单词 | 遮瑕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 遮瑕 noun —concealer nExamples:遮瑕膏 n—concealer n 遮瑕膏—concealer (cosmetic) See also:遮 v—conceal v 遮—screen off • cover up (a shortcoming) 瑕—blemish • flaw in jade
它的遮瑕度足 以遮盖有疤痕的肌肤并隐藏缺陷,使肌肤变得光滑无比,呈现出素颜般的美肌质感。 clarinsusa.com | It provides just enough coverage to even-out blotchy [...] skin and hide imperfections, but is light [...]enough for a “no make-up” look. clarinsusa.com |
為醫學界認可及廣泛使用的強效遮瑕 膏, 能完全遮蓋任何色斑以及嚴重的皮膚問題。 lavedo.com | A medically approved and practiced natural-looking waterproof make-up that totally covers virtually any blemish or skin problems, no matter how severe the skin discoloration or damage is. lavedo.com |
提示:用於小面積色素建議只把一面掃面沾 取 遮瑕 膏 , 而大面積色素可以 把 遮瑕 沾 滿 兩面。 lavedo.com | Tips: for small [...] areas, put the concealer only on one side of the brush; for larger areas or denser coverage, put concealer on both sides [...]of the brush. lavedo.com |
良好彈性掃頭配合 0.8x1.3cm 的尺寸令遮瑕膏完 美覆蓋眼角或眼摺等微細部位。 lavedo.com | Extra resilience / elastic property of the 0.8x1.3cm hair tip means perfect coverage near eye [...] corners or any folded/wrinkled areas. lavedo.com |
醫生介紹下, 使用了問題皮膚也可以用的Dermacolor 遮瑕 品, 以代替使用化妝師的化妝品。 lavedo.com | I follow my doctor's suggestion to use Dermacolor cosmetic camouflage, replacing make-up artist's cosmetics. lavedo.com |
用於遮蓋黑眼圈或小面積色素,可把整個掃面平均沾 上 遮瑕 膏 , 以塗抹方式抹於色素上,用於眼部位置可掃尖塗抹眼角及眼頭等細小位置。 lavedo.com | To cover dark eye circles or larger area of pigments, sweep product /concealer evenly on the whole area, while painting lightly around eye corners and small area of the eyes. lavedo.com |
特有低致敏性及防水配方遮瑕筆, 可全日遮蓋黑眼圈, 暗瘡印及色斑。 lavedo.com | Unique waterproof, hypoallergenic formula to conceal dark eye circles and pigments all day long. lavedo.com |
各种扑可以用在粉底、B.B 霜、乳液、遮瑕霜、 防晒霜、洁面膏等基本护肤或化妆品上。 cosme-de.com | The puffs can be used with your [...] daily skincare or makeup products, e.g. foundation, BB cream, lotion, [...] cream, sunscreen, concealer and cleansing [...]cream, etc. cosme-de.com |
这款粉底提供15小时的长效遮瑕和完 美舒爽感受。 clarinsusa.com | This foundation offers 15 hours of impeccable coverage and total comfort. clarinsusa.com |
我選用了COVERDERM CLASSIC, 遮瑕效果很好而且妝容不厚, 看上去很自然, 上班外出都適合。 lavedo.com | I used Coverderm Classic. It has complete camouflage effect in a thin layer and is natural looking. lavedo.com |
柔滑的遮瑕乳霜 具有防水及保護肌膚的功能, 不阻塞毛孔 並能達至持久,亮滑, 均衡膚色的效果。 lavedo.com | Waterproof and highly protective make up, provides a long-lasting, smooth, even coverage without clogging skin pores. lavedo.com |
優質纖維毛掃頭密度極高,可配合醫 學 遮瑕 用 品修飾各種瑕疵。 lavedo.com | High quality fiber brush head with extra-density suitable for medical camouflage use on diverse purposes. lavedo.com |
KIM & MARC BB霜SPF15,具修護、遮瑕及調色功效的多功能修護霜。 aster.com.hk | It includes the [...] nourishment, concealer and color-correcting. aster.com.hk |
臉上有個淺淺的胎記, 想找一隻強效遮瑕使用。 lavedo.com | I have a small birthmark on my face, and wanted to find a stronger camouflage cosmetic. lavedo.com |
黃色:調節膚色不均,遮瑕、潤 色、防護、隔離一步到位,有效遮蓋黑眼圈。 aster.com.hk | Yellow: Adjust [...] color uneven Concealer, polish, protective, [...]isolation in one step, effective cover black skin near eye. aster.com.hk |
如用於暗瘡印或雀斑等點狀色素,只須用掃尖端沾少 量 遮瑕 膏 , 以輕印手法點於色素上,再用掃頭弧邊 把 遮瑕 產 品的邊緣打圈式暈開 lavedo.com | For acne scars, freckles or small [...] blemishes, use the tip of the concealer brush with a small amount of product / concealer, lightly dap and tab [...]on problem area and [...]then blend the edge of the product via circular motions. lavedo.com |
遮瑕 aster.com.hk | Concealer aster.com.hk |
獨特配方結合底妝及遮瑕膏, 有效遮瑕而不厚, 適用於遮蓋血管瘤, 牛皮癬, 魚鱗癬, 胎記, 疤痕, [...] 燒傷及紋身等。 lavedo.com | Coverderm Classic is a unique formula, a make-up and [...] skin corrector in one, offering [...] perfect camouflage of skin imperfections such as Angiomas, [...]Psoriasis, Ichthyosis, Birthmarks, Scars, Burns, Tattoos. lavedo.com |
由天然成份提煉而成,能有效消炎殺菌、收毛孔,紓緩紅腫現象,幫助暗瘡凋謝,快速褪暗瘡印,能提高皮膚對紫外線的防禦能力,同時能為肌膚提供抗氧化及保濕鎖水的功效,更具 有 遮瑕 作 用。 aster.com.hk | Moisturizes and protects against the damaging effect of free radials. aster.com.hk |
米粉具有极佳的吸收、遮瑕以及 柔化肌肤的功效,至今仍常用于现代美容业中。 clarinsusa.com | Rice starch is still frequently utilized in modern cosmetology as it has excellent absorbing and covering properties, as well as giving a matte finish to the skin. clarinsusa.com |
掃頭採用優質纖維毛,可配合液體或乳霜狀粉底,特別適合高密度色 素 遮瑕 產 品。 lavedo.com | Lavedo brush is made of high quality fiber hair with extra density, and can be used with liquid or cream foundation, especially camouflage creams with higher pigment consistency. lavedo.com |
如用於以上平面色素,可把整個掃面平均沾 上 遮瑕 膏 , 以塗抹方式抹於色素上,平均塗滿色素位置後,用掃面剩餘 的 遮瑕 膏 以 輕印方式把色素邊緣化開。 lavedo.com | For flat area of discolorations, sweep the surface with concealer evenly, then using a dabbing motion work from the outside inward. lavedo.com |
產品簡介 一次性解決皮膚的所有問題:美白、防曬、肌膚再生 、 遮瑕 、 修 復的BB霜。 aster.com.hk | Product Description Solve all skin troubles at once aster.com.hk |
此遮瑕掃可 廣泛用於遮蓋暗瘡、雀斑、黑眼圈等瑕疵,更可掃頭尖端位置作眼線筆之用。 lavedo.com | Concealer Brush suitable [...] for a wide variety of problems including acne, freckles and dark eye circles coverage, the brush [...]tip can also be used for eyeliner purposes. lavedo.com |
Dr Pharm Neroli [...] 天然保濕SPF25防晒 BB霜多功能合一,保濕、隔離、遮瑕 、 粉底、潤色、控油。 glamabox.com | Dr Pharm Neroli Premium New Born BB Cream SPF25/PA+ is a multi-functional BB Cream, acts as a [...] moisturizer, concealer and foundation. glamabox.com |
有效防紫外線UVA/UVB、美白保濕、抗皺、修護、細胞再生、穩定過敏肌膚、有彈性、有效改善肌膚色澤 、 遮瑕 等 等,使肌膚完美無瑕,充滿光采。 healthkool.com | Effective UV protection UVA / UVB, Whitening, anti-wrinkle, repair and speed up cell regeneration, stabilize skin allergies, and, improve skin color etc. to keep your skin in perfect condition. healthkool.com |
在手背或化妝海棉上擠出少量的遮瑕 底 霜。 lavedo.com | Put a small quantity of the selected shade on the outer surface of your hand or on a Sponge. lavedo.com |
特別為亞洲女性配方的BB Cream (Blemish Balm [...] Cream),以熊果素、蛋清精華及蛋清等製成,是一支集護膚、補濕、美白、抗氧化、防曬 和 遮瑕 多 功 能於一身的粉底液。 aster.com.hk | Its specifically formula is suitable for Asian female. aster.com.hk |