单词 | 那年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 那年 noun —that year n
我 17 岁那年,与其他血友病患者一起状告日本 政府,因为有血液制品被艾滋病病毒污染,导致我 10 岁时感染艾滋病病毒。 daccess-ods.un.org | When I was 17 years old, I, with other haemophilic patients, sued the Japanese Government over HIV-contaminated blood products, which had infected me at 10 years of age. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为代 [...] 表,参加不结盟运动关于妇女和发展问题的部长级会议(哈 瓦 那 , 19 89 年)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegate to the NAM Ministerial Conference on Women [...] and Development (Havana, 1989). daccess-ods.un.org |
目前预期审判将继续到 2012 年,最早在那年年底作出判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | At present, the trial is anticipated to continue into 2012, with the judgement to be rendered at the end of that year, at the earliest. daccess-ods.un.org |
在那年九月的一次会议上,GN 决定将 GN Danavox 的耳机生产转移到一个新的电信部门。 jabra.cn | At a meeting in September of that year, GN decided to move the production of headsets from GN Danavox to a new telecom division. jabra.com |
如果驱 逐是在驱逐国宣判后进行,量刑标准可参考审案法庭的声明 [澳大利亚 1958 年法律第 201(a) 至(c)条;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2003 年法律第 57(1)(h)条]。 daccess-ods.un.org | When expulsion may follow a sentence passed in the expelling State, the test of severity may look to the sentencing court’s pronouncement (Australia, 1958 Act, arts. 201(a)-(c); and Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003 Law, art. 57(1)(h)). daccess-ods.un.org |
當我翻查㆒九六六年,我來港那年的 預算案演 詞時,我發覺甚至當年的財政司也面對同樣的問題 ― 即怎樣去解釋較預算為高的 盈餘,而更有甚者,是這些盈餘大部分是因未用盡款項而造成的。 legco.gov.hk | On checking the Budget speech for 1966, the year I came to Hong Kong, I found that the Financial Secretary even then faced the same familiar problem — how to explain a larger than expected surplus, and, what is more, a surplus caused largely by underspending. legco.gov.hk |
单是2003 年,即第一个关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的“决议”强行通过 那年,美国及其西方盟国就横行霸道,企图以核问题为借口扼杀朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国,并且作为这些伎俩的扩张,甚至在人权委员会第五十九届会议上提出 并强行通过了关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国人权状况的“决议”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2003 alone, when the adoption of the first “resolution” on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was enforced, the United States and its western allies had been running amok to stifle the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea with the pretext of a nuclear problem and, as an extension of these manoeuvres, went so far as to initiate and enforce the adoption of the “resolution” on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the fifty-ninth session of the Commission on Human Rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
既然那年不加 租,而我們現時的條例又規定按居 民收入訂定租金,如果那年的收 入跟租金掛了鈎,不作調整,當局便應 以那 年作為起步點,計算至 2005 年的減租幅度應是多少。 legco.gov.hk | Since no increase in rent was made in that year and as the law we have now requires that rent is to be determined according to the level of income of PRH tenants, if the income of PRH tenants was pegged with the rent in that year and no adjustment was made, the authorities should use that particular year as the starting point and work out the level of reduction in rent up to 2005. legco.gov.hk |
上週五在康州Sandy Hook小學大開殺戒的Adam Lanza,在16歲那年曾入 讀西康涅狄格州立大學,他在2009年夏季報讀最後一次課程,之後沒有再回校上課。 ktsf.com | A spokesman for Western Connecticut State University says the man identified as the gunman who killed 26 children and adults in an elementary school took college classes when he was only 16. ktsf.com |
之后,其他限量版腕表也跟着推出,包括,于 2003 年推出皇家橡树离岸型阿诺施瓦辛格计时码表,就在他当选州 长 那年。 audemarspiguet.com | Other limited edition watches followed, including the Royal Oak Offshore Arnold Schwarzenegger Chronograph in 2003, the year he was elected governor. audemarspiguet.com |
2009年2月17日,西班牙巴塞罗那,2009 年 全 球 移动大会 - NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日宣布,公司已同谷歌(Google)和开放手机联盟(Open [...] Handset Alliance)开展密切合作,在Tegra™系列单芯片电脑处理器上支持运行Android [...]- 一套完整的开放式移动电话软件栈。 nvidia.cn | MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS – BARCELONA, SPAIN – FEBRUARY [...] 16, 2009 – NVIDIA today announced that it has worked closely with Google [...]and the Open Handset Alliance to unleash Android, a complete, open mobile phone software stack, with the Tegra™ series of ‘computer-on-a-chip’ processors. nvidia.in |
之江公司与瓦克公司的合作最早可以追溯到 1 9 9 9 年 , 那 一 年 之 江公司成为瓦克化学硅酮密封胶产品的中国代理。 wacker.com | The cooperation between the two companies dates back to 1999, when Zhijiang acted as WACKER’s agent in China marketing its silicone sealants. wacker.com |
既定年份的 国际人口活动援助额并不一定等同于该年份的支出额,因为收到的资金并不总在 收到的那年支出 ,在资金通过中间捐助方提供时情况往往如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | International population assistance for a given year does not automatically equal the expenditures in that year since funds are not always spent in the same year in which they are received. daccess-ods.un.org |
德国 2004 年法律第 53(1)及(2)和 54(1)及(2)条;阿根廷 2004 年法律第 29(c)和 62(b)条;澳 大利亚 1958 年法律第 201(a)至(c)条;奥地利 2005 年法律第 3.54(2)(2)条;波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维那 2003 年法律 第 47(4)和 57(1)(h)条;加拿大 2001 年法律第 36(1)(b)和(c)条;丹麦 2003 年法律第 22 条;西班牙 2000 年法律第 57(2)和(7)条;美利坚合众国移民和国籍法第 101(a)(50)(f)(7)条;芬兰 2004 年法律第 149(2)条;法国法典第 L521-2 条;希腊 2001 年法 律第 44(1)(a)条;匈牙利 2001 年法律第 32(1)(e)条;日本 1951 年政令第 5(4) 和 24(4)(g) 及(i)条;挪威 1988 年法律第 29(b)和(c);巴拉圭 1996 年法律第 6(4)、7(3)和 81(5)条;葡 萄牙 1998 年法令第 25(2)(c)条;瑞典 1989 [...] [...] 年法律第 4.7 条;瑞士刑法典第 55(1)条。 daccess-ods.un.org | L521-2; Germany, 2004 Act, arts. 53(1) and (2) and 54(1) and (2); Greece, 2001 Law, art. 44(1)(a); Hungary, 2001 Act, art. 32(1)(e); Japan, 1951 Order, arts. 5(4) and 24(4)(g) and (i); Norway, 1988 Act, sects. 29(b) and (c); Paraguay, 1996 Law, arts. 6(4), 7(3) and 81(5); Portugal, 1998 Decree-Law, art. 25(2)(c); Spain, 2000 Law, arts. 57(2) and (7); Sweden, 1989 Act, sect. 4.7; Switzerland, Penal Code, art. 55(1); and United States, INA, sect. 101(a)(50)(f)(7). daccess-ods.un.org |
那年下半 年,即2004年7月,他成为塞尔维亚共和国总统的外交政策高级顾问,直到2007年5月就任外交部长。 un.org | Later that year, in July 2004, he became Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the Republic of Serbia, continuing in this capacity until taking up the position of Foreign Minister in May 2007. un.org |
如果您在澳大利亚的留学时间较长,超过一 学 年 , 那 么 您 可能会出于某种原因需要看病求医。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If you're in Australia for more than a semester, chances are that you'll have to visit a doctor for some reason. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
联刚特派团在这方面提供的援助对于 2006 年那次选举至关重要,联刚稳定团在这方面提供的援助对于下 一次选举无疑也将如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | MONUC’s assistance in this area was crucial in 2006, as that of MONUSCO will also undoubtedly be in the next elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
他请 所有其他代表团加入到提案国行列,并且希望委员会 像此前几年那样以 协商一致方式通过该决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | She invited all other delegations to join the sponsors, and hoped that the Committee would adopt the resolution by consensus, as had been the case in previous years. daccess-ods.un.org |
比如,对于公务员,假设其公务员年限为 5、10 或 15 年,那么分 别 可获提供的补充年假长度为 2、4 或 6 个工作日,而对于合同制军事人员,如果 累计服役年限为 15、15 至 20 和 20 年以上,那么可 获同类年假的时间长度分别 为 35、40 和 45 天。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, public servants are offered [...] supplementary annual leave of [...] 2, 4, or 6 working days if their experience with the public service is above 5, 10 or 15 years, whilst the military that are enrolled by means of contract benefit from similar annual leave with a duration of 35, 40 and 45 calendar days in case they have cumulated [...]15, from 15 to [...]20 and above 20 years of service respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要说明的是,如果至少 65%的比例维持至少 15 年,那把盘 尾丝虫病从 喀麦隆公共卫生问题中消除就将成为可能。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a rate of at least 65 per cent is maintained during at least 15 years, onchocerciasis may be eliminated as a public health issue in Cameroon. daccess-ods.un.org |
从1945年那个生 死攸关的日子到1996年启动签署全面禁止核试验条约的五十年时间里,世界各地共进行了2000多次核试验。 un.org | In the five decades between that fateful day in 1945 and the opening for signature of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996, over 2,000 nuclear tests were carried out all over the world. un.org |
正如我们去年那样, 我们发现,我们的结果是高度 稳健的(图 6 bbvaresearch.com | As in our last year’s exercise, we find that our outcomes are again highly robust (Chart 6) bbvaresearch.com |
根据第 36 C/45 号决议,本文件包括教科文组织和 2013 年那波利(意 大利)世界文化论坛基金会关于 2013 年在那波利(意大利)举办下届世 界文化论坛的框架协定建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In conformity with 36 C/Resolution 45, the present document includes the proposed framework [...] agreement between UNESCO [...] and the Fondazione Forum Universale delle Culture Napoli 2013 (Italy) as regards the organization of the [...]next edition of the [...]Universal Forum of Cultures, which will be held in Naples (Italy) in 2013. unesdoc.unesco.org |
令人遗憾的是,如同 2005 年那样, 阿塞拜疆再一次诋毁和曲解实地评估考 察报告,目的是为其好战言论进行辩护,并且将关于纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突的 讨论挪到其他可能会破坏欧安组织明斯克小组框架之下的和平进程的设局中。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is regrettable that Azerbaijan is once again misusing and misinterpreting the report of the Field Assessment Mission, just as in 2005, in order to justify its militaristic rhetoric and to move the discussions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to other formats which can be harmful for the peace process in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
与转基因有关的过敏问题第一次引起大规模争论是在 1 9 9 6 年 , 那 时 研 究人员显示,在从巴西坚果向大豆转移一个主要过敏原的过程中,同样也转移了它引发国民的能力,它能够在本来对巴西坚果过敏的个体中引发过敏反应。 scidev.net | The issue of GM-related allergies flared up for the first time in 1996, when researchers showed transfer of a major allergen from Brazil nut into soybeans also transferred its ability to trigger allergic reactions in individuals with pre-existing Brazil nut allergies. scidev.net |
这一审查导致巴西自利信托基金的 下降,自利信托基金项目已不再像过去 八 年那 样 是 教科文组织预算外资金的首选 模式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This has led to the decline in the Brazilian self-benefiting funds-in-trust, and the self-benefiting funds-in-trust projects tend no longer to be the first modality of UNESCO’s extrabudgetary resources as it was for the past eight years. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正规劳动力市场最新信息表明,薪资的增长继续高于通胀幅度:2009 至 2010 [...] 年间工人平均工资的实际增长(《社会信息年度报告》)为 2.6%,而 2011 年那些 正 规就业并按就业法雇用者的平均工资实际增长 [...]3.12%( 《就业和失业登记总登 记册》)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most recent information regarding the formal labour market indicates that salaries are continuing to increase above inflation levels: a real increase of 2.6 per cent of the average remuneration of workers between 2009 and 2010 (Annual Report of Social Information) and [...] a real increase of 3.12 per cent of the [...] average salary of those entering formal [...]employment and hired under employment law [...]in 2011 (General Register of Employment and Unemployment). daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着如果等待的成 本(因为针对小的市场而不是大的市场所带来的销售净收益的损失,以及因为延 迟而损失的市场份额)超过 134 万/年,那么等 待不是最佳的选择,制药公司应该 立刻就进行可吸入版本的研发。 crystalballservices.com | This means that if the cost of waiting (lost net revenues in sales by pursuing the smaller market rather than the larger market, and loss of market share by delaying) exceeds $1.34M per year, then it is not optimal to wait and the pharmaceutical firm should engage in the inhaled version immediately. crystalballservices.com |