单词 | 避坑落井 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 避坑落井—dodge a pit only to fall into a well [idiom.]out of the frying pan inthe fireSee also:坑井—(mine) galleries and pits
阿玛山卡尔发表了这篇事故文章后,村里的长老会首脑(村长)阅读了这篇文章,并立即派人将那口在废弃院落外面的井填埋了。 unicef.org | After Umashanker wrote about the incident, the sarpanch (village head) saw his story and arranged to have the well outside an abandoned homefilled in. unicef.org |
在一些情况下,在采矿活动已经终止之后,在废弃矿坑、井下巷道和含水 层中收集的矿井水含有放射性核素。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some instances, after the mining activity [...] has been terminated, the mine water [...] collected inabandonedpits,underground workings [...]and aquifers contains radionuclides. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们所想到的特别是目前有数百万人离不开国际援助, 一批又一批人为躲避暴力而背井离乡,流离失所,在 阿夫戈耶公路上处境艰险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are thinking in particular of those millions of people who are currently dependent on [...] international aid and of those waves of [...] displaced persons fleeing the violence who find themselves [...]in the most precarious of conditions on the Afgoye road. daccess-ods.un.org |
Cyclopath经验相当成功,社会用科技鼓励合作,对地方环境产生长久贡献,使用者分享的资讯对他人极为宝贵(例如张贴坑洞警讯可能避免许多事故),并推动单车安全,鼓励驾驶放弃污染空气的车辆,转而加入单车运动。 thisbigcity.net | The information shared by users is extremely valuable to others (imagine how many [...] injuries are prevented due to a user’s [...] kind warningabouta pothole) and promotes safe and [...]efficient cycling, thereby incentivizing [...]drivers to ditch their air-polluting cars and join the cycling movement. thisbigcity.net |
高级 别政治论坛应以高成本效益的方式跟进可持续发展的落实情况,并避免与现有的 结构、机构和实体重叠。 sistemaambiente.net | The high-level political forum shall follow up on [...] the implementation of sustainable [...] development andshould avoidoverlapwith existing [...]structures, bodies and entities in a cost-effective manner. sistemaambiente.net |
双方领导人有责任采取必要 的大胆步骤,落实前者,避免出现后者。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is up to the leaders on both sides to take the bold steps necessary [...] to ensure the former andtoavoid thelatter. daccess-ods.un.org |
外聘审计员自己当时在确立监督制度时曾建议采取这种分类法; [...] 不过这方面的经验表 明,应对这种监督的分类进行审查,尽量避免因“部分落实”和“正在落实”之间存在的界 限不清而争论不休,这种不确定性也影响到落实情况的数据。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The External Auditor had himself recommended that this typology be adopted at the time when the follow-up system was established; nonetheless, the experience gained in this area suggests that the [...] implementation typology [...] should now be reviewed in orderto prevent, asmuch as possible, protracted [...]debates skewed by the nebulous [...]distinction between the status “partially implemented” and “being implemented”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其视场角较宽,是导航辅助、避免碰撞和落水人员搜救的理想选择。 flir.com | Its wide-angle field of view is perfect for [...] navigation, collision avoidance, and finding peoplein the water. flir.com |
必须避免坠落、倾倒、颠簸和碰撞,以排除损坏的可能性。 highvolt.de | In order to prevent [...] possible damage, avoiddropping,tipping, [...]knocking over and colliding with the product. highvolt.de |
在水对于碳酸盐岩床的溶解作用下形成的喀斯特地貌,具有独特的形态,在持续上千年的生成过程中,造就了该地貌的奇特地表和地下景观:如天坑、竖井、消失的溪流和喷泉、构造复杂的地下排水体系和洞穴。 china.cat.com | This geological process, occurring over thousands of years, results in [...] unusual surface and subsurface features [...] rangingfrom sinkholes, vertical shafts, disappearing [...]streams and springs, to complex [...]underground drainage systems and caves. china.cat.com |
巡逻人员发现,当地有两 个弹坑,并散落着金属碎片和碎石,但并未收到关于爆炸所致伤亡的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | The patrol observed two craters with metallic fragments and crushed stones in the area, but there wasno report of injury or death from the explosion. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧盟很高兴联合国为便于各会员国进 行磋商和审查全球行动计划而任命了一些合作调解 人,认为避免和其他文书尤其是上述《公约》和《议 定书》重复使用十分关键,也有利于避免落实这些 文书时分散精力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European Union welcomed the appointment of cofacilitators to start consultations and consideration by Member States of a global plan of action, but stressed the importance of avoiding any duplication of other instruments, particularly the Convention and the Protocol, and any diversion of efforts that should be dedicated to their implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
忆及为维护人权而奋斗的妇女通常成为恐怖 集团攻击的目标,发言人请特别报告员提供落实避免妇女被边缘化以及积极促进妇女参与制定尊重权 利的反恐战略的措施的详细信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling that women fighting to defend human rights were often targeted by terrorist groups, she asked the Special Rapporteur to explain what measures should be taken to ensure that they were not marginalized and to encourage them to participate in the preparation of counter-terrorism strategies that respected women’s rights. daccess-ods.un.org |