单词 | 道藏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 道藏 —Daoist scriptureSee also:藏—collect • storehouse • depository • hide away • Buddhist or Taoist scripture 藏 v—conceal v • harborAE v
天轨式移位机对房间环境的影响可以通过不同颜色的轨道和固定件,减小到最低程度;此外我们还有可以将整个 轨 道 隐 藏 在 屋顶内的解决方案。 liko.com | The overhead lifts' affect on the environment of the room can be [...] minimized, thanks to rails and fasteners in different colours, and [...] solutions exist which hide the entire rail [...]in the ceiling. liko.com |
米瑞公路是318国道(川藏线)在林芝县分出的一条旅游公路,这条公路沿着尼洋河谷东岸婉蜒起伏的河岸线向南延伸,在通往雅鲁藏布江大峡谷的20km距离内,尼洋河谷独特的地貌一览无余。 chinese-architects.com | Within this 20km distance to the Brahmaptra Canyon, the specific terrain and landscape of Niyang River can be enjoyed from the road. chinese-architects.com |
重新探索您所收藏的經典曲目,感受您不曾 知 道 的 隱 藏 樂 趣 與細膩旋律。 bang-olufsen.com | Rediscover your [...] classics and reveal hidden delights and subtle melodies you never knew existed. bang-olufsen.com |
同時使用 [...] Inspector 來查看任何音訊檔案的詳細資料、重新命名個別聲道,或在 Timeline 中隱藏聲道。 mammals.org | And access the Inspector to view details of any audio file, [...] rename individual channels, or hide them in the timeline. mammals.org |
值一会显示通道,值零则会隐藏通道。 redlion.net | A bit value of [...] one shows the channel while a value of zero hides it. redlion.net |
虽然Word2007提供了“计算”工具,但似乎因为功能简单而有点羞于见人的 味 道 , 所 以“计算” 深 藏 不 露。 oapdf.com | Although Word2007 provided "calculation" tool, but it seems a bit ashamed because the function is simple and to see people's taste, so "calculated" diamond in the rough. oapdf.com |
因为进水管和排 水管都从仓库里走,而在仓库里工作的员工们并不 知 道有 人躲藏在这幢房子里。 annefranktree.org | The water and waste pipes go right through the warehouse and the [...] warehousemen do not know there are people hiding in the building. annefranktree.org |
中国与达赖喇嘛或他的代表打交道以 解 决 藏 人 面 临的问题,符合中国政府和藏族人民的利益。 embassyusa.cn | China's engagement with the Dalai [...] Lama, or his representatives, to [...] resolve problems facing Tibetans is in the interests [...]of the Chinese government and the Tibetan people. eng.embassyusa.cn |
探地雷达是一种有效的无损检测手段,用于探测如 地 道 系 统, 埋 藏 的 后勤支持体系,弹药库,和掩体。 malags.com.cn | GPR is a logical noninvasive application [...] for the detection of [...] structures such as tunnel systems, buried logistical support items, ammunition caches, and [...]bunkers. malags.com |
他 们还开始懂得物体永存的道理, 即物体 被 藏 起 来 或部 分 藏 起 来其实并没有消失, 而是存在于某处。 cpsc.gov | At this time, they are also beginning to [...] understand object [...] permanence—that an object that is hidden or partially hidden did not actually disappear, [...]but still exists somewhere. cpsc.gov |
据报道,2006年大约2,445名藏族人离开 西 藏 逃 往 印度,其中大多数是希望接受宗教教育的青少年和刚刚出家的僧尼。 embassyusa.cn | Some 2,445 Tibetans reportedly fled Tibetan areas for India in 2006, [...] most of them teenagers and novice monks and nuns seeking religious education. eng.embassyusa.cn |
此副本在 19 世纪末或 20 世纪初被明尼苏达州圣约翰修道院收 藏 , 可 能是曾在罗马的希腊学院担任教授的本笃会神父普拉兹都斯•温格尔特 (Placidus Wingerter OSB) 带来的。 wdl.org | This copy came to Saint John's Abbey, Minnesota, in the late 19th or early 20th century, probably through Father Placidus Wingerter OSB, who was a professor at the Greek College in Rome. wdl.org |
当然,和常规的冷热水管道一样,消防水喷淋 管 道 也 总是 隐 藏 在 天花板或墙壁后面。 cn.lubrizol.com | And, of course, like regular [...] plumbing, pipes are always hidden behind the ceiling [...]or walls. lubrizol.com |
德国上里德矿山巷道中心保藏所,1978 年 7 月 26 日生效。 unesdoc.unesco.org | the Alt-Aussee Refuge in Upper Austria, effective 7 January 1968 unesdoc.unesco.org |
初步可行性研究是采用2012 年 4 月 2 日的公司新闻稿中所报道的 NI 43-101 矿藏资源 估算值完 成的,初步可行性研究已转换为工程矿坑设计中的矿藏储量。 oceanicironore.com | The PFS was completed using the NI 43-101 Mineral Resource estimate reported in the Company’s news release of April 2, 2012 which the PFS has converted to a mineral reserve within engineered pit designs. oceanicironore.com |
您也知道,他们隐藏的“ 鲨鱼”,他们的习惯和首选途径。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | You know, too, where they hide the "sharks", [...] their habits and preferred routes. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
要解决这个问题,小型演出团体可以共同分担储藏 [...] 空间的租赁费,用于储藏重要的或可再利用的布景道具;此外,这些演出团体也可以请求专门的回 收、储存和再利用公司来解决布景道 具 的 储 藏 问 题。 on-the-move.org | Solutions include smaller companies sharing the costs of storage facilities for the most valuable or [...] reusable items, or specialist salvage companies managing the [...] recycling, storage and reuse of sets, scenery elements and props. on-the-move.org |
而 且,无论如何,窝藏该犯在道义、 社会政治或经济上 对肯尼亚共和国都没有任何好处,尤其是鉴于肯尼亚 [...] 与卢旺达之间有着非常良好的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In any case, the Republic of Kenya [...] has nothing to gain morally, socio-politically [...]or economically by harbouring the said [...]fugitive, especially when Kenya and Rwanda are enjoying very excellent relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一句同样贬损这些后来的集合,说:“如果拉比没有教它,如何河Ḥiyya [为barait ot 收 藏 家 ] 知 道 吗? mb-soft.com | Another sentence, likewise derogatory [...] to these later collections, says: "If Rabbi has not taught it, how does R. Ḥiyya [the [...] collector of the baraitot] know it? mb-soft.com |
深藏 管道的缺點之一,是由於管道完全浸在水中,極難清 除管道內的淤積物。 devb.gov.hk | One of the [...] drawbacks for deeply embedded pipes is that it [...]is extremely difficult if not impossible to remove siltation inside [...]the pipe as it is fully submerged under water. devb.gov.hk |
2 选中隐藏自动车道框, 自动配置的车道将消失。 wavetronix.com | 2 Check the Hide Auto-Lanes box and the automatically configured lanes will disappear. wavetronix.com |
为了表达对经典电影和科幻题材的喜爱,65DAYSOFSTATIC乐队还进行了多次创作上的大胆尝试,谱写有主题的概念作品、为多部电影配乐以及发行大量的各种混音版本的迷你专辑,所有这些都被歌迷津津 乐 道 并 加以 收 藏。 yugongyishan.com | Coz 65DAYSOFSTATIC has constantly spent their emotions on writing concept music and film scores to return their favor of all those classic sci-fi movies. yugongyishan.com |
有些收藏家甚至远道而来 亲自拜访钟表大师。 audemarspiguet.com | Some even come to the workshop to meet the master watchmaker himself. audemarspiguet.com |
這是由肺炎鏈球菌引致的肺部感染,細菌在平時可 潛 藏 於 上呼 吸 道 , 當病人患上病毒性上呼吸道感染如流行性感冒等毛病時,趁機入侵肺葉,引起肺炎。 hsbc.com.hk | Infections in the lungs caused by the bacteria [...] Streptococcus pneumoniae. The bacteria can live in [...] our upper respiratory tract and may invade into [...]one or more lobes of the lung. hsbc.com.hk |
当以色列阻挠它所损害或 毁坏的巴勒斯坦房屋、重要民用基础设施和大量联 合国设施(包括近东救济工程处学校和 储 藏 人 道主 义 物资的近东救济工程处仓库)的重建工作时,它 所造成的肆意破坏仍然历历在目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wanton destruction it had caused shockingly remained in full view as Israel obstructed the reconstruction of Palestinian homes, vital civilian infrastructure and the numerous United Nations facilities it had damaged or destroyed, including UNRWA schools and the main UNRWA warehouse containing humanitarian supplies. daccess-ods.un.org |
普里(Simon de Pury)在很早期即已擁護他的作品,並一直教導國際 收 藏 家 , 讓他們 知 道 這 些並非傳統的家具,而是與家具相像的雕塑品,當中差異十分細微但卻非常重要。 iwc.com | Today one is in the permanent collection of the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris and the other sold for $1.7 million in a recent sale at Phillips – Simon de Pury was an early advocate of his work, educating international collectors that these are not pieces of furniture in the conventional sense of the term, but works of sculpture that somehow resemble a piece of furniture – a subtle but important difference. iwc.com |
这些例外规定是用于出于以下目的的复制行为:个人使用、研 究、教育、档案复制、馆藏和新闻报 道。 iprcommission.org | Accordingly, national copyright laws in most countries incorporate exceptions for copying for personal use, research, education, archival copying, library use and news reporting, based on principles of ‘fair dealing’, or in the US, the doctrine of ‘fair use’. iprcommission.org |
大多 数 HCFC-141b 被用于硬质泡沫塑料应用:家用制冷和热水器、商业制冷、冷藏室和冷库 的间断嵌板、公共运输车辆框架制造、冷藏车、渔船隔温、 冷 藏 车 管 道 和 车 厢隔温。 multilateralfund.org | Most of the HCFC-141b is used in rigid foam applications: domestic refrigeration and water heaters, commercial refrigeration, discontinuous panels for cold rooms and construction, vehicle frame manufacturing for public transportation, refrigerated trucks, fishing boat insulation, reefers and pipe and tank insulation. multilateralfund.org |