

单词 避嫌

See also:


avoid v
leave v
escape v
flee v

keep away from
hide from

External sources (not reviewed)

我 也 不 相信他刻 意
[...] 避稅, 但 明 顯 地,他 沒 有 把 須 遵守規則的責任,避 嫌 等 事 放 在 心 內 。
I do not believe that he had any intention to evade the
tax liability but his responsibility of
[...] observing the rules and avoiding arousing suspicion was [...]
obviously not on his mind.
在此情況下,他不覺得在接受新世界中國 地產的聘任上避嫌的需要。
In the circumstances, he did not see
[...] the need for him to avoid public suspicion in [...]
relation to his taking up of the employment with NWCL.
我覺得, 只要緊避嫌的原 則,我看不到為甚麼會如局長所說的,對審案方面的資源 造成這麼大的沖擊。
I feel that if only the principle of conflict of interest can be strictly upheld, there would not be a serious impact on judicial manpower resources as the Secretary has claimed.
任何一名公職人士也知道,如果 自己要繼續做生意避嫌是十分重要的,一定要避免瓜田李下,被人 [...]
Anyone holding any public office would know that if he wants to continue to do business, it is very
[...] important that they avoid inviting suspicions.
如 有 利 益 衝 突 的 情 況
[...] 出 現 , 有 關 人 士 必避 嫌 , 不 會 參 與 處 理 有 關 [...]
個 案 及 接 觸 任 何 與 個 案 有 關 的 資 料 。
If there is any conflict of interest, the
[...] relevant persons will avoid handling the case [...]
or accessing any information relating to the case.
無論 有沒有實際的利益衝突或潛在的利益衝突,他們兩位沒有對此作出很 清楚的區分,但卻認為這樣做會引起負面的公眾觀感,“應 避嫌 ”。
As to whether actual conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest would be involved, the two officials had not given a clear
differentiation, but they considered that the employment would create a negative public
[...] perception and "suspicion should be avoided".
制 訂 財政預算 案 , 一般官 員 也 懂避 嫌 , 一般官 員 也 瞭解利 益 衝突問題。
Insofar as the formulation of the
Budget is concerned, ordinary officials
[...] would know how to avoid arousing suspicion and [...]
understand that there may be conflicts of interests.
財政司司長可 能 從 事 銀 行 工 作 太 長時間 , 從 事 炒賣金 融 外 幣 工 作 太 長時間 , 而這行 業根本 習 慣 利用消 息 來 炒賣貨 幣 , 借 助 消 息 在 市場內推 波 助 瀾 , 謀 取 暴 利 , 他可能已 習 慣 了 這 樣 的工作 環境,對新的工作
環境,對 財政司司長職位所 賦 予他的權 力 和他應 有 的 責任仍 未適應
[...] , 所以他在上任 後 根 本 沒 有 想 過避 嫌 , 沒 有 想 過 要 看 清 楚 《 問 責 制主要 [...]
官 員 守 則》內 有 甚麼須 關 注 事 項 。
The Financial Secretary may have worked in the banking sector and engaged in the speculative buying of financial products and foreign currencies for too long, and the industry is basically accustomed to making use of information for the speculative buying of foreign currencies and reaping staggering profits with the aid of news that adds fuel to the flames in the market. Perhaps he is accustomed to such a working environment and has not yet adapted to the new working environment, the rights conferred by the Office of the Financial Secretary and the responsibilities that he should have,
therefore, it has never come to
[...] his mind that he has to avoid arousing suspicion after he [...]
has assumed office or that he has
to gain a clear idea of the points in the Code for Principal Officials under the Accountability System to which he has to pay attention.
Did he take all steps to declare
[...] his interests and avoid inviting suspicions?
各政府機構 可自行制訂概括性政策指引:例如可規定前公務員 離職後,在某段時限內不能從事業務範圍與其以往 任職政府機構有直接往來的工作;或設立避嫌 期 ” ( gardening leave ) ,規定有關人員在支取政府薪 金的情況下,於指明期限內,不得返回政府辦公 室。
Government agencies may put in place broad policy guidelines which include, for example, the length of time a person should wait after leaving the APS before he could work in business areas that have direct contact with his former agency, or ‘gardening leave’ which requires an employee to stay away from the government offices for a specific period of time while still on government pay.
但 是,梁司長竟 然 在該會議後 4 天
[...] , 即 2003 年1月 18 日 , 作出購買汽車的 決 定,完 全沒避 嫌 。
The Secretary, however, made a
decision to buy a car on 18 January 2003, four days after the meeting,
[...] without any attempt to avoid arousing suspicion.
專責委員會批評梁先生刻意隱瞞與他申請到新世 界中國地產工作有關的事實,而梁先生又認為他在接受新世界中國地 產的聘任上無避嫌。
The Select Committee criticized Mr LEUNG as deliberately withholding the facts relating to his application for employment with NWCL, whereas Mr LEUNG
considered that he could accept the employment with NWCL
[...] without the need to avoid public suspicion of conflict [...]
of interest.
他 們應以信託形式,就任何個人資產或公司管理權,以信託形式委託某 些專業人士作為代表,因為無論他作出任何決定也難 避嫌 , 即 使有 關決定對所涉行業未必會帶來直接的利益。
This rule shall apply even if the decision concerned may not bring them any direct interest, just as in the case of the younger brother of Donald TSANG working for a certain consortium.
這是我們在這個會議廳詢問麥齊光,他個人是否認為應 避嫌 時 ,他 回答說:“應該”。
When MAK Chai-kwong was asked in this Chamber whether he personally considered
[...] the officer should avoid suspicion, he said the [...]
officer "should" do so.
在这种情况下向工作人员提出的解决办法可以包括提出正式请 求并获准参与外部活动、退出某项外部活动、剥离所控财产和(或)工作人员避 嫌退出具体公务职责。
The resolutions offered to a staff member in these instances could include making a formal request and securing authorization for participation in an outside activity, resignation from a particular outside activity, divestment of holdings and/or the staff member recusing himself/herself from specified official responsibilities.
上述规定要求,任何人如果涉嫌犯有可承认的刑事罪行并因此被捕,若出 于司法原因需要对该罪提起诉讼,则必须被告知作为依据的指控;否则国家就可 能避嫌犯根 据《公约》第九条和第十四条所享有的其他权利。
The above-mentioned provisions presuppose that anyone suspected of having committed a recognizable criminal offence and arrested on these grounds must be informed of the underlying charges if the interest of justice requires the prosecution of
such a crime; otherwise,
[...] the State could circumvent the additional rights extended to suspects of a crime spelled [...]
out in articles 9 and 14 of the Covenant.
港區的政協代表絕大部分本身已經是親建制人士,今天的曾蔭 權政府又毫避嫌地表 現親疏有別的姿態。
Most of the Hong Kong members of CPPCC are pro-establishment already, and the current Donald TSANG government has blatantly displayed its position of affinity differentiation.
無 論如何,是否 都避 嫌 , 而 不管胡 法 官 本 身 是一個如何公正 的人?
Is it not necessary to avoid suspicion in any way, [...]
no matter how impartial a person Justice WOO is?
剛才很多同事也說過,我自己亦親身見過很多次,亦有跟公務員 的朋友聊天,他們本身是非常非 避嫌 的 , 而且正如曾蔭權自己所 說,以他45年的公務經驗,我相信他比任何人都清楚,究竟整個公務 員制度及守則是甚麼?
Just now, many Honourable colleagues said, and I have also seen for myself many times and found out in my chats with friends in the Civil Service, that civil servants are very leery of arousing suspicions. Moreover, I believe that, as Donald TSANG himself said, given his 45 years of experience in the Civil Service, he has a better idea than anyone else of the entire civil service system and the codes.
行政會議 在審批有關的發牌,以及讓李國章先生擔任主席的申請(李國章先生
[...] 也是這間公司的股東)時,他居然從來沒有申報他與黃楚標先生的密 切關係,更不知避嫌,披 露其以較優惠的條件租住黃楚標先生的物 業,這些優惠條件包括免費的豪華裝修和低於市值的租金。
When the Executive Council considered the grant of the relevant licence and the application from Prof Arthur LI to assume chairmanship (Mr Arthur LI is also a shareholder of this company), it turned out he never declared his
close relationship with Mr WONG
[...] Cho-bau, nor did he try to avoid arousing suspicion by [...]
disclosing that he had rented a property
owned by Mr WONG Cho-bau in favourable terms and that these favourable terms include free luxurious renovation and rent below the market rate.
戴德梁行每個月也召開董事會, 如果他的董事每個月開會時也列出一張名單,譬如正在參與城大 project、西 九
[...] project,或正在參與甚麼計劃,梁先生開董事會時一看, 便能知道哪些計劃他們不可以參與,是要申報,又或為 避嫌 , 是不 應該參與的。
The DTZ calls a Board meeting every month, so if his Directors had prepared a list for the monthly meeting, stating, for example, that they were involved in a project of the City University of Hong Kong, in the WKCD project or other projects, so that Mr LEUNG could take a look at it in the Board meetings, he would have known in which projects they could not get
involved and had to declare interests, or in which ones he should not
[...] play any part, so as to avoid inviting suspicions.
當然,一間公司、專業團體、律師行、工程師行及測量師行等, 一定有很多董事和業務夥伴,領導人不可能知道每一位業務夥伴的工 作,但梁先生是如此聰明的一個人,又當了戴德梁行亞太區主席,他 必然也知道,如果不能每天也監察着組織的僱員在做甚麼的話,便一 定要設計一個制度,令僱員知道他在參與甚麼公職,然後他們便要避 免,又或是董事、負責計劃的所謂project manager每做一件事,也最 少把名單知會梁先生,令他可以預先知道是否有些地方需 避嫌。
They must avoid situations which are likely to arouse suspicions. Of course, in a company, a professional body, a law firm, an engineering firm or surveying firm, there are always many directors and business partners, so it is not possible for its person-in-charge to know the work of each business partner, but since Mr LEUNG is such a smart person who became the Chairman of the Asia Pacific Region of DTZ, he would surely know that if he could not monitor what the employees in his organization were doing every day, he had to design a system, so that the employees would know what kind of public offices he was holding.
8.27 至於梁展文先生當初應否申報他與鍾國昌先生為相熟 朋友的關係,以消除有潛在利益衝突的疑慮,梁先生表示,他 在處理紅灣半島發展項目的事宜上,處事光明正大,無避 嫌。
8.27 As to whether Mr LEUNG Chin-man should have declared his relationship with Mr CHUNG Kwok-cheong as being close friends to dispel suspicion about potential conflict of interest, Mr LEUNG remarked that it was not necessary to dispel suspicion about conflict of interest as he had handled the disposal of the Hunghom Peninsula development in an open and fair manner.
當網絡罪犯進入主機時,會將其惡意網站隱藏於目錄內,但由此過程所產生的冗長而複雜之網絡連結,可能會令用戶提高警覺,因此縮短的連結正 避嫌
Once cybercriminals gain access to a host they typically hide their own malicious pages deep in the directory tree¡Xa process that generates very long and complex web links that might tip off a wary user.
关于逮捕问题的法律,1981 年的《刑事诉讼法和证据法》规定了应该采取的 程序和方法,避免对嫌犯实 施酷刑、不人道和有辱人格待遇。
With regard to laws relating to issues of arrest, there is already in place the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act 1981 which lays down
procedures and methods that
[...] should be adopted to avoid instances of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment of suspects.
他们再次建议联刚避免与涉嫌严重 侵犯人权的刚国军指挥人员和单位合 作,规定予以支持的条件是遵照执行国际人道主义法律、人权法和难民法。
They reiterated their recommendation
[...] that MONUC should avoid cooperating with FARDC commanders and units involved in committing serious [...]
human rights violations
and make its support conditional on compliance with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law.
[...] 国际关切的严重罪行,收集到令人信服的证据,若嫌疑人是行使代表其国家职能 的外国国家官员,则国家刑事司法当局应该考虑避免采取可能公开或不当暴嫌 疑人的举措,由避免损害嫌疑人 的声誉并使其蒙受耻辱,剥夺其未经法院确定 有罪前被视为无罪的权利,并妨碍其履行自己的职务。
Where national criminal justice authorities have initiated investigations and collected compelling evidence of serious crimes of international concern allegedly committed abroad against non-nationals by non-nationals, and where the suspect is a foreign State official exercising a representative function on behalf of his or her State,
such authorities should
[...] consider refraining from taking steps that might publicly and unduly expose the suspects, thereby discrediting [...]
and stigmatizing
them, curtailing their right to be presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law and hampering the discharge of their official function.
(c) 强迫征召公民无限期地为国家服务,这情况可能相当于强迫劳动,据 称强迫未成年人入伍和在采矿业劳动的情况,以及恐吓和拘留 避 国 家 服务嫌 疑人的家庭成员的情况
(c) The forced conscription of citizens for indefinite periods of national service, which could amount to forced labour, the alleged coercion of minors into the military and the mining
industry, as well as the intimidation and detention of family
[...] members of those suspected of evading national service [...]
in Eritrea
2.7 為避免涉嫌披露 資料以及因大意而披露資料,交易員和貨幣經紀應緊記以下各項: [...]
(a) 除非得到本身的管理層和對方機構管理層之批准,否則不應到訪其他市場參與者 的交易室。交易員應避免在其他市場參與者的交易室内達成交易。
2 7 To avoid suspicions of information [...]
divulgence and risks of inadvertent divulgence, dealers and money brokers should bear in mind the following




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