

单词 遥远地

See also:

遥远 v

remote v


distant adj

far away

遥遥 adj

distant adj

External sources (not reviewed)

今天还在社区内建立学校,但许多人住在只有舟楫能够通 达遥远地区,很难上学。
Today, schools are being built in the
communities, but attending them is difficult for many who
[...] live in outlying areas that are reachable [...]
only by watercraft.
第二,部队派遣国派出部队是为了一项大事 业:遥远地方谋和平。
Secondly, troops are contributed by countries contributing to a larger cause: that of peace in far-off lands.
这个穷人自焚了,就像是 1968年拦在俄罗斯坦克前的捷克人扬·帕拉赫在另一遥远地方重现。
One poor man, in an unknown place, was denied his rights by an imperious police and, like a distant echo of the Czech Jan Palach in front of the Russian tanks in 1968, he immolated himself.
如果 这种变革触及某个让那些从海 遥远地 方 监 控时局 的人不能接受的方面,会发生什么情况呢?
What happens if that change takes on some other aspect that is not acceptable to those surveying the scene from faroff shores?
他作品中的著名主题包括《圣母像》和对 遥远地 平 线 的渴望之情,以及对于亨里克·易卜生作品的诠释。
Prominent themes in his works include the Madonna, the yearning for the horizon, and he has also interpreted the works of Henrik Ibsen.
在积极进行调查的第一年,由于路况和/或气候 的影响、调查人员有限、翻译等问题,调查组难以进 遥远地 区。
During the first year of active investigations, the Team was confronted with difficulties in accessing remote areas owing to road conditions and/or weather impediments, the limited number of investigators and translation issues.
在该文件框架内制订了国内所有行政区划的社会经济发展综合计划,确 定了必须在城市和乡村(包括遥远地 区 )建 设或重建的社会文化和市政设施的首 要清单。
There are comprehensive plans for social and economic development for practically every district within the framework of this programme, and a list has been drawn up of top priority social, cultural and communal facilities that must be built or restored in towns and villages, including the most remote ones.
Tatuaggi的客户小到零售商,大到进口商,遍布全球,包括加拿大、冰岛、中国、日本、新西兰和南非 遥远地 区。
Varying from small retailers to great importers, the customers of Tatuaggi are literally spread all over the world, throughout such extreme locations as Canada, Iceland, China, Japan, New Zealand or South Africa.
[...] 发言):全球一致认为,中东唯一真正的核威胁在于 以色列拥有的核武器以及可以达到区域 遥远地区 的运载工具。
(Syrian Arab Republic) ( spoke in Arabic ): There is global consensus that the only true nuclear threat in the
Middle East lies in Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons and their means
[...] of delivery to areas far removed from [...]
the region.
地理上的隔绝:许多族群像西藏人和游牧部落居住 遥远 的 地 区 , 与外界联系很少,所以,向那里差派和支持跨文化的宣教士非常困难;另外,气候等自然条件也常常阻碍这些宣教士在一个地方长期居住。
This makes it difficult to send and support cross-cultural missionaries, and natural conditions like climate often prevent these missionaries from living in an area for an extended time.
前 任特别报告员对妇女和适足住房权问题进 行了一些研究,并得出结 论认为,在发 生驱逐的情况时 , 妇女的 受害程度首 当其冲 , 驱逐往往导 致 人 们生活遥 远 的地 方,其条件不足,没 有保有权的保障 、 没 有基本服 务、不能上 学 、 没 有 医疗保 健 、 没 有就业 机会。
The former Special Rapporteur conducted several studies on women and adequate housing and he concluded that women bear the brunt of evictions as they often lead people to live in distant places and in inadequate conditions, without security of tenure, basic services, access to schools, health services and employment.
此外,由于太平洋岛屿发展中经济体与亚洲快速增长的经 济体之间距遥远,这一地理位 置也加剧了它们的劣势。
Moreover, the Pacific island developing economies have the added disadvantage of being located a long distance from the rapidly growing economies in Asia.
全球大部分租赁公司都可以提供主流品牌的设备,即便您 遥远 、偏 远的地方拍摄也可以得到服务支持。
Most of the competitive equipment rental houses that exist throughout the
world offer the major brands, and you’ll typically find service and
[...] support available even on distant or remote locations.
此外,也因为其主要的活动所决定,它不是一个“ 地 ” 组 织,因而它 在人们的眼中,常常是一遥远的官 僚机构。
Moreover, not being for the main thrust of its activity
[...] a “hands-on” organization, it frequently creates the impression of being a remote bureaucracy.
过去5年该组织在坦桑尼亚取得了丰硕的成果: 遥远 的 外 地 收 养 了54名孤儿,并将他们安置在耶稣和玛利亚圣心传教社区;打了一口水井;建设了一所急救服务中心;为参与Singjda 非洲使命的新护士建设一家住宿“接待中心”的工作正在进展之中。
The results of the last 5 years in Tanzania are numerous: 54 long distance adoptions of orphan children housed in the community of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the construction of a water well, the creation of an emergency rescue service, and the work in progress for the realization of a “reception centre” where  the novice nurses of the African mission Singjda will be accommodated.
一个被驯服的怪物史瑞克拟订计划夺回他​​的魔力,发现生活 遥远 的 土 地 会 一直喜欢他从来不存在于这个受欢迎的动画电影系列的最后一章。
A domesticated Shrek hatches a plan to recapture his mojo and discovers what life in Far Far Away land would have been like had he never existed in this final chapter of the popular animated film series.
直升机急救服务是市区与郊区堵塞的极有效的 工具。31 将病人遥远的生病或受地点送 回家或送去 更复杂的医疗场所是固定翼空中医疗服务的一项主要用 途。
Helicopter EMS is also a powerful tool in urban/suburban congestion.31 Bringing patients home and/or to more sophisticated medical care from distant sites of illness or injury (called “repatriation”) is one major use of fixed-wing (airplane) air medical service.
这是全球性的问题,因此需要亚太区域各政 府以及那地处遥远且依 赖渔业的国家做出共同努力,以便对渔业实行更好 的规范,并帮助控制非法、无管制和未经报告的捕捞活动。
Such support included effective ocean governance, which was a global issue that required the efforts of governments in the Asia-Pacific region, and in distant nations dependent on fishing, to better regulate fishing and help combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
这 往往是由于没有机会获取 保健,具体因素包括距离医疗设施远,去就医有行程费用,尤其是农 地 区 的基 础设施落后,距遥远,有 交通问题;初级保健中心人满为患;公共健康教育不 足,包括老年人或其家人认为疾病症状是老龄化引起的而延误就医;专业保健人 [...]
This is often the result of lack of access to health care, including the distance and cost of travelling
to a facility,
[...] especially in rural areas where infrastructure is underdeveloped, distances are vast and transportation [...]
is problematic;
overcrowding of primary health centres; inadequate public health education, including delays in seeking health care when older persons or their families attribute symptoms of a disease to ageing; understaffing and inadequate skills of health professionals; and shortage of medication.
关注对世界地的成 百上千万人来说,人人享有可达到的最高水准的身心健 康的权利的充分实现,包括获得安全、有效、可负担和高质量的药品,特别是基 本药品、疫苗和其他医疗产品,以及利用卫生保健设施和服务等,仍然是一遥 远的目 标,而且在很多情况下,尤其是对贫民而言,这项目标仍遥不可及
Concerned that, for millions of people throughout the world, the full realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including through access to medicines that are affordable, safe, effective and of good quality, in particular essential medicines, vaccines and other medical products, and to health-care facilities and services, still remains a distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal remains remote
如加利福尼亚许多灌区正在安远程 监 测系 统,一地方还安装遥控系 统(如监控与数据采集系统(SCADA))。
In California, Many irrigation districts
[...] are installing remote monitoring and in some cases remote control systems [...]
such as Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA).
将高度复杂的美中关系人性化或落到 地 , 从 我们领导人之间的互动到我们商人、学者、艺术家和运动员之间的互动--将使一个看似庞大、复杂 遥远 的 关 系感觉更近和更真切。
Humanizing or bringing down to earth the highly complicated U.S.-China relationship- from the interactions among our leaders to those among our businessmen, scholars, artists and athletes - will make a seemingly vast and complex and distant relationship feel closer and more tangible.
由于这些国家幅员 小、人口少、生产地有限、岛际距 遥远 , 来 往其间的航运服务面 临独特的挑战:交通运输量低、而且往往不定期、运输路途遥远、以 及存在着海港基础设施和设备方面的各种有形制约因素。
Owing to their small size, low population levels, limited production base and vast inter-island distances, shipping services to and between these countries face unique challenges related to low and often irregular traffic volumes, long voyage distances and physical constraints in associated seaport infrastructure and equipment.
还请允许我回顾,出于对海地国家机构能力发展 的关切,阿根廷曾积极参与区域警务合作,以便地 能在不太遥远的将来承担维持国内安全的全部责任。
Let me also recall that, out of its concern for the development of State institutional capacity in Haiti, Argentina actively engaged in
regional police cooperation so
[...] that Haiti could take full responsibility for internal security in the not-too-distant future.
地注意 到,对全世界千千万万的人来说,人人享有能达到的最高标准身 心健康(包括获得医药)的权利仍是一 遥远 的 目标,在很多情况下,尤其是对生 活在贫困中的人来说,这个目标正变得越来越遥不可及
Noting with concern that for millions of people throughout the world, the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including access to medicines, [...]
still remains a
distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal is becoming increasingly remote
在与毗湿奴地位的人,遥远的过 去,拉玛和Krishna的人民众的热情已提高到神职传奇英雄二,上帝让后来被与他有联系而不是儿子,而是因为他非常化身。
In keeping with Vishnu's position as god of the people, two of the legendary heroes of the remote past, Rama and [...]
Krishna, whom popular
enthusiasm had raised to the rank of gods, came to be associated with him not as sons, but as his very incarnations.
这类 活动有:(a)印度与毛里求斯合作开展的毛里求斯 射电远镜项 目(自 1989 年起)( 详见下文第四 节);(b)毛里求斯大学与(德国)马尔堡市菲利 普斯大学合作开展的利遥感和地理 信息系统 绘制毛里求斯地图项目(自 1997 年起);(c)毛里 求斯大学在大学本科生和研究生中开展的教育、研 究与培训相结合项目;(d)为利用动态神经中枢网 络对星系进行分类,在利用地理信息系统进行图象 处理技术的基础上开发处理天文学数据的新工具。
Such activities were (a) the
[...] Mauritius Radio Telescope project (since 1989), being undertaken in collaboration between India and Mauritius (detailed information in sect. IV below); (b) the Mapping Mauritius Project, using remote sensing and geographic [...]
information systems
(GIS) (since 1997), in collaboration between the University of Mauritius and Phillips University, Marburg (Germany); (c) the interconnection of education, research and training at the University of Mauritius at both the undergraduate and the postgraduate level; and (d) the development of new tools for handling astronomical data based on imageprocessing techniques using GIS for the classification of galaxies using dynamic neural networks.
电子广告还便于供应商申请参加程序,然后发出并接 收信息,并在网上递交投标书及其他报盘,因此,市场准入条件得到改善,市 场对那些本来无法参加程序地处 遥远 的 人开放,参与度和竞争度也相应提 高。
E-advertising also enables suppliers to apply to participate in the procedure, and then to give and receive information, and submit tenders and other offers online, yielding better market access as the market is opened up to entrants located far away and that might not otherwise participate, and consequently better participation and competition.
关于内盖地区向 贝都因妇女提供的卫生保健 服务以及关于提供基础设施和公共交通服务的问题,该报告提出了严厉批评,报 告指出,由于缺乏必要的基础设施和公共交通服务,在没有设立诊所或有诊所但 不能提供全套医疗服务的村庄,妇女很难到村 遥远 的 保 健中心享受保健服务。
The report is critical of the healthcare services granted to Bedouin women in the Negev, as well as the problems on providing of infrastructure and public transportation, making it difficult for Bedouin women to reach distant healthcare centers in cases where the villages have no clinic or have one that lacks full services.
在飓风桑迪登陆前的那段日子,Salstrom 及其团队从美国地调集了数百台 Godwin 排水泵,有些甚至来遥远的德 克萨斯州和蒙大纳州,并将它们存放在飓风预期路径附近的赛莱默分部和分销点。
In the days leading up to Hurricane Sandy, Salstrom and his team gathered hundreds of Godwin dewatering pumps from across the US – some coming from as far away as Texas and Montana – and stockpiled them in Xylem branches and distribution sites near her projected path.




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