单词 | 遮尸布 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 遮尸布 noun —shroud nSee also:遮 v—conceal v 尸布—pall (casket covering) 尸 n—corpse n 尸—put a corpse on display (after execution) • person representing the dead (during burial ceremonies)
Lem的尝试,让他从被带走时,一般Grawl标签LEM的 僵 尸 , Kipple教授 宣 布 , 他 将剖析他们的大脑。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Lem tries to keep him from being taken away, General [...] Grawl labels Lem a zombie, and Professor Kipple announces he will dissect [...]both their brains. seekcartoon.com |
清除所有火源,如引火火焰、烟头、手提电灯及塑 胶 遮 蔽布 (可产生静电火花)。 graco.com | Eliminate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, [...] and plastic drop cloths (potential static arc). graco.com |
使用遮蔽布或抹布来保护 Reactor 和溢出的周 围区域。 graco.com | Use drop cloth or rags to protect Reactor [...] and surrounding areas from spills. graco.com |
Saud Aziz 局长蓄意阻止对布托女士进行尸检, 造成无法最终确定她的 死亡原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deliberate prevention by CPO Saud Aziz [...] of a post mortem examination of Ms. Bhutto hindered a definitive [...]determination of the cause of her death. daccess-ods.un.org |
良心 犯的尸体往 往在家人能够探视之前就火化了。 daccess-ods.un.org | Often, the bodies of the prisoners of conscience are cremated before the family can view them. daccess-ods.un.org |
同㆒道理,政府㆒定要清楚界定醫院管理局的角色和功能,而不應將醫院管理局用 作為「遮羞布」或「代罪羔羊」,來化解輿論壓力。 legco.gov.hk | Similarly, the Administration should define clearly the role and functions of the [...] Hospital Authority, which should not be [...] made to be "a fig leaf" or "a scapegoat" [...]to relieve the pressure of public opinion. legco.gov.hk |
國家機密」就如尚方寶劍, [...] 給當權者專政的工具,是任意對待異見者的武器;而隱閉的司法過程,正好為這種殺㆟ 不見血的做法提供㆒塊遮羞布,為本來已經含糊不清的國家機密觀念提供任意執行的制 [...]度保障。 legco.gov.hk | The term “State secrets” is an imperial sword of the highest authority, which the totalitarian authorities [...] may arbitrarily employ to deal with the [...] dissidents. The veiled judicial process [...]is precisely the tool to cover up the authorities’ [...]heinousness and to safeguard the system of arbitrary enforcement of the vague concept of “State secrets”. legco.gov.hk |
2010 年《独立调查委员会法》;颁布了《 验 尸 官 (修正)法》 (2009年) ,建立了特别验尸官办公室以进行全岛范围的 验 尸 工 作; 颁 布 了 《公设 辩护人(临时)法》(2000年) ;并且指定了一名公设辩护人,授权其调查国家不公 正或者侵犯公民宪法权利的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, the Government had, inter alia, enacted the Independent Commission of Investigations Act 2010; enacted the Coroner’s (Amendment) Act (2009), [...] establishing the Office of Special Coroner [...]to conduct inquests islandwide; enacted the Public Defender (Interim) Act (2000); and appointed a Public Defender, empowered to investigate allegations of injustice or infringement of citizens’ constitutional rights by the State. daccess-ods.un.org |
Mussadiq教授曾在三个不同场合请市警察局长Saud Aziz批准对布托女士 进行尸体解 剖,但是后者拒绝了所有请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | On three different occasions, Professor Mussadiq asked CPO Saud Aziz for permission [...] to conduct an autopsy on Ms. Bhutto, and the CPO refused [...]each request. daccess-ods.un.org |
智利提出了一些建议,涉及国际人权机 制、大量寻求庇护者造成的问题,以及失踪人员 的 尸 体 挖 掘、身份辨别和归还问 题等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Chile made recommendations regarding international human rights mechanisms, the problem posed by the high numbers of asylum-seekers and the exhumation, identification and return of missing persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
明 顯 地 , 對 政 府 及 大機構 而言, “傷健 共 融 " 純粹是 一 個 口 號,是 政 府 卸 責 的 遮醜布,而大企 業更只 顧謀取 暴 利,輕 視 民 生,巧 言 令 色。 legco.gov.hk | It is the Government's excuse to gloss over its blemish in shirking responsibilities and the deceitful talk of large enterprises that only attend to the pursuit of exorbitant profits to the neglect of the people's livelihood. legco.gov.hk |
就 是 因為我們 有 一 個 小 圈 子 制 [...] 度 ,一個以功 能 界 別來作遮 羞 布 的 混 帳 、 混 種、雜 種 政 [...]治 制 度。 legco.gov.hk | It is because we have a small-circle election, and a rubbish, cross-bred political system [...] that uses FCs as a piece of loincloth. legco.gov.hk |
但是,現時的長者是沒有這些的,於是惟有拿出這殘 舊的孝道來作為一幅遮羞布 ― 我 也不知應從何說起了 ― 這真正一 如魯迅先生所說,“戰鬥正未有窮期,老譜將不斷的襲用”,就是說不能說 [...] 服人,便拿出一些最殘舊的東西來討論。 legco.gov.hk | However, at present, the elderly are not entitled to them, so some people could [...] only take out this tattered concept [...] of filial piety as a cloth to hide the shame — I [...]just do not know how to put it — this [...]is just as Mr LU Xun said, "the fighting is not seeing an end and the old tune will be played again and again", that is, not being able to convince others, the most tattered subject is raised for discussion. legco.gov.hk |
外交部宣布发现他的尸 体,但随后弄清他已逃往 黎巴嫩。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry [...] of Foreign Affairs announced that his body had [...]been found, but it later became clear that he had escaped to Lebanon. daccess-ods.un.org |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap [...] Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最吓人的是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐 烂 尸 体 和 硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, the most terrifying being a [...] small hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a [...] decomposing corpse and the smell [...]of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
功能 - 预制成型兜帽,含兜帽收紧绳,挡风遮条,内含拉链 的 遮布 , 含 收纳套。 decathlon.com.cn | Features - pre-shaped hood with drawcord, draft collar, inner zip flap, fleece hood bias binding. decathlon.com.cn |
在虔诚的用途为文物的圣人的尸体瓜 分, 分 布 在 西 起东都,只有罗马举行的,直到圣高利大的时间,对什么可以被认为是不尊敬,而不是一种荣誉圣人。 mb-soft.com | The parcelling of the bodies of the saints as relics for devotional purposes, spread all over the West from the East; only Rome held out, until the time of St. Gregory the Great, against what might be thought an irreverence rather than an honour to the saints. mb-soft.com |
人民党在旁遮普省为布托女 士采取的安全措施不如在信德省那么周全,部分 原因是缺乏领导,而且没有一个象敢死队那样的队伍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The PPP’s [...] security for Ms. Bhutto in Punjab was not as [...]elaborate as in Sindh, partly due to a lack of leadership and the absence of a JNB-like corps. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過, 我想對局長說,他現時想要用遮醜布 亦 已 遮 不 住 了,因為金融海嘯已把 問題完全吹散,所有醜態及醜聞均已全部暴露,因此,要遮也遮不住, 所謂紙是包不住火的。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary should positively encourage the banking sector to be frank and give the public an account of the whole incident in an open and aboveboard manner in order to make matters clear to the victims and the general public. legco.gov.hk |
否则,谈论尊重黎巴嫩主权,不过 是对这一主权进行侵犯的遮羞布,是 不尊重黎巴嫩民选政府的表示,也是对破坏 黎巴嫩和叙利亚关系的挑唆。 daccess-ods.un.org | Otherwise, talk of respect for Lebanon’s sovereignty serves as a mere fig leaf for the violation of that sovereignty, as well as a sign of disrespect for the elected Government of Lebanon and an invitation to undermine Lebanese-Syrian relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
除分销外,公司亦为靠垫、布袋、遮 阳 伞、 船罩、遮阳篷及配件提供制造服务。 glenraven.com | In addition to distribution, the company offers fabrication services for cushions, beanbags, umbrellas, covers, awnings and accessories. glenraven.com |
穆沙拉夫将军领导的联邦政府虽然完全了解并追踪到对布托女士安全 的严重威胁,但只是将这些威胁传达 给 布 托 女 士和 旁 遮 普 省 当局,并没有积 极采取措施,消除威胁或确保提供足以应对威胁的安保措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The federal Government under General Musharraf, although fully aware of, [...] and tracking, the serious [...] threats to Ms. Bhutto’s security, did little more than pass on those [...]threats to her and provincial [...]authorities and were not proactive in neutralizing them or ensuring that the security provided was commensurate to the threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
该公司今日已传承到由第五代拥有和管理,业务扩大,涵 盖多种航海帆布、遮阳篷 、所有类型的外罩、庭院软垫及独特的 手工帆布袋系列。 glenraven.com | The company today is owned and managed by a fifth generation that has [...] expanded the business to include a wide [...] variety of marine canvas, awnings, covers of all [...]types, patio cushions and a distinctive [...]line of handcrafted canvas bags. glenraven.com |
政府、特別是陳家強局長只說有影響而不說出實際情況,只令我覺 得政府想把事件的真相隱瞞,想用一 塊 遮 醜 布 來 把 這件事遮住。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, I wish to tell the Secretary that he can hardly cover up the shameful business because the problem of the financial tsunami has spread and all the ludicrous behaviour and scandals have been exposed. legco.gov.hk |
超柔軟和天然防菌竹纖維布料, 設於頭 部 遮 蓋 及嬰兒皮膚有接觸的手腳位置,呵護嬰兒細嫩肌膚。 lascal.com.hk | Super soft and naturally [...] anti-bacterial Bamboo fabric is used in the areas that [...]come into contact with baby's sensitive [...]skin, such as legs and arm openings, and the Top Cover. lascal.net |
今日政制的辯論,有㆟說是 ㆒個歷史的時刻,我覺得不過是「棚尾拉箱」 的 遮 醜 布 , 就算任何方案通過了也沒有甚麼 了不起的,最多只有 20 個月命,九七年七月㆒日㆔級議會重選已是不爭的事實。 legco.gov.hk | It is suggested that today’s debate on political reform is a historic moment. legco.gov.hk |
这样做将愧对我们作为安全理事会常任理事国 的责任,愧对本会议厅的信誉――本会议厅不能成 为有罪不罚现象的遮羞布―― 并将愧对叙利亚人 民。 daccess-ods.un.org | To do that would have been to give short shrift to our responsibility as a permanent member of the Council, short shrift to the credibility of this Chamber, which cannot serve as a fig leaf for impunity, and short shrift to the Syrian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
我不知道譚志源局長會否想到,今天 討論預算案會提到少至數百元的款項,用來 買 布遮 蓋 票 站頂部,又或 者購買較好的保險箱,把選票封存,以防特工打開驗DNA。 legco.gov.hk | I wonder if it has occurred to Secretary Raymond TAM that the issue of a provision of at [...] small as several hundred dollars for [...] the purchase of some cloth to cover the top of [...]the voting booths or for buying better [...]safes to lock up the ballots, so as to prevent agents from opening them to test for DNA, could be raised in the discussion on the Budget today. legco.gov.hk |
最近數天,選委開始關心星期天的投 票,其中一些人開玩笑,一半開玩笑,一半說真的吧 ⎯⎯ 我看到譚 志源局長現時在席 [...] ⎯⎯ 他們說最重要的是多花數百元購買一些 布,遮蓋投票站的頂部,以防上面裝有閉路電視,那樣便可令投票成 [...]為秘密投票,這樣做花費甚少。 legco.gov.hk | In recent days, the members of the Election Committee are increasingly concerned about the polling on Sunday and some people said jokingly ― perhaps half jokingly and half seriously, and I can see that Secretary Raymond Tam is also here ― that the most important [...] thing was to spend several hundred [...] dollars on buying some cloth to cover the top [...]of the voting booths, just in case closed-circuit [...]cameras were installed overhead. legco.gov.hk |