

单词 遗精

遗精 ()

nocturnal emission
wet dream

See also:

sth lost
leave behind
involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

其酒店选择在世界著名的风景地,这种无可匹敌的经典性使酒店充满了文 遗 产 、 精 致 和社交重要性的感觉,常常被认为是在风景区或本身就是风景区。
Located in coveted worldwide destinations, its
unrivalled collection of classic hotels
[...] imbue a sense of heritage, sophistication, [...]
and social importance, and are often considered
destinations in and of themselves.
这项 工作应当尽快完成,至迟在项目结束之后的十年内完成,因为这符合保存有关水下文遗产的精神。
This should be done as rapidly as possible and in any case not later than ten years
from the completion of the project, in so far as may be
[...] compatible with conservation of the underwater cultural heritage.
在 联合国总部举行了一次资助了教科文组织文化遗产工作的会员国代表会议,同时举办了世遗产地精选摄影展。
A meeting of representatives of Member States, who fund UNESCO’s activities in the field of
cultural heritage, was organized at United Nations Headquarters along with a photo
[...] exhibition of selected World Heritage sites.
该项目旨在阐明将该地区各国人民联系在一起的文化多样性与共 遗 产 -- -物 质精神遗产---的现状。
It aims to highlight the reality of the cultural
[...] diversity and common heritage – tangible and spiritual – that links [...]
the peoples of the region together.
37条(b) 款规定的情况之外,工作组表示严重担心,这段拘留经历将遗留下精神、生理和情感上的创伤。
Apart from finding a violation of article 37 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Working Group
expresses serious
[...] concern about the mental, physical, emotional and psychological scars that this detention [...]
will have caused.
第2条 以交易或投机为目的而对水下文化遗产进行的商业性开发或造成的无法挽救的 失散与保护和妥善管理这遗产的精 神 是根本不相容的。
Rule 2. The commercial exploitation of underwater cultural heritage for trade or speculation or its
irretrievable dispersal is fundamentally incompatible with the protection and proper
[...] management of underwater cultural heritage.
保护耶路撒冷老城的行动计划应该承认文化遗产不仅包括世界遗产遗址,而且也 包括博物馆的收藏品和档案,还有非物 遗 产 和 精 神 价 值观。
The Action Plan for safeguarding the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem has to acknowledge that the cultural heritage encompasses not only the World
Heritage Site, but also the museums’ collections and archives, as well as
[...] the intangible heritage and spiritual values.
晚上则由义工照顾遗弃或精神受 创的儿童,白天则安排这些孩子上托儿所。
Volunteer child minders look after abandoned and traumatized children at night and they attend the care centre during the day.
两部门 的政策规定,有一名第一级别亲属 遗 传 性 精 神 病病历的求职者一律会被拒绝, 原因是这类求职者未能符合工作的固有要求
It was their policies that applications from
those who had a first degree relative
[...] with a history of mental illness of a hereditary [...]
nature would be rejected since those
applicants would not be able to fulfil the inherent job requirement (i.e. safety to fellow employees and members of the public).
毫无疑 问,世服宏图拥有值得自豪的员工队伍,而且 遗 余 力 地招 精 英 人 士。
It is obvious that Servcorp takes great pride in its personnel and expends great effort in recruiting the best.
根据 1972 年修复刚果民主 共和国自遗产会议的精神也 曾开展过这项工作。为今年晚些时候举行一个捐助国会议而做 的准备工作已经开始。
Preparations were launched for a donor conference to be held later this year.
乌兹别克斯坦特别重视对文化遗产的保护,其公民 有义务保护历史、文化精神遗产。
Uzbekistan pays particular attention to the protection
[...] of cultural heritage and its citizens are obliged to safeguard its historical, cultural and spiritual heritage.
尤其是 1982 年在墨西哥城召开的世界文化政策会议、1994 年 奈良原真性会议、1995 年世界文化和发展委员会首脑会 议、1996 年在伊斯坦布尔召开的第二次联合国人类住区会议(会议批准了《21 世纪议程》)、1998 年在斯德哥尔摩召 开的教科文组织政府间文化政策促进发展会议、1998
年世界银行和教科文组织关于可持续发展中的文化--投资于文化和 自然方面的天赋资源的联合会议、2005 年在维也纳召开的关于世界遗产与当代建筑的国际会议, 2005 年国际古迹遗址
[...] 理事会在西安召开的关于古迹遗址的大会,以及 2008 年国际古迹遗址理事会在魁北克召开的关 遗 产 地 精 神 的 大会。
In particular the 1982 World Conference on Cultural Policies in Mexico City, the 1994 Nara Meeting on Authenticity, the 1995 summit of the World Commission on Culture and Development, the 1996 HABITAT II Conference in Istanbul with ratification of Agenda 21, the 1998 UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development in Stockholm, the 1998 joint World Bank-UNESCO Conference on Culture in Sustainable Development–Investing in Cultural and Natural Endowments, the 2005 International Conference on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture in Vienna, the 2005 ICOMOS General
Assembly on the Setting of Monuments and Sites in Xi’an, and the 2008 ICOMOS
[...] General Assembly on the Spirit of Place in Québec.
一种更为严重的刑事犯罪,即破坏 作为国家文化精神遗产或自然遗产遗址而受 到国际法特别保护的可明确辨认的实体的,也 将受到法律制裁。
A more severe form of this criminal offence, the destruction of a clearly
identifiable entity which as a site of
[...] cultural and spiritual, national or natural heritage is under [...]
special protection by international
law, is also subject to legal sanction.
针对 2006 年 2 月 22 日萨迈拉城的圣地--阿斯卡里 ( Al Askari ) 清真寺被炸事件, 联合国
[...] 教科文组织拟定了一项修复被毁清真寺以及因故意毁坏文物而受到影响的重 遗 址 的 历史精神和文化遗产的 综合计划,以打击故意破坏阿斯卡里清真寺金色屋顶的行为。
In response to the bombing of Al-Askari shrine in Samarra on 22 February 2006, UNESCO designed a comprehensive rehabilitation programme for the
damaged shrine, as well as
[...] for the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of important sites [...]
affected by acts of vandalism
and destruction in retaliation to the deliberate destruction of the golden dome of the Al-Askari shrine.
不可持续的毁林行为不仅可能导致人口流 离和环境退化,而且也损害到土著文明及其文化精 神遗产。
Unsustainable deforestation may lead not only to displacement of population
and environmental degradation, but also to damage to indigenous civilizations and
[...] their cultural and spiritual heritage.
[...] 35294,USA)37的章节,在几乎所有的药品和医疗科学,包 遗 传 学 ,心理学 精 神 病 学,环境生物学和进化的表观遗传学分支。
Handbook of Epigenetics: The New Molecular and Medical Genetics (edited by Trygve O. Tollefsbol of the Department of Biology, the Center for Aging, the Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Nutrition Obesity Research Center and the Comprehensive Diabetes Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL 35294, USA) has 37 chapters on virtually every
branch of medicine and medical
[...] science including genetics, psychology, psychiatry, environmental [...]
biology and evolutionary Epigenetics.
奴隶制的心理学影响:项目将就对这个悲 遗 留 下来 的 精 神 创 伤,及这种创伤对 相关人群(无论是奴隶后裔还是奴隶主后裔)个人和群体行为的影响的认识现状 进行一项研究。
The psychological consequences of slavery. The project will carry out a study of the state of knowledge of traumas inherited from this tragedy and its consequences for the individual and collective behaviour patterns of population groups (descendants of both slaves and slave-owners).
鉴于其重要性,委 内瑞拉代表团附议了该决议草案,但对主要提案国和 共同提案国在谈判期间表现出的专横表 遗 憾 , 它们 将精确的 术语纳入决议草案,具体来讲反复提到 “政治过渡”,破坏了该决议草案的主要宗旨。
Given the importance that her delegation
attached to the draft
[...] resolution, however, it regretted the arbitrariness displayed by the principal sponsor and the co-sponsors during the negotiations, undermining the main purpose of the draft resolution through the incorporation of imprecise terminology, [...]
specifically the repeated
references to “political transition”.
另外,爱尔兰常年都举办大量的节日和盛会,以宣扬国家文 精 髓 和 遗 产。
And throughout the year the island of Ireland plays host to a number of festivals that celebrate the very best in the
[...] country’s culture and heritage.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数 遗 产 得 到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议精神, 特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education [...]
programmes for children and adults;
and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
Anheuser-Busch InBev 对精神遗产及 品质的奉献和追求深深根植于啤酒制造过程中,这可以追溯至 [...]
1366 年在比利时鲁汶建立的 Den Horen 啤酒厂以及 1860 年在美国圣路易斯成立的 Anheuser& Co 啤酒厂的开拓进取精神。
[...] InBev’s dedication to heritage and quality is rooted [...]
in brewing traditions that originate from the Den Horen
brewery in Leuven, Belgium, dating back to 1366 and the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co brewery, established in 1860 in St. Louis, USA.
Lange & Söhne的实力。A. Lange &
[...] Söhne发布这一卓越复杂功能的特别系列,旨在向德国精确制表业的创始人 精 神 遗 产 致 敬。
Three exceptional timepieces demonstrate the capabilities of A. Lange & Söhne With a special collection of exceptional
complications, A. Lange & Söhne commemorates
[...] the spiritual legacy of the founder [...]
of Germany’s precision watchmaking industry.
教科文组织举办的 Ulughbek
[...] 周,有助于提高巴黎人和游客对乌兹别克斯坦 的认识,向他们展示其丰富的文化 精 神 遗 产 ,以及本国在取得独立之后的短短 时间内发生的重大变化。
The Ulugbek Week held by UNESCO was an opportunity for inhabitants and guests in Paris to
learn about Uzbekistan and its rich
[...] cultural and spiritual heritage and the great changes [...]
that have taken place in the short
period of time since independence.
本着这一精神在分区域做出的努力使得 2006 年 4 月多哥大学与教
[...] 科文组织签订协议,增设了专门负责西非文化遗产保护问题的教科文组织分区域教席,目的是加强 许多西非国家(特别是贝宁、加纳和布基纳法索)从古代传承至今 精 神 文 化 遗 产。
In the same spirit, efforts at the subregional level led to the creation at that level of a new UNESCO Chair in the preservation of the cultural heritage of West Africa. An accord concluded in April 2006 between the University of Togo and UNESCO established the Chair, the aim of which is to promote the
ancestral spiritual dimension
[...] of the cultural heritage of numerous countries in West Africa, including [...]
Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso.
但委 员会对缺少下列方面的情况感到遗憾:专门针对安全和情报人员、法官、检察 官、法医和负责被挽留者的医务人员的培训,包括记录酷刑引起的身体 精 神后 遗症的方法
However, the Committee regrets the lack of information on targeted training for security and intelligence personnel, judges, prosecutors, forensic doctors and medical personnel dealing with detained persons, including methods to document the physical and psychological sequelae of torture (art. 10).
1993 年法律第 1 条第 1 款第 20 分段规 定:“在无证据表明对方违反了禁止利用 这类场所支持军事行动的规定且此类财产 不紧靠军事目标的情况下,直接攻击被明 确认可为构成各民族文化精神遗产 且 依 据特定协议被授予特别保护的历史纪念 物、艺术品或礼拜场所的行为”是重罪。
Article 1, paragraph 1, subparagraph 20, of the law of 1993 makes it a serious offence “to direct attacks against clearly recognized historic monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of peoples, to which special protection has been granted under a specific arrangement, where there is no evidence of a violation by the opposing party of the prohibition against using such places in support of the military effort and such properties are not located in the immediate vicinity of military objectives”.
该基金会旨在协助复精神遗产, 乌兹别克人的民族传统,巩固知名社会 文化活动家的创造潜能,支持创意朝代的青年才俊,并让世界社会客观地了解乌 [...]
The Forum’s goal is
[...] to revive the spiritual heritage and national traditions [...]
of Uzbekistan, to consolidate the creative
potential of prominent public and cultural figures, to support fresh talent, gifted young people and artistic dynasties and to provide the international community with objective information on the unique national culture, rich heritage and diverse artistic scene in modern Uzbekistan.
1993 年 10 月,共和国在融入国际精神文化社会方面取得重大进展,即乌兹 别克斯坦加入了联合国教科文组织;这一具有普遍性的国际组织,汇集了各国的
[...] 科学、文化和教育系统,并为其提供全球知识界发展的综合经验,使各族人民可 以享受全人类精神遗产。
UNESCO is a universal international body which brings together national systems for science, culture and education, while enriching them with the combined experience of
global intellectual development, and introduces the peoples of the world
[...] to the rich spiritual history of all humankind.
促进青年人参与发掘其文化、历史 精 神 遗 产 , 为此在青年人所在社区和地区为教 育目的开展制定知识路线图活动,特别是通过学校历史教科书展示这些记忆遗产。
Promote the involvement of young people
in the discovery of their cultural,
[...] historical and spiritual heritage through activities [...]
in their communities and regions
aimed at developing itineraries of knowledge for educational purposes, in particular by illustrating this heritage of memory in school textbooks on history




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