单词 | 邂逅 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 邂逅verb—encounterv邂逅—chance encounter run into sb. meet by chance See also:邂—meet unexpectedly 逅—meet unexpectedly 迂—pedantic circuitous literal-minded longwinded doctrinaire
Pantai Dalit海滩距离南部哥打基纳巴卢仅需30分钟车程,海滩环境清幽静谧,沙滩绵软细幼,是亲子度假及情侣邂逅的理想胜地。 shangri-la.com | A secluded stretch of beach thirty minutes north of Kota Kinabalu, Pantai Dalit offers private expanses of soft white sand ideal for families or vacationing couples. shangri-la.com |
我们非常珍惜能在如此有一个小地方邂逅,并且成为好朋友。 4tern.com | We are very happy to be able to meet up in a small Fox Glacier township and become good friends. 4tern.com |
依多立设计之屋的故事要追溯到二十年前,那一年我和妻子汉奈丽(Hanneli)在赫尔辛基邂逅并坠入爱河。 visitfinland.com | Design House Idoli all started about twenty years ago when my wife Hanneli and I met in Helsinki and fell in love. visitfinland.com |
1987年: 当年他邂逅了刚刚买下雅典品牌的实业家Rolf Schnyder。 hautehorlogerie.org | 1987 : Yearhe encounters Rolf Schnyder, [...] an industrialist who has just bought the prestigious Ulysse Nardin brand. hautehorlogerie.org |
在滑雪途中邂逅野生动物是很寻常的。 visitfinland.com | Spotting animals is quite normal on a ski tour. visitfinland.com |
1979年的一个晚上,一对互不相识的男女,一个法国的华丽邂逅,造就出一瓶具时尚气息的香水,这正是IVOIRE [...] by Balmain的香水故事。 hk.eternal.hk | One evening in 1979, [...] the poetic encounter between aman and [...]woman in France was the inspiration of IVOIRE by Balmain which [...]had a fascinating timelessness. hk.eternal.hk |
这是Christophe Lier和两位成员偶遇的音乐旅程——1998年在香港遇到贝斯手Peter Scherr,2008年在北京邂逅鼓手Jimmy——三重奏就此成立。 yugongyishan.com | Two major encounters in Christophe Lier musical journeys – 1998, in Hong Kong with bassist Peter Scherr, 2008 in Beijing with drummer Jimmy – lead to this newly formed trio. yugongyishan.com |
近代制图史学家,例如 G. [...] 马尔科姆·刘易斯(G. Malcolm Lewis)在《制图之邂逅:解析美洲土着人制图与地图使用》 [...]以及刘易斯和大卫·伍德沃 (David Woodward) 在《制图学史》 中,也都曾用这幅地图作为土着制图的例子。 wdl.org | Recent historians of cartography, notably G. Malcolm Lewis in [...] Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives [...]on Native American Mapmaking and Map Use, [...]and Lewis and David Woodward in History of Cartography, also have used the map as an example of indigenous cartography. wdl.org |
该表款的灵感来自于路易‧于利斯‧萧邦(Louis-Ulysse Chopard)赖以奠定其事业基础的华丽怀表,并象征着传统与现代的邂逅。 hautehorlogerie.org | This model is inspired by the magnificent [...] pocket-watches that Louis-Ulysse Chopard had made his speciality, and [...] symbolises theencounter between tradition and [...]modernity. hautehorlogerie.org |
这是一面镜子,通过缓慢的节奏,它来自一艘货船、一辆自行车、一列火车;这是无限空间和城市扩散之间的邂逅,如同用自行车描述女孩的曲线一般。 yugongyishan.com | It’s a mirror through the slow rhythm of a cargo ship, a bicycle, a train; it’s an encounter between the oceanic space and the cities’ proliferation, the bicycle to describe the girl’s curves. yugongyishan.com |
Calvin Klein来自一个犹太人和匈牙利移民家庭,青年时期在一所设计艺术高中度过,之后进入纽约时装技术学院学习服装设计,并在那邂逅了他的妻子Jayne Centre。 catwalkyourself.com | Born to Jewish-Hungarian immigrants, Calvin Klein attended a high school of art and design and followed on to study clothing design at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology where he met his future wife Jayne Centre. catwalkyourself.com |
信用点数让您可以赠送礼物、在邂逅游戏中显示更多次、在搜索结果中提升人气、以及成为当日焦点出现在HOT [...] or NOT的页首,让更多会员访问您的个人档案。 hotornot.com | These allow you to send gifts, get displayed more [...] times inthe Encounters game, Rise [...]up in the search results and be shown in the [...]Spotlight at the top of almost every page on HOT or NOT, encouraging more people to visit your profile. hotornot.com |
犹如唱针的中央美钻与缟玛瑙圆盘完美邂逅。 piaget.com.cn | The central diamond meets the onyx disc as if it were a needle on a gramophone approaching to play its music. en.piaget.com |
往事如烟》跟踪叙述一个女人在与其失散的恋人重新邂逅之后选择和他共度夏日的致命后果。 norway.org.cn | All That Matters Is Past follows the fatal consequences when a woman meets her lost love and chooses to spend the summer with him. norway.cn |
这次艺术与时间的交流,建立了江诗丹顿与古典音乐之间邂逅的平台。 vacheron-constantin.com | The interplay of art and time builds up the [...] framework forthe encounter between Vacheron [...]Constantin and classical music. vacheron-constantin.com |
本所在本土化方面的优势以及在专业化方面所作的准备和努力,本所与上述私募资本之间既存的信任关系都为即将启动的战略合作奠定了殷实的基础,也许这将是我藏在内心深处长达十年的梦想邂逅了一丝实现的契机 lylawyer.com | This is of advantage and the localization in the aspects of preparation of specialization and hard, and the private capital trust relationship between the existing for China's strategic cooperation [...] has laid a foundation of substantial, perhaps this will be my hidden deep within a [...] decade of dream of a chanceencounter! lylawyer.com |
这些以电影 手段为主的探索透露虚构的邂逅、想像的历史和编造的情景是可以与真实和当代环境的特 [...] 性重叠,同时亦演变为既真实又虚幻的 纽约艺术家张怡以表演艺术作品知名,其作品涉及受争议的性别和个人身分等主题。 osagegallery.com | As these predominantly filmic explorations [...] reveal, inventedencounters,imagined histories [...]and fabricated scenarios can overlap [...]with the realities and attributes of our contemporary condition, giving way to an ‘embodiment of making’ that is at once unavoidably real and eminently imagined. osagegallery.com |
然而就在即将离开展览会的那一刻,他们无意中看到了雷尼绍展台上的一个比对仪演示,而当时比对仪正在测量连杆 — 一次偶然的邂逅最终解决了他们的问题。 renishaw.com.cn | It was only as they were on the point of leaving the show that they spotted one of the Equator system demonstrations on [...] the Renishaw stand which was gauging a connecting rod - it [...] was a chance encounter that ultimately solved [...]their problems. renishaw.com |
提交人于2009年8月23 日指出,在1992年3 月录相带商店邂逅的第二 天,受害人就告知调查人员对其侵害者身份的怀疑,但是,提交人及其律师都没 [...] 有收到这方面的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 23 August 2009, the author stated that, the day [...] after thealleged encounter inthevideo club [...]in March 1992, the investigator was apprised [...]of the doubts raised by the victim as to her assailant’s identity, but that neither he nor his counsel was so informed. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如当年我们的政府官员的思想不是那麽迂腐的话,我们便应该见到政府今㆝提出㆒ 项建议,本局 60 席全部由直选产生,这是何等光彩的事。 legco.gov.hk | We could be seeing the Government doing the decent thing by proposing direct elections for all 60 seats in this Chamber today, if less convoluted minds had been at work in Government House. legco.gov.hk |
他 特 别 告诫谓,政府须顾及路线合 并 所 造 成的不便,因为 行 车 路线迂回曲折将 导致乘客的 乘车时间较 长。 legco.gov.hk | In particular, he cautioned the Government to take into account the inconvenience caused by route amalgamation as the circuitous routing would mean longer travelling time for passengers. legco.gov.hk |
由於游㆟可在私㆟土㆞的南面和北面,沿较迂回的路线到达海滩及设 施所在㆞,因此,㆟们如循这些路线前往海滩,是可以毋须支付费用或受到 阻碍而进入该准用范围的。 legco.gov.hk | As alternative access to the facilities and the beach can be obtained by more circuitous routes to the north and south of the private land, beach-goers who wish to use these are able to go into the licence areas without charge or hinderance. legco.gov.hk |
其它例证包括修建在巴勒斯坦领土内迂回的隔离 墙;驱赶巴勒斯坦家庭和拆毁巴勒斯坦人房屋;撤销 东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦居民的居住权,禁止他们生活在 自己的出生地城市;以色列军方下达新命令,授权以 色列占领军驱逐被认为是渗透到被占领土的西岸巴 勒斯坦人;以色列非法定居者不断袭击巴勒斯坦人, 而以色列当局没有采取执法行动来阻止或防止此类 袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other examples include the building of the separation wall, which snakes into Palestinian territory; the eviction of Palestinian families and the demolition of Palestinian homes; the revocation of residency rights of Palestinian inhabitants of East Jerusalem, forbidding them to live in the city of their birth; the new Israeli military order which will give the Israeli occupying forces the power to deport Palestinians in the West Bank who are deemed to be infiltrating the occupied territory; and, incessant attacks on Palestinians by illegal Israeli settlers, and the lack of law enforcement by Israeli authorities to stop or even prevent such attacks. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些炒家、发展商则会坐在办公室内狂笑 不已,认为现时的政策基本上是迂回地、间接地,甚至有一些人认为 是直接地支持发展商及炒家“炒楼”。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the speculators and developers will be laughing happily in their offices thinking that the current policies are basically condoning their speculative activities in a twisted and indirect (or to some, even direct) manner. legco.gov.hk |