

单词 遭逢

See also:


suffer v

colloquial classifier for number of times of movement from one place to another or number of turns, times, occasions.

meet by chance (usually with misfortune)

come across
meet by chance
fawn upon

External sources (not reviewed)

將 來 如果禽 流
[...] 感再次發生的話 ,是不 是 其他無 辜 的家禽 又遭 逢劫難
If the avian flu attacks again in future, will other innocent
[...] fowls be victimized once more?
其實,這個議會遭逢不幸 ,我曾在此多次發言,談及李柱銘先生和葉劉淑儀的事情,是沒有 人報道的。
Sad to say, this political assembly is afflicted with misfortune. I have spoken numerous times here on matters about Mr Martin LEE and Regina IP, but no one reports on these.
至於我提出的修正案,是希望提醒政府,當前線員工努力地每天為 數十宗個案而疲於奔命時,為何政府不想想,這些問題背後,其實是反 映了香港社會本身的家庭結構出現變化,包括核心家庭結構已由過去的 大家庭改變為小家庭制度、兩地婚姻促使新移民人口上升、雙職父母越 來越多,同時工作時間越來越長、離婚率增加、單親家庭倍增等,加上 香港經遭逢結構性轉型、金融海嘯、失業問題等都困擾着不少家庭, 使香港處處隱藏着很多危機?
As for my amendment, it seeks to remind the Government that when front-line staff are working to the point of exhaustion for a few dozen cases everyday, why does the Government not think about that these problems have reflected changes in the family structure in the Hong Kong society, including the change of the nuclear family structure from the previous large family to the small family system, the rise in the population of new immigrants as a result of cross-boundary marriages, the increase in the number of working parents, and in the number of hours during which both parents are at work, the rise in the divorce rate, the exponential increase in the number of single-parent families, and the structural transformation of the Hong Kong economy, the financial tsunami and unemployment problems, all of which have plagued many families, foreshadowing potential crisis in the territory on all fronts?
建築事務所、顧問公司等機構紛紛開發適用於整座城市的防洪措施,例如將人造溼地開闢為公園,同時做為海平面高漲的緩衝區,我目前住在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯,美 遭逢 颶 風襲擊之時,當地也發生水災,原本在人造半島上的房地產開發案失敗後,改造為生態保育區(如下圖),此後協助市區防堵海水倒灌,紐約歷經風災後,亦有些人提出類似構想。
In Buenos Aires, my current place of residence and a city that ironically experienced flooding at the same exact time as the hurricane hit in the US, a failed housing development to be built on an artificial peninsula was later converted into an ecological reserve.
2000年4月,Diane的人遭逢巨变 ,她诞下的第二个孩子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍——痉挛性四肢麻痹,而且永远无法走路、说话及自行进食,一辈子都需要依赖其他人的照顾。
In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe was born with a severe handicap – he was diagnosed with spastic quadriparesis and told he would never walk, talk, or be able to feed himself and that he would be dependent on others all his life.
第一類是 經證實難以應付日常食物開支的個人或家庭,其中包括失業人士、低收 入人士、新來港定居人士、露宿者,以及 遭逢 突 變而有即時經濟困難 的個人或家庭等。
The first group comprises individuals or families who have proven difficulties in coping with daily food expenditure, including those among the unemployed, low-income earners, new arrivals and street sleepers, as well as individuals or families encountering sudden changes and facing immediate financial hardship, and so on.
但作為社會㆖有良 知的知識份子,我們應致力促請政府消除㆒切在行政制度㆖導致的貧富懸殊現象,包 括製造公平競爭的環境,以及確保所有㆝生缺陷 遭逢 突 變 不幸的㆟,都受到合理的 照顧。
However, as intellectuals in society with a conscience, we should endeavour to urge the Government to eliminate all elements in the administrative system which give rise to the disparity between the rich and the poor.
尤 其 難 忘 的 , 是從享 受多年繁 榮,到 突 然 在 世 紀 末 最 後 兩遭 逢經濟巨 變 。
Two years in which our record of uninterrupted economic growth was destroyed as we fell prey to a sharp and sudden economic downturn.
初步的檢討結果顯示有需要在未來確保已為單 位繳付樓款的買家,即使在發展 遭逢 任 何 問題而引致如今次事 件般樓盤被接管的情況下,也可在單位建成後擁有合法的業權。
The preliminary findings indicate that there is a need to ensure that perspective buyers who have paid for the cost of the flat will be able to obtain legal ownership of the completed flats irrespective of any problems which the developer might face, resulting in receivership as in the present case.
很多人在香港遭逢最大 困境時,會藉着香港受災困而轉到上海 發財。
It is even likely for him to make fortunes in Shanghai. When Hong Kong was in the greatest trouble, many people switched to Shanghai to make money on the excuse that Hong Kong was in trouble.
在此一天灾肆虐过境后,若不采取紧急保育行动,数种原生树种极可 遭逢 濒 临 绝种的危机。
Several indigenous species were threatened with extinction if urgent action was not taken.
可 是, 金融風 暴之後,屋漏兼逢夜 雨
[...] ,一些 中下家 庭 一 方 面遭逢失 業 惡運; 另 一 方 面 , [...]
社 署 又 收 緊 一 些 與 長 者 同 住 的申領 綜 援 個 案的審批標 準 , 使他們失去 家人的支援而 陷 於 孤 立的境 地 。
On the one hand, some lower-middle class households are caught
[...] in the plights of unemployment and [...]
on the other hand, the SWD has tightened
the criteria for vetting applications for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) from families with elderly members.
新聞自由在回 歸 後 得到更 廣 闊 的 空 間 , 本來值得欣喜, 可 惜 的 是
[...] [...] , 近 年 部分傳媒未 有 真 正 愛 惜、善 用 新聞自由,反 而為了 刺激銷 量、爭 奪 讀 者, 往往在 採 訪 、 報 道 方面濫 用 新聞自由 , 譁 眾 取 寵 , 除 了 公 眾 人物的私 隱權成 了 犧牲品 外 , 一些並非公 眾 人物的普 通市民,遭 逢 不 幸 、 意 外 等情況下, 其 悲慘、 痛苦、 尷尬、 無 助,也 變 成 了 報 章 的 頭 條,成為 了 市 民 茶 餘 飯 後 的 話 題 。
Not only is the privacy of public figures made to sacrifice, even the plight, hardship, embarrassment and helplessness of ordinary folks is also made stuff for the headlines for people to talk about in their leisure.
針對國際間重大天然災害,我國秉持人道精神,遭逢危難 之國家及人民提供即時援助。
Taiwan is committed to participating in humanitarian efforts in the wake of natural disasters around the world, and provides timely assistance to disaster-stricken nations and people.
連“工商”、“科技”遭逢如此 厄運,當然,公民黨代表民間團體爭 取的“可持續發展局”,便更凶多吉少了。
As "industry" and "technology" are doomed to have such a miserable fate, the "Sustainable Development Bureau" for which the Civic Party has championed on behalf of non-government organizations is more likely to come to naught.
這一條 古 法,至 今 仍 具 高度的 現 實 和 實 用 意 義 , 香港特 別行政 區(“特 區”)政遭 逢 逆 境,多 年 來 吃 盡 苦 頭 , 兜兜轉轉, 才 又 搬 出 老 祖 宗的大 智 慧 來 使 用。
Today, this ancient formula is still considered to be highly realistic and practical. In the face of the downturn, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has suffered tremendously in finding the right way out over the years.
阿森纳在赛季开始阶遭逢噩梦 ,而噩梦的起点正是一场不可思议的失利落败给布莱克本。
Arsenal experienced nightmares at [...]
the beginning of this season, and the starting point might be from that unbelievable lost to Blackburn.
(a) 經證實難以應付日常食物開支的個人或家庭,其中包括失業 人士、低收入人士、新來港定居人士和露宿者,以 遭逢突 變而有即時經濟困難的個人或家庭等;以及 (b) 未受惠於政府今年較早前公布的一系列紓困措施1 的個人或家 庭。
(a) individuals or families who have proven difficulties in coping with daily food expenditure, including those among the unemployed, low-income earners, new arrivals and street sleepers, as well as individuals or families encountering sudden changes and facing immediate financial hardship, etc.; and
[...] 障,而且應該趁年青時作出妥善安排,確保即 使 遭逢 突 如其來的困難時,個人及家庭生活的 [...]
Mr. Thomas Lee, Vice President and [...]
Assistant General Manager of AIA, said, “A suitable medical insurance plan provides basic health protection.
生福利及食物局首席助理秘書長(安老服務及 社會保障)2回應何俊仁議員時表示,在特殊情況下(如新 來港人士的配偶去世等家庭環遭逢 巨 變 的情況),社會 福利署署長可酌情豁免綜援的居港年期規定。
In response to Mr Albert HO, PAS(ES&SS) responded that the Director of Social Welfare had discretion to waive the residency requirement for granting CSSA under special circumstances, e.g. change of family circumstances such as the death of spouse for a new arrival.
安全理事会讨论这个议题之时逢叙 利 亚 遭受 恐怖主义袭击,之所以能够进行这些袭击是由于贩运 [...]
武器和输入战斗人员的行为,这些人寻求破坏稳定和 安全、摧毁公共和私人财产,并且对平民和军队开展 恐怖和破坏活动。
The Security Council is debating this
[...] issue at a time when Syria is under terrorist [...]
attack, enabled by the trafficking of
arms and fighters who seek to destabilize and damage security, destroy public and private property, and undertake terrorist and sabotage operations against civilians and the military alike.
Al-Sulayman 强调说,屠杀发生的时间逢联合 国特使科菲·安南抵达叙利 [...]
亚,这是武装恐怖团伙搞的,是他们计划的一部分,即让国际社会认为叙利亚正 处于内战边缘:这些团伙未能损害叙利亚,叙利亚提供真正的合作,对一切建设 性的举措作出回应。
Al-Sulayman emphasizes that the
massacre, timed to coincide with the arrival
[...] in Syria of the United Nations [...]
Special Envoy Kofi Annan, was carried out by
the armed terrorist groups as part of a plan to make the international community believe that Syria was on the brink of civil war: those groups had failed to undermine Syria, which had responded to all constructive initiatives by offering genuine cooperation.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎非洲联盟《保护和援助非洲境内流离失所者公约》 获得通过并正处于批准进程,表示赞赏今年 逢 成 立 六十周年的联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支持下, 援助非洲各庇护国;敦促国际社会本着国际团结和分担重负的精神,继续慷慨资 助高级专员办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 65/193 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the adoption and the ongoing ratification of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the Office of the High Commissioner, for the leadership shown by the Office, and commended the Office for its ongoing efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 65/193).
建议列入主流化工作的其他方面 是:土著人民、冲突后国家遭到暴力和冲突蹂躏的国家;和平/建设和平文化;环境与环 境教育;社会中的边缘化群体和弱势群体;艾滋病与疟疾的预防宣传;不同文明、文化和民 族之间对话;促进文化多样性和文化间对话;海地;天才儿童;教育与文化领域;中亚地 区;全球化带来的社会和文化挑战;媒体的作用及其与文化的关系;以及小岛屿发展中国家 (SIDS)。
Other areas proposed for inclusion in mainstreaming approaches were: indigenous peoples; post-conflict countries and countries experiencing violence and conflict; culture of peace/peace-building; environment and environmental education; marginalized and vulnerable groups of society; people with disabilities; information on HIV/AIDS and malaria; dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples; promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue; Haiti; talented children; domains of education and culture; the Central Asia region; social and cultural challenges related to globalization; role of media and their relation with culture; and small island developing states (SIDS).
为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立
[...] 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众 遭 灭 绝 种族罪、战争 罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on
conflict prevention; the responsibility to
[...] protect populations from genocide, war [...]
crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against
humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
[...] 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女 遭 暴 力 的法律, 以使妇女在政府和阿富汗的社会生活中享有适当份额。
Regarding women’s rights, it was reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women and had in place a law to
[...] protect women from violence, in [...]
conformity with the Convention, in order to
give women an appropriate share in the Government and social life in Afghanistan.
它是在 2010 年的“世 界哲学日”在教科文组织总部发起, 逢 一 次会议-辩论,与会者是参与制作不同教学片的作 者和教育家。
It was launched at World Philosophy Day 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters, on the occasion of a conference-debate with the participation of the authors and pedagogues that contributed to the different pedagogical sheets.




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