

单词 遗落

遗落 verb ()

forget v

See also:

sth lost
leave behind
involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
decline or sink
(of the sun) set
(of a tide) go out
lag or fall behind
get or receive
be missing
leave behind or forget to bring


lose v

External sources (not reviewed)

事实上,每一款闪迪 USB 闪存盘均会配备闪迪保险箱安全软件,无论是谁借用了您的闪存盘,抑或是您不小心将 遗落 在 某 处,这款软件都可以帮助您保护非常私密的资料免遭偷窥。
Virtually every SanDisk USB drive also provides SanDisk SecureAccess software allowing you to protect your most personal data from prying eyes, no matter who borrows your drive or where you may happen to leave it.
维斯比充满特色的狭窄鹅卵石街道和教 遗 址 坐 落 于 2. 5英里长的13世纪石灰石城墙背后。
Visby is full of characterful narrow cobbled streets and ruined churches that reside behind a two-and-a-half mile 13th century limestone city wall.
文化多样性,包括各方面的文遗产 ,并 以 落 实 准则性文件为重点 · 促进文化间和宗教间对话
Cultural diversity,
[...] including cultural heritage in all its aspects [...]
and a focus on implementation of normative instruments
本中心的代表和志愿者在全国和地区范围内积极参加各类会议和研讨会,举 办保遗址遗迹的培训班落实千 年发展目标。
Our representatives and volunteers are active at the national and regional levels, take part in meetings and seminars
and organize vocational training
[...] workshops on the conservation of historical sites and monuments [...]
and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
为了提高公众对吉尔吉斯共和国遗 忘 的和 流 落 街 头 的青年与儿童情况的认识,并动 员政府、民间和捐助者采取行动,教科文组织支持由吉尔吉斯共和国教科文组织全国委员会 组织的题为“遗忘的和流落街头 的青年与儿童问题及其出路”的科学与实践大会,吉尔吉 斯全国委员会被指定为该国实施此项目的联系中心。
With a view to raising public awareness on the
[...] situation of neglected and street children and young people in Kyrgyzstan and mobilizing efforts of the government, civil society and donors, UNESCO supported the scientific and practical conference on “Problems of neglected and street children and young [...]
people and ways of their
solution”, organized by the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO, which had been designated the focal point of the project in the country.
地区办事处(拉巴特、贝鲁 特、威尼斯)及全国委员会(突尼斯、贝鲁特)参 落 实 遗 址 活动正在日益增多。
The involvement of the Regional Offices (Rabat, Beirut, Venice) as well as the National Commissions (Tunis, Beirut) are increasing for the follow-up of site activities.
委员会还对它此前在这方面提出的建议没有得到充分执行感遗憾,流落街头 的儿童继续遭受各种形式的暴力和剥夺。
The Committee also regrets that its previous recommendation in this regard was not sufficiently implemented and that children in street situations continue to suffer from various forms of violence and deprivation.
[...] (B.O.T)来制定非洲世界遗产基金的政策,并监督非洲世 遗 产 基 金 落 实 非 洲实施世遗 产公约意见书(APP)和 2006--2015 年行动计划的情况。
Under the Statutes of AWHF there is established a Board of Trustees (B.O.T.) to institute policies of AWHF and oversee the implementation of AWHF, in conformity with the
African Position Paper for
[...] the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Africa (APP) and [...]
the Action Plan for the period 2006-2015.
历经 30 年战争之后,越南在严重贫困、经济瓦解以及基础设施残破不堪 的 状态下开 始 国家建 设和发展, 同 时必须处理战遗祸(如 ,落叶剂受害 者,未爆 地雷和炸弹)。
Having undergone 30 years of wars, Viet Nam embarked on nation building and development in face of high rate of poverty, a shattered economy and inadequate infrastructure, while having to deal with the aftermaths of war (e.g. victims of Agent Orange, unexploded landmines and bombs).
(a) 注意到全球公认必须解决全球到处建立的隔离住宿制、全日制和寄宿 制学校系统及孤儿院遗留问题,全 落 实 土 著人民多代人的人权
(a) Noting that there is global recognition of the need to resolve the legacy of residential, day and boarding school systems and orphanages established globally to realize fully the human rights of multiple generations of indigenous peoples
各类技术出版物(例如资源手册)落实《世界遗产公 约》提供了有针对性的指导。
Various technical publications (such as Resource Manuals)
provide focused guidance on the
[...] implementation of the World Heritage Convention and are [...]
considered as very useful by their various
users (site managers, government officials, etc.).
中心将协助教科文组织履行其下述范围的职责:34 C/4(《2008--2013 年中期战略》) 尤其是战略性计划目标 11(以可持续的方式保护和促进文化遗产)以及 34 C/5(《批准的
2008--2009 年计划与预算》)的战略优先事项和目标,特别是双年度部门优先事项 1(通过
[...] 保护各种遗产和发展各种文化表现形式促进文化多样性)以及工作重点 1(重点依靠切实有 效落实 1972 年《世遗产公 约》,保护和保存不可移动的文化和自然遗产)。
The Centre will assist UNESCO in fulfilling the mandate of document 34 C/4 (Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013) and in particular Strategic Programme Objective 11 (Sustainably protecting and enhancing cultural heritage) and the strategic priorities and objectives of document 34 C/5 (Approved Programme and Budget for 2008-2009), in particular Biennial Sectoral Priority 1 (Promoting cultural diversity through the safeguarding of the heritage in its various dimensions and the enhancement of cultural expressions) and related Main Line of Action 1 (Protecting and conserving immovable
cultural and natural properties, in particular through the effective
[...] implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention).
我国特别重视及早执行落实人类共 遗产 这一原则。
My country attaches particular importance to the early implementation and operationalization of
[...] the principle of the common heritage of mankind.
预期结 果:修落实世界遗产公 约的《操作指南》,改革世界遗产法定会议周期并为世界遗产委员 会确定新的战略方向。
Expected result: Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention revised, the World Heritage statutory meeting cycle reformed and new strategic orientations for the World Heritage Committee developed.
签署这项协定是 为了让伊拉克人能够对群葬墓中受害者的遗骨进行 DNA 测试,查明遗骨的身份,并把遗骨还给多年不知 亲人落的遗属。
The agreement was signed in order to enable Iraqis to carry out DNA tests on the remains of victims buried in mass graves, identify those remains and return them to their families after years of suffering from not knowing the fate of their loved ones.
中心的任务是通过推落实世界遗产 委 员会惠及非洲世界遗产地的决定和建 议,促进非洲缔约国执行 [...]
1972 年《世界遗产公约》。
The Centre’s mission is to strengthen implementation
[...] of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in African [...]
State Parties, by strengthening application
of the decisions and recommendations of the World Heritage Committee for the benefit of World Heritage sites in the African region.
在这些目的框架内,基金会作为一个地区和国际中心,支 落 实 世 界 遗 产 委 员会 1994 年通过的全球战略。
In the framework of these objectives, the Foundation acts as a regional and
international centre, supporting the follow-up of the Global Strategy as
[...] adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 1994.
大会选举了八名新的世界遗产委员会成员,并通过两项重要决议,要求增加正常预算资金和 预算外资金,用落实世界遗产公 约,和要求增加对世界遗产中心的财政拨款,用于旨在提 [...]
The General Assembly elected eight new members to the World Heritage Committee. Furthermore, two important resolutions were adopted, calling for: an increase in the financial resources – from regular budget and from
extrabudgetary sources – or the
[...] implementation of the World Heritage Convention, and additional [...]
financial resources to be allocated
to the World Heritage Centre for programmes to strengthen capacity in the States Parties and regions which are under-represented on the World Heritage List.
同样,西班牙通过《全国城堡、教堂、寺院和修道院、工业遗产和世界遗产城市 计划》,可以运用适当的方法,有计划 落 实 有效 的 遗 产 保 护政策,从而达到以 最恰当的方式对历史遗产进行保留的目的。
Along the same lines, the national plans for castles, abbeys, monasteries and convents, industrial heritage
and World Heritage
[...] Cities have made it possible to carry out, in a well-planned manner and with the right methodology, an effective conservation policy that ensures that heritage sites are [...]
conserved as appropriately as possible.
工作重点 1:重点依靠切实有效落实《世界遗 产 公 约》,保护和保存不动文化和自然遗 产。
MLA 1: Protecting and conserving
immovable, cultural and natural properties, in particular through the effective
[...] implementation of the World Heritage Convention
中心的任务是通过培训、研究、信息推广以及网络建设,提高亚太地区参与世界遗产 申报、保护、保存以及管理工作的所有专业人员、行政管理人员、从业人员以及手工艺人的 能力,促进亚太地落实 1972 年世遗产公约。
The Institute’s mission is to strengthen implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in the Asia and the Pacific region, by building the capacity of all those professionals, administrators, practitioners and craftsmen involved with World Heritage site inscription, protection, conservation and management in the Asia and the Pacific region, through training, research, the dissemination of information and network building.
文化艺 术 部 参 与 了 促 进东盟国家青 年 对东盟各国文化的了解
[...] ,参加了促 进 中 小 型 文化产业发展的会议落 实了文化遗 产 媒 体体系 ,加入了东盟木偶 剧 协 [...]
会, 与教科文组织在遗产和人力资源培训方面进行合作。
The Ministry has participated in promoting the understanding of the ASEAN youths about the culture of ASEAN nations, joined the meeting on the promotion of small and medium cultural
industries, implemented the system
[...] of media on cultural heritage and took part in the [...]
ASEAN Puppets theatre association,
and worked in cooperation with UNECSO on heritages and human resource training.
与会者还认为,建在 Zacatecas 的地区世界遗产研究所可以作为 一个献计献策的平台,促进开展有助于执行《1972 年世界遗产公约》的活动,并协助该地
[...] 区《公约》缔约国与世界遗产中心相配合,根据世界遗产委员会优先制定的工作计划 落实 世界遗产委 员会的战略目标和相关决定。
The participants also acknowledged that the Regional World Heritage Institute in Zacatecas could act as a resourceful platform to develop common activities in favour of the 1972 World Heritage Convention and to assist the States Parties to the Convention of the Region in the implementation of the strategic objectives and of the relevant decisions of the World Heritage Committee,
in coordination with the World Heritage Centre and in conformity with the
[...] working plans prioritized by the World Heritage Committee.
应根据 33 C/53 号决议中确定的依落实“世界音 遗 产 日 ”。
Implementation of the
[...] “World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” should proceed in [...]
accordance with the rationale set out in 33 C/Resolution 53.
侵权、技术与集中行动小组(ETC 小组)把其定义为“个人或机 构对知识以及农业和本地落遗传资 源的占有,以达到对资源和知识的独占控制目的(通常为专利 权或植物育种家的权利)。
The Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration (ETC Group) defines it as “the appropriation of the knowledge and genetic resources of farming and indigenous communities by individuals or institutions seeking exclusive monopoly control (usually patents or plant breeders' rights) over these resources and knowledge.
该删减犹太法典,在以后的版本是其中最基础,第一版出现在巴塞尔(1578年至1581年)用了“Abodah Zarah和基督教认为不利于整个论文的 落遗 漏 , 连同某些词句的修改。
The first edition of the expurgated Talmud, on which most subsequent editions were based, appeared at Basel (1578-1581) with the
omission of the entire treatise of
[...] 'Abodah Zarah and of passages considered inimical [...]
to Christianity, together with modifications of certain phrases.
对双年度部门优先事项 1(通过保护各种遗产和发展各种文化表现形式促进文 化多样性)和相关的工作重点 1(重点依靠切实有效落实《世界遗 产 公 约》,保护和保存 不可移动的文化和自然遗产)做出直接响应。
It responds directly to Biennial Sectoral Priority 1 (Promoting cultural diversity through the safeguarding of the heritage in its various dimensions and the enhancement of cultural expressions) and related main line of action 1 (Protecting and conserving immovable cultural and natural properties, in particular through the effective implementation of the World Heritage Convention).
但是,一位代表南部 Catió和 Cacine 选举团的几内亚和佛得角非洲独立党议员,在国民议会中对据报 军队人员于 2010 年 3 月 3 日参与帮助一架涉嫌运载大量非法毒品的飞机在 Catió 附近 Cufar 的简易机场落一事表示遗憾。
However, in the National Assembly, a parliamentarian from the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, representing the electoral colleges of Catió and Cacine in the south, deplored the reported involvement of army elements in facilitating the landing of a plane allegedly carrying large quantities of illicit drugs at an airstrip in Cufar, near Catió, on 3 March 2010.
世界遗产中心在确定 其预算(表 1)时,保留了 34 C/5 重大计划 IV-文化35
[...] 所提出的划拨给 IV.1“重点依靠切实 有效落实 1972 年《世遗产公 约》,保护和保存不可移动的文化和自然遗产”工作重点 [...]
In order to determine its budget (Table No. 1), the World Heritage Centre refers to the appropriations under main line of action IV.1, “Protecting and conserving immovable cultural properties and natural properties, in
particular through the effective
[...] implementation of the World Heritage Convention", as set out [...]
in document 34 C/5 under Major
Programme IV – Culture.35 The actual heading of the main line of action shows, however, that it includes Sector activities beyond the scope of WHC.
基金会作为一个地区和国际中心,支 落 实 世 界 遗 产 委 员会 1994 年通过的关 于促进《世界遗产名录》中的遗产分布平衡的“全球战略”。
The NWHF acts as a regional and international centre, supporting the follow-up of the Global Strategy for a representative and balanced World Heritage List as adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 1994.




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