

单词 邢台地区

See also:


also Xingtai county
Xingtai prefecture level city in Hebei



地区 n

area n
region n
country n
district n
section n
place n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl

External sources (not reviewed)

希尔思仪表中国南地区销售经理邢 为 民先生把新发布的ISO 50001标准描述为“机遇与挑战并存的新标准”。
Miles Xing, Regional Manager for South China, described [...]
the newly published ISO 50001 as "a valuable but also challenging standard for business".
其他合作机构还包括金陵科技学院、黄河水利职业技术学院 邢台 大 学 与无锡科技职业技术学院。
Other partners include Jinling Institute of
Technology, Yellow River Conservancy
[...] Technical Institute, Xingtai University and [...]
Wuxi Professional College of Science and Technology.
CCDC獲邀於2013年1月到歐洲十四個城市,演出經典作品《銀雨》新版,為 地 觀 眾 呈現一齣糅合香港舞蹈家曹誠淵、黎海寧、梅卓燕 邢 亮 精 采的舞碼。
The much acclaimed performance of Silver Rain, CCDC’s tour de force, will be presented in Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Switzerland in a total of 14 cities from this week to early next month.
香港現已發展成一個較為富裕地方 及 社會,我們不願看到一眾 居住在不同區域的市民,仍需千里迢迢前往市區上班,尤其是公務 員。
Hong Kong has already developed into a relatively affluent city and society.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而台的各 种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这地区拥有 世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine
protected area in
[...] the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile [...]
growth area for tuna
and other globally significant fish species.
经社会当 时作为一个包容区域平台发挥 了作用,致力于推动各方制定和建立能够切地把此 种富有远见的领导作用转化为各种发展行动所需要的政策和机构。
The Commission had acted as the inclusive regional platform to shape policies and build institutions needed to [...]
translate visionary leadership into development action and reality.
他呼吁我们,跟他一同去到那些未得之民高度集中的聚居 地 , 像 印度、巴基斯坦、中国、尼泊尔、孟加拉等——他呼吁我们,跨越文化和语言、不适和危险,以及常常需要面临的迢迢长途,去与他们作朋友,与他们分享天国的福音。
And he is inviting us to join him in places like India, Pakistan, China, Nepal and Bangladesh where the highest concentration of unreached peoples live—reaching across culture and language, discomfort and danger, and often great distance, to befriend them and share the good news of the Kingdom.
该方案建立了七个额外的联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台 (天基信息台)区域支持办事处,并便利从卫星运营商获取图像,用于 32 个灾 害事件,包括地地震。
The programme established seven additional regional
support offices of the
[...] United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) and facilitated access to imagery from satellite operators for 32 disaster events, including the earthquake in Haiti.
教科文组织将为建立和运作海洋灾害(海啸、风暴潮)及其他自然灾害(例如洪水、 干旱、滑坡、地震、火山爆发)的监测网络和预警系统提供科学意见、协调和政策支助,为
[...] 在交换有关灾害风险评估和减灾的数据与信息方面开展国际 地区 合 作 构建 台 , 为 防灾教 育和宣传提供政策指导,尤其是为保护濒危学校和文化遗产提供指导方针。
UNESCO will provide scientific contributions, coordination and policy support on the establishment and operation of monitoring networks and early warning systems for ocean-related hazards (tsunami, storm surges) and for other natural hazards (such as floods, drought, landslides, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions), foster platforms
[...] for international and regional cooperation in exchange [...]
of data and information on disaster
risk assessment and mitigation, and provide policy guidance for education and public awareness in disaster preparedness and guidelines particularly for the protection of schools and cultural heritage at risk.
这座现代博物馆位于东方明珠电视塔底层,由上海著名的建筑学 邢 同 和 设计而成。
The modern museum constitutes the base of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.
[...] 构和规划署,包括教科文组织、联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、世界贸易组织(WTO)、国 际电信联盟(ITU)以及联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)大力支持所有广播 台 , 地区 广播联盟和国际广播组织的工作,加强各种广播组织和相关专业组织在地区和国际层面的合 作,最大限度地提高预防气候变化计划和报告的质量和针对性。
The Conference participants adopted the Paris Declaration on Broadcast Media and Climate Change, inviting the international community and relevant agencies and programmes of the United Nations, including UNESCO, UNEP, WTO, ITU and the
UNFCCC to support all
[...] broadcasters, regional broadcasting unions and international broadcasting organizations to strengthen regional and international [...]
of all broadcasting organizations and concerned professional organizations to optimize the quality and relevance of programming and reporting on climate change.
公司是个体采矿企业,也邢钢主 要原料生产 地。
Individual mining enterprise, Xing steel main material production base.
委员会满地注意 到,按科学和技术小组委员会第四十九届会议的报告 (A/AC.105/1001,第 109 段)所述,外层空间事务厅迄今已签订了设立 12 个天 基信息台区域支助办事处的合作协定,阿根廷、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯联邦、 南非和土耳其等国政府也分别提出愿意在本国开设天基信息 台区 域 支 助办事 处。
The Committee noted with satisfaction that the Office for Outer Space
[...] Affairs had, to date, signed cooperation agreements for the establishment of the 12 UN-SPIDER regional support offices noted in the report of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-ninth session (A/AC.105/1001, para. 109) and that the Governments of Argentina, Indonesia, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Turkey had each offered to host a UN-SPIDER regional support office.
将编列经费,用于购买供偏区域使 用的 160 个 太阳能系统、再购买 3 个甚小口径终端和 760 个集群手提式无线电台,以便进行 扩张和系统升级,以满足数据/语音传输要求;更换过时的通信设备,包括 11 个 电话交换台、300 个数字电话和已超过正常使用期限的 65 个地台以及 2 个视频 会议终端。
Provision will be made for the
acquisition of 160
[...] solar power systems for remote areas, the acquisition of 3 additional VSAT and 760 trunking handheld radios for the expansion and system upgrade to meet data/voice transfer requirements; and the replacement of obsolete communications equipment, including 11 telephone exchanges, 300 digital phones, and 65 base stations that have exceeded their normal [...]
lifespan, and two videoconference terminals.
曾合作的藝術家及團體有城市當代舞蹈團、香港舞蹈團、香港芭蕾舞團、香港芭蕾舞學會、修芭娜‧嘉亞辛舞團(英國)、The Arts Fission
[...] Company(新加坡)、英國皇家舞蹈學院、香港話劇團、致群劇社、桃花源粵劇工作舍、香港小交響樂團、Osage Art Foundation、香港電影資料館、英皇台 、 甘 國亮、陳寶珠、王家衛、劉偉強、黎海寧、伍宇烈、楊春江、梅卓燕 邢 亮 、 桑吉加、王延林、周書毅及葉詠詩。
Artists and organization that he has worked closely with include City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong Dance Company, Hong Kong Ballet, Hong Kong Ballet Group, Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company (UK), The Arts Fission Company (Singapore), The Royal Academy of Dance (UK), Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, Amity Drama Club, Utopia Cantonese Opera
Workshop, Hong Kong
[...] Sinfonietta, Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong Film Archieve, Emperor Stage, KAM Kwok-leung, Connie CHAN, WONG Ka-wai, Andrew LAU, Helen LAI, [...]
Yuri NG, Daniel YEUNG,
MUI Cheuk-yin, XI Liang, SANG Jijia, Andy WONG, CHOU Shu-yi and YIP Wing-sie.
电台担任了极其重要的社会作 用,是人民群众最广泛使用的通讯方式,每个区至少有一个 区 电 台。
Radio assumes a highly important social
function as the means of communication most used by the
[...] population, and all districts have at least one community radio.
地,墨 尔本莫纳什大学(Monash University)的医学、护理和健康学院(Medicine, Nursing and Health Faculty)与众多中国大学、医院及研究所建立了紧密的合作关系,合作对象包括北京市 台区 方 庄 卫生服务中心、北京大学和中国老龄科学研究中心。
Similarly, the Medicine, Nursing and Health Faculty at Melbourne’s Monash university has strong collaborative partnerships with a number of Chinese Universities, hospitals and research institutes, including the Fangzhuang Community Hospital of Fengtai District of Beijing, [...]
Peking University and
China Research Centre on Ageing.
屋顶平台地状的 景观形态以台阶的形式延续到三层的各功 区 室 内 ,形成了形式灵活的开放式创意办公区、展示区、教育区和综合服务区等。
The terrace roof also extends into the interior space of the third floor, creating spaces for public [...]
exhibition, education, service and commercial.
邢先生 在其二零一零年六月十五日的披露表格(此乃截至二零一零年六月三十 [...]
日止前最後呈交的披露表格)中顯示,於二零一零年六月十一日,其權益包括 由其全資擁有Firstwealth持有之權益。
Mr. Xing indicated in his disclosure [...]
form dated 15 June 2010 (being the latest disclosure form filed up to 30 June 2010)
that as at 11 June 2010, his interests included the interests held by Firstwealth, a company which was wholly-owned by Mr. Xing.
Dad brought the family photo with blessing kisses from him and their daughter.
因為一隻病危的杜賓犬小寶,三人結識了小寶的主人冬花 邢 珊 飾),李世民被冬花的美貌吸引,一見鍾情,在他的組織下,三個男人分別認識了冬花的另兩個閨蜜——白白(沈陶然飾)、雅雯(張娜拉飾)。
Because of a critically ill Doberman Xiaobao, three people met his master winter flowers, Li Shimin was Tussilago beauty attract, fall in love at first sight, in his organization, the three men were known flow two other close friend – in vain, happy.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部
[...] 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和台, 使 会员国 区 域 和 国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f)
supporting the establishment
[...] of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
宝莫戈斯城堡在尼姆区法定区的坡 地 和 台地 上 共 有65公顷葡萄园,其出产的葡萄酒由肯欧葡萄酒进口公司(公司前身为Fortune [...]
The Chateau Mourgues du Gres estate extends over 65
[...] hectares on slopes and terraces of the AOC "Costieres [...]
de Nimes ", the wine it produced
is imported in China by Eurowill (formerly Fortune Tree).
在双年度计划的第一年,通过妇女赋权增能倡议,包括信息与知识的获取 (其中尤为
[...] 强调表达自由),女记者安全问题,妇女在 区 电 台 中 的代表情况等,推行性别平等视角。
Gender equality perspectives have been promoted in the first half of the biennium through initiatives to empower women through access to information and knowledge with special
emphasis on freedom of expression, the safety of female journalists, and the
[...] representation of women in community radio.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案
5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和
[...] 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比区域活动)下的 1 个地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 [...]
P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social
development and equality; one P-2 post
[...] under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and [...]
Central America; one Local level
post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
应当重视提高地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立 地区 水 观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of
[...] countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, [...]
research in the sustainability
of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
为贴近服务客户,目前于台湾 (新竹科学园区 展业二路实验室、矽导实验室、金山实验室、竹北台元科技 区 、 台 北 内 湖实验室)、中国上海 (张江高科技园区)、日本大阪地设 置 服务据点。
In order to
[...] close to customers, we establish service sites in Taiwan Hsin-chu Science-based Park (Prosperity lab, SoC lab, Jinshan [...]
lab), Jubei
Tai-yuan Science Park (Jubei lab), Taipei Neihu Lab and Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park (Shanghai lab).
在摩洛哥王国政府台的 e -摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了一张摩洛 地 方 电 子政务的路线图,目 的是清查摩洛哥地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。
As part of the e-Morocco national
[...] strategy, drawn up by the Government of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs in the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco with a view to collecting information on all local e-govenance [...]
in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两 地区 的 实 习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办 地区 会 议 ,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and
seasoned media
[...] practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the [...]
image of Arab-Islamic
culture in European history books.




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