单词 | 那儿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 那儿 —thereExamples:在那儿—(adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the subject of the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else) • just ...ing (and nothing else) 那话儿—thingumbob • genitalia • doohickey See also:儿 n—son n 儿—retroflex final • non-syllabic diminutive suffix
教科文组织与刚果政府一起,在建立合作伙伴关系,并从各种国际发展合作伙 伴 那儿筹 集 资金,以补充正常计划资金方面取得了成绩。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO, together with the Government, was successful in developing partnerships and mobilizing resources from different international development partners to complement regular programme funds. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我鼓励双方找到彼此都能接受并有助 于和解的解决方案,同时考虑到在 那儿 曾 发 生过的种族灭绝事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have encouraged both sides to find a mutually acceptable solution that will contribute to reconciliation, while taking into account the genocide that occurred there. daccess-ods.un.org |
他提及的大体情况说明,没 有任何证件,他无法返回中国并在 那儿 生 活。 daccess-ods.un.org | He referred to general information that showed that it was impossible to return and live in China without any documentation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些介绍会发布会的录像送往总部外办事处和研究所, 使那 儿的工作人员同样知情。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Videos of these sessions were sent to the field and institutes to bring their staff to the same level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
您的操作员可以在一台电脑上与一位客户开始聊天,然后走到另一台电脑旁,继 续 那儿 的 交 谈。 providesupport.cn | Your operator can start a live chat with a customer on one computer, then walk to the another computer and continue the conversation from there. providesupport.com |
他们在瑞典申请时,主要依据是阿富汗安全状况差,以及 他们从未在那儿生活 过且他们的母亲和姐妹生活在瑞典。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their applications in Sweden were based mainly on the difficult security situation in Afghanistan and the fact that they had never lived there and that their mother and siblings lived in Sweden. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用一个能够表现您问题的域模型,它不只是单一的数据传输对象,因为 在 那儿 您 还必须做好所有的簿记和重新实施您的业务逻辑。 evget.com | Use a domain model that represents your problem, not just flat data transfer objects, where you have to do all the bookkeeping and re-implement your logic. evget.com |
它诞生在Naples,在那儿起先 用番茄做调味品,后来就和很多不同的配料搭配,它是这座辉煌城市口味、风味、感官享受和梦里渴望的集中体现。 knowfood.cn | It was born in Naples where it was first [...] seasoned with tomatoes and afterwards with numerous different ingredients and it [...]is a concentrate of the flavours, smells, sensuality and fantasy of this splendid city. knowfood.cn |
1980年代末,我还记得北京好友被派去纽约工作, 在 那儿 呆 了 一段日子。 sccci.org.sg | I remember that at the end of the 1980s, a good friend from Beijing was posted to New York, and spent some time working there. english.sccci.org.sg |
将有载分接开关头的上齿轮箱旋转至想要的安装位置, 并将其固定在那儿(拧 紧并固定压圈)。 highvolt.de | Turn the upper gear units of the tap-changer heads into the desired mounting position and fix them there (screwtighten thrust collars and tab-lock the screws) . highvolt.de |
在他要修建的桥那儿有两 座古老的土楼——传统的堡垒状圆形结构建筑 物——它们分别伫立在河的两岸。这个十分现代的建筑不仅成功地融入了周围的景观之中,还 通过河上的这个线状轻量的建筑将两个庞大的历史建筑连接到了一起。 akdn.org | The very modern structure not only blends successfully into the landscape, it also succeeds in joining the bulky forms of the two historic structures through a linear lightweight sculpture that floats above the river. akdn.org |
他和他的家人在西澳大利亚博耶纳普经营Laureldene牧场,他们 在 那儿 使 用 20台配备ALPRO™ 牛群管理系统的设备给大约210头奶牛挤奶。 delaval.cn | He and his family run Laureldene Farms in Boyanup, Western Australia, where they milk about 210 cows in a 20 unit plant with ALPRO™ herd management. delaval.com |
可以只操作一个中央工作站,在 那儿就能控制服务器和所有的客户机。 igel.com | You can work at one central workstation, and from there you can control the server and all the clients. igel.com |
科特迪瓦共和军继续多次拒绝接受检查,特别是对(受制裁的马丁·福菲 耶·夸库指挥下的)科霍戈地区的检查,自从选举后危机以来 , 那儿 的 检 查一直 遭到有计划的拒绝。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of inspections continued to be refused by FRCI, notably in the Korhogo area (under the command of Martin Fofié Kouakou, against whom sanctions have been imposed), where inspections have been systematically refused since the post-electoral crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
在和睦家医院,我们通常建议每位患者先去我们的全科医 生 那儿 进 行 诊断。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | At United Family Hospitals, we usually recommend that everyone sees one of our primary care doctors first. tianjin.ufh.com.cn |
此外,耶路撒冷圣地及其周围地区也由约旦管 理,以色列在那儿采取侵入性措施和进行挖掘工作是完全不可接受的,违反了在 联合国登记的《约旦哈希姆王国与以色列国的和平条约》第 9 条的文字和精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, such intrusive Israeli measures and excavations in and around the holy sites in Jerusalem, which are also under the custodianship of Jordan, are totally unacceptable and contradict the letter and spirit of article 9 of the Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel, which is registered at the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,许多经济发展集中在主要海运港口周围,许多国家 政府在那儿开设 了经济特区或出口加工区。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, much economic development has been concentrated around major maritime ports, where many Governments have opened special economic zones or export processing zones. daccess-ods.un.org |
封锁限 制了从西岸到加沙的现金转移,导致私营部门停 止那 儿的投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | The blockade had restricted transfers of cash from the West Bank to Gaza, halting private sector investment there. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且尽管她有时让附近的儿童和她一起来,但她承认“有时她会放学后留下来,自己一个人 到那儿躲一会而不被人看到”(Sobel 2002: 26)。 ipaworld.org | And though she allowed other neighbourhood children to join her on occasions, she confessed ‘Sometimes I like to stay behind after school and go there myself for a bit and not be seen’ (Sobel 2002: 26). ipaworld.org |
在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,儿童基 金会支助了当地的创世纪项目,进行雷 险教育,使儿童了解地雷、未爆弹药和火器带来的危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Bosnia [...] and Herzegovina, UNICEF has supported [...]the local non-governmental organization “The genesis project”, to undertake [...]mine-risk education, to teach children about the risks posed by landmines, unexploded ordnance and firearms. daccess-ods.un.org |
域名在你之前的注册商那儿已经过期。 dynadot.com | The domain has expired at your previous registrar. dynadot.com |
该城市总人口达六万,这数字使它成为北极圈地区人口最稠密的地方,怪不得圣诞老人也选 择 那儿 建 立 他的圣诞老人邮局。 visitfinland.com | Along its axis is the city of Rovaniemi, whose population of 60,000 makes it the largest population hub near the Arctic Circle. visitfinland.com |
奶酪通常产自于Mincio河岸旁的农村, 那儿牲畜 吃着“长得和膝盖一样高的肥嫩的苜宿”,互相争夺,以至于在1525年,Gonzaga的农场监工发现很难找到已经应允给西班牙国王的八块上好的三年存奶酪。 knowfood.cn | The cheese often came from the countryside on the banks of the Mincio River, where cattle grazed on “knee-high fat clover” , and was sought after to such an extent that in 1525, the Gonzaga’s farm overseer found it hard to obtain “eight pieces of good three-year-old cheese” these having been promised to the king of Spain. knowfood.cn |
失去了住的地方,后来通过 公司同事的介绍,在牛田町租房子住下来,直到被炸一直 在 那儿 生 活。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | Since I had lost my temporary dwelling, I rented a room in a house in Ushita-machi through my co-worker and lived there until the A-bombing. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
这个 29 岁的男子回忆道:“我必须做一个智力测试以及去厂 医 那儿 做 身 体检查。 reports.wacker.com | I had to take an intelligence test, see the company doctor and introduce myself at the WACKER HR department; they wanted to know whether I had already informed myself about the company in advance, and whether I had any idea of what a chemical technician does,” recalls Weichert. reports.wacker.com |
伊朗当局 将他和他的兄弟拘留在难民营中,在 那儿 一 个 士兵打了他的一个膝盖。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Iranian authorities interned him and his brother in a refugee camp, where a soldier hit him on one of his knees. daccess-ods.un.org |
现 在,政府设法 让 这些人慢慢迁 走 , 给 他 们 提供一定 的 财 政 支 持,或将他 们 搬 到 郊 区 已 开 发的地 方,给 他 们 居 [...] 住地并提供其他有利条件,在那 儿 他 们 可以送 子 女上学 和 看 [...]病就 医 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Now, the Government has managed to move these people day by day by providing them some financial supports or by moving them to live in development areas in suburbs and giving [...] them residential land and other good and favourable conditions where they [...] can send their children to school and [...]hospitals. daccess-ods.un.org |
温度是摄氏零下三十度,中午我开着车前往里西山国家公园 (Riisitunturi National Park) 的停车场,从那儿开展不够两公里的远足或雪鞋健行,便可上到466公尺的山顶。 visitfinland.com | It was about midday and the temperature was about minus 30°C as I parked my car in Riisitunturi National Park, which is less than a couple of kilometres from the summit (466 metres). visitfinland.com |
看起来好玩又轻松——正如你希望看到的那样,在这样一个设计浸泡的城市里,就像是一个平台,汇集了许多芬兰当代艺术家和设计师的杰作,赫尔辛基刚又获得 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计:从奇亚斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的古怪高椅,到伊利尔•沙里 宁 那儿 , 花岗岩雕刻的提灯巨人静静守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙蝠侠》中,哥谭市(Gotham City)的灵感便来源于此)。 vantageshanghai.com | There’s good design everywhere in Helsinki, from quirky high chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at the Kiasmamodern art gallery to Eliel Saarinen’s magical central train station, which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite that inspired Gotham City in the first Batman film. vantageshanghai.com |