

单词 遗骸

遗骸 ()

(dead) human remains

See also:

sth lost
leave behind
involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

bones of the body


lose v

External sources (not reviewed)

公墓管理机 构必须提供关遗骸具体 位置的信息,负责标记坟墓并确保进行合理维修。
The cemetery administration is
required to provide information on the exact
[...] location of the remains and is responsible [...]
for marking the grave and ensuring reasonable upkeep.
另外,它还应当与一个法医人类学者工作组密切合 作,发掘和辨认失踪者遗骸。
Furthermore, it should closely cooperate
with a team of forensic anthropologists, conducting the
[...] exhumations and identifications of the remains of missing persons.
缔约国处理死遗骸的任何单 方面行动都将被认为是可疑的。
Any unilateral action by the State party to
[...] interfere with the remains of the deceased [...]
will be regarded as suspicious.
虽然没有找到受害人遗骸,但 在参与者看来,这些任务是一次认真严 肃的专业努力,有可能成为揭示失踪者命运的有效可行机制。
Although no human remains have been discovered, [...]
in the view of the participants these missions represent a serious professional
endeavour that has the potential to become an effective functional mechanism to uncover the fate of missing persons.
谨随函附上关于搜寻科威特战俘和失踪人 遗骸 的 行动计划副本,该计划已 提交给三方委员会并纳入了技术小组委员会的议程(见附录)。
I should like to attach hereto a copy of the plan of action for the
[...] search for the remains of Kuwaiti prisoners [...]
and missing persons that was submitted
to the Tripartite Commission and incorporated into the agenda of the Technical Subcommittee (see enclosure).
然而遗骸的识别和返 还工作仍然进展缓慢:完全确定 遗骸 只有 910 具,其中 796 具已移交给家属。
However, the identification and return of the remains and bodies continued to be very slow: 910 [...]
have been fully identified,
of which 796 have been handed over to the families.
缔约国应确保对海域中发现的所有人 遗骸 给 予 恰当的尊重。
States Parties shall ensure that proper respect is
[...] given to all human remains located in maritime [...]
waters. 10.
尽管失踪人员问题的重要性和敏感性质,尽管它是一个联合国跟踪了多年的 人道主义问题,而且尽管自 2004 年以来在红十字国际委员会的支持下运作的三 方委员会和技术小组委员会进行了巨大的努力,在 605 名失踪的科威特人和第三 国国民中,迄今为止只有 236 名科威特囚犯遗骸得到确认。
Despite the significance and the sensitive nature of the question of the missing persons, a humanitarian issue that the Council has been following for many years, and despite the great efforts that have been made since 2004 by the Tripartite Commission and the Technical Subcommittee, which operates under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the remains of only 236 Kuwaiti prisoners out of 605 missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals have thus far been identified.
如果不可能归遗骸,应 确保进行适当埋葬。
If it is not
[...] possible to return the remains, a proper burial [...]
should be ensured.
秘书长指出,联合 国仅负责失踪人员调查委员会第三名成员及其两名助理的费用以及他们办公室
[...] 的杂项业务费用,而挖掘、辨认和归还塞浦路斯失踪人 遗骸 的 项 目则由预算外 资源供资(同上,第 24.117 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates that the United Nations is responsible only for the expenses of the third member of the Committee on Missing Persons, his or her two assistants and the miscellaneous operating expenses of their office, and that the
project on the exhumation, identification
[...] and return of the remains of missing persons [...]
in Cyprus is financed from extrabudgetary
sources (ibid., para. 24.117).
(d) 在 2003 年政府与非政府失踪人员及其家属问题研究专家国际会议结束 后,为了促进并帮助落实会议与法医学及人 遗骸 问 题 相关的建议,红十字委员 会立即建立了自己的法医学服务机构。
(d) Immediately after the 2003 international conference of governmental and non-governmental experts on the missing and their families, ICRC established its own forensic services in order to promote and help support the implementation of the recommendations from the Conference related to forensic sciences and human remains.
从萨克拉恩和纳杰夫葬地,发掘了 8 具遗骸;5 具已归还,3 具在测试过程 中毁损(见表 6)。
From the Sakran and Najaf burial
[...] sites, 8 sets of remains retrieved; 5 were [...]
returned and 3 were consumed in testing (see table 6).
我再次继 续呼吁各方在包括北部军事区在内的整个塞岛上,对委员会的挖 遗骸 要 求 采取 更加合作的态度。
I once again continue to urge all parties to be more forthcoming in accommodating the Committee’s exhumation requirements throughout the island, including in military areas in the north.
特 别是要将关于死者及遗骸所地 点和坟墓的资料集中起来转交冲突的另一方。
In particular, information on deceased persons as well as the
[...] location of human remains and graves should [...]
be centralized and transmitted to the other party to the conflict.
在技术小组委员会主要是为了在所处理问题上加快取得结果,开展多方努力 的背景下;按照伊拉克境内安全局势的稳定情况;鉴于需要继续展开外勤业务, 在指定地区和其他地区搜寻群葬地;并鉴于这些地点的工作性质,有必要实施一 个以上的搜遗骸的计划。
Deputy Chairman of the Committee Against the background of the activation of Technical Subcommittee endeavours, which were essentially instituted with a view to accelerating results with respect to the issues of which it is seized; in the light of the stability of the security situation in Iraq; in view of the need to continue field operations to uncover mass graves in the areas specified and others; and
given the nature of the
[...] work at those sites, it is necessary to have recourse to more than one plan for uncovering the remains.
[...] 2010 年归还 的 55 具伊拉克士遗骸,表 明虽然已过去多年,但寻找失踪人员的持续专业工 [...]
Together with the return by
[...] Kuwait of the remains of 55 Iraqi soldiers [...]
in 2010, this illustrates the effectiveness of sustained
professional efforts in finding missing people despite the passage of years.
在管理人遗骸及死 难人员相关信息方面,建议采取的措施包括:保证采取切实可行的措施对死亡人 员的人遗骸进行 鉴定并记录其身份;避免阻挠、干扰或妨碍人 遗骸 鉴 定 工作; 签发死亡证明;确保所有参与人员都能遵守适用于人 遗骸 管 理、发掘和鉴定的 法规和职业道德规范;确保法医专家在任何可能的情况下实施适当的人 遗骸发 掘和鉴定程序,评估人遗骸发掘 及鉴定的最佳方法时充分考虑国际刑警组织、 失踪人员国际委员会以及主管专业科研机构(比如欧洲法医科学研究网)业已制 定的标准;遵守并发展国际背景下工作的法医专家职业道德规范和执业标准;确 保所有从事死亡人员信息收集和人 遗骸 处 理 的人员都能接受适当培训。
With respect to the management of human remains and information relating to the dead, measures proposed include: ensuring that all feasible measures are taken to identify the human remains and to record their identity; avoiding obstruction of, interference with or impediments to the identification of human remains; issuing death certificates; ensuring that all those involved respect the legal rules and professional ethics applicable to the management, exhumation and identification of human remains; ensuring that forensic specialists, whenever possible, carry out the procedures to exhume and identify human remains and assess the most appropriate methods for doing so, taking into account standards that have been developed by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the International Commission on Missing Persons [...]
and competent professional
and scientific organizations such as the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
了解关于命运和下落真相的权利包括,在查明失踪人员已经死亡的情 况下,家属有领回亲人遗骸,并按照各自传统、宗教或文化处置这遗 骸的权利。
The right to know the truth about the fate and the whereabouts includes, when the disappeared person is found to be
dead, the right of the
[...] family to have the remains of their loved one returned to them, and to dispose of those remains according to their [...]
own tradition, religion or culture.
受害者亲属数据库的信息越完善,查明已经找到并已认为与侵犯人权 行为受害者或在冲突中失踪的人相符 遗骸 的 身分的机会就越大。
The more complete the databank of relatives of victims, the greater the chance of identifying remains that are found and are thought to correspond to a victim of a human rights violation or a missing person from a conflict.
为了遵守第一附加议定书关于死 遗骸 的 规定,罗马尼亚与俄罗斯联邦和德 国等若干国家缔结了双边协定。
In order to comply with the provisions of Additional Protocol
[...] I regarding the remains of deceased, Romania [...]
concluded bilateral agreements with
several States, including the Russian Federation and Germany.
在藏匿的宝藏,吉姆遇到弗林特本人 遗骸 , BE N的认知计算机缺少的部分。
In the stash of treasure, Jim comes
[...] across the skeletal remains of Flint himself, [...]
holding a missing part of B.E.N’s cognitive computer.
另外,它还应当与一个法医专家小组密切 合作,以找到生还的失踪人员和确定其身份,15 并发掘和辨认已死亡失踪者遗骸。
Furthermore, it should cooperate closely with a team of forensic specialists for the recovery and identification of missing persons, both alive15 and dead.
在先 前那封信中,我们附上了“对以色列侵犯人权行为采取紧急行动:关于亵渎耶路 撒冷圣城 Ma'man Allah(Mamilla)公墓”的请愿。提出请愿者是其祖先安葬于马 曼·阿拉公墓的一些巴勒斯坦人以及巴勒斯坦、以色列和美国反对在葬有穆斯林 死遗骸的公墓上建立所谓“人类尊严中心和宽容博物馆”的其他一些非政府组织。
The present letter is in follow up to our letter dated 9 April 2010 (A/ES-10/486-S/2010/184), in which we enclosed the petition “Urgent action on human rights violations by Israel: Desecration of the Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Muslim Cemetery in the Holy City of Jerusalem”, filed by Palestinian individuals whose ancestors are buried at Ma’man Allah Cemetery in addition to several other NGOs from Palestine, Israel and the United States that oppose the establishment of so called Centre for Human Dignity and Museum of Tolerance on the human remains of the dead Muslims buried in the Cemetery.
如果有医疗和牙科记录,那对 鉴定失踪人遗骸鉴定是有帮助的。
If available, medical and dental records are helpful in the
[...] identification of remains of missing persons.
工作组想要强调,了解关于命运和下落真相的权利包括,在查明失踪人员 已经死亡的情况下,家属有权领回亲人 遗骸。
The Working Group would like to emphasize that the right to the truth about the fate and the whereabouts includes, when the
disappeared person is found to be dead, the right of the
[...] family to have the remains of their loved one [...]
returned to them.
欧盟驻科法治团要求阿尔巴尼亚和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 允许欧盟驻科法治团法医专家为至少四个可能埋有科索沃阿族受害 遗骸 的潜 在集葬坑地点的评估工作提供协助。
EULEX has asked Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to allow EULEX forensic experts to
assist in the assessment of at least four
[...] potential grave sites probably containing the remains of Kosovo Albanian [...]
遗骸的发 掘,应当只 有在获得适当授权和按照法律规定的条件下进行。
Exhumations should be performed [...]
only with the proper authorizations and according to the conditions specified in law.
两个三方委员会的规则与程序已经商定,任务分别为:(a) 处理以前 被认定为战争俘虏但目前依然下落不明的失踪人员案件;和(b)
[...] 处理在战斗中丧 生或失踪的人员案件,包括找回、验明和移交人 遗骸。
Agreement was reached on the rules and procedures of two tripartite committees that have the respective tasks of resolving: (a) cases of former and presumed prisoners of war still unaccounted for; and
(b) cases of persons missing or killed in combat, including the recovery, identification
[...] and handover of human remains.
[...] 籍,在出现人员伤亡的情况下,通常使用其南非护 照,这遗骸运送 回国方面给南非带来了不必要的 [...]
South Africans recruited for mercenary activities usually had dual nationality, and, in cases of casualties
and deaths, their South African passports were often used, placing an undue burden on
[...] South Africa to repatriate remains.
从 2009 年 9 月至 12 月,由欧盟驻科法治团和科索沃双方各派一名负责人共 同领导的失踪人员和法医问题办公室对 29 名战争受害者的尸体进行了解剖,并 对 65
[...] 具新的尸体进行了解剖,还勘察死亡现场、进行法医临床检查、实地评估、 挖掘,并向家属移遗骸 21 具
From September to December 2009, the Office on Missing Persons and Forensics, which is jointly led by a EULEX head and a Kosovo head, conducted 29 autopsies of war victims and 65 new autopsies, death scene
investigations, forensic clinical examinations, field assessments and exhumations and
[...] handed over 21 bodily remains to families.




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