

单词 遗传物质

See also:

遗传 v

transmit v

遗传 adj

inherent adj

物质 n

material n
substances pl
matter n

External sources (not reviewed)

在下文中我们将进一步讨论适用 遗传物质 专利 的规定。
We consider further below the question of what rules should apply
[...] to the patentability of genetic material.
在这种情况下,那些发展中国家就有可能基于道德原因,决定不对为人类基 因遗传物质所作 的发明申请授予专利。
In such a case a decision to deny patents on ethical grounds might be made for inventions claiming genetic material such as human genes.
遗传物质包括 染色体、基因组、质粒、转位子和载体(包括转基因的、非转 基因的、以及整体或部分化学合成的)。
Genetic elements include inter alia chromosomes, genomes, plasmids, transposons, [...]
and vectors whether genetically modified
or unmodified, or chemically synthesized in whole or in part.
技术说明:转基因生物包遗传物质( 核 酸 序列)被改变,而改变方式并非自 然繁殖和/或自然重组的生物;还包括核算序列整体或部分为人造的生物。
Technical note:
[...] Genetically-modified organisms includes organisms in which the genetic material (nucleic [...]
acid sequences) has
been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination, and encompasses those produced artificially in whole or in part.
含有与《提高认知指南》所列微生物之致病性相关的核酸序列 遗传物 质。
Genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity
[...] of any of the microorganisms in the Awareness-raising [...]
有两篇文章揭示了含有流感病 遗传物质 分 子包的三维结构。
A pair of papers reveals the three-dimensional structure of the molecular packages that
[...] contain the influenza virus’ genetic material.
条约的核心是所谓 的保证来自缔约国 35 种粮食作物和 29 种 饲料作遗传物质进行自由交换的“多 边体系”。
At the heart of the treaty is the so-called
“Multilateral System” which
[...] guarantees the free exchange of genetic material for 35 food crops and 29 forage plants between the [...]
states, which have signed the treaty.
含有本清单所列毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码 遗传物质。
Genetic elements that contain nucleic acid sequences coding for any of the toxins in the list, or for their sub-units.
这一纽带,这种世代承袭把我 们与各大陆上的家庭、社区和地区联系在一起。正 是因为DNA,因为这遗传物质,我 们把基因传给我 们的孩子。
We are also partnering with Brazil in launching an anti-racism curriculum project at UNESCO.
各个反对为生物体授予专利的组织都积极参与了最近欧洲关于为生 物技术发明提供保护的讨论。16 出于道德方面的考虑,《欧共体指令》(EC Directive)17的定
[...] 稿把一些种类的发明18 排除在专利保护范围之外,但仍允许为动物、植物 遗传物质 申请 专利。
In recent discussions within Europe on the protection to be afforded to biotechnological inventions, groups opposing patents on “life” were actively involved.16 The final text of the resulting EC Directive17 made some provision for excluding certain groups of
inventions18 from patent protection on moral grounds but it still allowed patents on
[...] plants and animals and genetic material.
DNA 登记系统作出了规定,包括什么情况下可以使用登 记簿中的信息及如何使用以 遗传物质 可 以 储存多久。
The Prosecution Instructions Act 1995 governs the
national DNA register, including when and how information in it can be used
[...] and how long the genetic material can be stored.
在细胞质内,两套附有复制酶的病毒R N A 遗传物质 被 核心蛋白所包围,形成了病毒衣壳。
In the cytoplasm,
[...] two viral genomic RNAs associate with replication [...]
enzymes and the core proteins assemble around them, forming the virus capsid.
Genes 基因 决定每一种生物体品质和特征 遗传物质基 础
Genes the parts of every living thing that determines their traits or characteristics.
Qiaomei Fu及其同事从北京附近的田园洞遗址发现的一个4万年前的腿骨中提取了细胞核DNA,即便在存在着大量的来自土壤细菌的DNA的情况下,他们使用的技术也可以识别出一个考古发现物的古 遗传物质。
Qiaomei Fu and colleagues extracted nuclear DNA from a 40,000-year-old leg bone found at the Tianyuan Cave site located outside Beijing using techniques that can
identify ancient genetic
[...] material from an archaeological find even when large quantities of DNA from soil bacteria are present.
胁,就是对我们可持续发展的威胁。除了渔业的健康 发展之外,生物多样性所包含 遗传物质 , 是 一个潜 在和未开发的经济机会:我们的环礁是印度洋中远为 最大的珊瑚礁群,有 250 多种珊瑚和 1 100 多种珊瑚 鱼。
Healthy fisheries aside, the genetic material
[...] contained in that biodiversity is a potential and unexplored source of economic opportunity: our atolls form by far the largest group of coral [...]
reefs in the Indian
Ocean, with over 250 species of coral and over 1,100 species of reef fishes.
一些有物质会导 致基因缺陷,而一些基 因缺陷又可遗传给下一代。
Some toxics can cause genetic damage, and some genetic defects can be passed to offspring.
在 2011 年质性会 议上,理事会第 2011/242 号决定注意到秘书长的说明: 转递联合国教育、科学及文化组织总干事关 遗传 隐 私权和不歧视的报告 (E/2011/108),其中请机构间物伦理委员会继续定期讨 遗传 隐 私 权和不歧视 问题,以确定需要进行一致或共同努力的领域,并处理影响加强这一领域合作的 主要缺陷和限制。
At its substantive session of 2011, the Council, in its decision 2011/242, took note of the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on genetic privacy and non-discrimination (E/2011/108), invite the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics to continue to regularly address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination [...]
in order
to identify areas calling for concerted or joint efforts and address major gaps and constraints affecting enhanced cooperation in the field.
理事会在 2010 年质性会议上决定,将有遗传隐 私 权和不歧视项目的审 议推迟到其 2011 年质性会 议,以便受益于从会员国进一步收集的更实质性的 信息、机构间物伦理委员会的分析结果以及联合国机构和其他政府间组织关于 这一问题的进一步交流;又决定鼓励机构间委员会推进其在这一领域的工作;并 请联合国教育、科学及文化组织总干事就此向理事会 2011 年实质性会议提出报 告(理事会第 2010/259 号决定)。
At its substantive session of 2010, the Council decided to defer its consideration of genetic privacy and non-discrimination until its substantive session of 2011 so as to benefit from further, more substantive information collected from Member States, from the results of analysis by the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics and from further [...]
exchanges among United
Nations agencies and other intergovernmental organizations on the issue; also decided to encourage the Inter-Agency Committee to further its work in that field; and requested the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to report thereon to the Council at its substantive session of 2011 (Council decision 2010/259).
(ii) 应当加强教科文组织内部的跨部门方法,使该项目与其涉及的下述方面更加连贯 和协调一致:教育,档案保存,保护和 传物质 和 非 物质 文 化 遗 产 , 反对种族主 义和歧视。
(ii) Intersectorality should be enhanced within UNESCO so as to give the project greater coherence and cohesion between its
various components:
[...] education, preservation of the archives, protection and promotion of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage and countering [...]
racism and discrimination.
各位部长认识到,必须加强生物多样性的保护和可持续利用,以及建立一 种公平公正的获取和惠益分享国际机制,尊重各国对其自然资源的主权权利, 以及在《物多样 性公约》和其他相关国际文书框架内公正和公平地分享利遗传资源 和相关传统知识而产生的惠益。
The Ministers recognized the importance of Strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the establishment of an a fair and just international regime on access and benefit sharing that respect the sovereign rights, of States over their natural resources and promotes
the fair and equitable
[...] benefit sharing from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in the framework of the Convention [...]
on Biological
Diversity and other related international instruments.
一些会员国还强调需要更明确地了 解遗产保护的不同内容之间的相互依存关系,即重大计划 V 内保护“物质遗产“、“物 质遗产” 以及“世界记忆旗舰项目”之间的相互依存关系。
Several Member States also emphasized the need of reaching a clearer understanding of the interdependence between different components of heritage protection, namely protection of “intangible heritage”, “tangible heritage” and the “Memory of the World Flagship project” under Major Programme V.
粮农组织秘书处建议,《粮食和农业 物遗传 资 源国际条约》可以是一个 有用的参考,用于在联合国系统内建立一个多方分享惠益的实际可行的框架,因 为在该公约实施的最初七个月中,就有 9 万多次基因质的转让。
The FAO secretariat suggested that the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture could serve as a useful reference for a practical and working framework for multilateral benefit sharing within the United Nations system, as [...]
witnessed by the more
than 90,000 transfers of genetic material in its first seven months of operation.
在确定其工作内容时,中心将寻求与相关教科文组织合作伙伴建立伙伴关系并与之合 作,其中包括国遗传工程和生物技 术 中心、国际生物化学和分子生物学联合会及第三世界 科学院,并建立教科文组织教席和第 [...]
2 类中心及其他专门机构网络和尤其在非洲的示范中心 网络。
In the elaboration of its work, the Centre will seek to build partnerships with and collaborate with relevant UNESCO partners among
these, the
[...] International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, the International [...]
Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Academy of Sciences for
the Developing World, as well as the network of UNESCO chairs and category 2 centres and other specialized institutions and networks of excellence, particularly in Africa.
[...] 机构的资助以及居民外出务工获得一些收入,干旱对居民粮食安全以及良种基 地、饲料基地和物遗传基地 所造成的部分负面影响得以消除。
Nevertheless, due to the financial support from the Government and other states and international bodies, as well as due to the income obtained by residents who work outside the country, the negative impact of the drought on the food
security of the population, maintenance of the seeds base,
[...] forage base and the animal genetic base was partially [...]
就实现千年发展目标基金的 文化和发展联合计划而言,基本目标是增强土著和非洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们 物质 和 非 物质 文 化 遗 产, 包括富有创造性的文化创业举措。
The MDG-F joint programme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations for cultural revitalization,
cultural management and
[...] cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural [...]
and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
图书和版权日”也使他们得以发现、重视和深入研究出版界固有的许许多多问题,例如,图书是价值观和知识 传 播 者 ,是 物质遗 产 的 宝库;图书是各种文化的窗口,是对话的工具;图书是受版权保护的创作者物质和劳动财富的根本。
It has enabled them to discover, make the most of and explore in greater depth a multitude of aspects of the publishing world: books as vectors of
values and knowledge, and
[...] depositories of the intangible heritage; books as windows onto [...]
the diversity of cultures and
as tools for dialogue; books as sources of material wealth and copyright-protected works of creative artists.
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品—— 物 性 阳 光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及遗传免受 太阳的侵袭。
By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with
baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex
[...] present in Clarins sun products which protects skin cells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions.
这些活动可能包括过度利用海洋生物资源、采用破坏性的做法、 船舶的实际影响、引进外来入侵物种以及由各种来源,包括陆地来源和船只造成
[...] 海洋污染,特别是非法和意外排放油类和其他有 物质 、 遗 失 或 弃置渔具以及非 法或意外倾倒诸如放射性物质、核废料和危险化学品等有害废弃物造成的污染。
These may include overutilization of living marine resources, the use of destructive practices, physical impacts by ships, the introduction of invasive alien species and marine pollution from all sources, including from land-based sources and vessels, in particular through the
illegal and accidental discharge of oil
[...] and other harmful substances, the loss or release [...]
of fishing gear and the illegal or
accidental release of hazardous waste such as radioactive materials, nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals.




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