

单词 遥远的

See also:


distant adj

far away

遥遥 adj

distant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

作为非洲鲶鱼的最大生产者,尼日利亚甚至 遥远的 北 欧进口鲶鱼饲料。
Being the largest producer of catfish in Africa, Nigeria even imports catfish
[...] feeds from as far away as Northern Europe.
此外,也因为其主要的活动所决定,它不是一个“实地”组织,因而它 在人们的眼中,常常是一遥远的官 僚 机构。
Moreover, not being for the main thrust of its activity a “hands-on” organization, it frequently creates the
[...] impression of being a remote bureaucracy.
这些都是我们能够做的事情,不是 遥远的将 来,而是要在今后几个月和几年就这样做,以便共同 创造一个更安全的世界。
Those are all things we can do, not in the distant future but in the months and years to come, in order to together create a safer world.
在他们的家庭不必前遥远的医疗 机构,没有压力,没有交通不便的困扰的情况下,他们很可能就会康复。
They will likely recover, without the stress and inconvenience to their families of having to reach distant health facilities.
输入不那遥远的未来 ,拳击已经的高新技术 - 2000磅,8英尺高的的钢铁机器人接管环。
Enter the not-so-distant future where [...]
boxing has gone high-tech — 2000-pound, 8-foot-tall steel robots have taken over the ring.
是否像私人防卫通常要求的那 样,只有迫在眉睫、近在咫尺的威胁才算威胁,或者,是否在执法行动中的某些
[...] 情况下可以扩大这一界限,因而可以将未来或 遥远的 威 胁 (例如,逮捕过程中 看来嫌疑犯今后还可能再次决定攻击某人的情况)视作让警察可以有理由使用致 [...]
Does a threat count only when it is imminent and at hand as is the normal requirement with private defence, or can this be broadened under certain circumstances in the context
of law enforcement operations, so that a
[...] future or more remote threat (e.g., where [...]
it appears in the context of an arrest
that the suspect may in the future again decide to attack someone) can be regarded as a threat to life that justifies the use of lethal force by the police?
答 案很清楚,首先必须立即采取补救行动,而非专注遥远的将来 气候变化引起的这种灾害的影响。
The answer quite clearly lies first and foremost in taking remedial action today rather than in focusing on the implications of such climate-induced disasters in the distant future.
关注对世界各地的成百上千万人来说,人人享有可达到的最高水准的身心健 康的权利的充分实现,包括获得安全、有效、可负担和高质量的药品,特别是基 本药品、疫苗和其他医疗产品,以及利用卫生保健设施和服务等,仍然是一遥 远的目标 ,而且在很多情况下,尤其是对贫民而言,这项目标仍遥不可及
Concerned that, for millions of people throughout the world, the full realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including through access to medicines that are affordable, safe, effective and of good quality, in particular essential medicines, vaccines and other medical products, and to health-care facilities and services, still remains a distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal remains remote
Although we are a long way out to sea today the weather is lovely and sunny and the water is very calm.
关注的是,对世界各地的数百万人来说,人人享有可达到的最高水准的身心 健康的权利的充分实现,包括获得安全、有效、负担得起和高质量的药品,特别 是基本药品、疫苗和其它医疗产品,以及利用卫生保健设施和服务等,仍然是一遥远的目标 ,而且在很多情况下,尤其是对贫困居民而言,这项目标仍遥不可 及,忆及获取药品是充分实现人人享有可达到的最高水准的身心健康的权利方面
Concerned that, for millions of people throughout the world, the full realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including through access to medicines that are safe, effective, affordable and of good quality, in particular essential medicines, vaccines and other medical products, and to health-care facilities and services, still remains a distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal remains remote
将高度复杂的美中关系人性化或落到实地,从我们领导人之间的互动到我们商人、学者、艺术家和运动员之间的互动--将使一个看似庞大、复杂 遥远的 关 系 感觉更近和更真切。
Humanizing or bringing down to earth the highly complicated U.S.-China relationship- from the interactions among our leaders to those among our businessmen, scholars, artists and athletes - will make a seemingly vast and complex and distant relationship feel closer and more tangible.
如果前三个世纪,是从东罗马,朝圣装满从四世纪起,西与东耶路撒冷的一道使这些虔诚的行程主要目标,而这些旅行者带回东多的知识到 遥远的 部 分 西方。
If the first three centuries are full of pilgrimages to Rome from the East, yet from the fourth century onward West joins with East in making Jerusalem the principal goal
of such pious journeys; and these voyagers brought back much knowledge of the
[...] East to the most distant parts of the West.
关切地注意到,对全世界千千万万的人来说,人人享有能达到的最高标准身 心健康(包括获得医药)的权利仍是一 遥远的 目 标 ,在很多情况下,尤其是对生 活在贫困中的人来说,这个目标正变得越来越遥不可及
Noting with concern that for millions of people throughout the world, the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including access to medicines, still remains a distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal is becoming increasingly remote
扎卡格尼尼首先选中Penha区的Shangai 路,让它遥远的灵感相关联。
It is the first Shangai street, in Penha district, that is selected by Zaccagnini to be reconnected with its faraway inspiration.
偏远的荒野地区城镇稀少,设施罕见,镇与镇之间通常相隔非 遥远的 距 离,这一点应特别注意,并应相应计划好您的旅行
Our remote wilderness areas have few [...]
towns and facilities, often with large distances between them, so be aware and plan your trip
地理上的隔绝:许多族群像西藏人和游牧部落居住 遥远的 地 区 ,与外界联系很少,所以,向那里差派和支持跨文化的宣教士非常困难;另外,气候等自然条件也常常阻碍这些宣教士在一个地方长期居住。
This makes it difficult to send and support cross-cultural missionaries, and natural conditions like climate often prevent these missionaries from living in an area for an extended time.
恒星日的基准则是一个无遥远的星 体 ,与观察期间开始和终结时的观察点呈垂直状态,量度出地球围绕其轴心转动所需的时间。
The reference for a sidereal day is
[...] an infinitely distant star, which is [...]
exactly perpendicular to the observation point
at the beginning and the end of the period during which it is observed.
一个被驯服的怪物史瑞克拟订计划夺回他​​的魔力,发现生活 遥远的 土 地 会一直喜欢他从来不存在于这个受欢迎的动画电影系列的最后一章。
A domesticated Shrek hatches a plan to recapture his mojo and discovers what life in Far Far Away land would have been like had he never existed in this final chapter of the popular animated film series.
在与毗湿奴的地位的人,遥远的过 去,拉玛和Krishna的人民众的热情已提高到神职传奇英雄二,上帝让后来被与他有联系而不是儿子,而是因为他非常化身。
In keeping with Vishnu's position
as god of the people, two of the
[...] legendary heroes of the remote past, Rama and [...]
Krishna, whom popular enthusiasm had raised
to the rank of gods, came to be associated with him not as sons, but as his very incarnations.
直升机急救服务是市区与郊区堵塞的极有效的 工具。31 将病人遥远的生病 或受伤地点送回家或送去 更复杂的医疗场所是固定翼空中医疗服务的一项主要用 途。
Helicopter EMS is also a powerful tool in urban/suburban congestion.31 Bringing patients home and/or to more sophisticated medical care from distant sites of illness or injury (called “repatriation”) is one major use of fixed-wing (airplane) air medical service.
这几个问题表明,在未来数月和数年,而不是遥远的未来,我们能够为共同创造一个更安全的世界 做些什么。
This handful of issues shows what we are capable of achieving — not in the distant future but in the coming months and years — to collectively create a safer world.
电子广告还便于供应商申请参加程序,然后发出并接 收信息,并在网上递交投标书及其他报盘,因此,市场准入条件得到改善,市 场对那些本来无法参加程序的地 遥远的 人 开 放,参与度和竞争度也相应提 高。
E-advertising also enables suppliers to apply to participate in the procedure, and then to give and receive information, and submit tenders and other offers online, yielding better market access as the market is opened up to entrants located far away and that might not otherwise participate, and consequently better participation and competition.
关于内盖夫地区向贝都因妇女提供的卫生保健 服务以及关于提供基础设施和公共交通服务的问题,该报告提出了严厉批评,报 告指出,由于缺乏必要的基础设施和公共交通服务,在没有设立诊所或有诊所但 不能提供全套医疗服务的村庄,妇女很难到村 遥远的 保 健 中心享受保健服务。
The report is critical of the healthcare services granted to Bedouin women in the Negev, as well as the problems on providing of infrastructure and public transportation, making it difficult for Bedouin women to reach distant healthcare centers in cases where the villages have no clinic or have one that lacks full services.
现在,一个对2种关遥远的蝙蝠 物种的基因组的比较让人们了解到了在进化的过程当中塑造这些独特哺乳动物的基因变异。
Now, a genomic
[...] comparison of two distantly related bat species [...]
is shedding light on the genetic mutations that shaped these
unique mammals over evolutionary time.
在飓风桑迪登陆前的那段日子,Salstrom 及其团队从美国各地调集了数百台 Godwin 排水泵,有些甚至来遥远的德克 萨斯州和蒙大纳州,并将它们存放在飓风预期路径附近的赛莱默分部和分销点。
In the days leading up to Hurricane Sandy, Salstrom and his team gathered hundreds of Godwin dewatering pumps from across the US – some coming from as far away as Texas and Montana – and stockpiled them in Xylem branches and distribution sites near her projected path.
人口基金面临的一个风险是,需要管理一大批地理位 遥远的 实 体 ,而且很大比 例的工作人员属于新任或调任,缺乏适当的技能和专业知识。
UNFPA faces a risk of managing a
[...] large volume of remote entities, with [...]
a large percentage of staff in new or reassigned
functions without proper skills and expertise.
过去5年该组织在坦桑尼亚取得了丰硕的成果: 遥远的 外 地收养了54名孤儿,并将他们安置在耶稣和玛利亚圣心传教社区;打了一口水井;建设了一所急救服务中心;为参与Singjda 非洲使命的新护士建设一家住宿“接待中心”的工作正在进展之中。
The results of the last 5 years in Tanzania are numerous: 54 long distance adoptions of orphan children housed in the community of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the construction of a water well, the creation of an emergency rescue service, and the work in progress for the realization of a “reception centre” where  the novice nurses of the African mission Singjda will be accommodated.
他写道: “本案清楚地说明:在现 实中,宪法对人人皆有尊严人人平等的承诺,对很多人来说只 遥远的 梦 想 ”。32 法院进 行司法审查的意愿与能力不仅取决于对他们对明确的宪法权利的理解,更取决于对宪法核 心价值和尊严与平等原则的理解。
He writes: “The case brings home the harsh reality that the Constitution’s promise of dignity and equality for all remains for many a distant dream”.32 The ability and willingness of the Court to engage in meaningful review of government decisions in these areas is largely dependent on an understanding of how they engage not only explicit constitutional rights, but also central constitutional values and principles of dignity and equality.
不应开展追逐经济的不断增长的运动,而应代之以一种新体系,追求生活质 量的提高(活得好,生活和谐)、人类团结(相互信任和关怀、与家人、部族、邻 居,甚至那些遥远的土地上的人的联系,以及与未来各代的联系)的改进和与 自然的强烈联系的加强(将人类视为大自然的一部分而不是大自然的主宰)。
buen vivir), in human solidarity (mutual trust and caring, connectedness with family, clan, neighbours and even those in distant lands, as well as with future generations yet to come) and in strong connections with nature (seeing humanity as part of nature not as dominators of nature).
本组织还制定并推出了以开放源码为基础的信息社会世界首脑会议在 线社区平台(www.wsis-community.org),从而便利了相 遥远的 各 相 关方参与信息社会世 界首脑会议的各项进程、活动和倡议,分享相关的信息。
The organization also developed and launched the open-source based WSIS online community platform (www.wsiscommunity.org), thus facilitating the participation in, and information-sharing about, WSIS processes, activities and initiatives among a broad range of stakeholders at a distance.




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