

单词 邓世昌

See also:

surname Deng

surname Chang


flourishing adj

External sources (not reviewed)

以描写保罗·霍根而出名的系列电影<<鄂 邓 迪 >> 受到 世 界 观众的欢迎,就是因为其中描绘了那种对澳大利亚国家形象的感知。
The Crocodile Dundee movie series featuring Paul [...]
Hogan was popular with worldwide audiences for its portrayal of perceptions
about Australia's national identity.
世昌議員(譯文):副主席先生,我只是嘗試作㆒比擬,因為這與屯門爆炸事件的有 [...]
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG: Mr Deputy President, [...]
I am trying to draw an analogy because this is very relevant to the question about
the explosion which happened in Tuen Mun.
港同盟的世昌議員 會就自然保育政策發言, 而黃震遐議員會由經濟角度去談保育政策。
Mr MAN Sai-cheong of the UDHK will [...]
be speaking about environmental conservation and Dr HUANG Chen-ya will be talking about it from the economic angle.
林貝聿嘉議員,OBE, JP 及世 昌議員 兩位副主席,以及鄧國楨先生,QC, [...]
JP 和陳霍寶珍女士,JP 兩位成員的任期 亦告屆滿。
The Honourable Mrs Peggy LAM, OBE, JP and
[...] Honourable MAN Sai-cheong completed their [...]
duties as vice-chairmen while Mr Robert
C TANG, QC, JP and Mrs Anita CHAN FOK Po-chun, JP completed their tenures as members.
考慮到梁先生在紅灣半島事件中的主導和統籌角色、 公眾認為太低的契約修訂補價款額、 世 界 中 國地產聘請梁先生的始 末因由(包括該職位可能是為梁先生而設),以及上文所述有關鄭家純 博士、梁志堅先生、鍾昌先生 和梁展文先生之間千絲萬縷的關連, 調查有關梁展文先生離職後從事工作的事宜專責委員會(“專責委員 會 ”)同意孫明揚先生在出席研訊時所表達的看法,即公眾有理由懷疑 梁展文先生受聘於世界中 國地產是與紅灣半島事件相關的一項延 後利益回報。
Having regard to the steering and co-ordinating role of Mr LEUNG in the Hunghom Peninsula case, the exceedingly low lease modification premium in the eyes of the public, the circumstances
surrounding Mr LEUNG's
[...] employment with NWCL (including the possibility that the post was tailor made for Mr LEUNG), as well as the intricate connections among Dr Henry CHENG, Mr Stewart LEUNG, Mr CHUNG Kwok-cheong and Mr LEUNG Chin-man as mentioned above, the Select Committee to Inquire into Matters Relating to the Post-service Work of Mr LEUNG Chin-man agreed with the view expressed by Mr Michael SUEN at the hearing that, there were grounds for the public suspicion that Mr LEUNG Chin-man's taking up of the employment with NWCL was a deferred [...]
benefit related
to the Hunghom Peninsula case.
世昌議員 今㆝的動 議更合我心意,完全配合我當日發言時所作出的要求,所以雖然是短短數句話,但 [...]
The motion moved by the
[...] Honourable MAN Sai-cheong today is even [...]
more to my liking and it meets the demands I spoke about on that day.
世昌議員 在今日動議㆗提出的要求是全面保障消費者權益,是好的開始;但要真正 達致「更全面、公平及有效㆞保障消費者權益的目標」,我們必須要有㆒套長遠和整體的 公平交易政策,才能確保消費者能分享市場公平競爭帶來的成果。
But to really achieve the objective of "more comprehensive, fair and effective consumer protection", we must have a long-term and comprehensive fair trading policy before we can ensure that consumers can benefit from fair market competition.
为了有效地管世界水资源邓迪大 学在与水相关的法律方面对 PCCP 贡献 专长,“从可能冲突走向可以合作:国际与水相关的法律的作用”(这是联 合国教科文组织国际水文计划为世界水资源评估计划提供的一份文稿),以 [...]
合起来; iii) 国际共有含水层资源管理计划(ISARM)支持拓展跨国地下水共享方面的专 门知识。
(ii) the multi-agency World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), led by UNESCO, through the [...]
Dundee contribution of expertise
on the water law for the PCCP, “Transforming Potential Conflict into Cooperation Potential: The Role of International Water Law” (which is a UNESCO IHP contribution to WWAP), together with support for the development of case studies, the development of intellectual and practical approaches to integrating water law and policy with water science for the effective management of the world’s water resources
这些机构包括加州理工学院世界卫生与药品中心、被忽视疾病药物研发倡议、奥斯瓦尔多•科鲁斯基金会(Fiocruz)、麻省理工学院、疟疾新药研发公司、PATH、南非医学研究理事会、瑞士热带与公共卫生研究所、加利福尼亚大学柏克利分校 邓 迪 大学(联合王国)。
These include the California Institute of
[...] Technology, the Center for World Health & Medicine, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Medicines for Malaria Venture, PATH, the South African Medical Research Council, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Dundee (UK).
委员会第八次会议审议了项目 5.10(关于在日本筑波建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的国际水灾 与风险管理中心(UNESCO-ICHARM)的建议)、项目 5.16(关于在联合王邓迪大 学建立国际水 文计划水文为环境、生命和政策服务计划项下与水有关的法律、政策和科学服务中心的建议)和项 目 5.32(关于在智利拉塞雷纳建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的拉丁美洲及加勒比干旱和半干旱地区 水资源中心(CAZALAC)的建议)。
At its eighth meeting, the Commission examined items 5.10 “Establishment of an international centre for water hazard and risk management (ICHARM) in Tsukuba, Japan, under the auspices of UNESCO”, 5.16 “Proposal for the establishment of an IHP-HELP centre for water law, policy and science at the University of Dundee, United Kingdom” and 5.32 “Proposed establishment of the Regional Water Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAZALAC) under the auspices of UNESCO, in La Serena (Chile)”.
Mille Miglia女士腕表凭借其带有著名的20世 纪 60 邓 禄 普 赛车轮胎花纹图案的橡胶表带,以纯净的白色与一眼可识别的特征而成为配得上其先辈的新一代产品。
Immaculately white and immediately recognisable thanks to its rubber strap featuring the famous 1960s Dunlop Racing tyre-tread motif, the Mille Miglia Lady is a worthy descendant of its predecessors.
因為我稍後還要參加世昌議員 動議 政府提供有線電視頻道的辯論,我已寫好演辭,但是英文的。
I have yet to participate in the debate on the motion to be
[...] moved by Mr MAN Sai-cheong, urging the Government [...]
to provide a cable television channel.
在上述标题下编列的 1 412 200 美元经费包括给采购司的 1 204 700 美元 经费用于:在以往各期间完成的两个开发阶段之后开发高级在线培训模块(475
000 美元);供应商筛选事务(250 000 美元);维护联合国全球采购网——1 个网基供
[...] 应商登记和数据库方案(245 000 美元);邓白氏 供应商信用报告、提供供应商法 [...]
和表达意向以及各种专业培训班的培训费(234 700 美元)。
The provision of $1,412,200 under the above heading includes a provision of $1,204,700 for the Procurement Division for: the development of advanced online training modules following the two development phases completed in the previous periods ($475,000); vendor screening services ($250,000); maintenance of the United Nations Global Marketplace, a web-based
vendor registration and database
[...] programme ($245,000); and Dun to Bradstreet vendor [...]
credit reports, LexisNexis service to
provide legal, criminal and commercial background checks of vendors, placement of advertisements and expressions of interest in magazines and training fees for various specialized training classes ($234,700).
正如世昌議員所指出,本條例草案不會影響任何對提供㆟施加 比本條例草案所施加予更嚴緊責任的法例。
As pointed
[...] out by Mr MAN Sai-cheong, the Bill will [...]
not prejudice any duties arising from other laws which are stricter than
those imposed by the Bill itself.
世昌議員問:鑑於現時有相當多重型車輛使用屯門公路,請問政府有否考慮在最有 [...]
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): [...]
Given that many heavy-duty vehicles are at present using Tuen Mun Road, has the Administration
considered restricting such vehicles from using the road during peak hours when congestion is most likely the case?
國 泰 航 空 營 業 及 收 益 管 理 部 總 經 理世 昌 表 示 : 「 我 們 很 高 興 宣 布 與 British Airways Comair 簽 訂 這 項 新 的 代 號 共 享 協 議 , 讓 乘 客 可 以 更 暢 順 地 轉 機 到 南 非 另 外 三 個 城 市 , 尤 其 南 非 對 香 港 及 內 地 的 消 閒 及 商 務 旅 客 吸 引 力 正 與 日 俱 增 。
Cathay Pacific's General Manager Revenue Management, Sales & Distribution Ian Shiu said: "We are very pleased to announce this new Code-Share arrangement with British Airways Comair, which will give our passengers seamless connections to three more cities in South Africa - a country that's becoming increasingly popular as a leisure and business destination for travellers from both Hong Kong and Mainland China.
世昌議員問:副主席先生,政府除了撥款給消費者委員會進行研究主要行業促進競 [...]
爭有效方法外,有否給與足夠權力以進行深入而有效的調查;以及強迫或指派有關官 員予以協助,類似外國的專責公共貿易官員(英國有 Director of Fair Trading、美國有
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): Mr [...]
Deputy President, apart from allocating funds to the Consumer Council for conducting
studies to identify effective approaches to promote competition in the major business sectors, has the Government also given it sufficient powers to undertake in-depth and effective investigations and directed or appointed relevant officials to provide assistance to the Council, with a role similar to that played by officials with special responsibility for public transactions in other countries, such as the Director of Fair Trading in the United Kingdom and the commissioner for fair competition or fair trading in the United States?
该表款的天然橡胶表带,令人回想起 世 纪 60 邓 洛 普 赛车轮胎线图案,具有一眼识别的特征;其2011版更是采用44毫米钢制或18K玫瑰金表壳,其中搭载一枚经瑞士官方天文台精密计时器认证(COSC)的自动上链计时码表机芯。
Immediately recognisable thanks to its natural [...]
rubber strap echoing the 1960s Dunlop Racing tyre-tread motif, it appears
in 2011 in a 44 mm-diameter steel or 18-carat rose gold case housing a self-winding chronograph movement chronometer-certified by the COSC.
[...] 与水有关的法律、政策和科学中心(“IHP-HELP 中心”)为一个独立自主 的机构,它根据邓迪大 学(“大学”)宪章》而建立,为那些对该中心的目标有共同兴 [...]
The IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (“The IHP-HELP Centre”) shall be an
autonomous institution, established in
[...] accordance with the Charter of the University of Dundee (“the [...]
University”), at the service
of Member States of UNESCO, which, by their common interest in the objectives of the IHP-HELP Centre and their commitment to improved water-resources management, desire to cooperate with the IHP-HELP Centre.
We have thought carefully about the wording of the motion that
[...] Honourable MAN Sai-cheong seeks to move today.
拟编列经费 1 031 800 美元,用于支付为在总部存档维持和平行动记录所 需的第三方服务提供商商业存储和处理费用,该费用在以往财政期间由维持和平 特派团预算匀支(300 000
美元);供应商筛选服务(225 000 美元);维护联合国
[...] 全球采购网-基于网络的供应商登记方案(245 000 美元);邓白氏供应商信用报 告(35 000 [...]
美元);与存档有关的储存用品和专业设备(60 000 美元);订阅与能 源和化工全球供应商相关的国际出版物搜索引擎和新闻服务(37
000 美元);参加 各种专业技术认证课程的培训费(129 800 美元)。
An amount of $1,031,800 is proposed to provide for: the cost of commercial storage and handling with a third-party service provider for the archiving of peacekeeping operations records at Headquarters, the costs for which were absorbed by peacekeeping mission budgets in previous financial periods ($300,000); vendor screening services ($225,000); maintenance of the United Nations Global
Marketplace, a web-based vendor registration
[...] programme ($245,000); Dun and Bradstreet vendor [...]
credit reports ($35,000); storage supplies
and specialized equipment related to archiving ($60,000); subscription to an international publications search engine and news services related to global providers of energy and the chemical industry ($37,000); and training fees to attend various specialized technical certification programmes ($129,800).
在风景秀丽邓恩郡 旅行能够了解圣帕特里克的神奇一生。
Take a glimpse into the fascinating life of Saint Patrick with a trip to scenic County Down.
邓洛普 夫人(巴西)(以英语发言):我感谢前南斯 拉夫问题国际法庭(前南问题国际法庭)和卢旺达问题 国际刑事法庭(卢旺达问题国际法庭)的庭长和检察官 内容翔实的通报和报告(见 S/2011/316 和 S/2011/317)。
(Brazil): I thank the Presidents and Prosecutors of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) for their informative briefings and reports (see S/2011/316 and S/2011/317).
Ron receives Dumbledore’s Deluminator, [...]
Hermione, a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry the first Golden Snitch
that he ever caught in a Quidditch match.
劳瑞尔 访华时邓小平 首次向菲律宾提出来的。
Domestic pressure is also hindering a practical solution to the issue.
世昌議員問:主席先生,政府若未曾,則會否立即作出㆒些實質行動,從而保證所 [...]
有外國的出入境機構,會對持有 BN(O)護照和持有 BDTC 護照的港㆟,在旅行和簽證 方面,㆒視同仁,不會歧視其㆗任何㆒種?
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): [...]
Mr President, will the Government take some substantive actions immediately, if it has
not yet done so, to ensure that Hong Kong travellers holding BN(O) or BDTC passports will be given equal treatment and that neither of them will be discriminated against by immigration authorities of other countries when it comes to travelling on these passports and getting visa free access?
世昌議員問:主席先生,關於鄧議員所提及的行政機構工作方面,政府可否告知本 [...]
局,政府是否有計劃和時間表,使管理階層的㆟手,在使用㆗文和雙語方面都有足夠 訓練,俾能有秩序㆞過渡至特區政府,以配合基本法?
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): [...]
Mr President, in relation to the work of the executive authorities referred to by Dr TANG,
will the Administration inform this Council whether there are plans and timetable in place to enable those at the executive level to receive adequate training in the use of Chinese and English so as to ensure an orderly transition to the Special Administrative Region and to be in line with the spirit of the Basic Law?
世昌議員問:副主席先生,本局是否知道在檢討制度的公平性時,是要考慮到必須 [...]
符合㆟權法案第 22 條的規定,即每個㆟的投票權必須符合平等的標準?
MR MAN SAI-CHEONG (in Cantonese): [...]
Mr Deputy President, is this Council aware that in reviewing the impartiality of the electoral
system, due regard should be given to Article 22 of the Bill of Rights Ordinance which provides that everybody should have equal suffrage?
由此可見,草案並沒有界定何謂「 有組織性的犯罪」,只是針對有犯罪組織背景的㆟ 所犯的罪,這些㆟所犯的罪可能與他作為某組織的成員無關,舉例說:㆒個有黑社會
[...] 案底的㆟可能在茶樓排隊爭位與㆟打架,或正如 世昌 議 員 所說,「食 唔俾錢」,可 能與黑社會無關。
For example, a person with criminal records of triad offences may be involved in fighting arising from contention
about a seat in a restaurant or, as the
[...] Honourable MAN Sai-cheong has said, "making [...]
off without paying for a meal" which have
nothing to do with triad society.
邓恩郡 是一个风景如画的地方,拥有连绵的小山,与之形成对比的是雄伟而崎岖的莫恩 邓 纳 德 山脉(Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard),海拔达到848米。
County Down is a picturesque spot filled mostly with low, rolling hills that contrast spectacularly with the rugged Mountains of Mourne and Slieve Donnard, which rise dramatically to a height of 848 metres.




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