单词 | 遮瑕膏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 遮瑕膏noun—concealern遮瑕膏—concealer (cosmetic)See also:遮瑕n—concealern 遮v—concealv 遮—screen off cover up (a shortcoming) 瑕—blemish flaw in jade
为医学界认可及广泛使用的强效遮瑕膏,能完全遮盖任何色斑以及严重的皮肤问题。 lavedo.com | A medically approved and practiced natural-looking waterproof make-up that totally covers virtually anyblemish orskin problems, nomatter how severe the skin discoloration or damage is. lavedo.com |
提示:用於小面积色素建议只把一面扫面沾取遮瑕膏,而大面积色素可以把遮瑕沾满两面。 lavedo.com | Tips: for small areas, put theconcealer only on one side of the brush; for larger areas or denser coverage, put concealer on both sides of the brush. lavedo.com |
良好弹性扫头配合 0.8x1.3cm 的尺寸令遮瑕膏完美覆盖眼角或眼摺等微细部位。 lavedo.com | Extra resilience / elastic property of the 0.8x1.3cm hair tip means perfect coverage near eye [...] corners or any folded/wrinkled areas. lavedo.com |
用於遮盖黑眼圈或小面积色素,可把整个扫面平均沾上遮瑕膏,以涂抹方式抹於色素上,用於眼部位置可扫尖涂抹眼角及眼头等细小位置。 lavedo.com | To cover dark eye circles or larger area of pigments, sweep product /concealer evenly on the whole area, while painting lightly around eye corners and small area of the eyes. lavedo.com |
独特配方结合底妆及遮瑕膏,有效遮瑕而不厚, 适用於遮盖血管瘤, 牛皮癣, 鱼鳞癣, 胎记, 疤痕, [...] 烧伤及纹身等。 lavedo.com | Coverderm Classic is a unique formula, a make-up and [...] skin corrector in one, offering [...] perfect camouflage of skin imperfections such as Angiomas, [...]Psoriasis, Ichthyosis, Birthmarks, Scars, Burns, Tattoos. lavedo.com |
如单一使用遮瑕膏可把扫尖沾上遮瑕膏,先以点印方式均匀处理凹凸位置。 lavedo.com | Otherwise, use a dabbing motion to evenly distribute the concealer on the surface. lavedo.com |
如用於以上平面色素,可把整个扫面平均沾上遮瑕膏,以涂抹方式抹於色素上,平均涂满色素位置後,用扫面剩余的遮瑕膏以轻印方式把色素边缘化开。 lavedo.com | For flat area of discolorations, sweep the surface withconcealer evenly, then using a dabbing motion work from the outside inward. lavedo.com |
如用於暗疮印或雀斑等点状色素,只须用扫尖端沾少量遮瑕膏,以轻印手法点於色素上,再用扫头弧边把遮瑕产品的边缘打圈式晕开 lavedo.com | For acne scars, freckles or small blemishes, use the tip of the concealer brush with a small amount of product / concealer, lightly dap and tab on problem area and then blend the edge of the product via circular motions. lavedo.com |
各种扑可以用在粉底、B.B 霜、乳液、遮瑕霜、防晒霜、洁面膏等基本护肤或化妆品上。 cosme-de.com | The puffs can be used with your [...] daily skincare or makeup products, e.g. foundation, BB cream, [...] lotion, cream, sunscreen,concealer and cleansing cream, etc. cosme-de.com |
这款粉底提供15小时的长效遮瑕和完美舒爽感受。 clarinsusa.com | This foundation offers 15 hours of impeccable coverage and total comfort. clarinsusa.com |
黄色:调节肤色不均,遮瑕、润色、防护、隔离一步到位,有效遮盖黑眼圈。 aster.com.hk | Yellow: Adjust [...] color uneven Concealer, polish, protective, [...]isolation in one step, effective cover black skin near eye. aster.com.hk |
它的遮瑕度足以遮盖有疤痕的肌肤并隐藏缺陷,使肌肤变得光滑无比,呈现出素颜般的美肌质感。 clarinsusa.com | It provides just enough coverage to even-out blotchy [...] skin and hide imperfections, but is light [...]enough for a “no make-up” look. clarinsusa.com |
此遮瑕扫可广泛用於遮盖暗疮、雀斑、黑眼圈等瑕疵,更可扫头尖端位置作眼线笔之用。 lavedo.com | ConcealerBrushsuitable [...] for a wide variety of problems including acne, freckles and dark eye circles coverage, the brush [...]tip can also be used for eyeliner purposes. lavedo.com |
有效防紫外线UVA/UVB、美白保湿、抗皱、修护、细胞再生、稳定过敏肌肤、有弹性、有效改善肌肤色泽、遮瑕等等,使肌肤完美无瑕,充满光采。 healthkool.com | Effective UV protection UVA / UVB, Whitening, anti-wrinkle, repair and speed up cell regeneration, stabilize skin allergies, and, improve skin color etc. to keep your skin in perfect condition. healthkool.com |
质感轻盈,遮瑕度高,能隐藏黑眼圈、黑斑、色素不均匀等。 aster.com.hk | It do a good [...] job of hiding blemishes by blending [...]the imperfection into the surrounding skin tone. aster.com.hk |
医生介绍下, 使用了问题皮肤也可以用的Dermacolor遮瑕品, 以代替使用化妆师的化妆品。 lavedo.com | I follow my doctor's suggestion to use Dermacolor cosmetic camouflage, replacing make-up artist's cosmetics. lavedo.com |
特有低致敏性及防水配方遮瑕笔, 可全日遮盖黑眼圈, 暗疮印及色斑。 lavedo.com | Unique waterproof, hypoallergenic formula to conceal dark eye circles and pigments all day long. lavedo.com |
本标准适用于石膏板、纤维增强水泥板、加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板、 [...] 纤维增强硅酸钙板及复合板等轻质墙体板材。 greencouncil.org | This technical requirement shall apply to lightweight wall [...] boards such as plasterboard, fiber reinforced [...]cement board, aerocrete panel, light [...]aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement calcium silicate board and composite board. greencouncil.org |
鲨鱼软骨被用于制作多种药品,制成粉、膏和胶囊,鲨鱼的其他部分也同 样用于制药,例如卵巢、脑、皮和胃。 fao.org | Shark cartilage is utilized in [...] many pharmaceutical preparations and [...] reduced inpowder,creams andcapsules, as [...]are other parts of sharks, e.g. ovaries, brain, skin and stomach. fao.org |
给功率板的两个凹口都涂抹新的散热膏。 graco.com | Apply new thermal paste into both pockets of powerbar. graco.com |
此粉底扫可广泛用於面部底妆或全身的大面积遮瑕。 lavedo.com | Lavedo Foundation Brush can be used on the face or large area of [...] body for camouflage concealerslavedo.com |
我选用了COVERDERM CLASSIC,遮瑕效果很好而且妆容不厚, 看上去很自然, 上班外出都适合。 lavedo.com | I used Coverderm Classic. It has complete camouflage effect in a thin layer and is natural looking. lavedo.com |
柔滑的遮瑕乳霜具有防水及保护肌肤的功能, 不阻塞毛孔 并能达至持久,亮滑, 均衡肤色的效果。 lavedo.com | Waterproof and highly protective make up, provides a long-lasting, smooth, even coverage without clogging skin pores. lavedo.com |
国际彩妆品牌Max Factor深明女士们都想拥有细致无瑕的妆容,所以隆重推出3合1无瑕持久粉底液,一支就同时达到打底、遮瑕及防晒的功能,令每位女士都可以打造华丽持久的妆容。 hk.eternal.hk | Being an international famous cosmetic brand, Max Factor understands thoroughly that every woman wishes to have a flawless and delicate look all the time. hk.eternal.hk |
优质纤维毛扫头密度极高,可配合医学遮瑕用品修饰各种瑕疵。 lavedo.com | High quality fiber brush head with extra-density suitable for medical camouflage use on diverse purposes. lavedo.com |
根据豁免项目第10项,如果未经烹煮、包装在并无载有其他配料的容器内和并 无添加其他配料,下列食品属於肉類及海产:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、鳄鱼肉、 海參(遼參/秃參)、海龍、海马、螺头、螺片、花胶、元贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅和鱼翅骨。 cfs.gov.hk | Under Exemption No. 10, items belonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark fin and Shark fin bone. cfs.gov.hk |
KIM & MARC BB霜SPF15,具修护、遮瑕及调色功效的多功能修护霜。 aster.com.hk | It includes the [...] nourishment, concealer andcolor-correcting. aster.com.hk |
经讨论后,食典委在步骤 8 或步骤 5/8 通过了食品添加剂通用标准的食品添加剂 规定草案和拟议草案(ALINORM 06/29/12 附录 VII 和附录 [...] XI),但这两个附录中食品 类别编号、13.1.1、13.1.2 [...] 例外,决定推迟审议那些食品类别的食品添加剂规 定,直到油脂膏和混合膏标准草案及婴儿配方标准草案最后审定以及这些标准的添加 [...]剂部分提交食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会通过时为止。 codexalimentarius.org | After some discussion, the Commission adopted the draft and proposed draft food additive provisions of the GSFA (ALINORM 06/29/12 Appendix VII and XI) at Step 8 or Step 5/8 with the exception of Food Categories Nos., 13.1.1, 13.1.2 in those two Appendices and decided to defer the consideration of food additive provisions of those food [...] categories, pending finalization of the Draft [...] Standard for Fat Spreadsand Blended Spreads, [...]and the Draft Standard for Infant Formula [...]and submission of the additives sections of these standards for endorsement by CCFA. codexalimentarius.org |
由天然成份提炼而成,能有效消炎杀菌、收毛孔,纾缓红肿现象,帮助暗疮凋谢,快速褪暗疮印,能提高皮肤对紫外线的防御能力,同时能为肌肤提供抗氧化及保湿锁水的功效,更具有遮瑕作用。 aster.com.hk | Moisturizes and protects against the damaging effect of free radials. aster.com.hk |