单词 | 遐眺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 遐眺 —stretch one's sight as far as possibleSee also:遐—long-lasting 眺—gaze into the distance
港同盟的文世昌議員會就自然保育政策發言, 而黃震遐議員 會由經濟角度去談保育政策。 legco.gov.hk | Mr MAN Sai-cheong of the UDHK will be speaking about environmental conservation and Dr HUANG Chen-ya will be talking about it from the economic angle. legco.gov.hk |
当地人称这座闻名遐迩的古老寺庙为“金刚座宝塔”。 shangri-la.com | Among locals, this famous ancient Buddhist Temple is called Jingangzuo Dagoba. shangri-la.com |
不论 是驾驶帆船、划船、皮划艇,您都能享受博登湖春天到秋天 的良辰美景,并远眺瑞士 阿尔卑斯山的美丽风光。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | From spring through to autumn you can enjoy the beauty of the lake and the [...] breath-taking views of the Swiss Alps [...]whilst sailing, rowing or canoeing. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
从北卡累利阿的科里所眺望的景致,就是著名的树林覆盖的小山风景。 visitfinland.com | This is a view from Koli in northern [...] Karelia, famous for its tree-covered hill scenery. visitfinland.com |
(b) 必須制訂建築物高度限制以 保存從港島各處的瞭望點望 向山脊線的公眾景觀、確保 與附近的建築物協調一致、 避免出現高樓大廈所產生的 壓迫感,以及增加從海港眺 望的視覺滲透度。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The building height restrictions were required for preservation of public views towards the ridgelines from various vantage points on the Hong Kong Island, ensuring compatibility with nearby buildings, avoidance of the sense of pressure generated by tall buildings and enhancement of visual permeability from the harbour. legco.gov.hk |
一些只 觀 察 表 象 的 人,可 能 只 眼 於香港人 在 經濟低 潮 中 心 情如何 沉 重 , 但只要 看看 最近我們的市 民 和 企 業 是如何敏捷 地 捕捉資訊科技帶來的 新機會,便 知香港 人 名 聞 遐邇的 鬥 志 和開拓精神 依 然 旺盛如 昔 。 legco.gov.hk | But the impressive speed with which our citizens and enterprises are embracing the new opportunities in information technology is proof enough that Hong Kong people have lost nothing of that well-known gumption and entrepreneurial spirit. legco.gov.hk |
从此刻起,我将远远地眺望这个会堂里的 各种活动,但它仍是一个追求崇高目标的地方,我衷 心祈祷联合国做得更好。 daccess-ods.un.org | From now on, I will watch the proceedings in this Hall from afar, but for all of my invocations to the United Nations to do better, it remains the place where noble ambitions are pursued. daccess-ods.un.org |
這個管制既能充分顧 及海旁的發 展規模 ,亦可 確保從尖沙咀及 維 港的主 要公眾觀景點遠 眺 , 仍 能觀看 到 在 中環別具特色的現有建築物。 legco.gov.hk | Such controls are stipulated with full regard to the development scale of the waterfront and to ensure that existing signature buildings in Central can still be seen from the major public vantage points at Tsim Sha Tsui and the Harbour. legco.gov.hk |
如果天气允许,可以到High [...] Line公园散散步,这个古老的货运列车轨道最近在曼哈顿时尚的肉联区重新装修完成,四周环境是城市和乡村的完美组合,在自然怡人的环境中还 可 眺 望 哈得逊河的美景。 audemarspiguet.com | If weather permits, a walk on the High Line, an old freight train track that’s recently been renovated in the trendy [...] Meatpacking district, offers a perfect mix of city and [...] country with a view of the Hudson [...]River in natural surroundings. audemarspiguet.com |
即使你时间不够,您仍可以从集市广场 远 眺 它 的 雄姿。 visitfinland.com | If you don’t have time to make that little excursion, you can still admire the church from the market square: there is a clear line of sight along the street all the way to Kallio. visitfinland.com |
为每次全会部长论坛选定的主持人得是国际上的知识渊博之士,他因公正和善于主持 并活跃部长进行积极和卓有成效的讨论而闻 名 遐 迩。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Moderator chosen for each Plenary Ministerial Forum shall be an international and knowledgeable personality, known for his or her impartiality and capable of conducting and animating a dynamic and constructive debate among the Ministers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
從東京東部的迪士尼樂園眺望東京。 thisbigcity.net | View over Tokyo from Disneyland [...] (East Tokyo). thisbigcity.net |
向窗外眺望,我们可以欣赏到帝国大夏的宏伟景观。 hk.ashford.com | We have a gorgeous view of the Empire [...] State Building through our windows. ashford.com |
这间迷人的旅舍位于帕拉帕拉乌姆的海滩旁 , 眺 望 着 卡皮蒂岛(Kapiti Island)的优美风景,早在1923年便作为一家酒店开始运营。 cn.yha.co.nz | Situated right on the beach at [...] Paraparaumu with stunning views of Kapiti Island, [...]this charming backpackers hostel began [...]life as a hotel in 1923 and has been lovingly restored to its former glory with lovely oak furniture in the rooms and historic photos of the Kapiti area. yha.co.nz |
在博多河畔城及其周边地区,还有位于5层的面向博多河的“ATRIUM空中花园”、坐落在河畔的“FESTRA广场”,以及从博多川两岸可散步 远 眺 美 景的步行街“博多运河梦回廊”等。 yokanavi.com | There are many relaxation spots accessible to the public around Riverain and its adjoining Hakata River; Atrium [...] Garden on the 5th floor of Hakata Riverrain, [...] Festa Square set up on the riverbank [...]and Hakata River Yume Kairo (boardwalk) [...]where you can stroll along Hakata River. yokanavi.com |
从浩瀚的青绿色印度洋上眺望过 去,就会看到这个被无法比拟的自然风光所拥抱的度假胜地。 tipschina.gov.cn | Overlooking the impossibly vibrant [...] turquoise of the Indian Ocean, this resort is embraced by an unsurpassed richness of natural beauty. tipschina.gov.cn |
此二古城歷史悠久,自古即為重要觀光勝地 (可遠溯至西元前 205 年的漢代),時至今日,其名聞遐邇的 特色包括手工織絲、陶土雕像、精雅園林亭閣、太湖等等,不勝枚舉。 seagate.com | These ancient cities, both important tourist destinations, date as far back as the Han Dynasty (205 BC) and are renowned for hand-woven silk, clay figurines, meticulous gardens, pagodas and Taihu Lake, to name a few. seagate.com |
从卧室远眺泖河 风景,从客厅观赏自然环境,在这些宁静的房间中静静享受美景和好心情。 sunislandclub.com | Take pleasure in these truly restful rooms, featuring a wall of [...] glass that overlooks Mao River [...]from the bedroom and the natural environment from the living room. sunislandclub.com |
旅舍建在陡峭的斜坡上,面朝西侧,可以 远 眺 壮 观的塔斯曼海,格雷茅斯青年旅舍以其在黄昏时分拍摄到迷人的日落景色而骄傲。 cn.yha.co.nz | On the side of a steep hill and facing west overlooking the Tasman Sea, the YHA Greymouth hostel boasts fantastic views with great [...] opportunities for that awesome sunset shot. yha.co.nz |
虽然人们印象中“在东海道能眺望到 出色海景的地方是蒲郡”,然而随着城市化进程的加快,海滨及沙滩日益减少以及防止台风灾害的防潮堤的构筑,古时的白砂青松的大海也变得看不见了。 todafu.co.jp | Historically, people said [...] “the best ocean view on the Tokaido [...]Highway is found in Gamagori”, but urbanization eliminated [...]sand beaches, coastal storm surge barriers were built to protect from typhoons, and as a result, one cannot enjoy a great view of the ocean with white beaches and green pine trees any more. todafu.co.jp |
我们中国人都喜欢坐北向南的房子,不光风水好,家里的采光也好,而在西温, 坐北朝南的房子和土地更是来自世界各地人们争相追捧的热点,因为有机会看到海天一色的美景,如果在西温山 上 眺 望 , 东起高贵林,本拿比,温哥华,北温,正南看到温哥华市中心的高楼林立,五帆酒店,史旦立公园,狮门桥,列治文, 西到温哥华岛,中间由大海连接,大山陪衬,难怪人说“Million Dollar View” (百万难买的风景)。 homewithtyra.com | From top of Glenmore, view from the east of Coquitlam, Burnaby, Vancouver and North Vancouver, then south of Vancouver Downtown, Lions Gate Bridge, and Stanley Park, to the west of Vancouver Island…Once you see the view, you will understand why people saying “Million Dollar View”. homewithtyra.com |
新设的晴海客船站[TEL(3531)8361]有可眺 望 东 京湾景色的了望台和餐厅,也是喜爱大海的人们休闲的场所。 chuo-kanko.or.jp | The newly constructed Harumi Passenger Ship Terminal (Tel. 3531-8361) [...] has an observatory and restaurants [...] offering breathtaking views of the Tokyo Bay [...]area, providing a relaxing space for those who love the sea. chuo-kanko.or.jp |
从55米高处眺望的360度风景,非常壮观。 ibarakiguide.jp | It is 55 meters high and features [...] a 360 degree view from the top [...]of the tower. ibarakiguide.jp |
到多塞特海边捡化石,在西南海滨道 眺 望 崖顶外的风景,或者漫步北诺福克海滨安静的海滩。 visitbritain.com | Pick up fossils by the sea in Dorset, look out over the cliff-tops on the South West Coastal Path, or stroll along the tranquil beaches of the North Norfolk Coast. visitbritain.com |
过去,这个地方就因是佛罗伦萨贵族的度假胜地而闻名,在但丁的著作中曾提到它是比阿特里斯的故乡,她曾在此 远 眺 庄 园 的葡萄园。 antinori.it | The zone is known for a past in which it was a place of repose for the Florentine nobility, testified to by the houses which once were home to Dante Alighieri and Beatrice Portinari and which look out over the vineyards of the property. antinori.it |
歸國後的「稻田系列」與「遠眺系列」,大同小異地覆述著靜純樸世界的眷戀,他的鄉土寫實不再是攝影鏡頭獵取下的切面空間,而是透過細緻描繪與嚴謹結構組合出的鄉土意象,一吋吋貂毛筆所犁過的畫布,似乎意欲攫取住每一吋畫面所能擁有的寂靜,似幻似真地抗拒了外來世界的侵擾。 ravenelart.com | Returning to Taiwan from abroad, Huang devoted his creative energy to two sets of similar projects, the 'Rice Field' series and the 'Views from Afar' series, both keen representations of the artist's love of a simpler and more serene world. His paintings of local scenery were no longer random photographic 'snapshot s' , but rather succinctly composed rural imageries that speak to audiences through their meticulous attention to detail, deftly combined to produce impressive tapestries of tranquility. ravenelart.com |
大厦的 14 [...] 层为世服宏图专署,为您提供大型和小型的服务式办公室、花岗岩台面的奢华董事会议室、小型会议室、宽敞的接待区、及 可 眺 望 到 东京塔的商务休息室,环境均十分优越。 servcorp.com.cn | Gorgeous panoramic view. From the fourteenth floor of [...] the building, our clients enjoy an [...] exceptional panoramic view over the city [...]with Tokyo Tower and Hibiya Park in the scene. servcorp.com.tr |
深圳福田香格里拉大酒店共设有478间格调优雅、空间宽敞舒适的客房和50间特大套房,入住客房和套房的宾客,均可凭 窗 眺 望 深 圳多姿多彩的都市风光,或尽情俯瞰深圳市民中心公园及莲花山公园美景。 shangri-la.com | Each of these [...] offer impressive views of either the [...]city skyline, Shenzhen Civic Centre Park or Lotus Hill Park. shangri-la.com |