [...]
the ceiling to the background
wall, left and right side walls are all installed the full-color LED color screen screen, the stage itself is a lot of computer control freedom can lift the mechanical system, and each of the above installed on both sides and the LED color screen in front of the screen, all of these screens and lifting machinery are computer controlled, as the performances, the screen can show a different pattern, the up and down or so these with good screen image, looks very realistic.
那样的曲解导 致国家认为其自身 才是人类自由的归所,并将个人当成手段而非目的来对待,从而产生一切灾难性 后果。
This distortion led States to regard themselves as final repositories of human freedom, and to treat individuals as means rather than as ends in themselves, with all the disastrous consequences which ensued therefrom.
如果最大的彎曲應力超過選擇材料的最大允許的 曲 應 力 , 那 麽 各 自的單元格會顯示紅色。
In case the maximum bending stress exceeds the maximum permitted bending stress of the selected material, the respective cell is shown in red.
我 只 是 再三希望, 香港人 縱 使 要 走 第一至 第 四步( 儘那四步曲 的發生 是 我們無 法 避免的),但對於 第 五 步 , 我們是 可以避免的,我們是 可以不走 這 一 步 的,即 是 說 , 我們不要 受 屈 , 我們拒 絕 受 屈 。
Although we cannot avoid the first four movements, we can avoid the fifth movement, we can choose not to follow this movement.
我要 在安理会明确申明,质疑我们行动的合理性和合法 性,暗示这些行动本身导致了犯罪行为——尽管正如
[...] 人权理事会调查委员会再次确认的那样,所有的证据 均表明,情况恰恰相反—那是在歪 曲 历 史,也是在 侮辱为获得自由而英勇奋战的全体利比亚人民。
I want to affirm unequivocally that to call into question the legitimacy and legality of our actions, and to insinuate that they themselves were tantamount to criminal acts — despite all evidence to the contrary, as the Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry
confirmed yet again — is an
[...] utter distortion of history and an insult to all Libyans who bravely [...]
fought to win their freedom.
音牆要素;如果說有些後搖是鎮定劑或是失眠時的催 曲 , 那 聽 見 kiki的綺式唱腔也算是治癒系的了,治癒心底的傷口然後再展開微笑。
Wall of sound elements; the tranquilizers or insomnia that
[...] some post rock lullaby, that's fantasies [...]
hear kiki style singing can be considered
cured Department, heal the wounds of the heart and then expand smile.
咨询委员会指出,特别政治任务所需资源的规模及 其波动性,曲了整个经常预算在各个两年期之间的趋势,并使经常预 [...]
The Advisory Committee points out that the scale of the resource
requirements for special political missions, and
[...] their volatility, distort the picture of [...]
trends in the regular budget as a whole from
biennium to biennium and render analysis of developments in the rest of the regular budget difficult.
因此,當他在去 年 7
[...] 月發表《綠皮書》時,泛民的議員便發出單張,告知大家《綠皮書》中 的五大陷阱,要大家看清楚,因那 些 陷 阱會 曲 普 選 的原意。
We asked everyone to read it
[...] carefully because those traps could distort the original [...]
meaning of universal suffrage.
例 如說,劉德 華 這位香港歌 星 在 北
京 可 以 唱 “ 我是中 國人” , 在 香港還 可 以 唱 “ 愛 拼 才 會 贏 ”   ─   不 知 應 否 說 “ 愛 拼 才
[...] 會 贏 ” 是 “ 台 獨 ”曲 , 那是李 登 輝 參 選 時 曾 唱 [...]
過 的 歌 曲 。
For example, the Hong Kong artist, Andy LAU, may sing the song "I am Chinese" in Beijing, and he may sing the song "To win is to fight" in Hong Kong, too. I do not know whether
the song "To win is to fight" should be
[...] considered a song pertaining to the nature [...]
of "Taiwan independence", as it was
the song sung during Mr LEE Teng-hui's election campaign.
设计指南还包含各类驱动器和电机 / 执行器组合中推荐使用的电机电缆、性能技术参数以及转矩
[...] / 速度 ( 旋转 ) 和力 / 速度 ( 直线 ) 曲线。
The design guides also include the recommended motor cables, performance
specifications, and torque/speed (rotary) and
[...] force/velocity (linear) curves for each drive [...]
and motor/actuator combination.
我們的判斷是,如果否決了議案,但又不能得到我們所爭取的所謂 “未來保證”(這是需要立即重新啟動“五 曲 ” 才 可做到的 ) , 那 麼 , 否決 議案是否對爭取民主的政治生態有利呢?
Our judgment is: If the motion is voted down, but the so-called "future guarantee" we strive for cannot be secured either (which necessitates the immediate activation of the "five steps"), is negativing the motion beneficial to the political ecology for the pursuit of democracy?
5500K 日光的能量分布曲线不象 5500K 色温光源的能量分曲线那样平滑,是因为日光是 个有着不同来源的混合物,包括太阳直接发出的光,被地球大气层吸收的光,以及被大气 层中的颗粒散射的光。
The 5500K Daylight curve is not as smooth as the 5500K curve because daylight is a combination of the energy emitted by the sun, energy absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere, and energy scattered by particles in the earth’s atmosphere.
[...] 的立場,也十分尊重不同的見解,但我覺得即使見解不同亦不能夠如此把事 實曲,特別是那些講民主、邏輯、讀法律的人,怎可以這樣做呢?
But I believe that one cannot distort the
facts as such even though we have diverse
[...] views, particularly those people who uphold democracy, [...]
logic, and who studied law.
因为评估将不可避免地对战 略做出反馈并可能加以支配,所以可能导致 曲那 些 可 更易于以现有实证为依据 的干预措施的优先次序。
As evaluation unavoidably feeds back into, and threatens to dictate, strategy, this can lead to distortion of prioritization in relation to interventions that can be more easily based on available evidence.
一開始的清純花果香,在飄散的瞬間撲鼻而來的是由洋梨、香橘與甜桃皮組成的前調,如同搖滾樂瞬間節奏的開場;漸入香調的核心,由忍冬植物、茉莉與荷花,帶來清新與誘惑的味道,就像旋律由內心釋放出來,引領聽者到更高的境界;而在香調的一連串音符譜出搖滾的高低起伏,最後演奏的,是由深切的木香所組成,雪松木、琥珀與香草,讓這首搖滾旋律散發能量,並以最溫暖的味道結尾,讓香味自己譜出 曲 搖 滾 樂,讓聆聽者隨著 曲 的 律動,感受ANNA SUI搖滾天后的搖滾魅力。
At the start of the pure fruit, in one moment the nostrils is made of pear, orange and peach skin consisting of top notes, like rock and roll moment rhythmic opening; gradually into the core by scent, honeysuckle, jasmine and Lily, bringing fresh and enticing flavor, like the melody from the heart released, lead the listener to the higher level; and in accord with a crosstalk spectrum of rock ups and downs, the last play, is a deep woody composition, cedar wood, amber and vanilla, let it rock melody distributed energy, and the most warm smell of ending, let the fragrance spectrum out of a rock, let the listener with the music rhythm, feeling of ANNA SUI rock queen rock charm.
c) 在大專院校方面,現時香港中文大學、香港大學、 香港浸會大學、香港教育學院及香港演藝學院均有 向學生提供有關粵劇或曲的課程。
c) In the tertiary education, courses on Cantonese Opera or Xiqu are offered at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
随后,安道尔、澳大 利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 那 、 布基纳法索、加拿大、中国、 克罗地亚、丹麦、法国、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、 爱尔兰、日本、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、墨西哥、摩 纳哥、黑山、荷兰、尼加拉瓜、挪威、巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯 洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞士、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰 联合王国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland joined the co-sponsors.
那研讨 会的目的在于就以上问 题开展后续工作,研讨会指出,虽然这两个问题同属于地雷行动这一大的范畴, 但排雷和受害者援助分别具有不同的时间表,涉及不同的国家和国际行为者,不 同的国内制度、规范框架及预算项目。
It was noted that while both matters belong to the larger family of mine action, mine clearance and victim assistance have different timelines, involve distinct national and international actors and relate to different national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines.
[...] 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并 那 些 犯 有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 [...]
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction
over, and providing effective criminal
[...] sanctions against, those persons who have [...]
committed or have ordered to be committed
acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 那 、 布 基 纳法索、哥伦比亚、古巴、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南 非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors.




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