

单词 遣散费

See also:



come loose
fall apart
break up (a meeting etc)
powdered medicine
(coll.) sack

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 监督厅内审司于2006 年建议制定一项向项目工作人员和执行伙伴支遣散费的政策。
b) Raised in 2006, OIOS/IAD recommended the development of a policy for payment of retrenchment benefit to project personnel and IPs.
因此,计遣散费时只 有考虑 到基本工资和年资津贴;而工伤事故只考虑到每月的定期收入。
For example, only basic pay and seniority bonuses count towards severance pay; for accidents at work, only regular monthly benefits apply.
将近60%的员工无可避免地需要解雇,同时,冯·阿登纳家族必须要为这些人 遣散费 , 这 又是一笔新的贷款。
The lay-off of nearly 60% of the workforce became unavoidable and called for redundancy payments for which the Ardenne family had to take out new loans.
最后,报告强调大会需要为工程处提供充足的 财务支持,方式包括,若要更加灵活、有效地安排 工作人员,需确定可用以支遣散费 用 的潜在经费 来源;审查当前联合国经常预算用于满足当前工程 处同时期管理需求的资金数额和范围,特别是在遵 [...]
Lastly, the report highlighted the need for the General Assembly to provide the Agency with adequate financial support, by identifying potential sources of
funding that could be
[...] used to finance severance payments should it need greater flexibility in the efficient use of staff; [...]
reviewing the adequacy
of the current level and scope of funding from the United Nations regular budget to meet contemporary demands on the Agency’s management, including in particular compliance with General Assembly-mandated initiatives relating to accounting and security standards, the reform of internal justice and the acquisition of a needed data-management system.
雇 主 可 填 写 ﹝ 长 期 服 务 金遣 散 费 付 款 证 明 书 (HALS) ﹞ 表 格 , 申 请 退 回 雇 主 供 款 所 得 的 强 积 金 累 算 权 益 以 抵 销 已 支 付 给 雇 员 的 长 期 服 务 金遣 散 费 。
Employers can apply for offset
Long Service
[...] Payments or Severance Payments (LSP/SP) that have been paid to employees against MPF accrued benefits derived from their contributions by filling the form of ( Payment Proof for Long Service Payment / Severance Payment (HALS)).
劳动法》第 110 条规指出,“如果有的话,雇主应当在下列情况下把 佣 金 或 小 费 计 算 在内:计 算 带 薪假期 报 酬 , 计 算 因 解 雇 工人而支遣散费 , 计 算 因 未 事先通知 终 止 合 同 而支付赔偿费 , 或者在任意违 背 劳 动 合 同 时。
Article 110 of the Labour Law says that “The employer shall include the commissions or gratuities, if any, when calculating remuneration for paid holiday, dismissal indemnity in the event of dismissal and for damages in the event of termination of the labour contract without prior notice, or for an abusive breach of the labour contract.
[...] 有关的其他领域需要不断进行评估以确保一致性,难民署坚持称其没有义务支付 这遣散费,并 将该事项视为对执行伙伴相关安排的整体评估的一部分。
UNHCR maintains that it has no liability for the payment of retrenchment benefits and is considering the matter as part of the overall review of arrangements pertaining to IPs, as UNHCR considers that other
related areas, with regard to policy
[...] on “support costs” and “operational costs” for IP arrangements, [...]
needed to be reviewed concurrently to ensure consistency.
开支应当包括(但是不限于)遣散费、 过 渡时期冗员工资、新招聘员工的 管理费用、协调和通讯费用、项目管理和差旅费、办公场所的起始投资、培训和 知识转让费用以及其他过渡性开支。
Costs should include, but not be limited to, separation packages, double incumbency during the transition period, overhead costs [...]
of new recruitment,
coordination and communication, project management and travel, initial investment cost of premises, training and knowledge transfer, and other transition costs.
任职者还将确保准确和及时处理支付给维持和平 工作人员的薪金,并准确和及时处理向会员国支付的部 费 用 偿 还金和 遣 队所 属装费用偿还金。
The incumbent would also ensure the accurate and timely processing of payroll payments to peacekeeping staff, and of payments to Member States for troop reimbursement and contingent-owned equipment.
如果僱主是賺錢而結束業務,請問若要給予僱員較合 理遣散費,是否慘無㆟道?
If an employer winds up his business after making a profit, would it be inhumane to require him to give the employees a
[...] more reasonable severance payment?
(e) 每屆區議會任期 72,000 元實報實銷的結束辦事處開支償還款 額,用以支付結束辦事處所需的費用,包括區議員所聘員工遣散費。
(e) an accountable WER of $72,000 per DC term to cover expenses required to wind up a ward office, including severance payments for staff of the DC members.
其他服务”项下拟议的 2 154 800 美元估计数包括为 4 700 名前战斗员的 自遣散提供 解除武装、复员和安置支助,每人的口粮和运输支 费 用为 442 美 元,还提供 77 400 美元用于翻译服务、杂项材料和用品。
The estimate of $2,154,800 proposed under “Other services” includes the provision of disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion support for the voluntary demobilization of 4,700 ex-combatants at $442 per person for food and transportation support and a provision of $77,400 for translation services and miscellaneous materials and supplies.
我們究竟以提遣散費和 長期服務金作為工㆟的保障,還是堅持發放這些款項,作為重新分配財富 的㆒種方式?
Are we to offer severance and long service payments as a form of protection for workers or are we to insist upon them, as somewhat of a form of redistribution of wealth?
區議員現時的薪津安排包括:(a)酬金每月20,290元;(b) 實報實銷的營運開支津貼每年233,544元;(c)非實報實銷的雜項 開支津貼每月4,120元,用以支付酬酢、個人進修課程、個人保 險及小額購物等開支;(d)實報實銷的開設辦事處津貼,款額為 每屆區議會任期100,000元,用以支付開設議員辦事處所需的開 支,例如裝修、購置設備和家具;及(e)實報實銷的結束辦事處 津貼,款額為每屆區議會任期72,000元,用以支付結束辦事處所 需的費用,包括僱員遣散費。
The existing remuneration package for DC members comprises: (a) a monthly honorarium of $20,290; (b) an accountable annual provision of Operating Expenses Allowance at the rate of $233,544; (c) a non-accountable monthly provision of Miscellaneous Expenses Allowance at the rate of $4,120 to cover expenses like entertainment, self-development, personal insurance and minor purchase; (d) an accountable Setting-up Allowance of $100,000 per DC term to cover the cost of setting up a ward office, such as renovation of premises, purchase of furniture and equipment; and (e) an accountable Winding-up Allowance of $72,000 per DC term to cover expenses required to wind up a ward office, including severance payments for staff of the DC members.
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4 段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被遴选为 建设和平委员会组织委员会成员:安全理事会甄选中国、法国、加蓬、墨西哥、 俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国担任委员会成员;经 济及社会理事会选举澳大利亚、巴西、埃及、几内亚比绍、摩洛哥、波兰和大韩 民国担任成员;加拿大、德国、日本、荷兰和瑞典作为从向联合国预算分摊费 最高 以及向联合国各基金、方案和机构、包括向建设和平常设基金自愿捐助最多 的 10 个国家中遴选出成员;孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦作 为从向联合国特派团遣军事 人员和民警最多的 10 个国家中遴选出的成员。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America selected by the Security Council; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Poland and Republic of Korea elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden selected by and
from among the top 10
[...] providers of assessed contributions to United Nations budgets and of voluntary contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel [...]
and civilian police to United Nations missions.
考虑到冲突的区域层面,我重申我在关于乍得儿童状况的报告(S/2008/532) 中提出的建议,即联合国在中非共和国、乍得和苏丹的国家工作队以及中非支助 处、中乍特派团和非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动等政治及维和特派团拨出 和投入所需资源,以确保建立有关机制,促进相互之间就跨界儿童保护、招募遣散和重 返社会等儿童保护关切问题开展信息交流与合作。
Given the regional dimension of the conflict, I reiterate the recommendation in my report on the situation of children in Chad (S/2008/532) that the respective United Nations country teams in the Central African Republic, Chad and the Sudan, as well as the BONUCA, MINURCAT and African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur political and peacekeeping missions dedicate the required resources to ensure that mechanisms are in place for information exchange and cooperation on cross-border child protection concerns such as the recruitment, release and reintegration of children.
你可於網上查詢你的歸屬結餘,但請注意你最終獲享的權益,將視乎僱主匯報的離 職理由、任何長期服務金遣散費扺 銷或其他扣減,以及在支付或轉移權益時之基金單位價 格而定。
You may enquire your vested balance online, but please be noted that your final benefit entitlement will be subject to the reason of termination of employment reported by your employer, any offset of long service payment or severance payment or other deduction as well as the unit prices of funds at the time the payment or transfer of benefits is processed.
此外, 该科还核定部队和遣队所属装费 用 的 偿还额。
In addition, the Section approves the
[...] reimbursements of troop costs and contingent-owned [...]
提议为开展下列技术支持活动编列差旅经费 284 100 美元:改进外地行动 中的财务和预算流程(141 000 美元);为在区域一级就遣队所属装 费 用 偿 还 政策和程序以及其他相关事项培训部队派遣国和警察派遣国(30 400 美元);向外 地行动财务和预算干事们通报《公共部门会计准则》和企业资源规划系统等新政 [...]
700 美元);部署前访问部队派遣 国和警察派遣国,为部署到维持和平特派团做好准备(83 000 美元)。
An amount of $284,100 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: improve finance and budget processes in
field operations
[...] ($141,000); train troop- and police-contributing countries at a regional level on contingent-owned equipment reimbursement policies and [...]
procedures and other
related issues ($30,400); brief field-based finance and budget officers in changes to finance and budget processes made as a result of new policies, procedures and systems, including IPSAS and enterprise resource planning ($29,700); and make predeployment visits to troop- and police-contributing countries in preparation for deployment to peacekeeping missions ($83,000).
(c) 考虑切实可行的方式处理改组国家安全部队的问题,包括确定一 遣散 计划,以满足退武人员以及受伤或阵亡人员的需求。
(c) To consider practical modalities in addressing the
issues of restructuring the NSF, including
[...] establishing a severance scheme to cater [...]
for the needs of retirees, those wounded
or killed in action, among others.
[...] 須與員工訂立書面合同;在員工服務滿一段時間後,須與其訂立 長期合同;試用期的最長期限;可終止僱傭合同的情況;以及須 在勞動合同屆滿時支遣散費。
It introduced a number of new requirements, such as the provision of written contracts to employees within one month of hiring, the need to enter into permanent contracts with an employee once he has served for a certain period of time, a maximum duration for probationary periods, the conditions
under which an employee contract may be terminated, and
[...] the need for severance payment upon expiry of labour [...]
军事和警务人员,11 305 700 美元节余的主要原因是:(a) 军事观察员的实 际空缺率为 7.5%,高于预算编列的 5%,但这一差异因其中实际轮换费用增加而 部分抵消;和(b) 军事特遣队的所需资源减少,这主要是由于口粮、进驻轮换遣返差旅费用降低,以及 4%的实际空缺率,高于预算编列的 1%,但这一差异因遣队所属特殊装费用以及部署/遣 返 设备 的 费 用 增长而部分抵消。
Under military and police personnel, underexpenditures of $11,305,700 are attributable mainly to: (a) the higher actual vacancy rate of 7.5 per cent of military observers, as compared with the budgeted rate of 5 per cent, which was partially offset by their higher actual rotation costs; and (b) lower requirements for
military contingents,
[...] primarily due to lower costs for rations, emplacement rotation and repatriation travel, and a higher actual vacancy rate of 4 per cent, as compared with the budgeted rate of 1 per cent, which was partially offset by higher costs for contingent-owned special equipment and for the deployment/repatriation of equipment.
维持和平账户科管理 16
[...] 个在役和 30 个已结束的维和特派团的账目及战略 部署物资储存的账目,处理部费用 和 特 遣 队 所 属装 费 用 的偿还,并编制财务 报表。
The Peacekeeping Accounts Section maintains the accounts of 16 active and 30 closed peacekeeping missions and those of strategic
deployment stocks, processes
[...] the reimbursements of troop costs and contingent-owned equipment [...]
and prepares financial statements.
2.4 本奖项的所有辅助人员和运作/管理费,包括颁奖仪式、宣传活动、宣传材料的制作散发的所有费用, 估计为 110,000 美元,完全由中华人民共和国政府提供。
2.4 The full staff support and operating/management costs of the Prize, including all costs related to the award ceremony, public information activities including the production and dissemination of publicity materials, estimated at US $110,000, shall be fully covered by the Government of the People’s Republic of China.
因此,考虑到该司现有的任务和工作量,预计任职者将为最近在阿卜耶 伊设立的维持和平特派团——联阿安全部队提供支助,包括分析和编写执行情况
[...] 报告和预算估计数,提供财务支持,监测预算执行情况,为外勤部和特派团的对 口单位提供预算指导,管理对部队 遣 国 的 负债 费 用 偿 还。
Therefore, taking into account the existing work assignments and workload of the Division, it is expected that the incumbent would provide support for UNISFA, the recently established peacekeeping mission in Abyei, including analysis and preparation of performance reports and budget estimates, financial backstopping, monitoring of budget implementation, provision of budgetary guidance
to counterparts in DFS and the Mission, and management of
[...] liabilities and reimbursements to troopcontributing countries.
[...] 主要原因是:由于部队和警察人数减少,2012/13 年期间未规划重大施工项目, 所以为建筑服务编列的费减少;为 遣 队 所 属装备自我维持编列的经费减少; 根据最近的支出情况,为非文职人员住宅安保服务编列的经费减少;以及由于不 [...] [...]
再为 2010/11 年期间未修建的七个营地编列经费,为改建和维修服务编列的经费 减少(A/66/745,第 218 段)。
The proposed budget indicates that the reduced requirements are mainly attributable to the lower provisions for construction services with no major construction projects being
planned for the 2012/13
[...] period due to the reduction in troop and police strength; lower provisions [...]
for self-sustainment
under contingent-owned equipment; lower provision for residential security services for non-civilian personnel based on recent expenditure patterns; and lower provisions for alteration and renovation services attributable to the exclusion of provisions for the seven camps that were not constructed in the 2010/11 period (A/66/745, para. 218).
行预咨委会还获悉,新安排的主要费用构成是:(a) 各种食品费用(包括运入
[...] 任务区的费用和后勤费用);(b) 任务区管理和储存食品的仓储费用,以及储存 14 天紧急口粮供应和 14 天作战口粮袋供应费用;(c) 陆运和(或)空运至遣队所 在地费用。
The Advisory Committee was further informed that the major cost components of the new arrangements were: (a) food items (inclusive of inbound transportation and logistics to the Mission area); (b) warehousing for the management and storage of food in the Mission area, as well as for the storage of 14-day supply of emergency
rations and 14-day supply of combat
[...] ration packs; and (c) onward transportation to contingent sites by road and/or air.
換言之,如果鄭家富議員的進一步修正獲得通過,因公司破產而 遣散 的工人所得到的賠償,會比那些不是因為公司破產而被辭退的僱員多。
In other words, if Mr Andrew CHENG's further amendment is passed, employees laid off due to the bankruptcy of their company will receive more compensation than those dismissed for reasons other than the bankruptcy of their company.
我想請問這項有關 不 會 因 推 行 資 源增值遣散人 手 的 目 標和政 策 , 是 否 亦 同樣適用於資助機 構 ?
Will the Government inform this Council whether the policy and the objective of ensuring that there will be no redundancy of surplus staff due to the implementation of the EPP are similarly applicable to subvented organizations?
我始終要強調,第一,我們在現階段並無計劃強 遣散 員 工 ; 第二,我們會很仔細考慮各政策局和部門所提交的人力計劃,而如果人手過 剩仍是一個問題,那麼我們屆時便會決定採取甚麼方案 ─ 可能不單止是 一個方案 ─ 解決人手過剩的問題。
I still have to stress that firstly, we have no plans for forced redundancy at the present stage; secondly, we would carefully consider the manpower plans to be submitted by bureaux and departments and if the problem of surplus manpower still remains, then by that time, we will have to decide what options — there may be more than one option — should be adopted to deal with the problem of surplus manpower.




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