单词 | 遮阳物 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 遮阳物 noun—shade nSee also:遮阳 adj—shading adj 遮阳—shield from the sun 遮 v—conceal v 遮—screen off • cover up (a shortcoming)
这些讲座不仅 可让建筑师们了解遮阳物应用 方面的知识,也使 Hoover 成为值 得信赖的信息资源。 glenraven.com | These sessions not only educate architects on the applications of shade, but also position Hoover as a trusted resource. glenraven.com |
在过去 14 年中,公司始终致力 于重新定义遮阳物的范 畴,而这一基本需求早在人类出现在地球 上时就已存在。 glenraven.com | For the past 14 years, the company has been dedicated to redefining shade, a basic need that has existed for as long as there have been humans on the planet. glenraven.com |
去年春天,位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰的 Cain Awning [...] 赢得了一个知名 项目,即为正在进行综合翻新的运动综合设施安 装 遮阳物 结 构。 glenraven.com | Cain Awning in Birmingham, Alabama, had an opportunity [...] for a high-visibility project this past [...] spring, installing shade structures at [...]an athletic complex that was undergoing a general facelift. glenraven.com |
佛罗里达州 西棕榈滩的 Hoover Canvas [...] 亦是率先运用互联网的最佳实践的 先锋,通过战略性的网站展示营销遮阳篷 和 遮阳物 结 构。 glenraven.com | Hoover Canvas of West Palm Beach, Florida, has [...] also pioneered best practices with the Internet by [...] marketing awnings and shade structures [...]through a strategic Web presence. glenraven.com |
与企业家精神紧 密相关的是通过设计创新领先行业的能力,这一点将通过佛罗里达州 迈阿密的遮阳物结构公司 TUUCI 详细说明。 glenraven.com | Closely related to entrepreneurship is the ability to lead by design innovation, which is detailed by TUUCI, a shade structures company in Miami, Florida. glenraven.com |
他们把面向不同市场的商业 遮阳物结构 作为业务重点,通过圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀的据点不 断扩大经营。 glenraven.com | He and his father worked closely and well together, focusing on commercial shade structures for a variety of markets and expanding the business through locations in San Antonio and Austin. glenraven.com |
在车内使用车载免提电话Jabra JOURNEY 背面设有遮阳板夹,可夹到汽车遮阳 板 上。 jabra.cn | USING YOUR IN-CAR SPEAKERPHONE IN THE CARThe Jabra JOURNEY is designed to clip onto a car visor using the visor clip on the rear side of the product. jabra.com |
由于基础聚合物中的氯乙烯含量很高, 它尤其适用于给纺织品进行阻燃整理, 例如用于家具面料或居家和公共场合 的 遮阳 篷 或 卷帘等防 晒 物 品。 wacker.com | The high proportion of vinyl chloride in the base polymer makes it especially suitable for flame-retardant finishing of textiles such as upholstery fabrics and sun-protection articles, e.g. sunshades and blinds, used in the domestic and commercial sectors. wacker.com |
建筑立面遮阳板的 设计遮挡了高角度的南侧入射光和低角度的东西向光线同时带给室内充足光线。 chinese-architects.com | The horizontal and vertical Brise Soleil visors stop high angle sun light from the south, as well as low angle sun rays from the east and west respectively. chinese-architects.com |
它的设计有三个重要 方面:建筑物的功能性以及建筑物的 能 源使用方式;最大限度减少能源需求 的“被动”理念,例如朝阳、遮阳格 子 、隔热和景观设计;通过使用可再生 能源的能效系统满足空间空调和照明需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its design had three important aspects: the functionality of the building and how [...] energy is used in it; [...] “passive” concepts that minimize energy demand, such as solar orientation, latticework for shading, insulation and landscaping; and space conditioning and lighting [...]demands that are [...]met through energy-efficient systems using renewable energy sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
当一名客户向我咨询采光问题时, 我就知道室内遮阳窗帘是理想的选择。 glenraven.com | When one of my customers asked for my help with a sun issue, I knew interior window shades would be the answer. glenraven.com |
上述所列物质,包括其他具有相似化学结构或相似生物作用的物质,诊断标识物、激素 的释放因子的存在,或其他任何发现提示所检测到 的 物 质 为 外源性来源,则报告 为 阳 性 检 测结 果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other [...] finding which [...] indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding. unesdoc.unesco.org |
棉花的商品,hempen和其他粗糙的布料,和其他类似行业发生在昂热也生产甜酒,绳,靴子,鞋 和 遮阳 伞。 leapfrog-properties.com | Cotton goods, hempen and other coarse [...] fabrics, and similar industries take place at Angers which also manufactures liqueurs, rope, [...] boots, shoes and parasols. leapfrog-properties.com |
1)车门和侧板2)车体下方壳套3)气囊套 4)地毯和脚垫 5)车座后部 6)刹车盘 7)车轮拱罩衬里 [...] 8)排气系统 9)过滤器 10)发动机隔热垫 11)涡轮增压器 12)蓄电池 13)后门和侧板 14)后搁物架 15)行李仓盖 16) A 型和 C 型柱 17)顶蓬 18)遮阳蓬 19)仪表盘 20)发动机罩 21)行李箱地板及备用轮胎罩。 news.groz-beckert.com | 1)Door and side panelling 2)Underbody covers 3)Airbag covers 4)Floor and footwell covers 5)Rear of seat 6)Brake disks 7)Textile wheel-arch liners 8)Exhaust systems 9)Filters 10)Engine insulation 11)Turbocharger 12)Battery [...] 13)Side and rear door [...] panelling 14)Rear parcel shelf 15)Stowage compartment cover 16 A- and C-columns 17)Headliner 18)Sunshade 19)Dashboard [...]20)Bonnet covers [...]21)Floor of boot, spare wheel cover news.groz-beckert.com |
工程还有助于实施一系列工程,如修复面 墙 遮阳 板 、 修理被严重损坏场所的防水 层、为小型会议厅安装空调、使七层餐厅厨房符合标准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It has also enabled a range of operations to be carried out such as the renovation of façade sunbreakers; renovation of the worst affected waterproofing; installation of air-conditioning in the smaller meeting rooms, and bringing the kitchens of the seventh floor restaurant into line with standards. unesdoc.unesco.org |
3.7 可再生能源:指太阳能、风能、生物 质 能 、浅层地热、海洋能等及其所产生的二次能源 等。 greencouncil.org | 3.7 Renewable energy: solar energy, wind power, biomass, shallow geothermal [...] energy, marine energy and the ensuing secondary energy. greencouncil.org |
豪华组升级产品包包括静电染色(后窗 、 遮阳 顶 、 隔板)、后部自动开闭式车窗、可伸缩防弹玻璃隔板、可伸缩平板电视、警报器、带扩音器的双路PA系统、隐蔽式前VIP频闪灯、前后感应器、外部对讲通信系统、Playstation3或Xbox娱乐系统、以及包括酒吧、冰箱和雪茄保湿器在内的VIP产品包。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Luxury Group upgrade package includes electrostatic tinting (rear windows, sunroofs, partition), rear power windows, retractable ballistic glass partition, retractable flat screen television, siren, 2-way PA system with loud speaker, hidden front VIP strobes lights, forward and backup sensors and an external intercom communication system and Playstation3 or Xbox entertainment system, a VIP package inclusion of decanter bar, cooler box, and a cigar humidor. tipschina.gov.cn |
它意味着获得充足的阳光,然后采用防护措施,比如使用SPF值为15(或以上)的防晒剂 、 遮阳 伞 和长袖宽松衣服来避免过度照射。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It means getting adequate amounts of sun and then using protective measures – such as sunscreen with SPF 15 or above, umbrellas, long-sleeved and loose-fitting clothing – to avoid over exposure. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
舉例說,當局應沿主要的盛風方向闢設通風廊,增設與通風廊交接的風 道,令空氣有效地流入市區範圍;區內建築羣的高度應朝着盛行風的方向逐 級降低 ─ 簡單來說,便是越接近市中心的越高,而越接近海邊的便越低 ─ 以促進空氣流通;建築物的中軸線應與盛行風的方向平行,以減低對空 氣流通的阻礙;保留最少 20%山景不受建築物遮擋的 地帶;較高的建築物應 建於內陸,較低的則建於海旁,避免景觀及海風受到阻擋,以及在保護歷史 文物環境方面,毗鄰新建築物的高度應朝歷史文物的方向漸次(即逐步)降 低,使其與歷史文物的差距不會那麼大。 legco.gov.hk | The main axis of buildings should be parallel with the prevailing wind direction to minimize obstruction of air flow; at least 20% of the zone should have its landscape unblocked; taller buildings should be developed in the inland area and the shorter ones at the waterfront, in order to prevent the blocking of landscape and sea breezes; and in respect of conservation of the heritage setting, the height of new adjacent buildings should be gradually reduced towards the direction of the heritage, so that there will not be too big a contrast with the local heritage. legco.gov.hk |
当没有大型物体(墙壁等)遮挡时 ,耳麦与所连接的设备之间的距离最长可达 10 米(33 英尺)。 jabra.cn | You should be able to have up to 10 metres (33 feet) of distance between the headset and the connected device when there are no major objects in the way (walls, etc.). jabra.com |
在国际太阳物理年/联合国基础空间科学举措方案下,阿尔伯 塔大学可以同其他伙伴研究所一道,为磁强计开发 GPS 定时的个人计算机数据 记录仪接口,为国际太阳物理年磁强计观测台开发太阳能电池/涡轮发电电源, 在向各参与国的科学家提供系统之前进行系统集成,以及组织和开办若干区域/ 大陆“配置”学校,来自发展中国家的科学家可在这些学校学习单独配置课 程,这将帮助他们在其各自的国家独立地安装自己的观测台。 oosa.unvienna.org | Under the [...] International Heliophysical Year/United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative programme, the University of Alberta, together with other partner institutes, could develop a GPS-timed personal computer data logger interface for the magnetometer, develop solar-cell/turbine power sources for the International Heliophysical Year magnetometer [...]observatories, [...]integrate systems prior to delivery to scientists from participating countries and organize and run a number of regional or continent specific “deployment schools”, where scientists from developing countries can attend a single deployment, which will help them to deploy their own observatories independently in their respective countries. oosa.unvienna.org |
劉慧卿議員:主 席,規 劃 署 已 把 於 2003 年 完 成的“香港城 市 設 計 指 引 ” 顧 問研究㆗ 的 建 議 納入《 香港規劃標準與 準 則》,當㆗訂明 在 發 展 維 多 利 亞 港(“維 港”)兩 岸 時,應 避 免 建 築 物 遮檔山 脊 線 景 觀 , 而 建 築 物 的規模 應 與 外 牆 設 計 配 合 , 以 免 形 成 “ 牆壁效應”。 legco.gov.hk | MS EMILY LAU (in Chinese): Madam President, the Planning Department has incorporated the recommendations of a consultancy study on Urban Design Guidelines for Hong Kong, completed in 2003, into the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, which stipulate that in developing the waterfront on both sides of Victoria Harbour, blockage of views of the ridgelines by buildings should be avoided, and buildings should be of appropriate scale and façade treatment to avoid creating an impermeable "wall". legco.gov.hk |
使用实质量的植物蛋白粉和油的其他 物 种 和 物 种 组包 括 遮 目 鱼 、 鲻鱼、淡水虾、大盖巨脂鲤和淡水鳌虾。 fao.org | Other species and species groups that use substantial amounts of plant protein meals and oils include milkfish, mullets, [...] freshwater prawns, cachama and freshwater crayfishes. fao.org |
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品—— 植 物 性 阳 光 防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。 clarinsusa.com | By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions. clarinsusa.com |
所以我们可以在铁路 (这在方向盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 LED 尾灯、 雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS [...] 导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、 无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、 [...] 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李 , 遮阳 后 保 险杠、 镀铬外墙 (为窗口) 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 [...]培训体育射击、 挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 (除其他外)。 cn.motorhq.org | So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail (which acts on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights, xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers [...] and storage and lighting solutions, [...] networks for luggage, sunshade rear bumper, chrome [...]exterior (for Windows) package, 18 [...]"alloy wheels, train sports shooting, athermic windscreen, roof of glass and of course paint metallic (among other things). motorhq.org |
她指出,這可能是 因為業界塗掉或遮蓋食物包裝上一些不符合香港《修訂規例》所訂條件的營養聲稱/字 [...] 句,又或他們須塗去營養聲稱以便有關產品符合小量豁免申請的資格。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms. Joey KWOK also introduced publicity [...] activities on blacked out marks found on [...] prepackaged food products which might be [...]due to the fact that traders blacked out [...]or covered certain nutrition claims/wordings on food packages which did not comply with the conditions as set out in the Amendment Regulation of Hong Kong, or the nutrition claims being blackened by traders to render the product eligible for application under SVE. cfs.gov.hk |
正常而言,在天空無遮蔽物的狀況下,GPS的準確度大約是每秒3~10公尺,就算 是3D定位的狀況下也是如此;因此GPS的數據有時候會因為訊號不穩而變的不可 靠,現今有一些GPS產品已內建校正演算法及輔助方式去加強GPS的接收效能, [...] 以達到最佳的狀態。 globalsat.com.tw | Nowadays, the GPS consumer product has built in adjust algorithm and assisted method to extend capability of GPS. globalsat.com.tw |
西九文化區所施加的建築物高度限制是根據以下的城市 設計原則而訂定: (i) 保存從中山紀念公園望向飛鵝山、慈雲山及獅子山 山脊線的公眾景觀,以保留山脊線以下 20%山景不 受建築物遮擋地帶( 圖 2 ) legco.gov.hk | (i) preservation of public views from Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park towards the Kowloon Peak, Tze Wan Shan, and Lion Rock ridgelines to maintain a 20% building free zone below the ridges (Plan 2) legco.gov.hk |