

单词 遗腹子

See also:

sth lost
leave behind
involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

其實,如果我們看看紅磡海底隧道的電子收費帶 來的影響,我們心㆗就會有㆒腹稿 , 究竟 子 道 路收費是否能解決交通擠塞的問題。
In fact, if we look at the effect of the electronic toll system of the Cross Harbour Tunnel in Hung Hom, we will have an idea as to whether ERP can solve the traffic congestion problem.
同样,在 2005 年成立 了国家减 少妇女 死
[...] 亡 调查委员会,主要是指 因 怀 孕 、分娩 、腹产、月子 和流产 等引起的死亡。
Also established in 2005 was the National Commission for the
monitoring and reduction of women’s deaths occurring in
[...] pregnancy, childbirth, Caesarean section, puerperium [...]
and abortion.
It will provide support for policy formulation, establish pilot projects, provide
training of conservation specialists, and prepare an international charter for the
[...] preservation of the electronic heritage.
腹 部中彈 ,子 流 出 , 被同學塞 回但徒 然 , 死 於 同學懷中。
Shot in the abdomen and intestines squeezed out.
甚至东正教的教士和僧侣(俄罗斯和希腊基督教的古老形式,本质上是复制在古代地中海教堂举行的仪式)在19世纪、20世纪在阿陀斯(Athos)半岛做与太阳能量点和小腹能量相关的冥想,这个颇有效果的冥想被称作“上帝 腹 中 瞭 望”! 遗 憾 弗 兰科把这个冥想和基督教一起传播,导致斯拉夫族曾经强大、超然领导地位的消失,斯拉夫人的身心也同时被削弱。
Even Orthodox priests and monks (Russian and Greek archaic form of Christianity that copies ceremonies performed in ancient temples in the Mediterranean) worked in the 19th and 20th century (e.g. at Athos peninsula) powerfully with the center in solar and energy in stomach; this effective meditation method was called a “view of God in the stomach!
当时巡逻队正在清点从其他省抵达的人数。警察 Ahmad al-Muhammad 被子弹打伤 腹部,被送往警察医院。
Police officer Ahmad al-Muhammad was
[...] wounded in the abdomen by a bullet and taken to [...]
the police hospital.
[...] 致受害人死亡,则为受害人的配偶或伴侣、四等以内直系血亲或两等以内旁系亲 属、收养子女和(或)父遗嘱继 承人;受犯罪之害的法人;如果犯罪影响集体 利益或广泛利益,则为依法设立的基金会和协会,条件是基金会或协会的宗旨与 [...]
The Code of Criminal Procedure defines the various categories of victims: persons directly affected by a crime; spouses or partners, blood relatives up to the fourth degree of
consanguinity or second degree of
[...] kinship, adoptive children and/or parents’ testamentary heirs, where [...]
the crime results in the death
of the victim; legal persons affected by the crime; and legally constituted foundations and associations, where the crime affects collective or widespread interests, provided that the purpose of the foundation or association has a direct bearing on those interests.
通常子腹部松弛,两腿可弯曲到腹部,脸孔呈深紫 色,脚可能会冰冷和双手紧握。
The face is purple, the feet can be cold and the hands closed tight.
[...] 缔约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘密堕 胎遗弃其子女或 流落街头,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。
The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of
these crimes live
[...] with their children in situations of fear and extreme poverty without support being [...]
provided by the State party; and
加强国家一级的技能和能力——我们在国 家一级继续处理越来越多的战争罪 子 — — 是法遗产的一个关键层面。
Strengthening skills and capacity at the national
level — at which we continue to deal with a growing war crimes caseload
[...] — is a crucial dimension of the Tribunal’s legacy.
在有些情况下提 供了具体毒品类型的示例,但这些 子 并 非 详尽 遗。
In some cases, examples of particular drug types are provided, but the lists of these examples are not exhaustive.
智 利 建议(a) 确定 暂停适 用 死刑,
以期予以 废除 ; (b) 批准劳工方面 的基本公约,尤其是劳工组织第 87 和 98 号公约、以及《保护所有移徙工人及其
[...] 家庭成员权利国际公约》;(c) 确保男女在婚姻方面,包括配偶的选择、婚姻的解 体子女的监护遗产等 方面享有同等权利。
Chile recommended (a) the establishment of a moratorium on the application of the death penalty with a view to abolish it; (b) ratifying the fundamental labour conventions, in particular ILO Conventions 87 and 98, as well as the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; (c) ensuring that men and women enjoy the same rights
with respect to marriage, including the selection of spouse,
[...] dissolution of the marriage, child custody and inheritance.
经济、社会、文化权利委员会和2003年59 儿童权利委员会感到 关注的是,除其他事项外,尤其在乡村和城市中心社区很大比例的牙买加家庭生 活贫困;家庭就业的困难状况及其对家庭的不良影响,例如,“儿童轮班制”的 做法,以及父母中一方或者双方向外移徙,将 子遗 留 在原地的情况;几乎半数 的家庭户主是单亲女性,而她们的贫困状况,又使这些家庭中的儿童尤其容易面 临权利遭侵犯的风险。
CESCR in 200158 and CRC in 200359 were concerned about, inter alia, the large proportion of Jamaican families living in poverty especially in rural and inner-city communities; the difficult domestic employment situation and its negative influence on the family situation, e.g. the practice of “child shifting” and situations where one or both parents migrate, leaving children behind; the fact that almost half of all families were headed by female single parents and that their related poverty placed children of these families at particular risk of violations of their rights.
是否有女孩或男孩由于特殊的战争经历(如强奸 受害的存活者,战士遗子)遭 受侮辱?
How do women, girls, boys and men with disabilities access food and does the food basket meet their specific needs?
要给腹泻的孩子配备 专用毛巾并常替换。
prepare separate towels for
[...] the baby with diarrhoea and frequently [...]
change them.
負責統合鐵路發展研究的顧問測度說,而我引述: 「作為世界首要的貨櫃港,具備㆒切金融及航運支援,並有發展㆗的㆗國廣 腹 ㆞作為後盾,若選擇把角色局限於主要透過道路運輸為鄰近的廣東,及以內陸船為㆗國其 餘的㆞方服務,這情況實屬罕有」。
The consultant who put together the Railway Development Study surmised, and I quote, "it would be an extraordinary circumstances that the world's premier container port, which has all the logistics of finance and shipping, and has the vast hinterland of developing China, elects to constrain its role to serving nearby Guangdong largely through road transport and the rest of China by coastal vessels.
她认为,父母只懂得诉诸暴力解决问题,用暴力养育儿女,这些人包括年轻的父母、被 子 父 亲 遗 弃 的 母亲、无法承受现实压力的父母、甚至根本不想要孩子的父母,以及那些以为孩子相当容易照顾的父母。
Young parents, mothers left in the lurch by fathers; people who are completely overwhelmed or did not even want their children; and those who thought children were as easy to care for as dolls.
甚 至 乎 當自由黨 今 天 也 說 部 長制時 , 我 也
[...] 不排除我是以小人 之心, 度他們子之腹 , 認 為部 長制可能會 是 保 障 [...]
了他們的 利 益 。
When I found the Liberal Party was talking about the ministerial system
today, I could rule out the fact that I am
[...] judging the good guys from my meanest [...]
point of view, too, for I think the ministerial
system will protect their own interests.
乌干达卡巴罗莱(KABAROLE),2013年3月4日 ——
[...] 普里西拉.图斯玛(Priscilla Tusima)是两个孩子的母亲,十分担心自己的 子 患 上 腹 泻 、疟疾或其他疾病。
KABAROLE, Uganda, 4 March 2013 – Priscilla
Tusima, a mother of two, used to worry a lot about
[...] her children falling sick with diarrhoea, malaria and [...]
other diseases.
因此,我們必須盡快進行 719CL 工程計劃下的可行性研究,以確定經修訂的初步發展大綱圖所
[...] 載建議的工程可行性,務求充分發揮該幅啟德空地的發展潛力,並使 啟腹地得到最大效益。
We therefore need to carry out as soon as possible the Feasibility Study under 719CL to confirm the engineering feasibility of the recommendations of the
revised PODP to realize the full development potential of the vacant
[...] land in Kai Tak and its benefits [...]
to the hinterland.
[...] 了其病历手册,其中记载他请求进行爱克斯光检查,因 腹 部 持 续疼痛反射至背 部和臀部左侧;在手册中没有记录答复,只有囚犯的坚持要求。
Another showed his healthcare booklet in
which he requests an X-ray because of
[...] persistent pain in the abdomen radiating to [...]
the back and left hip; no response was noted
in the carnet other than the prisoner’s insistence.
阁 下 须 时 刻 妥 善 保 存 和 保 管 阁 下 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 时 所 使 用 的 一 切 电 子 仪 器 , 并 采 取 适 当 措 施 防 范 任 何 人 士 未 经 授 权 擅 用 丶 取 用遗 失 该子 仪 器 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 安 装 适 当 及 最 新 的 保 安 软 件 或 装 置 以 保 障 载 于 该 等 电 子 仪 器 内 而 可 能 导 致 或 促 进 未 经 授 权 擅 用 丶 取 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking丶 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 服 务 及 hangseng.com网 站 的 资 料 和 数 据 。
You must, and must also ensure that your Customer Delegates, keep any electronic devices you use to access Hang Seng Business e-Banking secure and safe at all times and take steps to prevent unauthorized use, access to or loss thereof, including, without limitation, the installation of appropriate and updated security software or devices to safeguard the information and data contained in these electronic devices which may lead to or facilitate unauthorized access to the Hang Seng Business e-Banking, the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services or the hangseng.com website.
胚胎中存在的未分化的生殖细胞可活跃地增殖,但我们让转录控制因子Larp7失去功能后,发现诱导了阻止细胞周期进行 遗 传 因 子 , 并 使细胞增殖停止的现象。
However, it was discovered that when the transcriptional regulator Larp7 did not function, the expression of the gene that inhibits the progress of the cell cycle was induced and the growth stopped.
这夜,在最后的瘟疫,死亡天使,“通过国家,杀死所有的长子儿童的埃及,包括拉美西斯”自己的 子 , 而 不 遗 余 力 的希伯来人,因为他们已经标志着他们的门框用羔羊的血,允许的逾越节来识别它们。
That night, the final plague, the angel of death, goes through the country, killing all
the firstborn children of Egypt,
[...] including Rameses’ own son, while sparing those of the [...]
Hebrews, since they had marked their
doorframes with lamb’s blood, allowing the Passover to identify them.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数 遗 产 得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 [...]
“世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put
forward, such as: to ensure the
[...] preservation of digital heritage, including archives [...]
and libraries as a component of the
“Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.




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