单词 | 那不勒斯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 那不勒斯—Naples(almost always used)less common: Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy Examples:那不勒斯王国—Kingdom of Naples (1282-1860)
经社会了解到将于 2012 年 9 月 1-7 日在意大利的那不勒斯市举办世 界城市论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission was informed of the convening of the [...] World Urban Forumin Naples, Italy, from 1 to [...]7 September 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会满意地注意到,第 63 届国际宇宙航行大 [...] 会将由意大利政府主办,于 2012 年 10 月 1 日至 5 日在那不勒斯举行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted with satisfaction that the 63rd [...] International Astronautical Congress would be hosted by the Government of [...] Italy and held inNaples from 1 to 5 October 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
(巴黎第七大学 荣誉退休教授 M.Chemillier-Gendreau);“保护国际社会的普遍利益”(一般课程) (佛罗伦萨大学教授 G.Gaja);“联合国维持和平行动的发展”(巴伦西亚大学教授 J.Cardona Lorens);“国家分裂”(比勒陀利亚大学教授 J.Dugard);“解释国际 法:理论和哲学问题”(巴黎第二大学教授 [...] D.Alland);“当代中国的国际法观点” [...] (国际法院法官薛扞勤);“国际法院和国际法庭增加对国际法应用的影响”(那不 勒斯“费德里科二世”大学教授 M.Iovane);“联合国人权事务高级专员与人权普 [...]遍性”(亚当密茨凯维支大学教授 Z.Kedzia)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (M. Chemillier-Gendreau, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris VII); “Protecting general interests in the international community” (general course) (G. Gaja, Professor, University of Florence); “Developments in United Nations peacekeeping operations” (J. Cardona Lorens, Professor, University of Valencia); “State secession” (J. Dugard, Professor, University of Pretoria); “Interpretation of international law: theoretical and philosophical aspects” (D. Alland, Professor, University of Paris II); “Contemporary Chinese perspectives on international law” (H. Xue, Judge, International Court of Justice); “Influence of the multiplication of international courts and tribunals on the application [...] of international law” (M. Iovane, [...] Professor, University of Naples“Federico II”); [...]and “United Nations High Commissioner [...]for Human Rights and universality of human rights” (Z. Kedzia, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University). daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会注意到,B 专家组(空间碎片和空间作业)、C 专家组(空间气 象)和 D 专家组(监管制度)均已同意在 2012 年 6 月将于维也纳举行的委员会 [...] 第五十五届会议以及 2012 年 10 月将于意大利那不勒斯举行的第六十三届国际 宇航大会间隙召开会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee noted that expert groups B (space debris, space operations), C (space weather) and D (regulatory regimes) had agreed to meet on the margins of the fifty-fifth session of the Committee, to be held in [...] Vienna in June 2012, and of the 63rd International Astronautical [...] Congress, to be held inNaples,Italy, in October 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
与欧洲科学、技术、工业展览会协作组织(ECSITE)、那不勒斯市、坎帕尼亚地区长 官及地方大学和机构合作,于 2003 年 6 月在意大利的那不勒斯举办 了“科学作为中东和平 的手段”会议,旨在为加强以色列和巴勒斯坦科学机构间的合作,与耶路撒冷 Bloomfield 科 学博物馆合作,在耶路撒冷的 Al Quds 大学建立科学中心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A meeting on “Science as an instrument [...] for peace in the Middle East”hasbeen [...] organized inNaples,Italy,in June 2003, in cooperation with ECSITE (European Collaborative for Science, Technology and Industry Exhibitions), the City of Naples, the Governor [...]of the Region Campania [...]and other local universities and institutions, to strengthen the cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientific institutions, with a view to the establishment of a science centre at the Al Quds University, in Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Bloomfield Science Museum of Jerusalem. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2011 年 11 [...] 月 10 日,盟军联合部队司令部指挥官 那不勒斯给驻科部队指挥官 分配任务,要求在通往过境点 [...]Gate 1 和 DOG 31 的主要供应线上,继续维持和设 立出入过境点,有选择地拆除路障,以根据安理会第 1244(1999)号决议,为恢复 [...]所有人不受限制的行动自由和建立安全环境创造必要条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 10 November 2011, the Commander of Allied [...] Joint Force CommandNaples tasked the Commander [...]of KFOR to continue operations to maintain [...]and establish access control points, and selectively remove roadblocks, along the main supply roads to crossing points Gate 1 and DOG 31, in order to create the conditions necessary for restoring unrestricted freedom of movement and a safe and secure environment for all, pursuant to Council resolution 1244 (1999). daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多版本的mishnah,就算是早期的,如1492年的那不勒斯, 1559年和里瓦,以及在考虑到巴比伦犹太法典,第四章第十一届论文,其中不属于米示拿的版本最多,已添加(可比的光泽在塔木德维尔纳版,第87B条)。 mb-soft.com | In many editions of the Mishnah, even early [...] ones like those of Naples 1492,and of [...]Riva 1559, as well as in most of the editions [...]of the Babylonian Talmud, a fourth chapter to the eleventh treatise, which does not belong to the Mishnah, has been added (comp. the gloss in the Wilna edition of the Talmud, p. 87b). mb-soft.com |
2013 年那不勒斯世界文化论坛将于 2013 年 4 月 10 日至 7 月 21 日举行,该论坛预计开 展的活动符合教科文组织中期战略的目标,因为其目的是通过教育、科学、文化和传播来促 [...] 进和平与人类发展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The activities planned for the Universal Forum of Cultures – Naples2013,which will [...] be held from 10 April to 21 July 2013, [...]are in line with UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy in that they aim to contribute to peace and human development through education, science, culture and communication. unesdoc.unesco.org |
列国在那不勒 斯干涉成功﹐使他们(尤其是法国)确信可以在西班牙进行类似的行动。 hkahe.com | The success of their [...] intervention inNaples encouraged the [...]Powers, especially France, took a similar move in Spain. hkahe.com |
塔索出生于那不勒斯王国 的索伦托,1558 年奥斯曼土耳其帝国对索伦托的劫掠,以及穆斯林与基督徒之间为控制地中海不停的斗争,可能激发了诗人对十字军东征的兴趣。 wdl.org | Tasso was born in Sorrento, [...] in the Kingdom of Naples, andhis interest [...]in the Crusades probably was kindled by the sacking [...]of Sorrento in 1558 by the Turkish Ottomans and the ongoing struggle between Muslim and Christian powers for control of the Mediterranean. wdl.org |
工作组注意到,在讲习班期间,各专家组主席和共同主席在介绍各自的 2012 年工作计划时提议在定于 2012 年 6 [...] 月于维也纳举行的委员会第五十五届会 议和定于 2012 年 10 月在意大利那不勒斯举行的第六十三届国际宇航大会的间 [...]隙和(或)期间举行会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group noted that during the workshop the expert group chairs and co-chairs, in presenting their workplans for 2012, had proposed to meet on the margins of and/or during the fifty-fifth session of the Committee, to be held [...] in Vienna in June 2012, and the 63rd International Astronautical [...] Congress, tobe held in Naples, Italy, in October 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
由VITAS员工和义工组成的团队,也将参与4月15日至16日在佛州那不勒斯( Na ples)举行的最大规模「抗癌接力」募款活动。 zh.vitas.com | A VITAS team of staff and volunteers also will [...] participate in the Naples Relay for Life on [...]April 15-16, the largest Relay for Life fundraiser in the state. espanol.vitas.com |
国际科学和专业咨询理事会和意大利那不勒斯二世大学的观察员指出,除 教科文组织提供的信息外,还需一个与贩运文化财产相关的犯罪行为的共同定 义,并应对处罚程度展开讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The observers for the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council and for the University of Naples IIof Italy [...] noted that there was [...]a need for a common definition of crimes relating to trafficking in cultural property, in addition to the information provided by UNESCO, and that the level of sanctions should be discussed. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果﹐西班牙和那不勒斯重归 波 旁家族的怀抱﹔荷兰归於奥伦治家族﹔萨丁尼亚及皮德蒙归於萨伏依尔家族﹔ [...] 德意志王公重归德意志各邦﹔奥地利王公重返意大利中各邦﹔教宗重返教皇 国。 hkahe.com | As a result, Spainand Naples reverted to the [...] Bourbon kings, Holland to the House of Orange, and Sardinia and Piedmont to [...]the House of Savoy; the German princes were restored in the German states, the Austrian princes to the central Italian states and the Pope to the Papal states. hkahe.com |
意甲当中的壹场顶尖之战即将在逻马奥林匹克球场打响,双方是现排名第3的拉齐奥和第2 的那不勒斯,这是他们本赛季的第二次相遇。 sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com | A top of the table battle in Serie A takes place at Stadio Olimpico as 3rd place [...] Lazio host 2ndseed Napoliin their second [...]meeting of the season. sportsbook.dfzuqiu.com |
2012 年,意大利航天局参加了各种展览会和会议,其中包括以下活动: 2012 年国际航空航天博览会,智利;2012 年空间运行大会,斯德哥尔摩;“青 年、培训、大学”,罗马;2012 [...] 年图卢兹航空展,法国图卢兹;2012 年范堡罗 [...] 国际航空航天展览会,联合国王国范堡罗;2012 年的“遥望未来”,意大利那不 勒斯;“2012 年贝加莫科学活动”,意大利贝加莫;2012 [...] 年日本国际航空航天 展览会,日本名古屋;以及小行星、彗星和流星会议,日本新泻。 oosa.unvienna.org | In 2012, ASI participated in different exhibitions and conferences, among which were the following: 2012 International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE 2012), in Chile; SpaceOps 2012, in Stockholm; “Giovani, formazione, università”, in Rome; Toulouse Space Show 2012, in Toulouse, France; Farnborough International Airshow 2012, in Farnborough, the United Kingdom of [...] Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Futuro [...] Remoto in 2012in Naples, Italy; Bergamo Scienza [...]2012, in Bergamo, Italy; Japan International [...]Aerospace Exhibition 2012, in Nagoya, Japan; and the Asteroids, Comets and Meteors conference, in Niigata, Japan. oosa.unvienna.org |
1751年,他获得了在那不勒斯北面 的卡塞塔为那不勒斯和西西里的波旁王查理七世兴建一个新王宫的委托。 wdl.org | He received a commission in 1751 to build a new royal palace at Caserta, [...] just northof Naples forCharles VII, the Bourbon kingof NaplesandSicily. wdl.org |
在仪式中,驻科部队指挥官公开 [...] 提到驻科部队最近致函盟军联合部队司令部指挥官那不勒斯科,通报了科索沃安 全部队迄今取得的重大进展,并对科索沃在现有任务规定内宣布未来全面作战能 [...]力提出了积极的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | During this ceremony, the Commander of KFOR publicly mentioned that KFOR had recently sent [...] a letter to the Commander of Allied [...] Joint Force CommandNaples advising of the [...]significant progress achieved to date by [...]KSF and making a positive recommendation vis-à-vis a future declaration of full operational capability for KSF within its existing mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
人居署代表邀请委员会成员参加将于 [...] 2012 年 9 月 1 日至 7 日在 意大利那不勒斯举行的第六届世界城市论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of UN-Habitat [...] invited Committee members to attend the sixth World Urban [...] Forum, to be held in Naples, Italy, from 1 to [...]7 September 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
位于那不勒斯的意 大利用户支助行动中心多年来一直开展运作,以为在轨 乘员作业、监测和远程控制及开展相关实验(一些使用机载设施和仪器)予以 [...] 支助,并向所有意大利科学家提供来自国际空间站的数据。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Italian user support operations [...] centre, located in Naples, has beenoperating [...]for years to support the on orbit crew [...]operations, monitor and remotely control and execution of the experiments (some using the facilities and instruments on board) and provide all Italian scientists with data coming from ISS. oosa.unvienna.org |
超级杯的最后三个赢家都没有在同一赛季赢得联赛冠军,但尤文图斯无疑会想让这支唯一在2011/2012赛季击败他们的那不勒斯付出 代价。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | The last three winners of the Super Cup did not win the league in that same season, but [...] Juventus will no doubt be looking for [...] some retribution with Napoli being the only [...]side to defeat them domestically in the 2011/2012 season. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
以下港口接受此服务:阿姆斯特丹,巴塞罗那,基尔,马赛,那不勒斯,巴勒莫,巴伦西亚和威尼斯。 msccruises.com.cn | The serviceis available in the following ports of embarkation: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bari, Civitavecchia, Copenhagen,Genoa,Kiel,Marseille, Naples, Palermo, Valencia [...] and Venice. msccruises.in |
我也要高兴地指出, 在最近于 2 月 18 日在那不勒斯举行的基金会议上, 伊拉克政府和捐助国都欢迎负责人道主义、重建和发 [...] 展事务副特别代表的提议,即建立一个基金结束后的 机制来使《伊拉克契约》更有效地推动伊拉克的内部 发展和国际伙伴关系,这样我们不会失去一个一直十 分有用的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am also pleased to note that, at the recent meeting on [...] the Fund held inNaples on 18February, [...]both the Government of Iraq and the donors [...]welcomed the proposal by the Deputy Special Representative for Humanitarian, Reconstruction and Development Affairs that a post-Fund mechanism be established — so that we do not lose a mechanism that has been useful — to make the Compact a more effective driver of Iraq’s internal development and international partnership. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的工作人员友好亲切,总是愿意回答您的任何问题,旅馆免费为您提供城市地图帮您了解如何去往最重要的城市旅游景点,如何制定简单又便宜的那不勒斯周边一日游,, 还有距离旅馆仅三分钟步程的那不勒斯最着名的米歇尔比萨店•(Antica Pizzeria da Michele)。 hostelpensionemancini.com | Our FRIENDLY STAFF always willing to answer to your questions,will offer you a free city map to show how to reach the most important city touristic attractions with NO WORRIES and how to make easy and cheap day trips toNapoli surroundings and also show you the FAMOUS Antica Pizzeria da Michele which isright 3 minutes on foot from the hostel. hostelpensionemancini.com |
自此,该摄影展在世界范围内进行了 巡回展览:纽约、那不勒斯、巴黎等,以及在瑞士和法国的初中和高中里。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since then, it has travelled the [...] world: New York, Naples, Paris… and been [...]presented in colleges and high schools in France and Switzerland. daccess-ods.un.org |
热那亚之所以反对安茹的查理(Charles of [...] Anjou)与归尔甫党在义大利之统治,大部分是因为法国统治下的西利古里亚、那不勒斯与西西里岛威胁到热那亚的安全与贸易。 spinola.it | Genoa opposes Charles of Anjou and Guelph domination in [...] Italy, largely because French domination to the west [...] of Liguria andin Naples andSicily threatens [...]its security and trade. spinola.it |
在此之前它是意大利詹巴蒂斯塔巴西莱:猫灰姑娘在意大利的La GATTA中原汁原味的那不勒斯LaGATTA cennerentola的的灰姑娘,喝的朱莉安娜传统,在这方面,讲的那不勒斯,在 这语言编写的巴西莱的故事。 colexio-karbo.com | Previous to it is the Italian Giambattista Basile: The Cat Cinderella (in Italian, [...] La Gatta [...] Cenerentola, in the original NeapolitanLa gatta cennerentola), drinking from juliana tradition, in that area, speakingthe Neapolitan, andin that language [...]is written the story of Basile. colexio-karbo.com |